antifeminism douchebaggery false accusations hundreds of upvotes I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men rape rape jokes rapey reddit

Facepalm of the day: “10 Top Tips to End False Rape Accusations,” courtesy of the Men’s Rights subreddit

This lovely poster, meant as a sarcastic response to this “10 Top Tips to End Rape” poster, has gotten 759 upvotes in the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, 759 net upvotes. It’s actually gotten more than 1200 upvotes, and 450 downvotes. Because, clearly, trying to stop the small percentage of rape accusations that are false is totally so much more important than trying to stop rape itself. Mocking rape prevention programs and promoting a culture in which women (and men, and genderqueer people) are afraid to come forward with real stories of rape for fear of being harassed and ridiculed is really the only decent thing to do. Plus: Lulz!

Here one commenter explains the “logic” behind the poster:

The discussion is, well, what you’d expect from r/mensrights. But don’t worry: some people have stepped up to critique the poster.

That’s right, solidwhetstone, your rapey poster wasn’t rapey enough!

There is some



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12 years ago

This my be overly pedantic, but one does not need to be responsible for (or even involved in) an event to regret said event. So the whole “she just regretted it in the morning” thing doesn’t really hold up for me.

12 years ago

Excellent poster! It should be placed in all colleges and high school’s. Let’s put and end to the false rape culture we live by educating women to stop lying in order to excuse themselves for their action, aviod punishment, cheating, revenge, or even things as vile as trying to get out of paying a taxi cab fare by claiming rape.

This is just one of so many examples of the entitlement and total lack of fear women in the west have of doing or saying anything. All four of them would’ve happily had this man locked up for life without so much as a second thought. To further grasp the entitlement mentality of western women, one of these precious princesses called up the police station after the video had been released and said she was sorry for the trouble and she wouldn’t be pressing charges. That’s right she wasn’t going to be pressing charges.

The list of excuses and insane reasons are endless. Two things need to happen. Women need to be educated that their pussy is not be used as a weapon, as an excuse, for extorsion, for profit, for revenge, as a shield. This should be done in schools and colleges. The second thing that needs to happen is accountability. If any woman does use her pussy for any such thing she needs to be punished. Without the fear of punishment women will never stop.

If men are being educated on the do’s and don’t of their sexuality. Women should be educated on the do’s and don’ts of their sexuality as well.

12 years ago

Three of these (1, 6, and 8) are pretty explicitly about them thinking it’s okay to rape drunk women and rape people too drunk to consent. Six is just basically saying “rape isn’t rape”. As usual, “false” accusations are really totally genuine accusations of a type of rape that MRAs think they should be allowed to do.

MRA: How dare women falsely accuse me of rape when I rape them!

12 years ago

I wonder if the Reddit guy who is talking about the anti-false-rape poster being condescending has any idea of what the real poster is about, since the original is supposed to be condescending and facile–to turn the (condescending, unnecessarily restrictive, ineffective) advice women get about avoiding rape around onto men.

12 years ago

Oh, it’s supposed to be a parody? I wondered what the fuck was up with the whistle.

Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte)

Really, if a woman doesn’t want to be labeled a drunk slut, then the last thing she’ll do is to come out about a rape. Nothing gets you labeled “drunk slut” faster. Indeed, the main reason women don’t report rapes is because of the auto-label “drunk slut”.

12 years ago

Here’s my comment that I posted there:

I think that an eleventh should be added:

“Rape no longer means what it did prior to feminism coming on the scene 50 years ago. There is, of course, no excuse for anyone to rape, just as there is no excuse for anyone to pull your ponytail or shout obscenities at you. These days, rape has all the gravity of a bad-hair day. If you are a slut who threw away her honor years ago and you really did experience rape in any of its forms, like date-rape, or changed-my-mind rape, or take-back-the-night rape, or full-moon rape, then no matter what the outcome of your accusations, you just need to get over it and move on.”

You might want to condense this, but it might be misunderstood (give it time, another decade or two or three and they’ll eventually get it):

“Rape no longer means what it did prior to feminism coming on the scene 50 years ago. Get over it.”

12 years ago

“I was reading the Christian Mens Defense Network. Brent is a bitter divorced guy due to adultery on his wife’s part, and probably domestic violence on his part,”

Just out of curiosity, how did you come to the conclusion of DV on his part? The adultery seems to be factual. Why the casual false accusation of DV? Why not one just as casual that the ex-wife committed DV. A casual assumption of a man being guilty. Why is that?

For all the claims of the gang being equal, if I would’ve dared made such a casual assumption about a woman it’d be a clearcut case of misogyny. Let the excuses begin.
“98% of rape prevention tips are focused on what women need to do to avoid being raped.”

Really? That would mean that for everytime men are forced to take the, “she fears you,” indoctrination women would need to take 49 similar classes in reverse. Is that the case?
@Tulgey Logger
“But naturally, BROs continue to confuse the exception for the rule and whine about the 2% that say “don’t rape anybody,”

Only 2% of men, or BROs as you so eloquently put it live by the rule to not rape? Well, it’s a bigger problem than I thought. Would that be another CDC statistic? They are quite reliable.
“I don’t find it condescending, just your typical MRA jackassery that I will disregard after reading this post.”

