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“This is female privilege” is comedy gold! [UPDATED with links]

This doesn’t ever actually happen.

My new favorite terrible Tumblr blog is this is female privilege, a blog that posts user-submitted examples of, well, female privilege. It’s a pretty MRA-adjacent idea for a blog, seemingly designed to be appreciated only by those who can use the word “misandry” without giggling. The woman who runs the blog seems to be fairly MRA-adjacent type herself; she recently responded to one critic with a sarcastic “Wow waahhhh it’s so hard to be a woman wahhhh!” (Literally; that’s an exact quote.)

So it’s hardly surprising that many of the posts seem to have been cut and pasted straight from the Men’s Rights subreddit – at least figuratively, if not literally. (Click on the pics to see the posts in context at this is female privilege.)

But a lot of the alleged privileges are a bit, well, odder than that. The blogger says she posts everything she gets, so either a lot of people have pretty cockeyed notions of just what privileges are, or some feminists are trolling her blog by sending along the dumbest non-privileges they can think of to make the blog even more ridiculous than it already is.

Some suggest that biological differences are “privileges.”

Some of the so-called “privileges” are the results of traditional gender roles that box both men and women in:

Dude, if you want to shave your body hair, shave your fucking body hair. There are lots of guys who shave or wax.

Some are comically delusional:

Chance this last one was submitted by a guy: 110%.

Some are just kind of whiny.

You know, there’s an easy solution to this: wait for a fucking stall, like women do.

Some are kind of weird:

And some are just, well, beyond hope:

Seriously, if you see these things as female privilege, you really, really shouldn’t be talking about privilege in public on the internet. You’re just making a fool of yourself.

The one redeeming thing about the blog: people argue back in the “notes.”

EDIT: Another redeeming thing: It’s inspired the response blog Actually This is Male Privilege.

EDIT 2: Amanda Marcotte riffs on the one about women having the wonderful privilege of sex any time they want!

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12 years ago

“I can’t yet rule out misandrist-feminist vile tricks- Futrelle altering the post, screenshot, hacking, etc.”
You don’t think our permanent resident troll would know if that was the case and would have been screaming all over the internet if that was the case?
What do you even mean by screenshot, Cliff gave you a direct link?

12 years ago

What do you even mean by screenshot, Cliff gave you a direct link?

he’s making shit up because all he knows is excuses. it’s a side effect of being a fucking coward

12 years ago

Sure, I hate my brother, my father, my boyfriend, my twenty-ish male cousin, all of my male friends, my formers crushes, the guys I play RPGs with, 3/4 of my current classmates and teachers, the male SF authors that fills my shelves, all the male Manboobzers, I hate half of the people I met. Right. And you that because… Just like most people who speak english, I don’t thing misandry is a real thing? You’re a genuis.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Well, as to the quote you’ve provided, I would perhaps prefer to discuss it with NWOslave himself. I can’t yet rule out misandrist-feminist vile tricks- Futrelle altering the post, screenshot, hacking, etc.

Hahaha, wow, these are some next-level denial powers.

If David hasn’t edited any of your words, or in fact anyone’s words ever except occasionally to remove really horrible things, what makes you think that’s a thing he does?

Not sure what you mean by “screenshot,” that’s a direct link. The whole page is full of NWO saying this stuff.

12 years ago

But even if you talk directly to NWO, how will you know it’s him, and not David hacking it’s account? If you meet him in the flesh and he says racists shit, maybe he’s still a robot with small feminists controlling him from the inside!!!

12 years ago

you deny that men have problems and issues on both a collective and individual level;

No, I don’t. I made a very clear post about this uesterday on another thread. You conveniently ignored it.

“It’s you who dismiss and ignore men’s pain and men’s issues, you vile jackass.”

We do no such thing. You create imaginary pain and issues, and blame them all on women, which detracts from the real problems men face, such as racism, poverty, gangs, prison rape, and man on man violent crime. These problems cause drastically more pain to men than your pet issues of false rape accusations and imprisonment for child support debt, yet the MRM is largely silent on them. When we refuse to play along and pretend to see your imaginary pain and issues, you say that we are ignoring men’s pain, and therefore – misandry!. We are doing no such thing. We simply think you’re talking out of your ass to support your woman hating agenda.

