antifeminism evil women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles rape Tom Martin whores

Tom Martin, UK MRA: Child prostitutes should be prosecuted for “preying” on pedophiles

[Trigger Warning: Child rape]

Tom Martin is doubling down on his own reprehensibleness. You may recall the utterly repellant things the prominent British Men’s Rights Activist – he’s the guy who sued the London School for Economics for “misandry” and got his case thrown out – has been saying in the comments here about child prostitutes, and which I highlighted in a recent post.

Now he has returned with some even worse comments. Here’s his “solution” to the problem of child prostitution. (Emphasis mine.)

Pedophiles should be removed from society and given compassionate treatment for their illness.

Child prostitutes should be put back in school, or if repeat offenders, prosecuted for attempting to profit by preying on the mentally ill pedo population.

Pedos have an incentive not to re-offend – to keep their liberty, and avoid a secure treatment unit.

Child prostitutes should face a choice between their freedom (apart from when at school), or, if they continue avoiding school to go whoring, then incarceration and school.

In another comment, Martin suggests that child prostitutes are economic free agents just maximizing their profit potential:

The child prostitutes say they’re not victims.

And the fact they take money off a punter for sex, says it’s not really rape.

Pimps are not controllers, they are in truth merely agents for the prostitute, so don’t blame them exclusively either.

I’m calling manboobzers human whores. A trait shared with animals, but one humans have the cognitive powers, awaredness, and choice to transcend.

If your 10 year old doesn’t know what a whore is, but is one, then something’s wrong with that kid’s education. Perhaps they’ve been reading manboobz articles and taking Cuntrelle literally in between poundings.

Tom Martin: Worst person in the world?

(Note: Tom Martin has confirmed that this is indeed him posting comments here on Man Boobz by sending an email from the account associated with his website Also, he’s retweeted quotes from his comments here. Contact him via his web site if you are skeptical.)

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12 years ago

The next hurdle for a politician is that the public doesn’t like adulterers. They don’t in the US, that might be different elsewhere.

François Mitterrand famously said something to the effect that not only did he not mind if any of his ministers were adulterers, he’d be more suspicious if they didn’t keep a mistress.

Which is an attitude that remains widespread in France, which was why there was such a bizarre culture clash over l’affaire DSK last year – and he might well be President now if that hadn’t happened.

12 years ago

Speaking sort-of of Eivind Berge, anything new with -him-?

It’s just been confirmed that the police have extended his detention by another four weeks.

That article has one detail I hadn’t heard before: apparently he was arrested at his mother’s house. I wonder what she made of his blog?

(Of course, she might not understand English, but that’s pretty unusual for a Norwegian.)

12 years ago


Your comparisons aren’t valid. If an adult was employing someone underage illegally, or contracting them to undertake illegal work, they, not the child, would be prosecuted, and rightly so.

Here’s the thing, exploiting people is bad: exploiting children is even worse.

Why do MRAs have such difficulty in recognizing this?

12 years ago

“Why do MRAs have such difficulty in recognizing this?”

It’s not a matter of recognition, it’s a matter of accountability. A 15 year old is accountable for their actions when they do something wrong for everything outside of sex.

If they drink and ask an adult to buy it for them. The adult was wrong, but so was the 15 year old. The 15 year old is still punished, the adult is punished more harshly.

Prostitution is illegal. If a 15, 16, 17 year old girl, with no pimp simply goes out at night on her own and offers sex for money. Anytime she’s asked, “How old are you?” She replies, “18.” One night a cop catches her and a man and the man is arrested and serves 6 months. She gets no punishment. She simply goes out again, another man is arrested and he get’s 6 months. She isn’t punished. She goes out again, another man is arrested, this judge is sick of all the bad men and gives the man 7 years. The girl goes out again and again and again.