Who you still find it jackassery if a man like your father/brother or some man you might care about is locked away for a false charge and ass raped for real in prison?
“This my be overly pedantic, but one does not need to be responsible for (or even involved in) an event to regret said event. So the whole “she just regretted it in the morning” thing doesn’t really hold up for me.”

The link I provided in my previous post shows an event doesn’t have to exist. It’s simply what any woman feels at at particular moment in time.
“Three of these (1, 6, and 8) are pretty explicitly about them thinking it’s okay to rape drunk women and rape people too drunk to consent.”

More than likey during drunk sex both partries are equally smashed. Women as well as everyone here like to claim men and women are the same and sex is something equally shared, yet once any regret on a womans part occurs sex is suddenly something men do, “to” women. Why is that?

12 years ago

I seriously wish these asshats would stop trying to co-opt Brian Banks. People in the MRM movement don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves and their “pain” of no longer being able to be abusive asshats without suffering the conquences. It’s shitty of them to erase examples of racism just to further their myths.

That’s the main reason why I couldn’t even look at the poster for more than 5 seconds. Just…fuck you people, seriously (directed at r/mensrights, not you folks).

12 years ago

What’s this, the MRM coopting the plight of men of colour? Surely this is an aberration? Fucking dickwads!

12 years ago

That is some sick crap. Makes me glad I’m a lesbian.

12 years ago

Chuckybiscuits, you are a laugh riot. Why don’t you get over the fact that you and your MRA brethren just can’t rape the way you want to?

12 years ago

Shadow, they only care about men of color when it’s convenient. Otherwise, they think MOCs are just “thugs.”

12 years ago

These days, rape has all the gravity of a bad-hair day. If you are a slut who threw away her honor years ago and you really did experience rape in any of its forms, like date-rape, or changed-my-mind rape, or take-back-the-night rape, or full-moon rape, then no matter what the outcome of your accusations, you just need to get over it and move on.

People have the right to their bodily autonomy and physical safety, always. People are not merchandise who are worth less once they are “used*.” Your comment just says that you think rape victims are things and not people.

*not that I would think anyone was “used” because they had sex, obviously

12 years ago

Ha ha, Owly is pooping in Toysoldier’s comments now.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

It’s pretty fucking creepy that Chucky puts date rape on his list of heee-larious “fake rapes” like “full-moon rape”. Apparently once you go on a date with someone you’re just a whiny feminist if you try not to have sex with them?

…You know that if everyone believed that, pretty much no women would go on first dates ever?

12 years ago

What an evil, misguided bitch. I am so angry…..

Oh fuck off with the slurs against women please if you are going to be prowomen’s rights mkay?

12 years ago

Oh no. Cliff, you said the c-word! Which is much worse than cheerleading for date rape.

12 years ago

“Shadow, they only care about men of color when it’s convenient. Otherwise, they think MOCs are just “thugs.”

The matriarchal ghetto is soley women’s gift the the black population. It’s your utopia, you created it. Now go clean it up. You gals have made a real shithole of the entire western world. I wonder if the Title IX quota system in STEM fields will fix the worlds ill’s that women have done such a stellar job with so far?

Here’s another leg up ladettes, no doubt followed by a scintillating study of how women are dominating yet another field. teaching, psycology, medical, politics, ect, where ever women dominate the price skyrockets and the quality plummets. Innovations should come to a standstill. Maybe you can the color pink to something and than bitch that it’s pink. Oh the innovations. Maybe if ya cry about it online somebody’ll drop 160K in your lap and make video’s about how great women are and how bad men are. That appears to be women’s true calling.

12 years ago


I don’t think I’ve ever heard of men of colour being claimed by the MRM. Even when they want to complain about the “ghetto” and ” welfare queens” it’s always “I’ve heard black men” or “Even black men”. Then when something like Brian Banks happens it’s all “This is the plight of men everywhere!!! This is why my middle-class White ass is part of “the greatest social justice movement since the civil rights”!!!”. Like red_locker said, they just completely erase the racism. I still don’t know how someone like AntZ can sit there and think these people are his allies *smh*

12 years ago

Well, hey, the MRA tendency to appropriate the experiences of black men when convenient goes nicely with their tendency to appropriate the experience of soldiers, miners, fishermen, etc. You can’t say they’re not consistent.

12 years ago

“Rape no longer means what it did prior to feminism coming on the scene 50 years ago. Get over it.”

Have you ever experienced the need to live in fear of being raped, Have you ever felt like you couldn’t go out at night without a man there just because of the threat, no? I didn’t think so, you privilege-blind asshat.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Well, hey, the MRA tendency to appropriate the experiences of black men when convenient goes nicely with their tendency to appropriate the experience of soldiers, miners, fishermen, etc. You can’t say they’re not consistent.

Well, it is a little inconsistent when they’re buddy-buddy with all the white supremacists on In Mala Fide, and even the slightly less radical ones have no problem ranting about “thugboys” and how they’re going to go buy a “non-Western woman” to keep as a pet.

But they sure will stick up for a black man in this case! So long as nobody acknowledges his race could have had anything to do with it!

12 years ago

The 10 top tips to end rape list is even funnier than the parody. Like a rapist is going to read the list and have an epiphany and think “omg…what have I been doing with my life!”