12 years ago

Maybe David David edited all of Steele’s posts and he’s actually a very likable and honest person? Damn you, David Futrelle!!11!!

12 years ago

david also secretly ran antimanboobz, just to preemptive discredit mikey

we just cant see it because we belieeeeve people, which is the stupidest thing ever, unless the people you believe rant about the jews and vaccines

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Of course I know this- you are explicitly anti-male; you hate men and are proud of it. Or at the very least, you believe men worth less than women; you deny that men have problems and issues on both a collective and individual level; and you laugh at men’s pain- this is all effectively anti-male. You are also proud of this and public about this.

I can’t be “explicitly anti-male,” or “public about this,” because I challenge you to find any quote anywhere where a Manboobzer has said “I hate men” or “men are worth less than women.”

Disagreeing with all of your theories about men does not mean hating men.

I’ll say it right now: I think men are pretty much the same as women. They’ve had different social conditioning, is all. But most men are pretty decent people. In general I don’t think any differently about men than I do about humans.

However I don’t believe men are an oppressed class. Don’t hate them, just don’t think they’re oppressed, and think it’s funny and mockable when they use weaksauce arguments like “a female teacher stopped me from writing, so now I’m only a rich executive/entrepreneur, woe is me!” to prove their oppression.

12 years ago

“I think men are pretty much the same as women.”
You monster. Stop being so mean with men

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Okay, Steele, tell me how David faked up NWOslave’s comments on another site:

Some choice quotes:

In the western world, we’re used to the majority of women being unable to control their sexuality. Women acting like hypersexual animals in heat trying to arouse all men has been normalized.

“So in other words, the next generation of women will be more self absorbed, narcissistic, vain and greedy than the previous generation. Is that even possible?”

(2nd page)

“Women cheat because they’re not as smart as men. Science has proved it conclusively. Let’s stop beating around the bush already. PC Ideology doesn’t trump facts.”

(3rd page)

Unfortunately I could only find misogyny in a brief scan, not anti-Semitism, so I hope you’re able to recognize those statements as misogynist and not just “anti-misandrist,” but I think even you can connect the dots here.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

And those comments on HuffPo go back months and there’s hundreds of them, so if you’re going to claim David just registered as NWOslave to discredit him, you’re assuming he’s put a lot of work into it.

Time for plan 2: “No True MRA,” Steelepole.

12 years ago

“I hope you’re able to recognize those statements as misogynist and not just “anti-misandrist,” but I think even you can connect the dots here.”

Wouldn’t count on that if I were you, Cliff.

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure Steele Buttpole will agree with NWO’s sentiments about women, Cliff.

12 years ago

SteeleTroll: you can twist a reasonable man’s words to mean such things.

*spits water over the monitor*


Go to any post/thread you wish, and look for his nym: control+F and type in his nym and see what he wrote.

But laughing my ass off at the “Tom Martin is a feminist plant” and “NWO is reasonable man whose posts (what is it David, over 3000 of them) have been altered by David”–I mean, really!

Any self identified MRA who doesn’t fit your little list is a feminist plant, or a fake????????????


12 years ago

Well, there must be a lot of fakes over on The Spearhead, then.

12 years ago

Regardless of NWOslave’s views- a fringe of kooks does not represent the MRM.

12 years ago

If you meet him in the flesh and he says racists shit, maybe he’s still a robot with small feminists controlling him from the inside!!!

Hey, are we moving the Doctor Who derail over here?

12 years ago

Wait, I thought NWOslave was a reasonable man whose words were twisted but us misandrist-feminists?

12 years ago

Regardless of NWOslave’s views- a fringe of kooks does not represent the MRM.

just once admit you said a stupid thing, duder

12 years ago

Wait, forgot which thread I was on. Guess the derail hasn’t move after all!

12 years ago


no, the goalposts moved

12 years ago

If Slavey was a Dalek that would explain so much. No wonder he’s so unfamiliar with and confused by human dating patterns.

12 years ago

a fringe of kooks does not represent the MRM.

When the “fringe” constitutes 80 % of a movement, it does.

12 years ago

just once admit you said a stupid thing, duder

Wouldn’t that just be like, everything Steelebutthorn has ever said?