The other day we took a look at some of the more reprehensible opinions of Tom Martin, one of the UK’s most prominent Men’s Rights Activists and a man who evidently believes that child prostitutes are taking the easy way out to avoid having to get real jobs. He returned with even worse stuff, which I highlighted in my previous post.
Happily for all of us, not all of Martin’s views are this reprehensible. Many are merely ridiculous. So, today, let’s look at the Lighter Side of Tom Martin, as evidenced by some of his recent comments here on Man Boobz.
Martin apparently spent last Sunday working on a video project which involved him buttonholing passers-by on the streets of London and asking them questions in order to “prove” his various crackpot theories about gender. Here’s how he explained one aspect of his video research:
After shooting my video experiment tomorrow to discover who is more sexist on the street, women or women, I will be shooting another short, investigating if there is a correlation between unfunny women and prostitution ethic. I believe women could be as funny as men on average if they tried, but instead, invest in whoring strategies. I have a reliable street experiment to investigate this hypothesis also …
If I can establish that women can be as funny as men (in a zero prostitution environment), then this video experiment will be released in a news piece, and used as a springboard to pre-sell the feature-length documentary it will form a part of, on a related topic.
Good luck with that!
Martin also took on the contentious (to him) subject of male baldness, a topic of intense interest to him, due to certain factors with regard to gender and misandry … er, long story short, he’s bald. Sorry, balding.
After one commenter here suggested that Martin’s ambition was to become a sort of “Ann Coulter … with less hair and more swearing,” he took umbrage – not at the comparison to Coulter but at the bit about hair.
Well Cassandra, there are five new baldness treatments in the pipeline, but no drugs for treating a receding personality, so what are you going to do?
In a followup comment, the man whose favorite word in the English language is “whore,” used as an insult, declared we were being a bunch of evil meanies for even mentioning the whole (lack of) hair thing:
Cassandra, thanks to your receding personality (for which there is already a cure – renunciation therapy), I have decided for my filmed experiment tomorrow to also measure the degree to which each sex is prepared to make physical insults about the other sex.
Even if you specifically were fat for instance, and it was all your own fault because you refuse to get a job, I would never mention it in a debate with you. I debated an obese woman once. She ordered a pizza whilst we were still on stage, but I did not refer to it at the time, because of the most basic standards of decorum.
This I believe was an attempt at a joke.
How many manboobzers are prepared now to concur that Cassandra was being a douche by picking on an involuntary physiological characteristic of a debating opponent? And then encouraging others to do the same?
Of course, in Martin’s mind, mocking women as fat whores is totally cool, because:
Fatness is a choice, ladies, and so is being a whore. Going bald (currently) is not, due to poor efficacy of available treatments, including transplants. That will change, if Aderans, Histogen, Replicel, Allergen and Tsuji-Lab among others have anything to do with it. All you need to do in the meantime is shut the fuck up until they sort it out. The apparent acceptability of attacking the bald though, is a great example of the lack of equality men have. People do not generally attack or humiliate women who are going bald – but when it’s a man…
Uh, yeah, that’s why virtually every bald or balding woman wears a hat or a wig, while bald or balding men just comb it over or shave it all off.
Evidently Martin feels that even a mention of his lack of hair is some kind of hate crime. Here, prominent Bald Rights Activist Larry David tries to convince authorities to investigate a similar hate crime against him.
Note to Martin: Larry David’s show, “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is fictional.
(Note: Tom Martin has confirmed that this is indeed him posting comments here on Man Boobz by sending an email from the account associated with his website Sexismbusters.org. Also, he’s retweeted quotes from his comments here. Contact him via his web site if you are skeptical.)
David has not lied to us or sockpuppeted. You did both.
We believe the person who has told the truth in the past, did not believe the person who lied in the past.
It is telling that you think we should be dumb enough to believe your dumb lies, it tells us that you are kind of stupid, despite your protestations of extreme intelligence.
if you stop to think about it it’s kind of depressing tho that mikey’s new line of attack is ‘you trusted another person. how stupid is that?’
seriously mikey, this obsession is not good for you
Between his “if you catch me in a lie, I go into attack mode” tactics and his “I’ll keep arguing until you agree just to make it stop” tactics, his attractive lady friend must be having just a wonderful time with him.
I mean, he seems like the sort of man you could totally have a “hey, something you did bothered me” conversation with and not get shouted down until you ended up sorry you said anything.
