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New blog catalogs Men’s Rights awfulness!

Yep, that’s right, the “clopping” sound of high heels are a form of “street harassment.” I found the screenshot above on a promising new blog you can find at  Yep, that’s right. Evidently it never occurred to anyone in the Men’s Rights movement to lock down that domain name.

Oh, this little Reddit screenshot is good too:

How exactly does saying “consent is sexy” mean that male consent is taken for granted? How is it that 59 people thought that comment deserved an upvote?

I can’t answer either question, but there’s lots more hilarious and appalling stuff where that came from, mostly from the Men’s Rights subreddit. It’s going in the “antidotes to boobery” blog roll.

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12 years ago

OK, the internet has eaten my post twice! ARGH!

Grampmk: I am 57, so probably close to you in age.

My classmates’ older brothers fought in Vietnam.

I was there during the sixties, as much as you were–but the difference was, I didn’t want to get married (and didn’t), and didn’t have to have children (and didn’t), and got a lot of shit for that from both men and women because girls weren’t supposed to have a life outside marriage.

I faced them down, did what I wanted, and have nothing but a big fuck you for anybody who is nostalgic about those days as a better time.

It wasn’t better for white women.

It wasn’t better for men and women of color (are you a racism denial? Do you deny the Civil Rights Movement as you do the feminist movement)?

It wasn’t better for a lot of people: the only ones who think it was were those who had the most privilege, and could rely on that privilege resting on the backs of those who were denied equal access and rights. As far as I’m concerned, the only people who think it was TRULY better back then (as opposed to those who are just mistaking the fact that they were younger for a “better time”) are the racist, misogynistic, and homophobic dinosaurs who, I hope, are eventually going to die off along with their attitudes. I don’t even want the around as fossils.

I’m wondering if all the links I had in the two earlier posts caused problems, so I am not putting them back in, but you can google if you want. You won’t probably, but then probably wouldn’t have clicked on the links if you’re a troll (which I’m beginning to think you might well be).

Friedan’s THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE was published in 1963.

Simone de Beauvoir’s THE SECOND SEX was published in 1949.

Title IX is about MORE than sports.

However, all the girls and women doing sports since IX was passed implies that girls and women wanted to do sports back then, and by sports, I mean more than cheerleading.

If women didn’t want to do sports, how do you explain the accomplishments of women like Babe Didrikson, and the All American Girls Professional Baseball Team–all before the 1960s.

And realize this is a blog: you can answer comments and posts later–people will see them because a lot of our discussions go on for a day or two.

Oh, and a nifty historical note: today was the 164th anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention for Women’s Rights, and the Declaration of Sentiments.

Yeah, Grampmk, feminism (though not always called that) was been around for over 150 years.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

12 years ago

Oh, crap, sorry for the double posting–I somehow thought it was lost, and apparently it was on new page.


SRS, Grampmk, that shit gets old really fast — learning new things is good, interacting with people is good, but here’s a golden rule for learning how to communicate on blogs and in communities: LURK MOAR.

Lurk. Read. I think I read here for at least three months.

Maybe post a bit of an introduction the first time, rather than starting out trying to lay down the law.

Interact with people rather than lecture them.

And at least from my geezer perspective, STFU about the “oh I’m so old, don’t be mean to me, you young people who bust my balls.”

Also, don’t ASSUME you know anything about the people online (that they’re all young, that they’re all white, that they’re all women, whatever). Don’t even assume they’re all from the US, or in your timezone.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ithiliana — the stupid line about Title IX being about sports was me, not grampmk, and I stand corrected (my only excuse is that I’m used to arguing with NWO about Title IX and Pittsburgh sports, but I should know by now that NWO is fractally wrong). I had said that it was fought for because girls wanted to do sports, but y’all are right, that was definitely only a part of it.

Feminism is fucking old though, 1792 old — and things that get called “protofeminism” go back to the 15th century.

As for whether he’s a troll or not, I get the repeat troll vibe, but I could be wrong on that (the writing style is similar to one of our regular trolls, but I don’t want to summon his whining, you can probably guess who I mean though)

12 years ago

@Argenti: Grampmk was going on and on about sports though–and yes, I’m well aware of the earliest protofeminists including Marjorie Kempe, Christine de Pizan, and Margaret Cavendish (will check to see what your link goes to).

I was just focusing on US feminism before dragging in the international realities of feminisms!

I was starting to get some resonance/vibes–but am tired and wrung out (104 today, argh, and not sleeping well).

In any case, it was fun to smack the ageism down!

