Welcome, my friends, to the First Church of Misogynist Crackpottery. Today’s sermon will be delivered by The Very Extremely Reverend AfOR, visiting from The Spearhead. He has many wise words on the topics of Mary Magdalene (Mother of God), space aliens, and cunts.
Sorry, xtainity was always a crock of shit, and I have seen inside it deeper than most….
Today, in the 21st century, we can for the first time create a pregnant virgin, so 2,000 years ago “god” was an alien, or a figment of imagination.
2,000 years ago Mary Magdalene even if impregnated via test tube in the lab on the alien space ship, gave birth via the cunt, so no tight virginity there.
Ever since then, the holy trinity…
1/ God, an ethreal being that no-one ever saw, except jesus, so if he existed he was an alien ship doctor.. eg he was NOT human.
2/ Jesus, who was NOT human, even the biblical teachings stress this point, he was not a man.
3/ Mary Magdalene, the only human, and therefore the MOST REVERED human in the religion is a wimminz, who fucked an alien to get preggers and got Joe the carpenter to pay for it all and feed and house them.
“Chivalry” in the middle ages was literally based on worship of Mary Magdalen’s cunt, and the chivalric symbology and iconography is replete with cunt symbolism, right down to the order of the garter.
The only remotely male centric tenets of christianity were lifted wholesale from other religions and beliefs and incorporated in an early example of embrace and extend.
Christianity has NEVER been a man’s religion.
Hell even the pristhood, the highest echelons of the meme, were not allowed to fuck.
Thanks to scarletpipistrelle for pointing me to AfOR’s wonderfully imaginative theological thinking.
And how come you can put words in those block things and I can’t?
You’re not real bright, are you Stephen?
{blockquote} text text text {/blockquote} only using greater than and less than signs instead of curly brackets
Stephen, it’s super-seekrit feminist HTML. We could tell you, but we’d get kicked out of the club.
Oh noes!! I spilled the beans. *hangs head*
…You know people can’t respond to you in the middle of your post, right? I know whatever we say will confirm your bias anyway, but at least pretend to listen before deciding you’re right.
I sincerely doubt you know what the word “feminist” means.
“I don’t know of any feminists who believe that Stone Henge was made by aliens. But the belief that aliens made Stonehenge is just as absurd as AfOR’s belief in aliens inseminating Mary. Whether you are a feminist or a liberal or whatnot is irrelevant: these are just plain silly things to believe in.”
You’re kidding, right? Plenty of wishy washy liberals and patriarchy conspiracy theorist feminists believe all kinds of things along those lines, from Stone Henge to alien abductions. So do some paranoid new world order conservatives like that one weird guy who comes here sometimes (I think he is one of you trolling to make the MRA look bad because he makes no sense.) but IN GENERAL I find these believes are generally slightly more common among liberals and feminists than other groups. But no group is without someone who believes something that seems weird or silly. That’s why I try to be tolerant.
“I’m perfectly happy to criticize the beliefs of feminists when I think they are wrong. And I’m sure that there are plenty of feminists out there who believe really strange things (as people in general tend to believe in strange things). But I’ve never once come across a feminist claiming that aliens killed JFK. What sort of feminists do you talk to?”
OK, I admit the “aliens killed JFK” thing was a bit of hyperbole on my part. I’ve never met anyone, feminists or otherwise, who said that precise thing.
But I’ve met plenty of feminists who believe in alien abductions and plenty of feminists who believe in conspiracy theories about the JFK assassination. One of the most ardent feminists I know in real life (you know, that thing ManBoobz never want to be part of) also says she was abducted by aliens as a child and such things are common among feminists. Now not all feminists believe this and not everyone who claims to be abducted by aliens is a feminist, but there’s a huge overlap. Believing in a patriarchy primes you to believe in other ridiculous things.
Isn’t that what he says EVERY TIME he starts sockpuppetting? And then, 5 comments later, he’s all “Well, of course it’s me”.
Thank you, you actually seem to be a decent person.
@ Gametime:
LOL. I think you might be the one who doesn’t know, buddy!
Well, we understand there’s a difference between “Feminist” and “Neo-pagan”, although some Neo-pagans are Feminists and some Feminists are Neo-pagans…
And some Neo-Pagans are misogynists.
Dude, you clearly have no idea how much, much work is involved in running a home, with children and a husband when you do not have access to running water, electricity, grocery stores and in fact any modern conveniences of life that became commonplace since the 1950’s. Its a shit ton of work and the women were up and working long before their husbands and long after their husbands went to bed. Add to this that women worked in the fields, factories and mines or in the family business and the only work women were saved from was deadlifting more than their own body weight in equipment.
So how has Christianity saved women from work again?
You know, that doesn’t discredit the rest of her ideas. Newton believed in alchemy and Dostoevsky was an anti-Semite, but that doesn’t make universal gravitation wrong or The Brothers Karamazov a bad book. This is either a dumb, lazy argument or just trolling.