When there is no punishment, what’s to stop anyone from doing anything? If you told me it’s wrong to rob a bank but if I get caught I won’t be punished, I’m gonna rob the bank. When the worst I’ll recieve is, “Awww, git on outta here ya little scamp. It’s not your fault.” There ain’t no way in the world I wouldn’t be robbing banks whenever my previous stash of cash ran out.

Basically what you’re saying is, children, (those under 18), are accountable for all their actions or they’ll be punished. Except they won’t be punished for any sexual misconduct like prostitution.

12 years ago

NWO, what planet do you live on? Teen prostitutes go to juvenile jail. Also, what would you have the penalty be for boy teen prostitutes? You are assuming they do not exist, but they do.

12 years ago

(side note: was previously posting as Molly McGee, will be sticking with this name).

First of all, there is a large discrepancy in the punishment handed out by the Courts in terms of female prostitutes and male “Johns”. The women are given much more severe penalties (see this study in Denver -though it deals with adult prostitutes and not minors-

With regard to underaged (ie., under 18) prostitutes I think you have a drastically uninformed view about how most underaged girls (AND boys) end up becoming prostitutes. They are coerced and abused. It is in nooooooo way comparable to a 15 year old kid choosing to go for a joy ride).

Here’s an article (part one of a series) that discusses the realities of child trafficking/prostitution.

12 years ago

“When there is no punishment, what’s to stop anyone from doing anything? If you told me it’s wrong to rob a bank but if I get caught I won’t be punished, I’m gonna rob the bank. When the worst I’ll recieve is, “Awww, git on outta here ya little scamp. It’s not your fault.” There ain’t no way in the world I wouldn’t be robbing banks whenever my previous stash of cash ran out.”

You realize that this is because you are a deplorably amoral person, right?

12 years ago

If you told me it’s wrong to rob a bank but if I get caught I won’t be punished, I’m gonna rob the bank.

NWO’s moral compass, in a nutshell.

12 years ago

She gets no punishment.

What fucking fantasy land does NWO live in that a 15 year old girl picked up by the cops for prostitution gets no punishment?

12 years ago

The fantasy land wherein the fact that he’s not allowed to punish women and girls for everything, means they never get punishing for anything.

12 years ago

*get punished

12 years ago

He seems to have forgotten the whole women punching each other on the nose thing this time, I wonder why?

12 years ago

What fantasy land is NWO in where a john would actually get six months?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

The Owlyverse clearly doesn’t have NPR, NWO, go read the link indifferentsky gave you, it isn’t that long — you’ll find the cops were arresting the teenaged girls, because it was much easier than catching johns.

12 years ago

If you told me it’s wrong to rob a bank but if I get caught I won’t be punished, I’m gonna rob the bank. When the worst I’ll recieve is, “Awww, git on outta here ya little scamp. It’s not your fault.” There ain’t no way in the world I wouldn’t be robbing banks whenever my previous stash of cash ran out.

Really now? Well I for one am shocked, shocked I tell you that NWO’s much maligned Christian faith wouldn’t prevent him from doing something he knows is wrong.

They exhibited themselves as righteous on account of being scrupulous keepers of the law, but were in fact not righteous: their mask of righteousness hid a secret inner world of ungodly thoughts and feelings. They were full of wickedness. They were like whitewashed tombs, beautiful on the outside, but full of dead men’s bones. (Matt 23:27-28)

They professed a high regard for the dead prophets of old, and claimed that they would never have persecuted and murdered prophets, when in fact they were cut from the same cloth as the persecutors and murderers: they too had murderous blood in their veins. (Matt 23:29-36)

12 years ago

If you told me it’s wrong to rob a bank but if I get caught I won’t be punished, I’m gonna rob the bank. When the worst I’ll recieve is, “Awww, git on outta here ya little scamp. It’s not your fault.” There ain’t no way in the world I wouldn’t be robbing banks whenever my previous stash of cash ran out.

