antifeminism douchebaggery false accusations hundreds of upvotes I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men rape rape jokes rapey reddit

Facepalm of the day: “10 Top Tips to End False Rape Accusations,” courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit

This lovely poster, meant as a sarcastic response to this “10 Top Tips to End Rape” poster, has gotten 759 upvotes in the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, 759 net upvotes. It’s actually gotten more than 1200 upvotes, and 450 downvotes. Because, clearly, trying to stop the small percentage of rape accusations that are false is totally so much more important than trying to stop rape itself. Mocking rape prevention programs and promoting a culture in which women (and men, and genderqueer people) are afraid to come forward with real stories of rape for fear of being harassed and ridiculed is really the only decent thing to do. Plus: Lulz!

Here one commenter explains the “logic” behind the poster:

The discussion is, well, what you’d expect from r/mensrights. But don’t worry: some people have stepped up to critique the poster.

That’s right, solidwhetstone, your rapey poster wasn’t rapey enough!

There is some



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12 years ago

The race baiting here also plays the “all women are white” game. You’re supposed to assume the woman’s white, even though interracial rape by men of color against white women is rare. White women’s word may be taken over the word of men of color in a variety of situations, women of color’s word is a very different story.

(There’s an article here w/a discussion of the differential treatment of white women vs. black women in rape cases

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

The 10 top tips to end rape list is even funnier than the parody. Like a rapist is going to read the list and have an epiphany and think “omg…what have I been doing with my life!”

Are you under the impression that a rapist is a separate species from other people? Like they’re born a rapist, destined to rape, from day 1?

But also, the “top ten tips” list isn’t really meant to instruct men. It’s meant to point out the problem with “rape prevention tips” that focus entirely on the victim’s behavior and erase the fact that the rapist is the one who really was capable of making better choices.

12 years ago

teaching, psycology, medical, politics, ect, where ever women dominate the price skyrockets and the quality plummets.

Still pulling everything out of your ass, I see.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Rape no longer means what it did prior to feminism coming on the scene 50 years ago. Get over it.

Oh hey, you’re right. Because we now recognize marital rape when prior to the 1980’s it was legally impossible for a husband to rape his wife. And we now recognize that men get raped. We also demand justice when we discover that institutions such as the Catholic church, or major schools like Penn State have been protecting and colluding with rapists. We do view rape differently than we did 50 years ago, and you’re the one who needs to get over it, bud.

12 years ago

Still pulling everything out of your ass, I see.

I’ve finally figured out what’s in Owly’s mind, a BRAINFAX machine producing mountains of assdata.

12 years ago

Ah, NWO, still as wrong as always.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Maybe you can the color pink to something and than bitch that it’s pink.

How hypocritical, indeed, that the female hivemind would do something and then disagree with itself.

I wonder if the Title IX quota system in STEM fields will fix the worlds ill’s that women have done such a stellar job with so far?

Slavey, you realize that Title IX means that boys can never get less than 50% of funding? If you think women are taking over, Title IX is keeping you safe!

…Then again, your understanding of Title IX is something along the lines of “Spermjack a false accusation alimony friendzone,” so I don’t really expect you to start understanding at this point.

12 years ago

Wow. Chuckles was so proud of his comment that he felt the need to repost it here. That’s kind of sad, really.

12 years ago

Then again, your understanding of Title IX is something along the lines of “Spermjack a false accusation alimony friendzone,” so I don’t really expect you to start understanding at this point.

I think the Rothschilds (or, “Rothchilds” to use the Slavish spelling) and the UN factor in somehow too.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Wow. Chuckles was so proud of his comment that he felt the need to repost it here. That’s kind of sad, really.

That would be like canning one’s fart for posterity, with the major disadvantage that you can’t light a comment on fire.

12 years ago

Well Chuckles’ comment did manage to get a rise out of me, I suppose I shouldn’t get so mad that rape apologists exist, but if there’s any fact that does anger me, it’s that.

12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy
“But also, the “top ten tips” list isn’t really meant to instruct men.”

And this top ten list is meant to point out the problem with “false accusation tips” that focus entirely on the victim’s behavior, (that’d be the falsely accused) and erase the fact that the lying false accuser is the one who really was capable of making better choices.
“Have you ever experienced the need to live in fear of being raped”

Well if we expand the definition of rape I guess I should be but I’m not. Add to that I’m twice as likely to be attacked and twice as likely to be murdered. And ya know what? I don’t fear either of them.

Are you a little baby afraid of the dark? Fear does not equal an actual crisis of any kind. People who have arsonphobia are have an irrational fear of fire, they get professional help. If you have this irrational fear of being raped you should see a shrink, probably shouldn’t go to a feminist shrink which might be hard to find these days, they’d only reinforce you irrational fear.

