antifeminism evil fat fatties hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men Tom Martin whores

The Lighter Side of Tom Martin (the repulsive British MRA)

Not Tom Martin

The other day we took a look at some of the more reprehensible opinions of Tom Martin, one of the UK’s most prominent Men’s Rights Activists and a man who evidently believes that child prostitutes are taking the easy way out to avoid having to get real jobs. He returned with even worse stuff, which I highlighted in my previous post.

Happily for all of us, not all of Martin’s views are this reprehensible. Many are merely ridiculous. So, today, let’s look at the Lighter Side of Tom Martin, as evidenced by some of his recent comments here on Man Boobz.

Martin apparently spent last Sunday working on a video project which involved him buttonholing passers-by on the streets of London and asking them questions in order to “prove” his various crackpot theories about gender. Here’s how he explained one aspect of his video research:

After shooting my video experiment tomorrow to discover who is more sexist on the street, women or women, I will be shooting another short, investigating if there is a correlation between unfunny women and prostitution ethic. I believe women could be as funny as men on average if they tried, but instead, invest in whoring strategies. I have a reliable street experiment to investigate this hypothesis also  …

If I can establish that women can be as funny as men (in a zero prostitution environment), then this video experiment will be released in a news piece, and used as a springboard to pre-sell the feature-length documentary it will form a part of, on a related topic.

Good luck with that!

Martin also took on the contentious (to him) subject of male baldness, a topic of intense interest to him, due to certain factors with regard to gender and misandry … er, long story short, he’s  bald. Sorry, balding.

After one commenter here suggested that Martin’s ambition was to become a sort of “Ann Coulter … with less hair and more swearing,” he took umbrage – not at the comparison to Coulter but at the bit about hair.

Well Cassandra, there are five new baldness treatments in the pipeline, but no drugs for treating a receding personality, so what are you going to do?

In a followup comment, the man whose favorite word in the English language is “whore,” used as an insult, declared we were being a bunch of evil meanies for even mentioning the whole (lack of) hair thing:

Cassandra, thanks to your receding personality (for which there is already a cure – renunciation therapy), I have decided for my filmed experiment tomorrow to also measure the degree to which each sex is prepared to make physical insults about the other sex.

Even if you specifically were fat for instance, and it was all your own fault because you refuse to get a job, I would never mention it in a debate with you. I debated an obese woman once. She ordered a pizza whilst we were still on stage, but I did not refer to it at the time, because of the most basic standards of decorum.

This I believe was an attempt at a joke.

How many manboobzers are prepared now to concur that Cassandra was being a douche by picking on an involuntary physiological characteristic of a debating opponent? And then encouraging others to do the same?

Of course, in Martin’s mind, mocking women as fat whores  is totally cool, because:

Fatness is a choice, ladies, and so is being a whore. Going bald (currently) is not, due to poor efficacy of available treatments, including transplants. That will change, if Aderans, Histogen, Replicel, Allergen and Tsuji-Lab among others have anything to do with it. All you need to do in the meantime is shut the fuck up until they sort it out. The apparent acceptability of attacking the bald though, is a great example of the lack of equality men have. People do not generally attack or humiliate women who are going bald – but when it’s a man…

Uh, yeah, that’s why virtually every bald or balding woman wears a hat or a wig, while bald or balding men just comb it over or shave it all off.

Evidently Martin feels that even a mention of his lack of hair is some kind of hate crime. Here, prominent Bald Rights Activist Larry David tries to convince authorities to investigate a similar hate crime against him.

Note to Martin: Larry David’s show, “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is fictional.

(Note: Tom Martin has confirmed that this is indeed him posting comments here on Man Boobz by sending an email from the account associated with his website Also, he’s retweeted quotes from his comments here. Contact him via his web site if you are skeptical.)

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12 years ago

But you’re right to a point- which is why it’s impressive, in its way. It makes sense to pick a sort of mid-level blog; it doesn’t have unlimited exposure, but it’s respected by those that do. Martin’s got to know that it’s only a matter of time before his revolting crap is picked up by the likes of Pandagon, Feministing, Pharyngula, Doyle, Deutsch or someone else with more clout than Futrelle. Then the local media. Then the national media. And at the end of this domino effect, the MRM is discredited, one of its “leaders” revealed as a foul child rape apologist.

Tonight, Manboobz ….. tomorrow, THE WORLD!!!

12 years ago


They don’t just not fight with each other, the trolls hardly ever talk to each at all. It’s weird.

NWOslave occasionally tries to buddy up to other MRAs, but every time it happens you can almost hear the other MRAs backing slowly away from their computers.

12 years ago

When my class found out about sex, when we were 10 years old, we were literally running round the playground, in a mad frenzy, daring each other to strip, or groping each other, and so on – like dogs on heat, finally let off the leash. The school dance turned into a sudden snogfest, where our lives now depended on grabbing a member of the other sex, and getting it on.

Is this a thing with the UK educational system? Because I don’t recall anything like that happening at my school in the US. Unless, of course, you’re referring to the onset of puberty, which is more of a glandular thing, not the result of sex ed.

