antifeminism MRA terrorism threats

Update: Norwegian Men’s Rights blogger Eivind Berge will be held for four more weeks due to the “risk of recurrence of new criminal offenses.”

Just a quick update on Eivind Berge: According to this news account, the Norwegian Men’s Rights blogger is considered enough of a threat to police officers that his two-week detention has been extended by four more weeks. According to the prosecutor, the “risk of recurrence of new criminal offenses” makes releasing him dangerous.

See my posts here and here for more on his arrest.

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12 years ago

Now apparently some random Republican is blaming atheism and the “war on Christianity” for the shooting. I’ll continue to not be surprised that this happens all the time. D:

Surely this tragedy could have been averted by mandatory school prayer, and a monument promoting a movie on the lawn of every courthouse in the nation.

12 years ago

Four words in before insulting me, Argenti Aertheri must really like me. Talk about a hostile audience.

Actually, coming from me, “weird” is usually high praise. Usually. In this case, it was chosen primarily to retain the alliteration and cadence of the original phrase, and secondarily because you are pretty strange. That’s a good thing in itself–can you imagine how scary the world would be if your brand of frothing rage were normal?

12 years ago

If you want, when I get a brewery going, I’ll send you a bottle.

That’d be mighty kind of you.

And you can’t do fewer things than I can’t do. Although I’m passable at crochet.

12 years ago

@Re: Sarah Palin.

I’ll call out anybody who uses sexist/misogynistic slurs against her (including on her physical attractiveness), but the reported information on the woman and hunting would lead me to cheer the MOOSE:

Trufact: the first time my brother (now retired from an architecture firm in Anchorage) voted for a Democrat was to vote for Sarah Palin’s opponent for governor.

The second time was to vote for Obama after McCain picked Palin.

Just like Molly Ivins was calling out Shrub for years, so were there Alaskans against Palin for years before she hit the national scene.

12 years ago

@Ithiliana: The winking was creepy.

But I didn’t like how quickly so many on the left were quick to assume shenanigans over the birth of Trig and Bristol’s pregnancy. Fortunately that didn’t last long in the circles I was running in at the time. Nor did it make me, as the saying goes, suddenly outraged over Chappaquiddick.

12 years ago

If they did a series everytime someone dies from being aborted they’d have a new post about every 25 seconds, 24/7, 365 days a year.

This is incorrect. Very few women die as a result of abortion procedures nowadays.

Oh, you meant the embryos? Well, you have to be a legal person to be a “someone,” and human embryos aren’t. You can argue till the cows come home about whether they should have legal personhood (Answer: No. Wasn’t that simple? You should thank me for all the time I just saved you. Now you can spend that time doing your job instead, and when the cows do come home, the milking machine will be all fixed for them!), but the plain fact is that at present they do not, and therefore no “someone” dies during the course of a typical abortion procedure.

12 years ago

It’s funny how only the people who enjoy the luxury of not being aborted and are afforded the right to life are pro abortion. How’d that happen?

>.< Hahaha… Can we add "funny how only people who weren't aborted have an opinion on abortion" to the Book Of Learnin'?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“It’s funny how only the people who enjoy the luxury of not being aborted and are afforded the right to life are pro abortion. How’d that happen?”

Ok NWO, I was going to try being polite today, mostly because I’m not in the mood to have you word counting how long it took for me to insult you, but this is even stupider than your usual drivel.

“It’s funny how only the people who enjoy the luxury of not being aborted having failed to implant (or been stillborn, or died in childhood) and are afforded the right to life are pro abortion able to procreate. How’d that happen?”

I mean, biology, you do have a basic understanding of it right?

Everyone not NWO — he’s got a longer rant on the previous page that’s going to take me a minute to parse wtf he’s on about now.

12 years ago

Oh my brain, I didn’t even see that post… I don’t even know where to start with that one.

12 years ago

@Falconer: Oh, yes, the sexism on the left was maddening–although it was…..deeply tragically comic that suddenly FOX NEWS et. al were yelling about………..OMG sexism against Palin! After all the crap they threw at Hilary Clinton…….

12 years ago

It’s funny how only the people who enjoy the luxury of not being aborted and are afforded the right to life are pro abortion. How’d that happen?

Pardon me for asking, but what’s “pro abortion”? Do you mean pro-choice? That’s a mistake a lot of people make.

