The other day we took a look at some of the more reprehensible opinions of Tom Martin, one of the UK’s most prominent Men’s Rights Activists and a man who evidently believes that child prostitutes are taking the easy way out to avoid having to get real jobs. He returned with even worse stuff, which I highlighted in my previous post.
Happily for all of us, not all of Martin’s views are this reprehensible. Many are merely ridiculous. So, today, let’s look at the Lighter Side of Tom Martin, as evidenced by some of his recent comments here on Man Boobz.
Martin apparently spent last Sunday working on a video project which involved him buttonholing passers-by on the streets of London and asking them questions in order to “prove” his various crackpot theories about gender. Here’s how he explained one aspect of his video research:
After shooting my video experiment tomorrow to discover who is more sexist on the street, women or women, I will be shooting another short, investigating if there is a correlation between unfunny women and prostitution ethic. I believe women could be as funny as men on average if they tried, but instead, invest in whoring strategies. I have a reliable street experiment to investigate this hypothesis also …
If I can establish that women can be as funny as men (in a zero prostitution environment), then this video experiment will be released in a news piece, and used as a springboard to pre-sell the feature-length documentary it will form a part of, on a related topic.
Good luck with that!
Martin also took on the contentious (to him) subject of male baldness, a topic of intense interest to him, due to certain factors with regard to gender and misandry … er, long story short, he’s bald. Sorry, balding.
After one commenter here suggested that Martin’s ambition was to become a sort of “Ann Coulter … with less hair and more swearing,” he took umbrage – not at the comparison to Coulter but at the bit about hair.
Well Cassandra, there are five new baldness treatments in the pipeline, but no drugs for treating a receding personality, so what are you going to do?
In a followup comment, the man whose favorite word in the English language is “whore,” used as an insult, declared we were being a bunch of evil meanies for even mentioning the whole (lack of) hair thing:
Cassandra, thanks to your receding personality (for which there is already a cure – renunciation therapy), I have decided for my filmed experiment tomorrow to also measure the degree to which each sex is prepared to make physical insults about the other sex.
Even if you specifically were fat for instance, and it was all your own fault because you refuse to get a job, I would never mention it in a debate with you. I debated an obese woman once. She ordered a pizza whilst we were still on stage, but I did not refer to it at the time, because of the most basic standards of decorum.
This I believe was an attempt at a joke.
How many manboobzers are prepared now to concur that Cassandra was being a douche by picking on an involuntary physiological characteristic of a debating opponent? And then encouraging others to do the same?
Of course, in Martin’s mind, mocking women as fat whores is totally cool, because:
Fatness is a choice, ladies, and so is being a whore. Going bald (currently) is not, due to poor efficacy of available treatments, including transplants. That will change, if Aderans, Histogen, Replicel, Allergen and Tsuji-Lab among others have anything to do with it. All you need to do in the meantime is shut the fuck up until they sort it out. The apparent acceptability of attacking the bald though, is a great example of the lack of equality men have. People do not generally attack or humiliate women who are going bald – but when it’s a man…
Uh, yeah, that’s why virtually every bald or balding woman wears a hat or a wig, while bald or balding men just comb it over or shave it all off.
Evidently Martin feels that even a mention of his lack of hair is some kind of hate crime. Here, prominent Bald Rights Activist Larry David tries to convince authorities to investigate a similar hate crime against him.
Note to Martin: Larry David’s show, “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is fictional.
(Note: Tom Martin has confirmed that this is indeed him posting comments here on Man Boobz by sending an email from the account associated with his website Sexismbusters.org. Also, he’s retweeted quotes from his comments here. Contact him via his web site if you are skeptical.)
Pecunium said:
Yeah… but you know what… Lie detectors are bunk. Anyone who knows that, can lie to them. More to the point, insomuch as they do work, they measure not “truth” but belief. We know you believe that. That you believe it is what disgusts us about you.
My point is, Pecunium, whilst I believe what I say, that child prostitutes aren’t really rape victims, and would agree to do a lie detector on it, I’m arguing that manboobzers would not pass a lie detector, in that it would be impossible to believe that child prostitutes charging money up front for sex are rape victims in the true sense.
