a voice for men antifeminism douchebaggery drama kings harassment hate I'm totally being sarcastic incoherent rage men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam threats

A Voice for Men continues to spread its message of peace, love, and f*cking people’s sh*t up

Poor Paul Elam. Here he is, the self-annointed leader of the world’s greatest 21st century human rights movement, and for some strange reason people keep mistaking him for some sort of two-bit hatemonger.

No, really!

In his latest post on A Voice for Men, Mr. Elam laments the evil way one Australian news site took AVFM’s rallying cry  – “Fuck Their Shit Up” — and made it seem kind of mean. Also, they added an “ing” to “fuck.” Elam writes:

[Journalist Tory] Shepherd (or her editors) gave a subheading to her piece which read:

Hate site’s motto is ‘F***king their s**t up

Misuse of the transitive verb aside, and ignoring the fact that even when properly quoted it is not the sites motto (which is “Take the Red Pill”), the use of that phrase in the sub-header was calculated to make AVfM appear to be a hate site.

How unfair to tag a website with the slogan it uses constantly! And, really, how could anyone see “fuck their shit up” as anything but a spirited call for peacefulness, understanding, and love?

Elam continues:

It is intended to make us look as though we have violent leanings; that we are a threat to the personal security of feminists, and indeed to women in general.

Because of this potential for misunderstanding, Elam has decided to retire the catchphrase in favor of one that will more accurately convey AVFM’s message of love.

Oops, sorry. That would be a logical thing to do, and Elam is clearly a man beyond mere logic.

Instead, he decided to see how many times he could use the phrase “fuck their shit up” and variants thereof in the course of a single blog post. To make counting easier in the quotes that follow, I will put each use of the phrase in bold.

I have a personal, deeply personal message for [Tory Shepherd] and for two others of her ilk associated with this “story.”

Tory Shepherd, I am here to fuck your shit up.

Betty McLellan, I am here to fuck your shit up

Michael Flood, I am here to fuck your shit up.

And in case any of the three of you are as stupid as you sound, I mean it literally. I want your shit fucked up in a permanent and irreversible way. I want the harsh, unforgiving light of truth to shine on you and other hateful swine that spread bigotry and violence under the guise of advancing the cause of women.

Nothing hateful to see here, move right along!

Oh, wait, there’s more:

Do I want to fuck these peoples shit up? Oh yes, I certainly do. And it has already begun to happen. …

This, and by that I mean the truth, is fucking their shit up. It is happening in the best possible way and all their powerless wailing and lies about FTSU meaning violence won’t stop it.

The growth of this movement depends, wholly and completely, on our ideas being exposed to rational people who value fairness and justice. We are now getting that exposure, and it is scaring the living shit out of the likes of McLellan, Shepherd and Flood.

That fear looks damned good on them. …

We are dealing with liars and bigots. They have no sense of honor or decency.  When I call Michael Flood a sociopathic pig, it is not an adolescent ad hominem used in the absence of substance, but an unavoidable conclusion rooted in the reality of his conduct as a human being. …

We are not compelled to play nice with these hateful ideologues any more than we would feel compelled to politely discuss race relations with the Ku Klux Klan, or debate reproductive rights with people who bomb abortion clinics.

Our one and only job is to fuck their shit up; to make them suffer the pain of truth, and to keep doing it till they have no place to hide. …

All we have to do is fuck their shit up, then wake up tomorrow and do it again. They are powerless to stop it.

And … scene!

So that’s eight uses of Elam’s favorite catchphrase in one post. Paul and hate make eight! Oh, wait, the title of the post is also “Fuck Their Shit Up.” So that’s nine. Oh, and he used the acronym FTSU twice, too, once in the post and once in his bio. That’s eleven.

Keep digging, Paul! And take the rest of the MRAs down to the center of the earth with you, while you’re at it.

Oh, and apparently AVFM’s JohnTheOther has written an entire post of his own, also attacking Shepherd, also complaining about the evil of people quoting AVFM’s favorite catchphrase (and sometimes even adding “ing” to it), and quite possibly accusing her of supporting mass murder. I’m not sure of the details. I just glanced at it. I refuse to read the whole thing on general principle. Life is short, and JtO’s posts are really, really long.

