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New blog catalogs Men’s Rights awfulness!

Yep, that’s right, the “clopping” sound of high heels are a form of “street harassment.” I found the screenshot above on a promising new blog you can find at  Yep, that’s right. Evidently it never occurred to anyone in the Men’s Rights movement to lock down that domain name.

Oh, this little Reddit screenshot is good too:

How exactly does saying “consent is sexy” mean that male consent is taken for granted? How is it that 59 people thought that comment deserved an upvote?

I can’t answer either question, but there’s lots more hilarious and appalling stuff where that came from, mostly from the Men’s Rights subreddit. It’s going in the “antidotes to boobery” blog roll.

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Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

You know somebody has never even close to experienced street harassment when they have to reach THAT FAR to find a comparative. >_>

12 years ago

This is a wonderful antidote to boobery! Kudos to whoever created it.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I never liked “consent is sexy.” Because hey, some people do think it’s sexier to have sex without explicit consent, and I’m not going to try to argue them out of that. I just don’t give a shit, because “sexy” isn’t the most important thing in the world.

“Consent is how you know you’re not raping someone” is less sexyfun, but more on point.

12 years ago

Evidently it never occurred to anyone in the Men’s Rights movement to lock down that domain name.


Sorry, but that’s about the greatest thing ever.

12 years ago

Yep, that’s right, the “clopping” sound of high heels are a form of “street harassment.”

As soon as I read the above, the Feminist Chair-drag of Doom came to mind.

I love the tagline for that new blog, “Never before have so many come together and accomplished so astonishingly little.”

12 years ago

Straight male misogynists of the universe! You don’t seem to have yet gotten the memo! Allow me to explain once again:

Women do not dress exclusively for your sake. In fact, despite your deep-seated conviction to the contrary, women make all sorts of decisions about their lives without basing them on how they may affect random straight dudes and their Mighty Boners.

I don’t give a fuck if you find my high heels sexy, random misogynist. (And not every straight guy does, by the way; why are y’all always so invested in the idea that your sexual desires are the only ones that exist?) I care that you leave me the fuck alone regardless of footwear choice. End memo.

12 years ago

I am rather taken with the idea that women making sounds in public with tapping shoes are demanding not only attention from these men but sexual attention from these men. Creepy!

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

“It’s not as though we can look away”???

Oh hai there, Zero Self-Awareness Man!

12 years ago

You know what? Flip flops are pretty loud too. Heck, the sound they make is right there in the name! And boots, they can be pretty loud. My work boots are pretty clompy.

All footwear is harassment! The only safe option is to not have feet.

12 years ago

Clip-clop makes me think of ponies on cobblestone.

12 years ago

Okay, sure, I’ll be nice and accommodating and say that culture does tend to take male consent for granted.

But come on, they have to realize that 1) it’s not feminists doing it, and 2) who the hell is going to ask consent to walk down the street?

“Excuse me, sir, I mean to go down 35th and Victory in these shoes, would that bother you at all?”


12 years ago

One of my colleagues’ shoes did that sort of loud tap as she would walk to class.

Her students thought it very useful since they’d know when she was approaching the door!

(My shoes never tap or clop–sometimes they squeak when wet–so I could sneak up on my students…………..bwaahahahahahahaha…………………until I started teaching completely online, ah well).

Good times, good times!

12 years ago

When it rains and my tennis shoes get wet, they make a squeaky sound on linoleum. That’s my way of demanding AntiFeminisMedia to notice that there is water on the soles of my shoes, because of course everything that happens everywhere is about him.

12 years ago

Now to the actual post: I HATE TUMBLR. It makes no sense to me, and my eyes go blooey.

But let me see–this is sort of a tumblr anonymous version of Manboobz, right? In that they’re collecting screenshots of MRA’s “activism” to post for the general merriment and jollity of all?

12 years ago

Interesting, so MRA’s think it’s misandry to give their sex partners orgasms. I… I am not surprised.

12 years ago

“consent is sexy” may or may not be sexy , but without express verbal or written agreement, it is rape or depending on the state sexual assault. Concerning sexual harassment, although the law may be gender neutral, the reality is that sexual harassment only matters when it is male on female.

Back in the day the term used was “It takes 2 to tango” I have no doubt that most male/female couples get together have consensual sex and there are no issues. But in some cases there can be date rape. There is no question as to the couple having sex, the matter at hand is was it consensual. And as they say, the devil is in the details. And for the man involved, he has a very good chance of landing in prison, where he will for sure be raped. And that will happen whether he is guilty of rape or falsely accused and convicted.

12 years ago

BRB, I’m going to go sexually harrass the FedEx guy by clomping at him as I walk to my mailbox.

(Really, guys? Seriously?)

Maude LL
Maude LL
12 years ago

Sounds like MGTOWs… they have this constant fight against a woman who doesn’t exist (no, sexy woman! Succubi! I will not have sex with you! Do not insist!). Sounds like a sexual “you’re not firing me, I quit!” (it should be noted that if one of these guys did get raped (i.e. non-consensual sex), it is a serious matter, whether the rapist is a woman or not. However, given their example, it sounds like they have no idea what sexual harassment means. I wonder, does that mean dudes who drive around their Harley are mega-harassers? Because if harassment is measured in decibels…)

12 years ago

“(it should be noted that if one of these guys did get raped (i.e. non-consensual sex), it is a serious matter, whether the rapist is a woman or not. ”

The only way a man is going to be raped is by some big dude named Bubba in prison. Women are sexually harassed by assholes all the time in every conceivable place. BTW, I like the sound of high heels. Technically in the work place a woman can sexually harass man, but in reality it never happens.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Magnesium – I think it’s mostly that they willfully ignore the difference between “if you don’t give me an orgasm, I won’t sleep with you” and “you must give me an orgasm.”

You can withdraw your consent to have sex with me. You can’t say “I only consent to shitty sex” and tell me I can’t withdraw consent from that.

12 years ago


And here I thought I was commiting the ultimate misandry by NOT wearing heels, dying my hair or scraping face paint on every morning! I thought I was grinding men down by not gratifing their boners while out in public.

You know. We should colect all their misandry is shit and post it up and tell them that if men have such wildly divergent views, even when they are members of the same group, than women might as well do as they please. I mean really, I couldn’t set foot outside my door without walking into three different men with four different opinions.

12 years ago

In a way, it’s almost beautiful. Can you imagine growing up in a without knowing what sexual harrasment is? Such innocence*! How lucky are these stupid boys that they never had to fear it.

*And litteraly as well. The word comes from the latin “not knowing”.

12 years ago

Christ. I wear flat shoes to work because downtown Boston is largely brick and cobblestone rather than flat asphalt, and that’s a fairly hazardous environment in which to wear high heels. I STILL get harassed by entitled douchebags who think that by continuing to breathe and be mobile I owe them time and attention. So apparently if I wear high heels I’m sexually harassing Teh Poor Menz, and if I’m wearing flats I’m not sexy enough to merit their sexual interest so they harass me anyways because I’ve failed to live up to their standards. Sound about right?

12 years ago


You nailed it!

12 years ago

I find myself wishing that Steel or NWO would write an inspiring post about how catcalls are NOT creepy, misogynistic, are perfectly ok and all that. Or another MRA. Please, folks. Explain it to us.

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