And, I think it would be impossible for feminists to pass a lie detector test on all the key v-fem stories:
Is there a “glass ceiling”?
Is there a “sex trafficking epidemic”?
Do men dominate women in a “patriarchy”?
Are men more sexist than women?
Are pay gaps caused by women’s choices or discrimination?
Are feminists interested in equality for men too?
Are most rape allegations true or false?
Are Muslim men more under the thumb than Muslim women?
Do women want equality as much as men?
Are most women gold diggers to some extent?
Is gender studies sexist against men?
Do governments focus more on men’s issues or women’s?
Are family courts unfair to men?
Are domestic violence shelters unfair to men?
Are men treated more unfairly by the judiciary?
I don’t think any feminist, having read widely enough, would pass a lie detector if she stuck to the hoary old victim-feminist positions (but then that is another documentary entirely).
Steele: Any word from the rest of the MRM?
What about Elam saying he’d vote to acquit anyone accused of rape: even if he was certain the accused had committed rape?
That’s the underbelly of your movement. That’s part of the reason the SPLC said it was hateful, and worrisome.
Well, he’s right about one thing, I don’t think I could pass a lie detector on those questions — I’d be too busy laughing.
Tom, please, please, actually quote people, you can use quote marks (these things “”) or blockquotes (those are formed with <blockquote>), but use something.
OK, you MRAs have GOT to get over whining about whether or not the government concerns itself more with men’s or women’s welfare. It concerns itself with CORPORATE welfare, period, full fucking stop.
Tommy-Boy: I wish I had the money to put up a wager, then again you don’t, and I’d want the money in escrow.
I’d be willing to put up £10,000 that any of the people who have been arguing with you can “pass” that test (myself excepted, I can “pass” that test to either side. I know lie detectors are bunk, and I know I can fool them. I could pass that test while telling them that I was you, and that I’d lived in Venice for six years, and been in the bunker when Hitler killed himself).
Heck, I’d put that money up on the entire list.
I think a lot of people who haven’t been to Mensa gatherings tend to misjudge Mensans. My (admittedly limited) experience is that about 10% of Mensa members joined because they think they’re super smart and want to be able to brag about being in Mensa, and about 90% of Mensa members joined because they just wanted some nerdy people to hang out with who wouldn’t look at them funny if they made terrible puns about physics while playing board games – and that 90% has very little patience for the other 10%.
In other words, even most Mensans I’ve encountered seem to find the “look at me, I have a high IQ!” people annoying as shit. Quite a lot of them are hesitant to admit being in Mensa specifically because they don’t want to be mistaken for those people.
You know, Tom, if you’re going to assert that the people you’re talking to can’t possibly truly believe something because it’s too absurd, then you might want to refrain from reminding people that you think Saudi Arabia is a Whoriarchy controlled by women, who literally control the society that enforces their lack of rights with their pussies.
Personally, I think Tom Martin is a stunted man-child, and I would pass any lie detector test of that belief.
“Quite a lot of them are hesitant to admit being in Mensa specifically because they don’t want to be mistaken for those people.”
Yeah, they may be a bias there — the type to go around bragging about joining Mensa is, obviously, the most noticeable type of member. My annoyance is also partly that I simply cannot possibly afford the formal IQ test, forget membership dues, and RP geeks deal with my bad jokes. I can understand joining a geek club for the geekery though I guess (can’t wrap my head around paying for that, but whatever, I guess if you have money to spare then why not right?)
To be more precise in what I said before I tend to laugh at people who join Mensa because they care more about a status symbol than their money (and I’m way too broke for that) — makes sense that some/many of them care more about having smart friends than their money, that’s why most people join social clubs after all (fuck, that’s why most people comment online, but that costs less…for certain degrees of less…hmm, I guess the internet bill is higher than Mensa fees…)
Yes, that train of thought just imploded on itself.
Pecunium — ” I could pass that test while telling them that I was you…” — I’d pay to see Tom then fail to pass the test saying he’s him, you aren’t him (hard to pass while fumingly angry)…if I wasn’t broke that is.
