antifeminism evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles rape Tom Martin whores

Tom Martin, UK MRA: Child prostitutes should be prosecuted for “preying” on pedophiles

[Trigger Warning: Child rape]

Tom Martin is doubling down on his own reprehensibleness. You may recall the utterly repellant things the prominent British Men’s Rights Activist – he’s the guy who sued the London School for Economics for “misandry” and got his case thrown out – has been saying in the comments here about child prostitutes, and which I highlighted in a recent post.

Now he has returned with some even worse comments. Here’s his “solution” to the problem of child prostitution. (Emphasis mine.)

Pedophiles should be removed from society and given compassionate treatment for their illness.

Child prostitutes should be put back in school, or if repeat offenders, prosecuted for attempting to profit by preying on the mentally ill pedo population.

Pedos have an incentive not to re-offend – to keep their liberty, and avoid a secure treatment unit.

Child prostitutes should face a choice between their freedom (apart from when at school), or, if they continue avoiding school to go whoring, then incarceration and school.

In another comment, Martin suggests that child prostitutes are economic free agents just maximizing their profit potential:

The child prostitutes say they’re not victims.

And the fact they take money off a punter for sex, says it’s not really rape.

Pimps are not controllers, they are in truth merely agents for the prostitute, so don’t blame them exclusively either.

I’m calling manboobzers human whores. A trait shared with animals, but one humans have the cognitive powers, awaredness, and choice to transcend.

If your 10 year old doesn’t know what a whore is, but is one, then something’s wrong with that kid’s education. Perhaps they’ve been reading manboobz articles and taking Cuntrelle literally in between poundings.

Tom Martin: Worst person in the world?

(Note: Tom Martin has confirmed that this is indeed him posting comments here on Man Boobz by sending an email from the account associated with his website Also, he’s retweeted quotes from his comments here. Contact him via his web site if you are skeptical.)

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12 years ago

Also, John Rambo, if you think that natural sexual desire consists of a grown man wanting a young girl, you don’t know what desire is. What you’re desiring is power over another person, not sex. There are a hundred different ways to desire, and the vast majority of them are not harmful to the person being wanted. I feel sorry for you that you don’t seem to experience any of them.

12 years ago

Re: John Rambo

And how do you explain the cougar phenomenon? (Like it’s a goddamn phenomenon. *eyeroll*)

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Men should be allowed to MARRY a girl as long as 12.”

You know, that’s the crux of where all this shit fails, that right there. Men…girls. If teenage girls were at prime reproductive years, so would be boys. Not grown men, but boys of the same age.

Frankly though, evolution’s thing about teenagers being “prime” probably has a hell of a lot more to do with the average life span for a few thousand years of human evolution, not really an issue any more.

As for child brides being happier, that must be why so many kill themselves, run away, or plead for amnesty as emigrants / refugees. Go google Indian bride burning and get back to us on whether that’s better than “feminazi” divorce.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

No need to bother us just because American women quite rightly won’t give you the time of day.

Not to mention Australian, Japanese, English, Indian, Egyptian, New Zealand, Mexican, Irish, Malaysian, Icelandic, Argentine, Zimbabwean, Moroccan, South African, Scots, Peruvian … how many countries are there in the world again? 197 isn’t it?

12 years ago

Kitteh’s: LOL, but he is specifically boycotting US women. That’s OK though, I belong to Boycott Assholes, so it’s all good.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hellkell – yeah, I know he is, I just wanted to remind him that he might as well give up because the rest of the world’s women won’t want to know him either. 😀

12 years ago


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Mr Rambo “boycotting American women” reminds me of the Romney son saying “Yeah, well, Dad didn’t want that crummy Presidency anyway!”

12 years ago

This depresses me since I currently have cramps. I am 39 and would like those to stop soon, please.

The whole “boycott American women” thing is so transparently a cover for “go to a country that’s so poor that you can prey on its young girls without punishment”.

12 years ago

Curse you, blockquotes. The bit I meant to quote was “At 49, I am more fertile than the average 12-year-old because I have periods”.

12 years ago

There was nothing natural about being sold into marriage at the age of six or eight or twelve.
Fred at Slacktivist has been doing a daily post on Biblical marriage that will turn your hair ever since that chick fil a dood claimed that that is what he believes in.

12 years ago

I’m sorry about your cramps, Cassandra.

12 years ago

Also, if we’re going with onset of menstruation as the recommended marriage age, I got my period at 9. John, if you say that men should be allowed to marry 9 year olds then I will seriously consider setting up a registry of internet pedophiles named after you. We can call it John’s List.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’m sorry about those cramps, Cassandra. I hope they do clear up soon. Mine got worse once I hit perimenopause a few months back. There’s a good specific antiinflammatory for them here, Ponstan, though it’s prescription-only, which is a pain in the wallet.

Yeah, isn’t it extra skeevy that John the Pervo turns up talking about marriage on a thread that’s about Tom Martin talking about ten year old prostitutes? Fertility my eye.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Gah. That turned into a My Stuff comment when it was meant to be “this is the name of a pill that might be worth knowing about”! 🙁

12 years ago

RE: CassandraSays

Screw nine. I knew someone with precocious puberty. Age of six, I think. My ma had a similar issue.

Anyone who thinks puberty = ability to consent obviously hasn’t thought very hard.

Also… WTF fertility? That’s bollocks. If it was all about fertility, there’d be no gay people. There’d be no kinks for latex. People would be unable to have sex, because contraception would be such a buzzkill.

11 years ago

Tom Martin is NOT an MRA. David is lying here. Notice how he didnt show anywhere that Tom Martin called himself an MRA. Tom Martin is a feminist, he identifies as a feminist.

10 years ago

Calling for the arrest of prostituted children is “feminist”? Making apology for men who prey on children is “feminist”? Letting pimps off the hook is “feminist”? Calling a man a cunt (or anyone else for that matter) is “feminist”?

Wow, PC4, you have a bizarre idea of what feminism entails.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

LOL LOL a Tom Martin fanboy necros a thread to talk shit?

Yeah, right, sonny. Tell you what, go ask Tommy boy what happened to his famous video project.

10 years ago

Actually he may not be a MRA, as in Paul Elam tier MRA. He is what we call an “equalist” or “egalitarian”, a guy who thinks that in any given oppressive or abusive situation both sides are equally at fault. When it’s not the case (and it’s nearly always the case), the equalist insists that people must pretend that both sides are to blame, in order to avoid hurting the oppressor’s feelings. The logic behind Martin’s brainfart is that of a tumblr egalitarian.

9 years ago

Oh … My … Dear … God … This guy is so out of his mind. It scares me that people harbouring such sick views are walking the earth.
I would Want to See what *choice* Tom would make when he would be one of these starving taiwanese street children … Yeah go on! Comfort that poor seduced pedo who needs Therapy (or at least childsex for free) and throw that EVIL 10 year old into jail for seducing and taking Money from this poor pedo sap. Let the prison guards rape her to death and rule it as suicide /homicide. Thank you Tom for Teaching us to hate men like you!

9 years ago

check out his twitter. been goin to town on the poor lil guy. it’s pretty hilarious fucking with him. he prides himself on not knowing anything lol

also re: ytsuken

That’s not what egalitarian actually means. Feminism is egalitarian. People who think the dictionary is a good source for understanding complex concepts have misconstrued what egalitarianism actually means. It’s pretty annoying to watch ignorant bigots destroy the language :

Chris O
Chris O
9 years ago

NWO, what planet do you live on?

I don’t know, but let’s send him back there post haste.

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