antifeminism evil fat fatties hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men Tom Martin whores

The Lighter Side of Tom Martin (the repulsive British MRA)

Not Tom Martin

The other day we took a look at some of the more reprehensible opinions of Tom Martin, one of the UK’s most prominent Men’s Rights Activists and a man who evidently believes that child prostitutes are taking the easy way out to avoid having to get real jobs. He returned with even worse stuff, which I highlighted in my previous post.

Happily for all of us, not all of Martin’s views are this reprehensible. Many are merely ridiculous. So, today, let’s look at the Lighter Side of Tom Martin, as evidenced by some of his recent comments here on Man Boobz.

Martin apparently spent last Sunday working on a video project which involved him buttonholing passers-by on the streets of London and asking them questions in order to “prove” his various crackpot theories about gender. Here’s how he explained one aspect of his video research:

After shooting my video experiment tomorrow to discover who is more sexist on the street, women or women, I will be shooting another short, investigating if there is a correlation between unfunny women and prostitution ethic. I believe women could be as funny as men on average if they tried, but instead, invest in whoring strategies. I have a reliable street experiment to investigate this hypothesis also  …

If I can establish that women can be as funny as men (in a zero prostitution environment), then this video experiment will be released in a news piece, and used as a springboard to pre-sell the feature-length documentary it will form a part of, on a related topic.

Good luck with that!

Martin also took on the contentious (to him) subject of male baldness, a topic of intense interest to him, due to certain factors with regard to gender and misandry … er, long story short, he’s  bald. Sorry, balding.

After one commenter here suggested that Martin’s ambition was to become a sort of “Ann Coulter … with less hair and more swearing,” he took umbrage – not at the comparison to Coulter but at the bit about hair.

Well Cassandra, there are five new baldness treatments in the pipeline, but no drugs for treating a receding personality, so what are you going to do?

In a followup comment, the man whose favorite word in the English language is “whore,” used as an insult, declared we were being a bunch of evil meanies for even mentioning the whole (lack of) hair thing:

Cassandra, thanks to your receding personality (for which there is already a cure – renunciation therapy), I have decided for my filmed experiment tomorrow to also measure the degree to which each sex is prepared to make physical insults about the other sex.

Even if you specifically were fat for instance, and it was all your own fault because you refuse to get a job, I would never mention it in a debate with you. I debated an obese woman once. She ordered a pizza whilst we were still on stage, but I did not refer to it at the time, because of the most basic standards of decorum.

This I believe was an attempt at a joke.

How many manboobzers are prepared now to concur that Cassandra was being a douche by picking on an involuntary physiological characteristic of a debating opponent? And then encouraging others to do the same?

Of course, in Martin’s mind, mocking women as fat whores  is totally cool, because:

Fatness is a choice, ladies, and so is being a whore. Going bald (currently) is not, due to poor efficacy of available treatments, including transplants. That will change, if Aderans, Histogen, Replicel, Allergen and Tsuji-Lab among others have anything to do with it. All you need to do in the meantime is shut the fuck up until they sort it out. The apparent acceptability of attacking the bald though, is a great example of the lack of equality men have. People do not generally attack or humiliate women who are going bald – but when it’s a man…

Uh, yeah, that’s why virtually every bald or balding woman wears a hat or a wig, while bald or balding men just comb it over or shave it all off.

Evidently Martin feels that even a mention of his lack of hair is some kind of hate crime. Here, prominent Bald Rights Activist Larry David tries to convince authorities to investigate a similar hate crime against him.

Note to Martin: Larry David’s show, “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is fictional.

(Note: Tom Martin has confirmed that this is indeed him posting comments here on Man Boobz by sending an email from the account associated with his website Also, he’s retweeted quotes from his comments here. Contact him via his web site if you are skeptical.)

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12 years ago

@Bostonian You’re right, and I’m sort of crying a bit right now:

How can anyone defend exploiting children?

I don’t think I can sleep now. 🙁

12 years ago

The thing is , Tom is not the only MRA to advocate for child rape. He is willing to go further than other MRAs and advocate for boys being raped as well. That is the only difference, really.