12 years ago

CassandraSays- It’s simple. The MRM is a movement for equality and an end to exploitation. Of men specifically, but obviously, anyone supporting exploitation is no friend of ours, by definition.

Martin- You are supporting exploitation of children (some of whom are boys). I’ve stopped reading your “justifications”, because it’s repetitive garbage. But you are no part of the Movement.

12 years ago

Isn’t him and his struggle officially recognized by like big name mra people if I recall?

12 years ago

Isn’t him and his struggle officially recognized by like big name mra people if I recall?

As I said, Martin has only recently revealed his manufactured foulness. I will be- again- emailing prominent figures in the Movement with my suspicions.

12 years ago

@Tom Martin:
“You’ve never heard anyone say it before, because it is an original thought from me.”
Here’s the thing Tom. Like I said before, I actually was loosely involved with the escort biz (had a couple close friends in it) and most escorts from my neck of the woods don’t have pimps like the street walkers often do. They have boyfriends or other escorts work security detail because pimps are anything but ‘brokers’ and are avoided like the plague because of their handiwork. Unless by broker you mean person who engages in extortion often with unrealistic demands and threats of violence. Your original thought is oversimplified hooey.

12 years ago

Let’s just note that, for Tom Martin, a 7 year old boy can be a sex worker. I have never heard any feminist say that.

I am shaken, to be honest. I’ve just never encountered anyone as despicable as Tom Martin.

12 years ago

@Tom Martin:
“Bostonian, when I was seven, I didn’t even know what sex was. I didn’t know where babies come from either. Why? Because nobody had explained it to me. However, a 7 year old boy, who is a prostitute, has clearly had it explained to him, and so does understand it! – because children are not idiots. They understand facts!”

Use your brain Tom. Most 7 year olds being used sexually by adults didn’t have someone sit them down and explain sex to them just for these kids to turn around and think they would really like to have a fifty year old man gratify himself inside them for a cheeseburger. Most 7 year olds don’t even have a sex drive, it’s the adults running the show. What next Tom, going to suggest that a toddlers and infants are consenting too? I have a seven year old, you sorry sack of shit and they can’t even fully grasp the concept of death at this age yet you think they can reason just like an adult. You are a sick, sick man.

“Withholding the information as we currently do, sends kids into a crazed frenzy to try it out all things sex-related once they do find out. When my class found out about sex, when we were 10 years old, we were literally running round the playground, in a mad frenzy, daring each other to strip, or groping each other, and so on – like dogs on heat, finally let off the leash. The school dance turned into a sudden snogfest, where our lives now depended on grabbing a member of the other sex, and getting it on. ”
Didn’t happen. You fucking compulsive liar.

12 years ago

I am shaken, to be honest. I’ve just never encountered anyone as despicable as Tom Martin.

It’s an act. It has to be. The MRM is a good movement, for men’s rights and men’s problems. A disgusting individual like Martin as a leader, just wouldn’t be consistent with the MRM, fundamentally, as I see it.

12 years ago

When and if you do email peeps in the MRA about Tom Martin, make sure you include the bit with the 7 year olds cause that is some of the sickest shit I have ever seen. Seriously, I wanna puke now.

Tom Martin
12 years ago

Steel, I don’t know your back story, but from now on, snap out of the conspiracy theory crap.

Men’s rights activists are allowed to have differing opinions. I am a person with my own opinions before I am a men’s rights activist. My morality is not to the group, but to my opinion about what is truthful, right, or wrong. I think the men’s rights movement is right about most things. Some MRAs think that men had it better historically. I disagree. Nearly all MRAs generally conform to the dominant discourse, on the idea that in “patriarchal” Muslim societies, men genuinely do oppress women for instance. I am well read enough on Islamic gender issues to know that the men’s rights movement is wrong about that.

Anyway, you are in manboobz land now.

EVERYTHING I say is officially wrong. Don’t shit yourself too much about it though. It’s only manboobz. Tell all the men’s rights activists you like. I don’t mind, because I believe I am right. Knock yourself out.

Have you read the last paper I posted here, about the debates around statutory rape? It’s about 14 pages long. I don’t think you have.

Have you read the paper from Mexico which I posted, where the researcher interviewed child prostitutes, who all said they weren’t victims?

Have you read my previous comments on previous threads, where I say child prostitution should be illegal?

The politically correct thing to say, is that child prostitution is the same as child rape.
The factually correct thing to say, is that there is a world of difference between the two.

– and yes, please do quote me on it.

12 years ago

They don’t just not fight with each other, the trolls hardly ever talk to each at all. It’s weird.

Come to think of it, that’s usually the big sign that one of them is a sock puppet of the other.

Bostonian, when I was seven, I didn’t even know what sex was. I didn’t know where babies come from either. Why? Because nobody had explained it to me. However, a 7 year old boy, who is a prostitute, has clearly had it explained to him, and so does understand it! – because children are not idiots. They understand facts!

Clearly explained to him using the unambiguous teaching aid of raping him. Children are not idiots. They can recognize that if they survived it once, they can survive it again–whereas they might not survive the beating if they attempt to refuse.