Regardless, I maintain that Boobzland requires the injection of compassion and truth. If I had to adopt a moniker to further said goal, so be it.
@Tom Martin:
“Statutory rape of a child is different from real child rape.”
Just cause that is your opinion, does not make it so… just like repeatedly insisting kids have the same mental capacity as adults doesn’t make it so.
“And a Brazilian high court has just ruled, that a man having sex with a prostitute who is underage, should not be treated as if he has raped or charmed any 12 year old, but the 12 year old’s behaviour has to be taken into account”
Then Brazil is totally fucked up. Maybe you should move there. Seems like your kind of scene.
And Futrelle’s smear campaign consisted of what, exactly?
it’s not a smear, dude. it’s an accurate statement of what you did.
and it’s not a campaign. david said it once. it was you who repeated it over and over in increasingly whiny detail.
@Steele/Varphole/Torvus Butthorn 🙂
“But I hardly think I was the one who came out of it looking the worse.”
Um, yes you did. That may have something to do with you being a woman hating, cowardly, and paranoid buttplug.
“It’s you who dismiss and ignore men’s pain and men’s issues, you vile jackass.”
We do no such thing. You create imaginary pain and issues, and blame them all on women, which detracts from the real problems men face, such as racism, poverty, gangs, prison rape, and man on man violent crime. These problems cause drastically more pain to men than your pet issues of false rape accusations and imprisonment for child support debt, yet the MRM is largely silent on them. When we refuse to play along and pretend to see your imaginary pain and issues, you say that we are ignoring men’s pain, and therefore – misandry!. We are doing no such thing. We simply think you’re talking out of your ass to support your woman hating agenda.
says the self confessed liar
Regardless, I maintain that Boobzland requires the injection of compassion and truth. If I had to adopt a moniker to further said goal, so be it.
Sure I lied, but I did it to bring you peons the truth!
Apparently compassion is best expressed by being really, really tedious. Who knew?
also by blaming other people for your lack of self-control
Wow, Steelepole really is the hero of his silly little drama, isn’t he? I almost feel bad making fun of someone who is this deluded about his own significance. Almost.
Okay. Now, admittedly, I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine but I think I just laughed so hard that I sprained something.
Let me get this straight Steele: with several days of Tom Martin’s beliefs on child prostitution -his actual, quotable comments on 10 year olds in impoverished countries being exploited by sex tourism- this is the best that the MRM as represented by you can come up with in response? Really?
So it’s safe to say that you’re calling Tom Martin a prostitute, correct?
Bathrobe, I appreciate your condescending sympathy, but the fact is, I quite enjoy my successful life. It’s not needed.
But I’m also someone who recognizes, from an objective standpoint, the misandry in our society, which is why I support the Movement.
So it’s safe to say that you’re calling Tom Martin a prostitute, correct?
In a sense, I suppose I am.
One would think you’d want to adopt a mantle of compassion and truth, but that’s just not your style, is it, Buck Steele?
It wasn’t condescending sympathy, it was sarcasm, Steelepole. If your life really is that successful, why devote so much of it trying to get our attention? Surely an ubermensch such as yourself has better things to do?
Steele’s use of the word “vile” gets funnier every time.
Blog host says that someone is sockpuppeting, longtime readers believe him – vile. Even though he was telling the truth.
The truth is misandry (if it makes Steele look like a dumbass).
Not nearly as funny as his claiming to be able to see things from an “objective standpoint”, though.
Vile slanderer. I never claimed to be an ubermensch; nothing but a strawman. I’m merely happy with my current circumstances.
And here’s a long history of statutory rape law debates and precedents in the US, with radical feminism’s position (“with girl children, everything is rape”) versus liberal feminism (“teenage girls like sex just as much as teenage boys”) – and it shows there are pros and cons to both approaches, regarding the difference between consensual statutory rape and forceable rape among other things, and regarding best outcomes:
What does not seem to be under any serious legal dispute, is that statutory rape is not the same as forceable rape, however much any rad fems would like to pretend.
Yay! I’m vile too! In your face, Pecunium!
That’s our Mikey, always happy to entertain us!
But, Steele, are you “done with me?” Because that would just be the icing on the cake.
Martin- the jig’s up, buddy. I will be emailing Elam, Price, Bogen, and others with my suspicions.