Horseshit, you vile asshole. Asshole. This is nothing but projection and paranoia. The MRM has never supported rape in any form. Asshole.

12 years ago

Steele, maybe, just maybe, there really are people in your movement who are as fucked up as Tom Martin. Just because you really, really want the MRM to be all about equality doesn’t make it the case. What you want, in the abstract, is admirable. Are the people traveling with you likely to help you get there? It seems unlikely. In any case, denial of the obvious will only take you so far. Imagining TM to be some sort of feminist mole doesn’t help the MRM to be what you want it to be. Defining away any MRAs that make the movement look bad doesn’t actually make the movement (or the Movement, as you would say) any better.

The first step to saving your movement is admitting that it has a problem, and that problem is people like Tom Martin. Denying they exist won’t make them go away.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

CaptainBathrobe said,

[Tom said]: “When my class found out about sex, when we were 10 years old, we were literally running round the playground, in a mad frenzy, daring each other to strip, or groping each other, and so on – like dogs on heat, finally let off the leash. The school dance turned into a sudden snogfest, where our lives now depended on grabbing a member of the other sex, and getting it on”.

Is this a thing with the UK educational system? Because I don’t recall anything like that happening at my school in the US. Unless, of course, you’re referring to the onset of puberty, which is more of a glandular thing, not the result of sex ed.

CaptainBathrobe, yes, this was my experience, in a Scottish School, where we would have sanctioned school dances, that at first were based around traditional Scottish Country Dancing, but then switched to a teacher-monitored Disco, where all the boys would be on seats on one half of the hall, all the girls on the other, and the teachers would announce whether it was boys or girls turn to ask the other for a dance, and we’d rush across to literally grab any good looking girl we could, and vice versa. Then the teachers would leave us alone for half an hour of snogging. And yes, we were pre-pubescent – and we knew what we were supposed to do – but no talking, just snogging. It really was that clunky.

I went to English schools as well, and I always got a feeling they were a bit more socially advanced than Scottish schools in terms of encouraging us to express our emotions more openly and rationally and to actually talk to us about life rather than just reading stuff from a textbook on some academic subject as the slightly more uptight and repressed Scotish system tended to.

Would you want your kid smoking dope? Probably not, so you can criminalize it and mystify it, and in doing so glamourize it, and hence, in some parts of Britain, 40% of youngsters smoke dope. Or, you can educate people properly about the drug, demystify it, explain the highs and the lows, and decriminalize it, as they do in Holland, and surprise surprise, only 4% of Dutch youngsters smoke dope.

I’m saying, demystify adult prostitution, as a lame-assed career choice, then children won’t want to do it either. Don’t make out prostitutes are victims though, because we know that some borderline personality disorder people like to play the victim for instance – and it will only attract them to the profession.

These days, children hear about child prostitutes being talked of as VICTIMS.

Instead, they should be taught to think about child prostitutes as LOSERS.

No kid wants to be the janitor, because we’ve all been taught he’s a loser (not a victim).

12 years ago

“Instead, they should be taught to think about child prostitutes as LOSERS.”

He just keeps getting worse. He’s like a black hole full of pure concentrated evil.

12 years ago

Horseshit, you vile asshole. Asshole. This is nothing but projection and paranoia. The MRM has never supported rape in any form. Asshole.

Read the blog, dude, it has quotes. And links. Quit sticking your fingers in your fucking ears and singing.

12 years ago

Somehow I think that telling kids to Just Say No to prostitution isn’t really the answer here, any more than telling them to Just Say No to child labor would do anything to combat that problem.

12 years ago

The MRM is happy to support rape in many forms, in so many words, on multiple websites, including your idol, Eivind Berge, whom you defended on this very site.

So you are not only a lair, but an easily verifiable liar.

And Tom is fairly typical of the MRM, just slightly more extreme.

12 years ago

Also, you know, Tom spouted off a whole bunch of other hateful stuff before he started in on this particular topic, and Steele didn’t seem to have any problem with that. When you have a movement that tolerates small acts of evil, it makes it easier for the bigger ones to happen. The MRM has been letting the smaller stuff slide for a long time – in that context it’s not surprising that Tom think that he can say this stuff about child prostitution and people will accept it.

