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New blog catalogs Men’s Rights awfulness!

Yep, that’s right, the “clopping” sound of high heels are a form of “street harassment.” I found the screenshot above on a promising new blog you can find at  Yep, that’s right. Evidently it never occurred to anyone in the Men’s Rights movement to lock down that domain name.

Oh, this little Reddit screenshot is good too:

How exactly does saying “consent is sexy” mean that male consent is taken for granted? How is it that 59 people thought that comment deserved an upvote?

I can’t answer either question, but there’s lots more hilarious and appalling stuff where that came from, mostly from the Men’s Rights subreddit. It’s going in the “antidotes to boobery” blog roll.

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12 years ago

Amazing how many privileged people read “failure to worship at their feet” as “deadly insult OMG you HATE white people/straight people/insert dominant group of your choice here.”

Facts, dudes.

You are white.

You are men.

You are straight.

You are cis.

All of those GROUP identifiers have social meaning that has nothing to do with you as an individual (and no, it doesn’t mean nothing bad will happen to your widdle selves). You are granted social status based on those ACCIDENTS of birth.

Us pointing it out is not an insult.

You claiming to be all victimized–that’s frigging hilarious, and at times, insulting to people who are through accident of birth NOT only not granted social status but are often actively denied it.

So, cry me a river–I don’t care.

12 years ago

“Excuse me? I wasn’t aware that it was wrong to take offense to insults based on how you were born.”

Nobody is insulting you for being a white man. We are just pointing out that your problems are either miniscule or imaginary.

“I thought everyone deserved equal respect, opportunity, and extended decency.”

And failing to get what you want when you want is seen as a lack of respect, opportunity, and the decency to which you are so entitled? I don’t think so.

“Oh right, this is the hypocritical feminist and mangina movement.”

Go on. See if you can destroy any more of your credibility. Saves me from having to do it for you.

“Dangerous road you’re traveling, m’friend.”

Yes, denying white men their privileged birthright to always be seen as the default standard for a human being is dangerous. How dare other people want to be seen as people too. You’ll show them.

12 years ago

I thought everyone deserved equal respect, opportunity, and extended decency. Oh right, this is the hypocritical feminist and mangina movement. Dangerous road you’re traveling, m’friend.


I notice you have yet to explain why racist, white supremacist, antisemetic statements are bandied about MRM websites with little to no challenge. Or are us MOC not really men?

12 years ago

” Facts, dudes.”

“You are white.”
Which means I must flog myself.

“You are men.”
Which means being held to a supremely higher standard than a woman.

“You are straight.”
We chose to be moral instead of immoral and are hated for it.

You’re a gay woman, guarunteed instant status according to Big Daddy. But the reason why men ridicule and ignore you is because you deserve both. Not much falls out of your yap that isn’t useless filth. At least what falls from your butt can be used as fertilizer.

12 years ago

@NWO Not a gay woman, darling, a QUEER woman.

And I get paid for flapping my yap–probably better than you! No doubt due to BIG DADDY GUVMINT!

Sit on a newt, dude.

12 years ago

Seriously Owly, give us some new material! You aren’t going to level up your Anti-Reality skill by repeating the same tired things over and over.

12 years ago

“You are straight.”
We chose to be moral instead of immoral and are hated for it.

You chose to be straight? As in, you want(ed) to have sex with men but decided to on
ly have sex with women? Because otherwise you dind’t chose to be straight, or ‘moral’, more that you chose than be white.

