Just a quick update on Eivind Berge: According to this news account, the Norwegian Men’s Rights blogger is considered enough of a threat to police officers that his two-week detention has been extended by four more weeks. According to the prosecutor, the “risk of recurrence of new criminal offenses” makes releasing him dangerous.
He probably flips out at the street signs.
Hellkell, you’re here in sweltering TX too, home of the anti-critical-thinking party platform?
Random Trivia: In Norway you have to have a specific type of license to carry guns. They don’t have the same type of right-to-bear-arms legal thingies as we do in America, so if he wasn’t a professional or competitive shooter/hunter, it’s possible that owning said guns was illegal.
Wikipedia has an article n gun policies in Norway: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Norway
(Half my family is Norwegian so I pick up random stuff. Also: Fuck this guy. Breivik was a fucking terrorist.)
Serves him right. He could be the next Anders Breivik.
I love that narwhals video; it seems to me it has been relevant here on Man Boobz before, but I can’t remember the context.
no joke, im kind of suprised you dont support anders breivik.
like it would be totally in keeping with your whole frothing wingnut, kill the poor thing.
I didn’t even click the narwhals song and it’s stuck in my head now XD I just hope I get off this bus before I feel the unconquerable need to sing it.
Freitag, yes, and it’s taking great restraint not to pull an Elvis and shoot my tv every time I see one of those ignorant Republican for Senate ads.
Hi, I’d like to state the obvious! Please like me for it! Also, isn’t prison rape funny?!?!
“In the past, NWO has expressed the opinion that requiring people to pass a vision test to drive is a government atrocity on the level of the Cambodian killing fields.”
Actually, what I said was, no one needs a license. The State simpy doesn’t have the right to even issue a license to drive. It’s none of their business. You of course know this. However, being the author of the book o larnin, manipulation and deception is your forte.
“When I heard the early reports about what was happening in Norway a year ago, my immediate reaction was that it might be Berge.”
Was it really? I guess you were wrong.
“Norwegian governement: you can’t say that.”
Why not put all those nasty radfem girls in jail? Because they’re girls?
“Owly is right, there is nor way he would would have managed to kill a cop with four bullets.”
Or a knife. Or a baseball bat. Or a bow and arrow. Or a piece of rope as a garrotte?
“He could be the next Anders Breivik.”
Or the next Ghandi.
Locking people up for words. Fined for words. Sued people for words. Words as domestic violence. Words as sexual harassment.
I have bullets and books and words and testosterone. I could be the next Anders Breivik.
You know, NWO, Wetherby wasn’t the only one who thought that Berge might go on a killing rampage. It turns out that Berge himself thought so. After Brievik’s murders, he wrote:
So, yeah, I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be the next Gandhi.
Holy shit, NWO’s right about something.
“I have bullets and books and words and testosterone. I could be the next Anders Breivik.”
…fffuuuck, yeah, you probably could.
Bad example, man.
*high fives other poor souls living in Texas*
You all might enjoy how I bollixed up a pollster the other day: got a call at work, long introduction about not working for any campaign, just wanting to get information on how people feel in my area.
Then asked me which would I support, Ted Cruz or David Dewhurst.
I said, neither, I never vote for a Republican in Texas (the poll dude never used the word REPUBLICAN, nor told me that they were contending to be the Republican nominee for Hutchinson’s Senate seat).
A bit of boggling, because it didn’t fit his script, then he asked if I knew that David Dewhurst had supported a state income tax, would I be more likely to vote for or against him.
I said, I think Texas needs to move to a state income tax, but I would not vote for a Republican.
He tried reading the next question, realized he’d get the same answer, and thanked me for my time.
Also, besides all the heat this year: HUGE NUMBERS OF BUGS ALL OVER, including new types of bugs and spiders we’ve never seen before.
It’s a freaking invasion!
For one thing, Gandhi didn’t bitch so much about celibacy.
Personally, I can’t stand when people pull out Gandhi as the stock “Awesome person.” He was flawed, he was a lot less ideal than people want to believe.
But, in the end, there’s no comparison between Berge and Gandhi.
ghandi of course, was known for his famous quote ‘an eye for an eye makes me wanna stab some fucking cops’
Oh, and here are NWOs comments about vision tests for drivers licenses and Pol Pot. (The first paragraph is a quote from Pecunium talking about vision tests):
High Five! There are a lot of us here.
So, how does this reasonable statement:
Turn into this arglebargle, in only three paragraphs?
The mind of a madman is always spinning.
Wasn’t Ghandi also an avid misogynist who abused the women in his life? Every “good” person I’ve ever seen profiled as “the ultimate good” was not a perfect person. Mother Theresa? SHE WAS OBSESSED WITH SUFFERING AND DYING. She built a place for people to go to DIE, not to be treated. Screw that.
There are only a few truly, objectively good people out there in the world, and I’m sure that most of them are imaginary.
PS: I am glad when the police actually PREVENT crime instead of coming in and picking up the pieces of carnage and mop up the blood afterwards.
I would much rather see people not murdered than clear evidence that said murderer has murdered.
It’s like most crimes- I don’t wish revenge on my rapist- I wish he HAD NEVER RAPED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE.
There is no such thing as true justice that would be nearly as sweet as preventing the crime from happening in the first place.
Gandhi was quite a terror to the women in his life. I’m not sure if it was specifically misogynist, or a part of a wider philosophy he had about the proper role of different people. He was an avid supporter of the caste system, insisting that it did not have negative connotations at its heart and that in a “proper” society, it could work. His treatment of women could have been an extension of that “everyone in their proper role” mentality.
Nanasha: She built a place for people to go to DIE, not to be treated. Screw that.
To be fair to Mother Theresa, it’s not that she wanted them to die, it’s that she couldn’t cure them; so she provided hospice care, because Calcutta wasn’t going to help them at all.