Anyway, assuming that’s what you mean, I would like to point out that everyone who is anti-abortion has also already been born and guaranteed the right to life. Fetuses don’t have opinions of any kind on any subject. You don’t gain the ability to form opinions until some time after birth. Probably about the time you develop self-awareness (between 1 and 2 years of age), because you can’t have a concept of “I think that…” until you have a concept of “I.”

Do you understand? I can simplify if you need me to. I’m here to help.

12 years ago

@NWO: Cookies! Sweetiepie! Shitforbrains!

Mass murders are not automatically terrorist acts!

And if one looks at the organized violence designed to shut down women’s clinics and “stop abortion by murdering people” which is done by white Christians, then yeah, the MAJORITY of TERRORIST acts in the US are by white people, mostly but not entirely men:

terrorist attacks against women’s clinics:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=267a76ddbb059e12&biw=1024&bih=475

Not that this will even dent NWO’s completely ironclad stance of doing it wrong, but the racism in defining terrorism in the US really pisses me the hell off.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Shade: Yeah. The majority of terrorists in the US are white, male, Conservative, Christian (of a “fundamentalist” stripe).”

First, why is this addressed to pecunium, when Shade said that quoted line? It isn’t really important or anything, but I’m curious.

Really? Do you have proof of this? A detailed list of all mass murderers for say the last 40 years or so and their stated reason for mass murdering would suffice. I’d like to see how over 50% of mass murders in the US are committed Christian fundies.

I’ll get back to you with that list, might be hard to find a list by religion, but skin color and gender should be easy enough (at least, their presumed race and gender, since idfk how stats will categorize cases where the murderer was killed at the scene).

Whatever happened to correlation doesn’t equal causation? Suddenly now it does?

Um, it doesn’t? Who said anything about why most US terrorists are conservative white men? No one?

My guess is he came from a single mother home, which is decidedly anti-christian at the very core. We know for a fact the majority of every criminal activity derives from single mother homes. Isn’t like 80% of prisons filled with products of single motherhood? Nice. Women make poor authority figures because they inherently lack the leadership skills. All that tolerance seems to breed whatcha see today.

Wait, didn’t you just agree that correlation isn’t causation? But now being from a single mother home is the cause of criminal activity? Try keeping your view straight for more than two paragraphs in a row please. (And I’ll be checking that 80% claim when I go find that list)

Every moral preached from our schools, MSM as well as the political/corporate machine is totally opposite of Christianity. Is the US a Christian nation? At best, in name only. Gay pride, fifty shades of grey mentality, slutwalks, every form of debauchery is promoted and Christians are hated for daring to raise a voice against the mighty tolerance. We’re a nation of hedonistic atheists.

Nope, we aren’t a Christian nation, please review your first amendment — the one that means you can say whatever hateful shit you like about whatever religion you like, and at worst, people will call you an asshole for it. No inquisition, no dungeon for disagreeing, no state enforced religion — no, we’re not a Christian nation, and we never have been.

On the plus side, this’ll be an excellent opportunity for Big Daddy to tighten his grip and expand security forces. Police forces in every theater, mall, grocery store, business, school. If I wanted to build a police state I wouldn’t pass up this golden opportunity. Don’t worry fellow americans, I won’t steal too much more of your wealth.

…You do get that most places have private security already right? Schools have had metal detectors since Columbine, mall security is really not big on shenanigans, grocery stores almost always have security in case of theft, etc — this isn’t news to you is it? Theaters and businesses also have private security, depending on their location and the nature of the business — every damned bank has security.

Was that intended as a general argument against Americas security theater, or are you actually trying to say you think you should be able to carry a gun wherever the fuck you like? (Oh right, you think driver licenses are evil, so it must be the latter…too bad, I’d have agreed with the former)

At present, so far this year about 350 people died from walking on flat level ground and 10 from mass murderers in the US. Since I’m 35 X as likey to doe from walking on flat level ground. When will Big Daddy save me from this walking death?

Ok now I know you do the faux naive thing, but come on, you cannot be thick enough not to know the difference between accidents and murder. And citation needed on that claim — I’d believe that many more people die while on flat ground but from flat ground? You need to exclude homeless people freezing to death, heat stroke, heart attacks and other medical conditions, and everything besides tripping basically. And since I’m already checking two citations for you, you can provide your own citation for this one.

While you’re citing things, cite any increases in security that aren’t limited to other showings of the same film, and (this is important) aren’t saying that that’s being done to make people feel more secure. Flat ground, or even mass murder deaths, have nothing to do with whether the movie now risks tanking because the public is afraid to go see it because of this.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Really? Do you have proof of this? A detailed list of all mass murderers for say the last 40 years or so and their stated reason for mass murdering would suffice.