Since everyone here claims 99.999999% of men are just handy dandy and great to have around the odds of meeting anyone other than a stand up joe is infintesimal. Of course if ya go with slavering beast theory every man you meet is liable to jump your bones. Could be your dad, brother, whatever. Speaking of slavering beast theory, ya ever give that little lecture to dear old dad, Holly? Anyways, ya might meet some skeevy perv in an elevator whose got the audacity to talk to you, what a creep, but other than that, you’ll be safe as can be.

12 years ago


“Every man is a potential rapist.” Do you know why this principle exists? It’s not because every man commits rape at some time in his life. Every man has the power to do so however, and not every man knows just where to draw the line, what do you think gives you the right to say that rape doesn’t happen and yet false rape accusations for the benefit of the woman do? What makes you think that the world actually works that way?

12 years ago

I have an irrational fear that someone who calls himself NWOslave will show up and start posting cogent, rational arguments that are based in fact rather than bullshit. So far, I have not had to face this fear.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

And this top ten list is meant to point out the problem with “false accusation tips” that focus entirely on the victim’s behavior, (that’d be the falsely accused) and erase the fact that the lying false accuser is the one who really was capable of making better choices.

Oh yeah, because men are just bombarded with false accusation avoidance tips. Why, a man can’t walk down the street without being told he should have different clothes and a woman with him, if he doesn’t want to be false-rape-accused!

Of course if ya go with slavering beast theory every man you meet is liable to jump your bones. Could be your dad, brother, whatever. Speaking of slavering beast theory, ya ever give that little lecture to dear old dad, Holly?

God damn it, NWO, stop repeating the title of a post you didn’t read. (Or at least didn’t remotely understand.) Because it says the opposite of what you think it does, and every time you bring it up it’s really super annoying.

And yes, my dad could be a rapist. I don’t want to think it’s likely, but the converse–“because he is my father, he could never rape anyone” is absurd. A lot of rapists are somebody’s father.

12 years ago

Since everyone here claims 99.999999% of men are just handy dandy and great to have around the odds of meeting anyone other than a stand up joe is infintesimal. Of course if ya go with slavering beast theory every man you meet is liable to jump your bones.

There are no numbers between .000001 and 100.

12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy
” Slavey, you realize that Title IX means that boys can never get less than 50% of funding? If you think women are taking over, Title IX is keeping you safe!”

No, no, noooooo princess petunia. Read it again. It’s putting a cap on the number of students allowed to take those courses. Any college which want’s to continue getting federal funding, which is all of them, must comply with the Title IX ruling. It has nothing to do with grants.

In other words, if there are 20 women applicants for a class only 20 men are permitted to enroll in that class. If not enough women want to play at computer programming, the men can’t play either. Just like it did in sports for little boys. Aren’t ya proud? I guess Ozy’ll get her wish after all. The only things boys will be allowed to do is whatever girls want to do. They can all play dress up games.

12 years ago


My brother doesn’t live in fear of false rape accusations. Neither do my male friends. I know this because I ask them if they do and bring up other MRA talking points to them too, and while they, like all of us here, acknowledge that sometimes false accusations happen they still think MRAs are idiots.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I think one of the problems we’re having here is that NWO does not understand the concept of “maybe a rapist.” Either you’re calling all men rapists or you’re admitting that rape doesn’t exist.

0.00001 or 100, ladies! PICK ONE!

12 years ago

Why is Slavey so obsessed with crossdressing and how awful it is? Is he worried that if men wear capri pants his brain will go into “dog being taunted with fresh meat” mode?

(This makes me want to go dig out every visual kei crossdresser I can find. Wearing women’s clothes and Foreign! The horrors!)

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

In other words, if there are 20 women applicants for a class only 20 men are permitted to enroll in that class. If not enough women want to play at computer programming, the men can’t play either.

Yeah, nobody actually said that except the “Competitive Enterprise Institute” (they sound unbiased!), but whatever.

But just think! If the law is actually interpreted that way, men will get the chances they never had to become nurses and teachers!

12 years ago

In other words, if there are 20 women applicants for a class only 20 men are permitted to enroll in that class.

I was going to respond to this but that’s some seriously low-hanging fruit. I’ll let someone do it who’s funnier than me.

12 years ago

And,,,Cliff beat me to it.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

CassandraSays – It’s weird how NWO complains about men not being able to take advantage of those luxurious female office jobs and zero-work parenting roles, but the instant you offer to them he goes “EW YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME WEAR A DRESS!!!”