12 years ago

“Men raped by men, yes. Not women, unless they were at Spidery Lady’s place in Russia”

That is not true. According to the latest CDC (government) survey, 4.8% of all men have been “made to penetrate” and 79.2% of the perpetrators were women.
Examples of “made to penetrate” are: a woman who has sex with a man who is passed-out drunk, or a woman who forces a man to have sex with her through blackmail or physical force. There is some confusion due to the fact that their definition of rape excluded “made to penetrate” and only included men who had been penetrated. That was far less common (1.4% of men) and was mostly perpetrated by men. However, if you include “made to penetrate” as rape, which you should, since it is forced sex, the majority of male rape victims were raped by women. You can read the report at:

Here are direct quotes from the report:
“Approximately 1 in 21 men (4.8%) reported that they were made to penetrate someone else during their lifetime”

“For three of the other forms of sexual violence, a majority of male victims reported only female perpetrators: being made to penetrate (79.2%), sexual coercion (83.6%), and unwanted sexual contact (53.1%).”

Here are some stories from male victims:

12 years ago
Reply to  egalitarian

“However, if you include “made to penetrate” as rape, which you should, since it is forced sex, the majority of male rape victims were raped by women.”

Thanks for the link, but this self reported study lacks credibility to me.

12 years ago

Not all self-reported studies are bad. Do you have actual methodological issues with the study, or are you just objecting for the sake of objecting?

12 years ago
Reply to  Sharculese

“Not all self-reported studies are bad” Sharculese

I have an issue only with the other poster’s claim of such a high number of men supposedly raped by women.

12 years ago

so you dont have cogent objection to the study, you just dont like the results it gives?

that is not how science works!

12 years ago
Reply to  Sharculese

“so you dont have cogent objection to the study, you just dont like the results it gives? that is not how science works!”

Sharculese, I like everyone has a right to my own opinion, whether or not you agree with it.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I’m a day late at seeing this, but —

“If I’m not mistaken the SPLC listed them as a hate group right along with groups like the KKK. So why bother with these people?”

grampmk — I can’t speak for anyone else, but that’s why I bother with them, you’re familiar with the phrase “know your enemy” right?

“I have an issue only with the other poster’s claim of such a high number of men supposedly raped by women.”

It isn’t that high of a number in comparison to the comparable stat for women (18%). Self-reported studies are the standard for things that either aren’t formally reportable (eg sexual orientation) or things that have proven reporting issues (eg rape, harassment, etc) — it’s a Law of Large Numbers thing, if you ask a dozen people something, then no, that data isn’t particularly generalizable, but if you ask thousands of people, then the overall trend will usually reflect reality for that group. “That group” being US citizens/residents in this case. Because of the low reporting rate for rape (also determined from self-reported studies btw), self-reports are the best way to collect data on rape (and harassment, and stalking, and everything else that survey covers).

I assume you didn’t see it, but my previous offer of statistical lessons stands, I remain willing to make “bean countering” understandable to non-math-lovers. And since my examples usually involve ice cream, the relevant ice cream example here is that ice cream sales would not be helpful in determining how many people eat ice cream, just in determining how much ice cream is eaten — since some people could be eating lots of ice cream, and skewing math on ice cream sales, you’d want self-reported data for rates of ice cream eating. (Ok, I admit it, my correlation is not causation ice cream example is much better than this one.)

Ithiliana — “Sit on a newt, dude.” — she turned me into a newt! well, I got better…

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Sharculese, I like everyone has a right to my own opinion, whether or not you agree with it.”

Yeah but your opinion isn’t science, it’s an opinion — there’s a whole set of cognitive biases associated with the problem of taking opinions as science (NWO regularly displays many of them). For a simple example, recall what you said about not knowing about feminism back in the 60s — that you didn’t know about it doesn’t mean it didn’t exist, same thing here.

Also, the whole point of science is that opinions are often wrong, and common sense is frequency tainted by those cognitive biases. It’s quite the list but I’d say the relevant one here might be —

Availability cascade – a self-reinforcing process in which a collective belief gains more and more plausibility through its increasing repetition in public discourse (or “repeat something long enough and it will become true”).

12 years ago

Sharculese, I like everyone has a right to my own opinion, whether or not you agree with it.

yeah, you do. what you dont have is a right to have your opinion taken seriously. and if youre gonna say things like ‘i object to this data, not because of how it was collected but because the data dont fit my prejudices’ then youve kind of lost that right.