Translation: If you can’t provide impossibly thorough proof for an assertion, the opposite must be true.

Whatever happened to correlation doesn’t equal causation? Suddenly now it does?

Translation: Just in case the killer does happen to share my ideology, I better cover my ass.

My guess is he came from a single mother home, which is decidedly anti-christian at the very core. We know for a fact the majority of every criminal activity derives from single mother homes. Isn’t like 80% of prisons filled with products of single motherhood? Nice. Women make poor authority figures because they inherently lack the leadership skills. All that tolerance seems to breed whatcha see today.

Tranlsation: Here is a random hallucination I had about the killer. Here are some statistics I hallucinated, too! The fact that women continue to parent after their partners leave them is anti-Christian and very evil.

Every moral preached from our schools, MSM as well as the political/corporate machine is totally opposite of Christianity. Is the US a Christian nation? At best, in name only. Gay pride, fifty shades of grey mentality, slutwalks, every form of debauchery is promoted and Christians are hated for daring to raise a voice against the mighty tolerance. We’re a nation of hedonistic atheists.

Translation: Here is a grab-bag of things I am hateful about. I’ve recently added “Fifty Shades of Grey” to the list! I am not quite sure what a “Fifty Shades of Grey” is, but as soon as I figure out, I’ll know how to hate women for it!

On the plus side, this’ll be an excellent opportunity for Big Daddy to tighten his grip and expand security forces. Police forces in every theater, mall, grocery store, business, school. If I wanted to build a police state I wouldn’t pass up this golden opportunity. Don’t worry fellow americans, I won’t steal too much more of your wealth.

Translation: I am very afraid the government will come for me at any moment. That’s why I publicly attack the government constantly with absolutely no expression of concern for my physical safety. I mean, yeah, jackbooted thugs are brutally crushing all dissent, but it’s not like they’d track an IP address, right?

At present, so far this year about 350 people died from walking on flat level ground and 10 from mass murderers in the US. Since I’m 35 X as likey to doe from walking on flat level ground. When will Big Daddy save me from this walking death?

Translation: People die from things other than mass murders. Therefore, mass murder is no big deal.

(I have no idea what “350 people died from walking on flat level ground” refers to. Possibly NWO thinks that 350/year is the US rate of natural death?)

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I’m here to help.” … o.o …

“I’m the Doctor, I’m here to help” — Karalora, tardis access, please? 🙂

Since that got a laugh out of me, here, have +1 internet, and some M&Ms.

12 years ago

Argenti: That was pecunium replying to me, hence my name being there.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Shade — I know, I’m curious why NWO is directing that at pecunium, and not at you. Though I guess I shouldn’t encourage him to expand his list of people he hates…

12 years ago

Slavey is awfully excitable lately, isn’t he? I keep picturing spittle flying at his screen as he types.

12 years ago


Actually, I’ve never watched a single episode of DW. I must be the only geek left in geekdom who hasn’t. “I’m here to help” is just something I say sometimes, often sarcastically. Do I still get my M&Ms?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Karalora — yep, the M&Ms (and internet) were for making me laugh after replying to NWO, you were still amusing, whether you meant to be or not 🙂

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I really would love for Slavey to define what he thinks “Fifty Shades of Grey mentality” even is.

12 years ago

Woot! M&Ms! Can they be the dark chocolate kind? Those are the best.

12 years ago

(Tries to think like Slavey)

So, um, a woman wrote about sex, and it wasn’t just a list of what she was wearing (ie her sexuality). This is bad! Also, now other women are reading about sex, and they might be expecting orgasms. Bad! Or even having orgasms after reading. Really, really bad!

(Please note that because we are Slavey we don’t care how badly the book is written, or that it’s a full-frontal assault on the English language. We just hate it because it’s a dirty book and women might get off on it and OMG the sky is falling, bikinis at the mall, etc.)

12 years ago


I would imagine that the “walking on level ground” deaths are actually from falling on level ground. For the elderly and some disabled populations it can be very dangerous to endure a ground level fall.

There are plenty of other things where people die while walking on level ground, but a fall is the only thing I can come up with that would actually have anything to do with the ground or its level.

12 years ago

I thought “Fifty Shades of Grey” mentality was the notion that, since Twilight is no better than amateur Anne Rice fanfiction anyway, we might as well publish Twilight fanfiction with all the names changed.

These are indeed dark days we live in.

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