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12 years ago

“Well there’s no such thing as trans anything.”

How about trans fat, trans ams, the trans siberian orchestra?
Don’t worry brother, I know that all those things have also been faked by the illuminati to dupe sheeple into accepting the validity of the word ‘transgender’ for dubious reasons unknown… Those diabolical bastards.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Do you freak out each time someone gets body modifications like ear rings or tattoos?”

Hey NWO? My ears are gauged large enough you can see through them, but only at the right angle, and I frikken’ love it.

But no, that’s impossible, or something, because only humans pierce things.

12 years ago


Clown fish being one of them! when the female of the group dies, the dominant male will become female. Finding Nemo got it all wrong, when Nemo’s mother dies his father should have became his mother (though I guess you could argue this didn’t happen because he wasn’t in a group, or maybe he wasn’t dominant enough…misandry!!!)

Interesting how basically the alpha fish ends up qualifying to be female (it’s based on size, and female clown fish tend to be bigger than the males) I’m sure NWO’s head will explode now as he dismisses clown fish as being tools of the femisandryarchy xD

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Quackers — Fish are weird (which is why I love them). “femisandryarchy” = lol, yes!

At a guess, Nemo’s father didn’t become his mother because then a children’s show would’ve had to deal with gender changing animals and well, that’s disney isn’t it?

12 years ago

Animals don’t use toilets, therefore toilets shouldn’t exist! Off to the woods with you all!

12 years ago


you cant really shame owlslave on that point. he hates gay people almost as much as he hates immodestly dressed women.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Well there’s no such thing as trans anything. Since we’re entertaining the ridiculous, why not trans species as well. Can you imagine a childs confusion just trying to fill out a parental form? “Well my mom-dad-mom-chimp #4 was a man, who transed to a woman, who went gay while being respecied, who afterwards transed back to a man, where I was implanted from a turkey baster sperm joint between my two lesbian mom/dads of which both transed back and forth repeatedly, after shacking up with the family dog, who also transed.”

What is that?

No, seriously, what is that?

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Ah, the bolding doesn’t show up very well. I was trying to highlight the phrase, “parental form”.

I still don’t know what that is. Who fills out parental forms? And who makes them fill those out?

12 years ago

Big Daddy govt obviously

12 years ago

Consider this. There is a very clear and even rather unfriendly rift between radical feminists and liberal “fun feminists.” The ideas about sexuality, the acceptance towards transpeople and even the attitude towards men is very obviously different to anyone with an ounce of reading comprehension and self awareness. However, with MRAs, not so much. They all seem to quietly support each other and rarely, if ever, call each other out.

The entire MRM is based on a blatant falsehood (namely, the lie that men are a persecuted and disenfranchised minority), so it primarily attracts people who have an axe to grind.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

2-D Man: Why don’t you actually try clicking on the goddamn links? They’re screenshots from a feminist website whose members do fundraising for the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Hippie Redneck: 1) Because I don’t trust Paul Elam.

2) Because I’m busy. Seriously, today I was making a nice, dark scotch ale, but I don’t think I properly mixed it before extracting my sample to measure the specific gravity because my measurement was 1.074, but the recipe said it should be 1.085. Not only that, but the brewing took extra long because the obscene amount of sugar that went into that batch (for those not in the know, 1.074 is an absurdly high S.G. and will probably get me a beer around 7% ABV) wound up forcing me to use two kettles instead of one, and I didn’t RTFM of the yeast package, even though I needed to because I’d never used wet yeast before, but now it seems to be bubbling away just fine.

All of the above is more relevant to this discussion than your idiotic red herring about the SPLC and does more to answer your questions than you did mine: why didn’t you just link to the feminist website?

(Besides, if all of those do refer to RadFemHub, as others have alluded to, you could just link to their front page. You’re about as likely to find hate there as you are to find violence- or rape-apologia at AVfM.)

