a voice for men antifeminism awesome cuteness kitties MRA

Greatest thing ever: Men’s Rights sites, with the graphics replaced by kitties!

Esteemed Man Boobz commenter Cloudiah has pointed me to a wondrous site called Meowbify, which takes ordinary web sites and replaces all their graphics with kitty gifs.

So as a service to you all I would like to bring you The Men’s Rights Movement, Meowbified.

Let’s start with A Voice for Men and its sister site

Alas, most of the bigger MRA sites are pretty light on graphics,  but here are a few that look pretty good Meowbified.

Bernard Chapin


MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way

And, in the interests of fair play, here’s Man Boobz, Meowbified.

For added entertainment, the links on all these Meowbified sites are also Meowbified.


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12 years ago

Kitty kitty kitty kitty!

Kitty, kitty! Kitty kitty!

Kitty kitty awwwwwwwww kitty! Cute!

12 years ago

Cloudiah you’re the best <3 <3 <3

12 years ago

Now all we need is a browser that does that to every website, plus the thing fished mentioned and we’ll have a safe-ish web!

Manboobz with cats is kind of confusing, it replace pictures of cats by other random cats. But the picture beneath “SCENTED CANDLES ARE MISANDRY” is a kitty massaging a pug, and that’s priceless.

12 years ago

Check out what “Lifetime Members” links directly to.

Cats are feminine, dogs are masculine, this cat is punching that dog for no reason, this is a safe image exploiting the themes of domestic violence in our country which ALWAYS ONLY AFFECTS MEN EVAR, and since this is the internet it’s a FEMINIST OVERLORD GYNOCRACY CONSPIRACY NEW WORLD ORDER MISANDRY MISANDRY MISANDRYYYYYYYY!!!!1!!

Also, penguins are whores and little girls should take my boner as a compliment.


Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

At AVfM, I get the kitty at the top of this post over the headline “The value of male sexuality.” LOL FOREVER.

12 years ago

It appears we’re nearing the feminist goal of all men are rapists. 1 in 5? 1 in 4? Not good enough. Now it’s 1 in 2. Listen to the woman speaking. Women never lie. Get your rape whistle. NOW!!!

12 years ago

For “Activism” I got a tiny kitten meowing which I felt was quite appropriate.

12 years ago
12 years ago

This post has been noticed:

Some good suggestions for sites to meowbify in the comments.

12 years ago

NWO, I don’t whether or not this statistic is correct but:
1) this stat isn’t about rape alone, they say “physically or sexually abused”
2) A% women abused doesn’t mean 100-A % male abusers, even counting only men on women abuse. Especially for rapist, IIRC, they’re very likely to recidivate.
3) do you have the actual number, if you claim this one is false? Again, it’s for physical or sexual abuse, not just rape.

12 years ago

Rush Limbaugh, the MRAs MRA, ‘splained how he approaches the learning curve.

12 years ago

If I were to learn about women from my cats, this is what I would know:

1) Women love greenies.
2) Women love sunny spots.
3) When women roll onto their backs and expose their bellies it likely means they want to attack your hand. Unless they’re in a sunny spot.

12 years ago

Aw, he looks so handsome in his tux.