a voice for men antifeminism awesome cuteness kitties MRA

Greatest thing ever: Men’s Rights sites, with the graphics replaced by kitties!

Esteemed Man Boobz commenter Cloudiah has pointed me to a wondrous site called Meowbify, which takes ordinary web sites and replaces all their graphics with kitty gifs.

So as a service to you all I would like to bring you The Men’s Rights Movement, Meowbified.

Let’s start with A Voice for Men and its sister site

Alas, most of the bigger MRA sites are pretty light on graphics,  but here are a few that look pretty good Meowbified.

Bernard Chapin


MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way

And, in the interests of fair play, here’s Man Boobz, Meowbified.

For added entertainment, the links on all these Meowbified sites are also Meowbified.


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12 years ago

I’m sure this is the best website altering app since i found the bronry one that lets me change all slur’s in to ladys/gents/eloquent person

12 years ago

And, in the interests of fair play, here’s Man Boobz, Meowbified.

Er, isn’t that redundant? 😉

12 years ago

Not exactly redundant, but it is the height of decadence. 🙂

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Er, isn’t that redundant?”

No, assuming it’s random and we aren’t all seeing the same thing, the donate link on mine is being replaced by a tiny kitten being bottle fed. And all of our icons in the recent comments sidebar? Cats…NWO is a kitty!

So sure, it’s probably replaced cats with cats, but it’s also replaced idiocy with cats, eg —

Here one commenter explains the “logic” behind the poster:

Redundant, maybe; hilarious, definitely.

12 years ago

Ha! meowbify is awesome! + the GIFs are hilarious

12 years ago

I absolutely love that it paired this with “AVFM radio”:

…and this with “JtO’s in-box”:

12 years ago

A stroke of genius. I consider myself fortunate to have lived to see this.

12 years ago

That’s a great thing.

12 years ago

I’m sure this is the best website altering app since i found the bronry one that lets me change all slur’s in to ladys/gents/eloquent person

Link please?

12 years ago

Even the kitten rolling around at the top of the page is white. I wonder how many times “white” had to be mentioned on the page in order to make that happen?

12 years ago

Also, black kitty looks sad. Big surprise there.

(Meowbify is clearly the work of a genius.)

12 years ago

Check out what “Lifetime Members” links directly to.

12 years ago


I think the gifs are random. I’ve got this little kitty, one of my favourite cat gifs of all time, up where the stormfront logo goes.

12 years ago

Aw! The one I got was a cat aggressively punching a dog that was just standing there not doing anything in particular.

12 years ago

Awesomeee! Actually, I think this is how I’m going to look at all websites from now on.

12 years ago

I thought the cats would make it bearable. I stopped reading one sentence after “Let’s think about this logically.”

12 years ago

I guess the gifs change at random, but the one I saw for the “Fuck Their Shit Up” article was a cat repeatedly swatting at the camera. An absolutely perfect metaphor for Elam’s empty threats.

12 years ago

Ooh! Can Meowbify handle YouTube clips? Because if so, I want to see kitties fighting to that cheesy “fuck your shit up” lite rock, um, anthem.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass

It recently struck me that the reason that a lot of MRAs hate cats is that cats are exactly like what they imagine women to be like. They lie around the house not doing anything productive and get by on being soft and cuddly, even though they don’t really care one whit about you as long as you keep feeding them and scooping their poop. They don’t really understand things on a human level, but they’re cunning enough to endear themselves to humans. And MRAs have SEEN THROUGH THEIR MEOWS OF FALSEHOOD.

(I was waiting for a cat-related post so I’d have an excuse to bring this up. As expected, it wasn’t a long wait.)

Leeloo Dallas Multipass

Oh, also speaking of, the head of my Library Science grad program recently made a podcast of advice for the incoming students from current students. One of the pieces of advice was “Learn to talk about cats. If you don’t like cats, learn to pretend you do.” His comment was, “Pretty much–welcome to the library world.”

I told a friend of mine I thought that meant I would fit in really well because it would probably be a field dominated by cat ladies, and his response was “Yeah, or 4channers.” Hmm…

12 years ago

Of course, the people who think women are like cats tend to think men are like dogs. But dogs are even more of a hassle to care for because you have to take them for walks twice a day and actually pick up their poop with a plastic bag unlike cats where you can just dump the kitty litter in the garbage and leave them to hang out and sleep or whatever all day. Maybe they just don’t think the comparison through well enough.

12 years ago

I think it’s fairly common for misogynists in general to think cats=female=icky, and not bother to break it down any further than that.

12 years ago

The meowbified “Fuck their Shit Up” article shows me a sparkly kitty. It’s actually cheered me up considering it’s 7.15am & I’m off to work. 

12 years ago

I occasionally get the urge to spam places where sexist dudes hang out with photos of men cuddling cats, just to confuse them. I can think of several rocker dudes who’re famous largely because so many women want to bang them who’re total cat guys, so it might be funny to watch the dudes get all “well he must be gay or a mangina then” about it.

12 years ago

I’m not even a “cat person” and this is totally epic. Well, maybe I am the “lucky” person who adopted the one cat that doesn’t act like the adorably endearing cats on the internetz. Boo.