Your movement’s moral compass is broken, Steele. Stop trolling us and go fix it.

12 years ago

The MRM is happy to support rape in many forms, in so many words, on multiple websites, including your idol, Eivind Berge, whom you defended on this very site.

Eivind Berge is, as I have said, no MRA, much like Martin. No mainstream Movement leader has supported rape. Horseshit. Slanderer. Fuck you. Piece of vile shit.

12 years ago

Horseshit. Slanderer. Fuck you. Piece of vile shit.

“La la la la I can’t hear you la la la la!”

12 years ago

And we are back to no true Scotsman.

12 years ago

Did we ever really leave?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Horseshit, you vile asshole. Asshole. This is nothing but projection and paranoia. The MRM has never supported rape in any form. Asshole.

Check out Artistry against Misandry’s sad attempt at erotica. Endorsed by AVFM! XD

Not that it’s the only one, by any means. It’s just usually more ‘subtle’; For instance, pretty much everything your movement has said about ‘false rape accusations’ is just a transparent attempt to try to make ‘rape’ only be about strangers with weapons.

12 years ago

Your lies are transparent, as usual.
Berge is an MRA.
Tom Martin is an MRA.

Both praised by the mainstream MRAs, and known for rape advocacy at this point. No MRA website has yet disavowed Tom or Berge.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Eivind Berge is, as I have said, no MRA, much like Martin.

THis is just adorable. So tell me about the world you constructed for your novel.

No mainstream Movement leader has supported rape.

Elam, when he said that under any circumstances, and no matter how well founded the evidence was, he would always find a defendant not guilty of rape.

12 years ago

All the name calling in the world won’t make them go away, Steele. They and their sympathizers are a large part of your Movement, whether you like it or not. Now, what are you going to do about it? Stamp your feet and say no, or confront the people who are fouling up your Movement? The choice is yours.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Do SOMETHING Steele. Nobody should have to tolerate the Manic Street Preachers.

12 years ago

Come back when AVfM has repudiated Tom Martin and/or Eivind Berge.

12 years ago

Where were you when Berge was writing about rape being affirmative action for men, Steele? If you let stuff like that slide, you get people like Tom, feeling like they’ve found a home in your movement.

12 years ago

“It’s an act. It has to be. The MRM is a good movement, for men’s rights and men’s problems. A disgusting individual like Martin as a leader, just wouldn’t be consistent with the MRM, fundamentally, as I see it.”

Open your eyes. Wanting to retract women’s vote, making rape even harder to prove, not letting women and children get support from their ex-husband/father, and that’s not even the worst stuff! How about “communizing the c*nt,” making all women sexually available to all men so men can stop being forced to kowtow to feminism in exchange for sex? How about removing the voiceboxes of baby girls, because apparently, feminism begins with women being able to speak? How about replacing women with sex robots and artificial wombs?

This is the tip of the iceberg, Torvus. If you continually turn a blind eye to this, and to MRAs like Tom or NWO, and just tell yourself “they’re not part of the MRM” you are being dishonest. Why do these comments get upvoted on the Spearhead? Pull off your idealogical goggles and take a good hard look at the MRM. You don’t get to choose who can be in the club and who can’t. You can’t control what every self identifying MRA says on the internet. The MRM has no leaders, and it will flow wherever the current takes it. Right now, it is flowing toward ridicule and disgust.

12 years ago

Artistry Against Misandry! Let’s take a minute to look at their Gor porn!

Most important civil rights movement of the century, right?

12 years ago

This is like that episode of Star Trek, where Nomad the probe, who’s job it was to destroy all that is imperfect, ended up self-destructing after Kirk proved to it that it was itself imperfect.

12 years ago

Not only is this foul fucking circus clown a part of your movement, Steele, but he’s laughing in your face about it.

So what are gonna do about it? Keep telling us it ain’t so? You can’t wash your hands of Martin if no one else in your disgusting little movement will. You might like that he speaks for the MRM, but right now, he does. So say your own comrades.

12 years ago

Do you think he’s going to learn anything? At the moment it looks like he’s going to dig in and just keep declaring anyone he doesn’t like not to be part of the MRM and he himself is the only True Scotsman left.

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