My new favorite terrible Tumblr blog is this is female privilege, a blog that posts user-submitted examples of, well, female privilege. It’s a pretty MRA-adjacent idea for a blog, seemingly designed to be appreciated only by those who can use the word “misandry” without giggling. The woman who runs the blog seems to be fairly MRA-adjacent type herself; she recently responded to one critic with a sarcastic “Wow waahhhh it’s so hard to be a woman wahhhh!” (Literally; that’s an exact quote.)
So it’s hardly surprising that many of the posts seem to have been cut and pasted straight from the Men’s Rights subreddit – at least figuratively, if not literally. (Click on the pics to see the posts in context at this is female privilege.)
But a lot of the alleged privileges are a bit, well, odder than that. The blogger says she posts everything she gets, so either a lot of people have pretty cockeyed notions of just what privileges are, or some feminists are trolling her blog by sending along the dumbest non-privileges they can think of to make the blog even more ridiculous than it already is.
Some suggest that biological differences are “privileges.”
Some of the so-called “privileges” are the results of traditional gender roles that box both men and women in:
Dude, if you want to shave your body hair, shave your fucking body hair. There are lots of guys who shave or wax.
Some are comically delusional:
Chance this last one was submitted by a guy: 110%.
Some are just kind of whiny.
You know, there’s an easy solution to this: wait for a fucking stall, like women do.
Some are kind of weird:
And some are just, well, beyond hope:
Seriously, if you see these things as female privilege, you really, really shouldn’t be talking about privilege in public on the internet. You’re just making a fool of yourself.
The one redeeming thing about the blog: people argue back in the “notes.”
EDIT: Another redeeming thing: It’s inspired the response blog Actually This is Male Privilege.
EDIT 2: Amanda Marcotte riffs on the one about women having the wonderful privilege of sex any time they want!
If Slavey were a Dalek, that would explain his paranoia and mindless aggression.
Hey … you know, Daleks only see the universe through their eyestalks, right? Kind of like how people with an all-encompassing ideology see everything through the framework of that ideology? Man, I’m glad no one has thought to hit that metaphor so hard it would be like an anvil falling on our heads.
Hahahahaha, oh man, I missed this gem of brilliance the first time around. It doesn’t quite beat out “eat a fish, eat a fetus!” for the coveted title of Most Ridiculous Single Phrase Coined By NWO, but it comes close.
The plunger arm would probably be useful to him as well. Not for manipulating his environment or crushing human skulls, but for cleaning up blockages caused by all the bullshit he spews.
That post is rather “lighthearted” for NWO. He rarely makes jokes like that anymore. Too angry.
@Steele: So show us where the mainstream, moderate, NON-hating MRA blogs are?
It’s a constant challenge to trollz here who come in telling us “don’t judge us by the fringe,” and NOBODY can ever link to one.
Um, uh, er … Amanda Marcotte doesn’t ever want to have a baby some babies are little boys what does Marc**t have against boys I BET ANDREA DWORKIN EATS FORESKINS
I’m not sure what’s funnier, Steele trying to buddy up to NWO, or NWO saying he doesn’t have a bad attitude towards women.
I’m not sure why it’s important to convince Varpole that NWO is vile. They’re birds of a feather anyway, I hope they have many happy hours discussing Pyrrhonism.
Yanno Cliff, in the world view of the abuser lobby that is exactly what it means.
Maybe an Evil Feminist once suggested that men sometimes do things other than reading, and he’s been illiterate ever since.
“Of course I know this- you are explicitly anti-male; you hate men and are proud of it. Or at the very least, you believe men worth less than women; you deny that men have problems and issues on both a collective and individual level; and you laugh at men’s pain- this is all effectively anti-male. You are also proud of this and public about this.”
Is it just me or did that thesis backtrack from “explicitly” to “effectively” in record time?
Thesis statements, what is they.
Been away for a while. Shade, thanks ever so for clearing up the Cybermen issue. Though it would been nice if they’d have taken a little to explain that in the damn show. *grumble grumble”
I know what you mean. It’s like the other day when I was in the pharmacy and the woman behind the counter complimented my hat several times… oh wait, no, you’re just full of shit again.
And you, Steelepole, remain the living embodiment of irony.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, dude. Keep right on pretending your paranoia is special and right. Not like weirdos who blame women for all their problems.
You’ve never complimented me. And I’m awesome.
As we can see, even on an Internet message board, women are fishing for compliments. Seems to have proven Slave’s point- which is salient, regardless of his other views.
You don’t know what a joke is, do you Steele?
“As we can see, even on an Internet message board, women are fishing for compliments. Seems to have proven Slave’s point- which is salient, regardless of his other views.”
Folks, I think we’re witnessing the awkward fusion of Steele and NWOslave.
I mean, if the definition of fusion is, “Going back and forth in one’s defense of a person simply because they’re disliked by those they themselves dislike.”
My vote’s on the latter. Steele can set aside or explain away (à la Toy Soldier regarding Tom Martin) owly’s “foibles”, considering he’s latched onto a fellow tinfoil hatter.
Aw, I think NWO might be about to make his first friend! Though he’s not responding all that favorably to Steele’s overtures so far.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Perhaps he is eying him as competition for this year’s Troll of the Year Award.
I think this may be Steelepole’s problem – he’s latched onto the MRM as a way of making friends. Bad call. It’s like going into that one pub in town where the bitter angry loners gather to drink silently because you want to use the jukebox.
Now that ‘Your Baby Can Read’ went belly up, we should start a new company for MRAs, I’ll call it ‘You Can Read, Dude.’
it’s hard to joke when everything is something to throw a tantrum about
Come to think of it, you haven’t complimented me either, Steele. I’m beginning to have my doubts about men and their constant compliment-giving.
Please make friends with NWO. You will have so much fun together.