Just a quick update on Eivind Berge: According to this news account, the Norwegian Men’s Rights blogger is considered enough of a threat to police officers that his two-week detention has been extended by four more weeks. According to the prosecutor, the “risk of recurrence of new criminal offenses” makes releasing him dangerous.
My, my, such a danger he is. Four cartridges of 45 caliber and books too. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Plus he spoke bad things about the govenrment. Why the list of crimes he committed are endless. Hopefully, in Norway and all across the western world we’ll adopt re-education camps to, “help” everyone better acclimate into obeying their govenrment. We all must learn to accept what our govenrment tells us is good and what is bad. Indoctrinate them young in schools, and if they stray from the path of enlightenment they need to be re-educated.
What was his crime again?
I believe that would be “making specific threats to kill a police officer after talking about it more generally for years.”
NWO: What was his crime? Do you care? You need him. You need him so you have some contrived excuse to bleat about your oppression. If you want to know what his offense was, read the links.
“What was his crime again?”
Saying he was going to stab a police officer on a specific date — threatening in other words. (Did you really think that was some kind of GOTCHA?)
Yeah, and ignoring violent right wingers who talk about killing people has worked out so well in Norway.
Thanks, owly. So good to see you working hard to make sure real violence against real people is taken seriously.
Oh, like NWO even knows what a Norway is.
Is it a type of cake?
Eivind: I will kill cops! (also rape is cool)
Norwegian governement: you can’t say that.
NWO: evil governement, fascism, misandry!
owlslave obviously prefers the american tradition, where we only imprison leftists for saying mean things about the government
What do MRAs say when another MRA threatens to (or does) kill a male police officer? It’s OK because he’s just a stooge of the great feminist conspiracy government? Male judges, male legislators? Are they fair game, too?
Does the answer change if the poor cop/judge/whoever was an MRA just trying to make enough $$ to survive after his evil feminist whore of an ex-wife stole all his money and his kids? Or is it still OK to kill him?
I guess Owly would prefer that people who threaten to kill cops and advocate in favor of rape be given some sort of award for their service to humanity.
When I heard the early reports about what was happening in Norway a year ago, my immediate reaction was that it might be Berge.
And since the anniversary of Breivik’s massacre falls within a matter of days, I’m not surprised the Norwegian police have been keeping a very close eye on people like him. After all, this is a guy who’s not only been posting aggressive threats against named individuals for a number of years, as well as gloating over the violent deaths of others, but his reaction to Breivik’s crime was practically orgasmic.
They left Breivik alone, and look what happened.
Which is why they won’t be making the same mistake again.
I’m pretty stinking happy, actually, to see them actually learning from past mistakes.
As I said in another thread, one interesting detail in that news story is that he got arrested at his mother’s house. I wonder what she makes of his blog? (Assuming she can read English, but in Norway that’s statistically fairly likely).
Why do I get the feeling that NWOslave goes driving and flips out at every stop sign?
‘Cause it’s impossible to murder a cop with only four bullets! And there’s no way he could have bought more! And it’s not as though killing cops is something he specifically threatened to do!
Seriously NWO, how fucking stupid are you?
“‘Cause it’s impossible to murder a cop with only four bullets! And there’s no way he could have bought more! And it’s not as though killing cops is something he specifically threatened to do!”
Not like he even threatened to shoot them. Pretty sure his kitchen knives could get stabbing done, repeatedly, without breaking or anything.
You there! Norway, or death?
Owly is right, there is nor way he would would have managed to kill a cop with four bullets.
“Four cartridges of 45 caliber” may be bad-translation-from-Norwegian for four boxes, possibly four magazines.
Either that or he’d already gone shooting (at least for practice), because I don’t know of anywhere that’ll sell you four individual bullets.
Why do I get the feeling that NWOslave goes driving and flips out at every stop sign?
In the past, NWO has expressed the opinion that requiring people to pass a vision test to drive is a government atrocity on the level of the Cambodian killing fields. I don’t think he can see stop signs well enough to gesticulate at them.
And if he does live here in TX, he fits right with all the other asshole drivers.
It’s one of them whales that have those horns. 😉