My god, you just keep getting more and more hideous. I almost wish this were a put on, because I can’t believe a real human being could vomit out this filth.

12 years ago

So, child prostitution is really just the result of poor sex education! Children just need to be educated to not make that choice–as fun and appealing as it may sound. We need to stop thinking of child prostitutes as victims, but as the opportunistic predators they really are. Won’t someone please think of the pedophiles?

Actually, I think Steelepole’s favorite word is quite apt here, Tom: you’re vile. The most charitable explanation is that you have absolutely no ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, nor to see the world through someone else’s eyes. I’m not feeling particularly charitable, however, so I’m going to stick with vile.

12 years ago

“so I’m going to stick with vile.”
I feel as though no word in the English language can accurately describe the level of depravity of this individual. Vile is just too damn kind.

12 years ago

It’s an act. It has to be. The MRM is a good movement, for men’s rights and men’s problems. A disgusting individual like Martin as a leader, just wouldn’t be consistent with the MRM, fundamentally, as I see it.

That because you see it through a veil of willful ignorance. You think Martin is the only MRA pedophilia apologist? Try hanging out with the MRAs on Reddit sometime.

12 years ago

“If 7 year olds already know what prostitution is, and what a bad idea it is for a career, and that sex is only really fun when it takes place between two people who are attracted to each other, then child prostitution will be a lot less likely to exist.”

I’ve seen some context and reality challenged statements from trolls before, but this may be a winner. There is a person who truly believes that child prostitution is a thing that happens because kids haven’t read Our Bodies Ourselves and The Joy Of Sex while in primary school, and that in the places where it happens it happens because the kids just don’t know how much fun sex with a person you like can be? My mind, it is boggled.

12 years ago


Men’s rights activists are allowed to have differing opinions. I am a person with my own opinions before I am a men’s rights activist. My morality is not to the group, but to my opinion about what is truthful, right, or wrong. I think the men’s rights movement is right about most things. Some MRAs think that men had it better historically. I disagree.

Certainly, MRAs can and do have differing opinions on many issues. No arguement here. We are an umbrella, and there is much maneuverability under the tent.

Nonetheless, there are some things that are absolute- there are fundamental principles that the Movement operates on… otherwise, there would be no Movement. One such principle is- in my estimation- an opposition to exploitation. Again, we focus upon male exploitation specifically, of course but we cannot hold our heads up if we do not at least tacitly oppose exploitation in all. Your endorsement- not in so many words- of child rape (and yes, you are supporting it- see Futrelle’s reasoning a few pages back)- is fundamentally in violation of the Movement’s underlying principles. Thus, you cannot be a part of it.

And I would think all of the above would go without saying. I would think it would be pretty dang obvious that a member of the MRM should not make excuses for people who rape and exploit 7 year old boys. Which is why I thought, and still think, you’re a vile troll and a feminist mole.

Have you read my previous comments on previous threads, where I say child prostitution should be illegal?

And yet your comments tacitly say otherwise.

Tell all the men’s rights activists you like. I don’t mind, because I believe I am right. Knock yourself out.

Don’t worry- I will, feminist. Covert mangina.

12 years ago

The thing is, the more we disagree with Tom, the more he sees himself as a Brave and Independent Thinker who Doesn’t Go Along With the Herd. Only sheep conform to basic standards of decency. The truly enlightened play by their own rules.

Raskolnikov, is that you?

12 years ago

Okay, so this isn’t actually entertaining at all. It is talking about terrible experiences too many children have… 🙁

Steele, what you need to do is get the mainstream MRM to denounce Tom. Not on this blog. In MRM spaces. (Why am I giving advice to them? Well, because Tom Martin is just so disgusting.)

12 years ago

Don’t worry- I will, feminist. Covert mangina.

Yep, just take that lie and wrap it around yourself like a blanket.

12 years ago

Don’t worry- I will, feminist. Covert mangina.

Uh oh. Shit just got real.

12 years ago

The thing is , Tom is not the only MRA to advocate for child rape. He is willing to go further than other MRAs and advocate for boys being raped as well. That is the only difference, really.

12 years ago

“It’s an act. It has to be. The MRM is a good movement, for men’s rights and men’s problems. A disgusting individual like Martin as a leader, just wouldn’t be consistent with the MRM, fundamentally, as I see it.”

Bleep bloop bleep, the machine’s programming is starting to break down. Is this a prelude to it learning how to think for itself? Only time will tell.

@ Everyone else

I really wish I believed that Tom was just saying all this out of the love of controversy, but I don’t. There are some truly horrible people in the world (which we know because if there weren’t child prostitution wouldn’t exist in the first place), and Tom is one of them.

12 years ago

So now, even though all us feminists have been condemning Tom Martin since WAY before Steele bothered himself, Tom is a feminist mangina. Fuck.

Why is the MRM so late to condemn Tom Martin, well after all of us feminists, Steele? Well? Child exploitation slightly more acceptable to you than it is to feminists? The evidence appears to support that case.

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