*goes to click yoru link*

12 years ago

Grampmk is right though that the feminist and civil rights movement were not taught in many high school classes during the sixties (as a teacher in Texas, I can tell you they still ain’t taught in many!!).

But that doesn’t mean much if one is out of high school and has an interest in such things and would like to search for and read materials on the internet (like the Declaration I linked to above!).

If anybody thinks that they get all they need to know in high school, and never have to learn anything more, I’d love to know what planet they live on.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ithiliana — my note about how old feminism is was as much at him as you, I guess I probably should’ve said that (I fail today).

“If anybody thinks that they get all they need to know in high school, and never have to learn anything more, I’d love to know what planet they live on.”

Gallifrey? I get the impression they’re students for a century…

And yuck on your weather, mine’s been proving that Pittsburgh’s as rainy as Seattle, it’s a pleasant change. My CPU is apparently pushing 170 though, fuck, I should figure out wtf its problem is, that’s just a bit too hot.

12 years ago

grampnk: I never said this “on what basis do you make the claim that it’s, “very few men” who are harassed ”

Yes you did, right here

. But I think what should be more worrisome to all men , especially young men as how easy it is to be falsely accused of rape. I think that is by far more likely to happen than a man being raped by a woman. I think this whole VAWA horseshit is very anti male.

This nonsense again. It’s no more common than for any other crime, and the effects of a truly false accusation are less than for most crimes; in terms of police action, and the odds of conviction.

But really, the idea that women are out there making false accusations; in a legally repercussive way is bullshit.

I did start to read New York sexual assault laws and different degrees and got a headache real fast. I’m no lawyer, but all 50 states have their own versions. But I think what you are arguing here is not the biggest thing a man has to worry about

We noticed that you aren’t a lawyer. You’re also not much of a thinker. If you want to argue that something ain’t rape, you need to make sure you know what rape is. Having spent years actually paying attention to the law; and reading it, and studying it (I’ve got linear feet of chapbooks and casebooks; I read them for pleasure), I can say your combined arrogance as to what you think the law is, and your ignorance as to what it actually is, is plain as day.

But then you marry that, “I’m not a lawyer” idiocy to declarations about what VAWA is/does and one has to laugh.

Wait… more attempts at gaslighting: You’re quoting a comment I never made seems to be about Snowy saying you said VAWA made “buyer’s remorse = rape.

Which is what you did when you said, By far the most important thing is how VAWA changed everything and now it is possible for a woman with “buyer’s remorse” to charge a man with rape.

12 years ago

Varpole: I certainly don’t think that practically, it’s really possible for a female to legally rape a man. That’s what you were saying, right, grampmk? This is a Movement issue.

It’s that english problem. Is grampnk up there with NWO on your list of cogent (from your friends at Merriam-Webster) thinkers?

Take a look at that definition, and tell me what’s persuasive, or well-reasoned about someone who boasts of not being able to read statutes about sexual assaults being your go-to guy for what constitutes rape.

12 years ago

grampnk: I apologise if my reactions seem over the top, at this point in the proceedings. I was away, and catching up.

I’m going to disagree with you about Kerry; he didn’t villify soldiers, he stated unpleasant facts. The same way I shared unpleasant facts when I said people I knew in Iraq committed war crimes. All armies, in all wars, have people who step out of bounds. The question isn’t about that, it’s about what the nation does when it learns. The shame doesn’t attach to all the soldiery, not unless all the soldiery denies that crimes happened.

I’m also going to give you some advice, based on what I saw: Indicate to whom you are speaking. Quote them, it makes it easier for people to know what your thoughts are.

Also, when someone quotes you, or (more importantly paraphrases you; check your own comments before telling them you never said any such thing.

That more than almost anything else, is going to get lots of people jumping on you, because it doesn’t matter that you did it out of carelessness. It’s going to look as if you are dishonest. If your memory is that fallible, you really need to check on it.

12 years ago


as a fellow white dude i just wanna say that it cant be emphasized enough how spoiled this shit makes you sound

Excuse me? I wasn’t aware that it was wrong to take offense to insults based on how you were born. I thought everyone deserved equal respect, opportunity, and extended decency. Oh right, this is the hypocritical feminist and mangina movement. Dangerous road you’re traveling, m’friend.

12 years ago

I’m sorry your feeling were hurt by the slur ‘dude’ and sacarsm

Excuse me? I think it’s less the words and more the tone and context. When “white dude” is used in the place of other insults, it’s an insult.

12 years ago

It’s too early in the morning for white whine.

