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MarkyMark: “How blatantly MATRIARCHAL TV has gotten.”

Our dear old friend MarkyMark (not the actor/singer)  is back with more of his unique perspective on contemporary popular culture, which has apparently gotten way too friendly to the ladies. Here’s Marky:

[H]ow blatantly MATRIARCHAL TV has gotten.  I was watching the NASCAR race at Loudon, NH today … when the predictable commercials and TV show promos came on.  There was one show being promoted that, as far as I could tell, had all FEMALE characters; they were all women!  There were no main, male characters I could see in the promo.  The show was called Political Animals, and it’s on the USA Network.

Here’s an official promo picture for Political Animals.

I think Marky may need to get new glasses.

But no matter; Marky has seen all he needs to have an opinion.

When I saw the promo for it during the commercial break for my race, I was like wow, why would I even want to watch that crap?  They have some old crones starring it, one of whom is Sigourney Weaver.  Even when she was younger and more attractive, I couldn’t stand her; she was a bitch back in the day, and she’s a bitch now.  Only now that she’s an old crone, she’s even more, er, ‘charming’ than she was back when she starred in Working Girl, circa 1989.

Um, you do realize that in Working Girl she was playing a character? A character that wasn’t supposed to be charming?

Marky begins to reminisce about the good old days, before television was taken over by the Amazonian warriors of the Matriarchy.

Back in the day, USA Network had some unique shows on; they had stuff on that no one else had, which made them worth watching.  One of my favorites was Silk Stalkings, which I think originally ran on CBS, but I can’t be sure; other than sporting events, I haven’t watched network TV like CBS in ages.  Another favorite show of mine on USA Network was Pacific Blue, which was about bike cops in Santa Monica, California.  …

Then, over the years, USA Network changed; they no longer had the unique fare that had set them apart back in the 1990s. …

After seeing the promos for the new shows this fall, I don’t know; I don’t know that I’m missing anything by not having a TV at all.  I had a TV, but I gave it to Ma because I never USED the damn thing!  The things that I really want to see are available online, such as the racing.  If I want to watch QUALITY TV programs, then I can go to; that site has the old, classic TV shows that were, unlike today’s trash, actually worth watching.  I watched a couple of seasons of Adam-12 & Emergency! on that site-good, uplifting programming that showed men being men.  I think I might be better off getting a bike or scooter with my extra cash.  Either that, or I could start taking trips to Central & South America to meet some nice, hot women down there. 

Oh, dear.

In closing, TV, from the looks of it, has gone totally matriarchal.  They don’t even make a pretense of catering to men anymore-none!  Since there’s nothing for me to watch on there, why get a TV, let alone a cable or satellite hookup for the damn thing?!  Seriously, why bother watching it?  The races are increasingly available online; sites like Hulu & Netflix carry TV shows and movies.  To see things that appeal to me, I don’t need a TV.  No wonder why TV and the rest of the old media are dying!  Until next time…

Watching Adam-12 on your computer while muttering bitterly under your breath about the evil that is Sigourney Weaver – MGTOW activism at its finest!

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12 years ago

Just finished watching season 4 of Damages. Two kickass female leads. I recommend it. Better than season 3.

12 years ago

I’ll just be over here rewatching My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and thanking my lucky stars that I don’t have to deal with commercials anymore. That is the only point I will agree with here- mainstream traditional TV drives me up the wall. I like my fully customizable media experience, thank you very much.

12 years ago

Sorry for the string of posts here, but yeah, one of USA network’s two main “female” shows is centered on the premise that the CIA is using a female agent who hasn’t even finished her training as a “honey pot” lure to catch a rogue agent who she just happened to have had an affair with a few years earlier. Yeah, that’s seriously feminist right there. Makes me want to go back and watch Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs again.

12 years ago

MarkyMark probably thinks that shows about women whose CIA careers are all about being “honey pots” are feminist, because he’s an idiot.

12 years ago

I’ll believe television is matriarchal when there are more fat chicks in sitcoms that aren’t relegated to self-deprecating roles.

12 years ago

Yeah, too many women. Taking over. Sure. Say hello to your invisible friend, Mr. Confirmation Bias MarkyMark.

12 years ago


Otherwise, most of the USA series have male leads. Psych, White Collar, Monk (no longer running), Burn Notice, Suits, Royal Pains, Common Law. Their “female” shows seem to be Fairly Legal and Covert Affairs.

That says it all, right there, doesn’t it? As long as there is any one show on TV that doesn’t cater exclusively to the male POV (I don’t say ‘cater exclusively to men,’ because, hey, feminist man here, interested in seeing more quality female-led TV) –ANY ONE SHOW THAT IS NOT PATRIARCHAL IS UNACCEPTABLY MATRIARCHAL.