12 years ago

*what you dont necessarily have


12 years ago

“you’re familiar with the phrase “know your enemy” right? ” Yes I get it, Argenti

I’ll look at that report again. These PDF files hurt my brain, but I’ll look again, maybe I’m missing something. But the report did say about 93% of the time the rapist was known to the women. And about 51% were intimate partners. I can understand consent misunderstanding with first time sex, but I’m a little confused by women being raped by men they had already had sex with , especially if they had been together for a fairly good period of time. The number just seems a bit high.

12 years ago
Reply to  Sharculese

“yeah, you do. what you dont have is a right to have your opinion taken seriously. and if youre gonna say things like ‘i object to this data, not because of how it was collected but because the data dont fit my prejudices’ then youve kind of lost that right.”

Sharculese, you sound like someone who wants to regulate my opinion. In America we are guaranteed the right of free speech by the !st Amendment.

12 years ago

“Yeah but your opinion isn’t science, it’s an opinion -”

I never said it was Argenti. Regarding my earlier posts about my early life in the early 60’s, I erred by not stating clearly it was my perspective to the best of my recollection.

12 years ago

Sharculese, you sound like someone who wants to regulate my opinion.

pointing out that your opinion is based on shoddy reasoning isn’t ‘regulating’ it. i have zero power to control your opinion, nor would i exercise it if i had. but feel free to get all self-righteous and pissy about people pointing out obvious holes in your thinking is censorship if that’s what you need to feel better about yourself.

In America we are guaranteed the right of free speech by the !st Amendment.

*facepalm* i must have missed the day in I amendment law where we discussed how a private citizen posting on the internet was government action.

12 years ago

who can forget mill’s famous statement “the antidote to bad speech is more speech. the antidote to that speech is throwing a tantrum about your rights being violated.”

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Yeah but your opinion isn’t science, it’s an opinion -”

I never said it was Argenti. Regarding my earlier posts about my early life in the early 60′s, I erred by not stating clearly it was my perspective to the best of my recollection.

No, you just keep questioning the data because it doesn’t fit with your opinion — which is basically saying “the science is wrong because my opinion is that it’s wrong” — it’s circular, and full of fail.

“I can understand consent misunderstanding with first time sex, but I’m a little confused by women being raped by men they had already had sex with , especially if they had been together for a fairly good period of time.”

Um…wow… first, rape is not a “consent misunderstanding” (does anyone have that citation handy? The one about college student admitting to rape when it wasn’t called rape) — refusing to listen your partner’s refusals because they aren’t screaming no does not mean you misunderstood, it meant you didn’t care whether they were saying yes. Which sure, sometimes might mean you pass on sexytimes with someone who was “playing hard to get” but that’s better than raping someone right?

Second, holy shit! It’s been illegal (in the US) to have sex with your spouse without their consent since the 70s, in most states. Just because your partner consented in the past, doesn’t mean they’re consenting now, and if you force the issue, that’s rape (no consent = rape, having had sex with the person before does not magically make it not rape)

@Everyone — any good rape culture 101 links? grampmk really seems to need them.

12 years ago

And about 51% were intimate partners. I can understand consent misunderstanding with first time sex, but I’m a little confused by women being raped by men they had already had sex with , especially if they had been together for a fairly good period of time. The number just seems a bit high.

The myth is that rape is always a stranger with a knife jumping out of a bush. While that does happen, the majority of rapes are committed by someone the victim knows, like a relative, spouse, partner, or friend. And just because two people have had consensual sex before, that does not mean they cannot rape each other later. When someone gives consent for sex once, they are not giving permanent consent for the future.

I trust the data from the CDC, because it is based on actual rape survivors’ reports. I trust that they know their own experiences.

By the way, I don’t like the phrase “consent misunderstanding”. That frames rape in a way like rapists accidentally rape, rather than make a decision to ignore if their partners are giving consent. All of the blame goes to the rapist, and none of the blame should go to the victim.

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