12 years ago


as a fellow white dude i just wanna say that it cant be emphasized enough how spoiled this shit makes you sound

You are puling that white dudes are oppressed. That’s what’s being made fun of. Not being white.

That comment was a “white dude” saying that, as a “white dude” he wasnt offended, because it wasn’t, as you say, an insult basd on how one was born. It’s an accusation that you are clueless about what it means to be anything other than a white male. and the structural advantages which come with it.

Not that you, as a whiny-ass titty-baby are likely to get this, since you labor under the delusion that “feminists” hate white men.

Yes yes, but most of all that is just lip service. You really just hate white men- I see it all the time in the feminist blogosphere with the pejorative “white dude” and sarcastic references thereof.

It’s context, and; as seems to be your wont, you refuse to admit there is any. You want to believe that Men need advocates, to save them from the evils of a world where women are equal, and that makes you silly, when you aren’t choosing to be stupid.

12 years ago

Excuse me? I wasn’t aware that it was wrong to take offense to insults based on how you were born. I thought everyone deserved equal respect, opportunity, and extended decency.

and im sorry your sense of entitlement forces you to make up fairytales to be offended about.

go do your job or whatever.

12 years ago
Reply to  pecunium

Thank you pecunium for your good advice

12 years ago
Reply to  Ithiliana

Grampmk is right though that the feminist and civil rights movement were not taught in many high school classes during the sixties

Thank you Lthiliana

12 years ago

Privilege doesn’t make you a bad person. It makes you a lucky person. There’s nothing inherently bad about being lucky (like I am — relatively wealthy family, white, cis, loads of passing-for-straight privilege, physically abled, with a mental illness that is easily concealed) the good or bad comes from how you use the advantages associated with it.

If I choose to take advantage of the fact that my society considers my voice to be automatically more valuable, reasonable, rational than the voice of a WoC (f’rex) to talk over the experiences of WoC, to perpetuate their oppression so that I don’t have to worry that they’ll wrest some of the power I hold away from me; then I am a shitty person. If I assume that I have the advantages I do because I earned them by being a Good Person (not like those Bad People who brought on their own oppression by not being awesome like me), then I am a shitty and also phenomenally stupid person. But it’s actually really easy to not be that shitty a person.

12 years ago
Reply to  Ithiliana

young people who bust my balls.” Also, don’t ASSUME you know anything about the people online (that they’re all young, that they’re all white,

Thank you Ithiliana for the sound advice. I was not referring to anyone on line busting my balls, I was referring to those who do it in the real world. I never take anything for granted on line, and your advice is spot on. Thank you.

12 years ago
Reply to  Ithiliana

as opposed to those who are just mistaking the fact that they were younger for a “better time”) I would be in that category Ithiliana. I do not disagree at all with you on your facts about feminism. I was simply thinking back 50 years that for me was a simplier time for me and yes I felt much better physically then, like we all did. The term young and stupid comes to mind. Not you or anyone else but me.

12 years ago
Reply to  Ithiliana

Thanks for the links Ithiliana

12 years ago
Reply to  KathleenB

Thanks Kathleen sorry for your loss.

12 years ago
Reply to  CassandraSays

Cassandra, was this post addressed to me?

12 years ago
Reply to  burgundy

Thank you burgundy for your very thorough explanation. About what you said here “MRAs like to go on about female-on-male rape as a great tragedy that feminists are indifferent to (even though they don’t seem to show much compassion for male rape survivors

Until about 3 or 4 months ago I never heard of these guys. And they seem to be a bunch of whiners who haven’t been able to get laid in along time. My oldest granddaughter’s boyfriend is 24 and nothing like these losers. In my opinion, I think you only owe it to yourself and those in the feminists movement to improve your life and standing in the world. There can’t be more than a handful of MRAs and they certainly don’t speak for anyone but themselves. If I’m not mistaken the SPLC listed them as a hate group right along with groups like the KKK. So why bother with these people?

12 years ago

remember those MRAs? Well they like to claim that men are raped more often than women and that feminists don’t care (or more hilariously, that feminists support the rape of boys

Point taken Argenti

12 years ago

Give me a break, Steele. As a fellow white person, I’ve heard people speak about white people with no nice words or not nice tone, up to very angry. So what? That’s nothing.
If you feel sad, just turn up the TV or open the book and you have 3 in 4 chances to find a programm designed to tell you how awesome you are for being born a white dude. Fiction or documentary or news, if the main person isn’t a white dude, chances are it’s a sexy white girl for the enjoyement of straight dudes.

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