12 years ago

i fucking love this article description on avfm

In his analysis of feminist governance in the country of Sweden, James Williams gives us two analogous descriptions. The Terminator, and Hitler. It may well be that by the time things run their course in that country, neither will be sufficient. Nor would anything else we can imagine.

are feminists like the terminator, or are they like hitler. we can’t decide, but what we can tell you is that theyre actually double super hitler.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Big Daddy govt obviously [makes people fill out parental forms]


12 years ago

are feminists like the terminator, or are they like hitler. we can’t decide, but what we can tell you is that theyre actually double super hitler.

But the real question remains: If we compare Double Super Hitler and the Terminator side-by-side, can we accurately determine which of them would win in a fight?

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Well, let’s see, one’s an Austrian obsessed with notions of physical perfection who managed to reach high office in a country in which he wasn’t born, and the other was a fictional character played by an Austrian obsessed with notions of physical perfection who managed to reach high office in a country in which he wasn’t born.

I hope that helps.

12 years ago

In his analysis of feminist governance in the country of Sweden, James Williams gives us two analogous descriptions. The Terminator, and Hitler. It may well be that by the time things run their course in that country, neither will be sufficient. Nor would anything else we can imagine.

What a bunch of idiot fucking assholes.

12 years ago

AVFM has been linking his doxing a feminist post to MR subreddit again. They took it down, again.
He may very well want to FTSU but what he is doing is trying to get some “true believer” to do it for him.

12 years ago


That is very interesting. Can you go into more detail for me? Do you know which feminist post he is doxing?

12 years ago

You’d think, given NWO’s deep hatred and fear of trans* folk, he’d take a little time to find out what being trans* actually means. Well, you would, if he were anybody else. This is pretty par for the course for NWO.

12 years ago

I’m sorry, I should have been clearer. His post that contained the doxing of a feminist is what he linked on MR subreddit.
It is the same woman he has published the personal info on before. He raised money so that he and the rest of the troops could investigate a list of women who comment on the Hub. This was some months ago. Most of their guesses were wrong, so a whole bunch of women got a heaping helping of harassment right out of the blue.
A visit from law enforcement served to confirm that he got one right. He has been publishing her personal info every few months and linking his posts to other MRA sites. It may just be his effort to prove that the d00dz got something instead of nothing for their money, but it may well be that the purpose of continuing to post her contact info is to encourage an ongoing campaign of harassment, or perhaps a physical confrontation.
Perhaps I am using the term doxing incorrectly. He is publishing personal info on a person who has not shared that info herself.

12 years ago


Thanks. I had to look up “doxing” since I didn’t know what it means, but I think you used it correctly. I was just interested in what Elam was doing. I tried to Google it, but ended up getting pissed off at the first article I read and the subsequent delusional comments. Those people are so fucked up. And Elam just confirms the misogynistic bias in his comments to females, calling them “cupcake” and “entitled” and “how dare you express an opinion” and “stop trying to silence us!” I really can’t wait until the main stream media gets a whiff of these guys. Can you imagine John Stewart, Steven Colbert, or Tosh ripping these guys a new one on TV? I pray for it every day 😀

12 years ago

I mean Jon Stewart, duh

12 years ago

@Fembot: Considering recent behavior by Tosh I suspect ripping on them isn’t what he would do. Stewart or Colbert on the other hand, oh how I would love to see them tackle the MRM.

12 years ago

I really can’t wait until the main stream media gets a whiff of these guys. Can you imagine John Stewart, Steven Colbert, or Tosh ripping these guys a new one on TV? I pray for it every day 😀

I really can’t because, well, Tosh, y’know, and as far as I’ve ever noticed, Jon Stewart is the kind of guy who thinks it’s okay to position himself in the middle on questions like Are Women Human – yes/no? because to pick a side would be scary and radical. Although Samantha Bee did do this, that one time.

But I have to say, the MRM really marginalizes/ridicules itself. It would be one thing if the MSM could be counted on to laughingly point out how fucking pathetic they are, but I have a feeling it would be more along the lines of “Look how scary!” Which is exactly what Elam, etc. want — credibility and attention.

Nah, I’d rather they remain ignored by most and thoroughly mocked for their views by the rest. I mean, they fucking LOVE David and the attention they get on this blog. They’d fucking explode if mentioned on a national TV show.

12 years ago

Yeah, before you go hoping the MRM gets serious media exposure, imagine what Fox News would do with them. Or Rush Limbaugh.