antifeminism creepy drama kings FemRAs idiocy irony alert misandry misogyny MRA narcissism oppressed men penises

“This is female privilege” is comedy gold! [UPDATED with links]

This doesn’t ever actually happen.

My new favorite terrible Tumblr blog is this is female privilege, a blog that posts user-submitted examples of, well, female privilege. It’s a pretty MRA-adjacent idea for a blog, seemingly designed to be appreciated only by those who can use the word “misandry” without giggling. The woman who runs the blog seems to be fairly MRA-adjacent type herself; she recently responded to one critic with a sarcastic “Wow waahhhh it’s so hard to be a woman wahhhh!” (Literally; that’s an exact quote.)

So it’s hardly surprising that many of the posts seem to have been cut and pasted straight from the Men’s Rights subreddit – at least figuratively, if not literally. (Click on the pics to see the posts in context at this is female privilege.)

But a lot of the alleged privileges are a bit, well, odder than that. The blogger says she posts everything she gets, so either a lot of people have pretty cockeyed notions of just what privileges are, or some feminists are trolling her blog by sending along the dumbest non-privileges they can think of to make the blog even more ridiculous than it already is.

Some suggest that biological differences are “privileges.”

Some of the so-called “privileges” are the results of traditional gender roles that box both men and women in:

Dude, if you want to shave your body hair, shave your fucking body hair. There are lots of guys who shave or wax.

Some are comically delusional:

Chance this last one was submitted by a guy: 110%.

Some are just kind of whiny.

You know, there’s an easy solution to this: wait for a fucking stall, like women do.

Some are kind of weird:

And some are just, well, beyond hope:

Seriously, if you see these things as female privilege, you really, really shouldn’t be talking about privilege in public on the internet. You’re just making a fool of yourself.

The one redeeming thing about the blog: people argue back in the “notes.”

EDIT: Another redeeming thing: It’s inspired the response blog Actually This is Male Privilege.

EDIT 2: Amanda Marcotte riffs on the one about women having the wonderful privilege of sex any time they want!

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12 years ago

You think Tom Martin is so far over the edge he must be a feminist plant but then you start cozying up to NWO?

I see a lot of talk, a lot of mocking, but no evidence as to his alleged evilness. To the contrary, his posts that I have viewed seem cogent, reasonable and intelligent. Given the depths of slander that vile feminists and their lickspittle mangina toadies will sink to, I am reluctant to buy your characterization.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Steele, there are things you should know about NWO:

Everything there is based on something NWO’s claimed, and if you ask him, he will continue to claim that “flouride” is a deadly poison, Russian and Spanish use the same alphabet, and women all run around in see-through miniskirts trying to arouse him and should be beaten in the street for this.

I know your next move is to claim “well, he’s not a real MRA then!”, but man, you’re gonna start running real short of people you can claim are real MRAs.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Oh, and Steele, if you’re hoping to be buddies with NWO, I really hope you’re not Jewish…

12 years ago

Don’t forget the superdogs. THE SUPERDOGS!!!

12 years ago

Also the little girls who wear swimsuits to the beach in order to sexually entice men, rather than because going to the beach may involve swimming.

12 years ago

@Torvus Butthorn

So NWO has admitted he only jerks off when angry, would rob a bank if he didn’t get caught, thinks women looking sexy is tantamount to rape and sexual assault, thinks beating women in the streets is ok, believes in a vast global feminist new world order conspiracy, and you think he seems “cogent, reasonable and intelligent?”

Like seems like, I guess.

12 years ago

Says, Pervocracy, you’re both notorious misandrist-feminists here on Boobzland. It doesn’t surprise me that you can twist a reasonable man’s words to mean such things.

12 years ago

Hey, Steele, you and owly ought to combine your artistic talents and co author a book. ‘course you may not find anyone willing to publish it, because of the feminist gynocracy, of course, not because you’re a couple of lackwits.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Says, Pervocracy, you’re both notorious misandrist-feminists here on Boobzland. It doesn’t surprise me that you can twist a reasonable man’s words to mean such things.

Okay, no twisting, direct link here:

Are you a filthy jew as well? Or did those filthy jews buy you with their gold. Oh how those filthy jews love their gold.

Go ahead and put that shit in context.

12 years ago

You want a link to the recent “you filthy jew” thread? You can also ask NWO himself what he think about the expression “Jesus tapdancing christ”. I think if you want to be buddy with him, being a white cis male straight Christian is a basic requirement.