I’m seriously curious how many people, who weren’t trained in “passing” the test, could pass with this question —
“Are Muslim men more under the thumb than Muslim women?”
Laughing does tend to skew the results right?
Argenti Aertheri,
What is a mahr?
Tom, if you’re going to play the “reduce gender relations within islamic culture to a single concept” game, you don’t want to go up against this: http://quran.com/4/34
Even playing this stupid shithead game, you lose.
Did you realize Muslim women are entitled to keep all their earnings, whilst men are legally obliged to pay for women?
Furthermore, any earnings that a woman receives through employment or business is hers to keep and need not be contributed towards family expenses. This is because the financial responsibility for reasonable housing, food and other household expenses for the family, including the spouse, falls entirely on the husband. In traditional Islamic law, a woman is also not responsible for the upkeep of the home and may demand payment for any work she does in the domestic sphere.[65]
Incidentally, manboobzers, she is also legally entitled to demand from her husband a housekeeper, to do that work for her.
Tulgey Logger said,
Tom, if you’re going to play the “reduce gender relations within islamic culture to a single concept” game, you don’t want to go up against this: http://quran.com/4/34
Even playing this stupid shithead game, you lose.
Tulgey, you link to a bit an Islamic bit about hitting women, but it is purely symbolic, as Muslim men are instructed to hit their women in a manner which is as light as a feather.
And furthermore, any crap about Islamic men being the boss is purely symbolic also, because the Quran says men are the boss, but also says that they must not do anything which makes their wives unhappy.
The bottom line is of course, the men have to hand their money over to the women, and not vice versa. Always follow the money.
In the New Testament, Jesus tells his followers to abandon their earthly possessions in favor of the needy, which is why christian societies are all Homelessarchies.
Follow the money.
The Quran says lots of things that don’t tend to actually apply in practice, you may recall that that’s also common in Christianity, yes?
For example, do you know what the Quran has to say on FGM? Would you like to claim that that advise is actually followed, always, as a standard? Please do, I’m laughing at you already, but haven’t yet spat anything onto my screen.
Maybe you’d prefer to argue that the burqa is a good thing?
And a mahr is similar to a dowry, but paid to the bride herself — both are meant as symbolic proof that he can afford to care for a family, and neither is going to find much support from feminists.
OK, you MRAs have GOT to get over whining about whether or not the government concerns itself more with men’s or women’s welfare. It concerns itself with CORPORATE welfare, period, full fucking stop.
Feminist delusion, my excitable friend. By any measure, Big Daddy disproportionately favors women’s welfare. Heck, men’s welfare barely exists at all.
“you may recall that that’s also common in Christianity, yes?”
“In the New Testament, Jesus tells his followers to abandon their earthly possessions in favor of the needy, which is why christian societies are all Homelessarchies.”
Case in point! Thank you for that nicely timed example Tulgey.
Steele/Varpole — try to pay attention for a moment, the point there was that neither gender is overwhelmingly favored, the gov’n is too busy favoring corporations.
Steele, don’t be rude and fail to greet your fellow MRA, Tom. Do you have a secret handshake?
If the state is feminist, how come it’s “Big Daddy”? You should call it “Big Momma’s House” because… No, wait, I think I answered my own question. Never mind.
The difference between Christianity and Islam, is that Islam is the law.
Catching up after a few days away, the Steele/Martin cage match was a bit of a fizzler, wasn’t it? Come on! Two “towering” “intellects” with radically different “conceptions”, fighting for the soul of a “movement”. Should be a corker!
Argenti Aertheri thinks mahrs are symbolic. “Here’s a chunk of cash! – but I’m not worried, because a feminist on manboobz thinks it’s only symbolic. I got it from the symbolic bank where I paid in my symbolic wages for the symbolic job that I do. And don’t worry you’re own silly little head. You are only symbolically a w***e. Honest! Oh, and can I have a receipt? A real one please.”
I picked up “Big Daddy” from fellow MRA NWOslave; I think it’s apt. After all, the government is still objectively mostly men- but they’re chickenshit quislings.
Pecunium: You really are a pretentious asshole, aren’t you?
@Steele – I understand now. NWOslave has much to teach us.
(laughs uncontrollably)