Any time he is not pandered to 100%, that constitutes an ugly loss.

That’s all we really need to know about these guys, right there in a nutshell.

12 years ago

“Either that, or I could start taking trips to Central & South America to meet some nice, hot women down there.”

I honestly don’t understand where people get the idea South American women are “nicer” than the average American/European woman. I’m a Brazilian woman and I’ll be the first to admit that there is a great disparity between the sexes here, more so than in the U.S. where I now live, but Brazilian/South American women are well aware of this, are fighting to change things and are becoming gradually less willing to accept the old patterns of conduct expected of them that used to rival 1950’s America.

If North American/European people believe they will come down to Brazil and get women to fall at their feet they are sorely mistaken.

Foreigners in Brazil have a reputation of making better husbands than Brazilian men because they are supposed to be more “forward”, for instance, thus I’ve seen several cases of less progressive foreigners being blatantly rejected by Brazilians exactly because they seem to be looking for a maid/nurse and not a companion.

[/rant] I’ve been meaning to post this for a very long time and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

12 years ago

I’ll believe television is matriarchal when there are more fat chicks in sitcoms that aren’t relegated to self-deprecating roles.

This x 1,000,000.

12 years ago


Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Repetitive misogynist is repetitive.

I wonder if he’s heard of Hulu and Netflix, purveyors of fine quality Internet Entertainment?

12 years ago

I would watch the shit out of matriarchal television programming, if it meant more realistic female roles.

12 years ago

Cos Two and a Half Men is really all about women. I don’t even know why they put “men” in the title.

12 years ago

If you want media without women in it, ever, just watch gay man porn. Even the most misogynist-oriented shows tend to assume the misogynists want to see sexy women so they can masturbate over them. *bridgepinch*

12 years ago

Netflix has old movies, and in some of those movies are actresses who, even if they were hot then, are now old, and therefore no longer boner-pleasing. Obviously this is misandry.

12 years ago

Is there anything that isn’t misandry?

12 years ago

Mark is blustering & not very intelligent. Considering how paranoid they are about their vile disrespectful secret writings online I am surprised he is still “blogging” at all…because…..his identity is known…

His blog doesn’t even upset me anymore. What a jerk.

12 years ago

Is there anything that isn’t misandry?

^This. And the short answer is no.

12 years ago

Not really matriarchal, more like gynocentric. Ya know like how all sitcoms the wife is always better in everyway than buffoonboy dad. Hell, even the 8 year old daughter outwits doofusdad and destroys her brainless brother regularly. Usually the sitcoms have the women and girls slapping the men and boys around as well.

Police/dectective drama’s abound. At besy ya might have one alpha guy at the top, but other than that, the women logic, compassion, courage and honor demolishes the mookmen. It’s quite spectacular watching those ladettes running down 250lb thugs while wearing high heels. After which they toss around the bad man like a rag doll. And always, always, always the criminal is a man and has either raped, beaten, stolen or killed an innocent woman. Man = bad. Woman = good, victim is the only theme in police/detective drama’s.

Movies are just more of the same. The news is nothing but a henhouse of racheal maddow wannabees. They just jibber jabber on with their fake emotion expressions, all of them acting so informed and intelligent. Just slap some pretty girl in a chair and have her yammer and it’s gospel. Don’t expect any respite from the standard fare during adverts. The deification of women is relentless, the goddess movement runs full steam 24/7.

12 years ago

Well, if cats are for ladies and dogs are for manly men, maybe dogs are not misandry?

12 years ago

“The news is nothing but a henhouse of racheal maddow wannabees.”

I’m curious about this filter that Slavey is running on his TV that makes all the male newscasters appear female to him.

12 years ago


“If North American/European people believe they will come down to Brazil and get women to fall at their feet they are sorely mistaken.”

Isn’t it amazing how much sexist/misogynistic tendencies can spill over into other -isms?

Your post is exactly why I have to laugh at the whole “find a ‘proper’ woman outside the US” strategy. If they’d actually acknowledge women as individuals, it’d be a lot harder to defend the ideal that women in other countries are “better” (here meaning “easier to manipulate”).

But if half the world’s population is all the same, then you’re quickly reduced to trite nationalist, racist, and cultural stereotypes.

12 years ago

It’s quite spectacular watching those ladettes running down 250lb thugs while wearing high heels. After which they toss around the bad man like a rag doll.

Try not to get too hot and bothered there.

12 years ago

NWO admits that most cop shows are lead by men, but the mere existence of female characters makes them “gynocentric.” Okay.

And we’ve already covered your bullshit sitcom “misandry” talking point on previous threads. Over and over again. Not our problem if you refuse to see the truth.