12 years ago


And only a “professional” word twister would call us misandrists and NWO reasonable. Too bad you can’t get paid for taking things out of context and being deliberately obtuse.

12 years ago

Says, Pervocracy, you’re both notorious misandrist-feminists here on Boobzland. It doesn’t surprise me that you can twist a reasonable man’s words to mean such things.



pretty much sums up mikey’s wishful thinking

12 years ago

ninja’ed. As mentioned aboved, the context is someone saying “Jesus tapdancing christ”.

12 years ago

mikey if you are gonna jump through hoops to prove that a dude who calls himself ‘nwoslave’ is a rational thinker than you are even sadder than i could have imagined

12 years ago

Can anyone find me the link to the actual evolution & super-dogs discussion? I don’t think I was around yet for that one, and I feel like it would complete me as a person to read it.

12 years ago

Steele, you know it doesn’t really hurts feminists’ feeling when you call them “misandrist”, right? That still doesn’t mean anything for us.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

More of NWO on Jews:

Ahhhh, a fellow worshipper of the synagogue of satan. Having read bits and pieces of your most holy book I was wondering if it’s true about being revirginized after being hammered as a prepubescent girl?

I wouldn’t worry to much about this conversation continuing. After all, ridiculing my faith is promoted by Dave, which can clearly be seen by everyone jumping on the bandwagon and Dave saying nothing. However, I’ll soon be put on permanent banned list for mocking the vilest faith, most appropriately name the synagogue of satan.

I’ll be continuing to question everyone here futher on the filthy faith which should’ve been eradicated for the shit that it is long ago. Anyone prescribing to this self worshipping atrocity of a ridiculous joke of a faith deserves to be ridiculed.

(I’d quote him about women too, but I don’t know what you’d actually find offensive.)

(I didn’t notice the “revirginized after being hammered as a prepubescent girl” thing before! Yeek. Not even sure what that’s in reference to. Maybe some severely warped understanding of Bat Mitzvah?)

12 years ago

Well, as to the quote you’ve provided, I would perhaps prefer to discuss it with NWOslave himself. I can’t yet rule out misandrist-feminist vile tricks- Futrelle altering the post, screenshot, hacking, etc.

If he corroborates the views you’ve cited here; indeed, I wish nothing to do with him. But somehow I’m not so sure he will.

12 years ago

why are yall bothering with the links

hes been sniffing around here long enough to see owlslaves rants about sexy twelve year olds and beating gay people in the street and he still decided he likes the way that dude thinks

it’s almost as if he’s also a dumb whiner who blames women for everything he doesnt like about his life

12 years ago

Men are normally very generous with their compliments towards women. Women are also very generous with their compliments towards women.

You’ve never complimented me. And I’m awesome.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Oh, there’s a Jewish law saying that if a virginal girl is raped, she is still considered a virgin. Maybe that’s what NWOslave was babbling about. But it’s meant as a way to comfort rape victims, not to encourage rape! Cripes.

12 years ago

Cliff, Steele declared Tom Martin a secret feminist over the child rape apology, so if you know where to find them, I think quotes of NWO’s thought on littles girls in capri pant could help.
I’m not sure if that would make NWO another secret feminist or not a true MRA, but I’d like to know. Again, only if you know where to find that.

12 years ago

Steele, you know it doesn’t really hurts feminists’ feeling when you call them “misandrist”, right? That still doesn’t mean anything for us.

Of course I know this- you are explicitly anti-male; you hate men and are proud of it. Or at the very least, you believe men worth less than women; you deny that men have problems and issues on both a collective and individual level; and you laugh at men’s pain- this is all effectively anti-male. You are also proud of this and public about this.

I am naturally aware of all this; “misandrist” is just an accurately adjective.

12 years ago

I can’t yet rule out misandrist-feminist vile tricks- Futrelle altering the post, screenshot, hacking, etc.

And I thought you couldn’t sink any lower. Pathetic.

12 years ago

Well, as to the quote you’ve provided, I would perhaps prefer to discuss it with NWOslave himself. I can’t yet rule out misandrist-feminist vile tricks- Futrelle altering the post, screenshot, hacking, etc.

you already admitted you were lying about calling david a liar, and youre still pulling this shit? you lied, mikey, stop trying to blame other people for it.

remember yesterday when you were ranting about how taking people on faith was a sign of low intelligence? you can’t even keep your sadsack rationalizations consistent for two days.

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