I’m really starting to see Owly’s problem with Big Daddy Government

12 years ago

Argenti: Anyone not NWO know if — “A 15 year old girl can’t drink she’ll be punished if she does. If someone over 21 buys her alcohol they’ll be punished more harshly but she’ll still be punished.” — is even true? I know “buying cigarettes for minors will cost you” but afaik the minor is going to get lectured, not arrested…

I can speak to Calif. To “pass” alcohol to a minor is a more serious offense than to be the minor with alcohol. This is because (so the theory goes) the adult is aware that what is being done is wrong, in a way the minor isn’t.

It’s also because the adult is supposed to know the effects of alcohol more than the minor, and so is engaging in a criminal negligence.

This is a bit flawed, as a theory, when the “minor” in question is, in all other respects, a legal adult.

Of course NWO says It’s not a matter of recognition, it’s a matter of accountability. A 15 year old is accountable for their actions when they do something wrong for everything outside of sex.

Which isn’t really true. If a minor takes a job, doing sales, they aren’t punished at all for it. Just made to stop working; even though such work is illegal.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Pecunium — I was more questioning it about, you know, actual minors, but thanks for the answer all the same. That last sentence, about jobs in general, is probably more relevant than drinking/alcohol laws anyways.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Can we make argumentum ad youtube(m) a thing? (youtubem would be a 3rd declension noun)

If you’re going to drop random videos, make them cats, or music, or something. Like this —

Anyone want some of that violin?

gingersnaps/whataboutthemoonz — that isn’t just fulfilling your request for Enchant, that’s one of my favorite EA songs

John Rambo
John Rambo
12 years ago

How is pedophilia wrong? It’s NATURAL for men to want women when women are at their most fertile ages (ages 12 to 24). God designed women to be most attractive during the same time that they are at peak fertility. Coincidence? Or Intelligent Design?

I am against child prostitution, but I am very supportive of the concept that women should marry very young. In India, it used to be natural for women to get married as young as 12. And guess what? Such women were far happier than the modern liberated feminazis of today.

Men should be allowed to MARRY a girl as long as 12.

This is acceptable according to all the world’s great religions.

John Rambo
Boycott American Women.

12 years ago

john, we’re delighted to have your post. i have a few questions to ask
1) religious justification for pedophilia ticks a point off your argument unless you’re taking this up with the pope
2) could you ask all the 12-14 year old mothers who have had to have C sections because their pelvises were too narrow to even birth a child how naturally fertile they were at that age, please? we would be delighted to hear of your findings.
3) “Such women were far happier than the modern liberated feminazis of today.” how many ancient indian preteens in arranged marriages have you asked about this? can you show me the poll results and compare their level of satisfaction to that of today’s modern liberated feminazis? thanks john, keep rockin
4) your intelligent design statement could be taken by any chump walking down the street and changed to fit their own personal fetish – i could argue that women with a larger proportion of body fat are naturally more attractive because fat creates larger hips and breasts, symbolizing fertility, and is an indicator that the woman doesn’t have any shortage of things for the man to eat. but i’m sure one of the reasons why you boycott american women is because they’re so big and fat and hairy. even though women are also naturally hairy. correct?
5) why is it that prepubescent or early adolescent girls can often suffer internal damage from sexual intercourse? is that just another indicator of their superior fertility?

Boycott International Fedoras

12 years ago

It’s NATURAL for men to want women when women are at their most fertile ages (ages 12 to 24).

At 49, I am more fertile than the average 12-year-old because I have periods, and the average 12-year-old does not.

Also, you have forgotten about one of the people in this “ideal” relationship – her. What about what’s best for her? It’s not marrying an older man.

If you want to know how actual young girls feel about marrying older men, read any memoir written by a women in the FLDS. I can recommend Escape and Church of Lies. Read both of those and get back to us.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

why do MRAs and pedophiles keep necroing old threads

why why why

12 years ago

John, thanks for shitting on a dead rug with your oppressive, retrograde, pedophillic assdata. No need to bother us just because American women quite rightly won’t give you the time of day.