@ Stephen Blue – “You’re kidding, right? Plenty of wishy washy liberals and patriarchy conspiracy theorist feminists believe all kinds of things along those lines, from Stone Henge to alien abductions. So do some paranoid new world order conservatives like that one weird guy who comes here sometimes (I think he is one of you trolling to make the MRA look bad because he makes no sense.) but IN GENERAL I find these believes are generally slightly more common among liberals and feminists than other groups. But no group is without someone who believes something that seems weird or silly. That’s why I try to be tolerant.”
This is the single best paragraph ever. I wish I could give it a medal.
Never happened.
I’m sorry. I have to reply with this non-sequitur. Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus, blah blah, and Mary Magdalene are not the same person. We know that, right?
And maybe Christianity is a female religion if you count the subjugation of women and the taboo against birth control and abortion as being female-centric. If you count that women were placed on the bottom of the Jesus/church/daddy/mom hierarchy as woman-centric. If you count the nine million women burned at the stake in Europe by the Christian church as woman-centric, the, sure. I guess.
“People who resort to wild conspiracy theories to explain events are ridiculous! That’s why I’m sure these comments are all part of a big covert scheme to discredit us.”
“I particularly like where peeps are gleefully correcting AFoR’s bizarro version of a fictional cult book as though it was actually For Realz.”
I’ll catch up on the rest in a moment, but have to note that damn, some times we want a joke post instead of pro-child-rape shit. A bit of a break from the gross shit, you know?
I can almost imagine him out with a clipboard
“Hello, madam! Are you a feminist?”
“Well that depends on how you define…”
“Excellent. And do you believe in conspiracies about the JFK assassination?”
“Do you mean am I convinced of the veracity of one of more or these theories, or do I believe that the theories themselves exist?”
“I’ll mark you down as a yes. And how about aliens, are they real?”
“Well, it’s a big universe. Perhaps out there somewhere…”
“Tick for UFOlogist. Much obliged, madam, have a super day!”
I’ve known liberals who have believed that Earth had been visited by aliens. There are probably plenty of those. (Well, maybe not “plenty” — certainly more than I’d like though). And I suppose given the number of feminists out there, I suppose it wouldn’t be surprising if a few feminists believed that aliens built Stone Henge. But I certainly haven’t met them.
I’ve known both conservatives and liberals who hold utterly bizarre beliefs. There are some absurd beliefs that liberals are more likely to hold, and some that conservatives are more likely to hold. But I’m not sure which group has the most absurd beliefs. In any case, any answer I gave here would be largely based on personal experience and rather tinted by confirmation bias, so it wouldn’t be worth much. But yes, there are extremists and fools in any group.
Also, what do you mean by patriarchy conspiracy theorist? I’m sure you could find some feminist out there who believes that patriarchy is the result of some vast conspiracy against women. But that’s not the view of most feminists. And it’s certainly not the view of most of the feminists who comment on Manboobz.
I’ve known conservative anti-feminists who believe that aliens are responsible for building crop circles and the Easter Island heads, that Vitamin C is a cure-all being suppressed by the FDA and Big Pharma, and that Barack Obama won the 2008 election using hypnotism.
By your logic, I could argue that all of these beliefs are correlated with anti-feminism.
Care to explain why you think this is the case? What makes you think that the idea of patriarchy is so ridiculous?
I’m reminded of this teenage Twilight fan who was whining on Youtube that Feminism was an awful, awful thing because her parents were making her get a job and that before Feminism she would have sat at home in luxury.
I have no desire to dig it up because a) Youtube is huge and b) extreme Twilight fans are screechy.
Ok properly caught up now, first, re: brainfax 🙂
Now onto Stephen Blue!
Yeah I mock the stonehedge thing too, never heard the “aliens killed JFK” one (though everyone and their brother seems to have a theory on JFK’s death) — and I don’t find the idea of goddesses any sillier than the idea of gods (note that we’re mocking the aliens part, and the “but that’s not that Mary!” part).
We did this debate already, you’ve been linked already. I’ve yet to meet a branch of Christianity that didn’t teach that women should be submissive though (I’d guess that Unitarians probably don’t, but I haven’t met any and thus can’t really say).
That’s NWOslave, and he’s serious, he’s been at that shit for a year+
As for the rest of that paragraph, it’s time for Spot That Fallacy!!
Fallacy of composition – assuming that something true of part of a whole must also be true of the whole
In other words, yeah, “no group is without someone who believes something that seems weird or silly” — but that means neither the whole group believes that, nor that we can’t mock that belief.
Um…what? Same fallacy as above. Your friend there is the only feminist I’ve ever heard of who claims to have been abducted btw. Then again…
Yeah it’s a big universe, and we can’t even figure out for sure if Mars (the only planet we’ve tested) has basic life or not, so yeah, signs put towards “there’s probably pond scum life out there somewhere”.
Guess that means I believe in alien probes though? *does not believe in alien probes*
@Stephen Blue
“(I think he is one of you trolling to make the MRA look bad because he makes no sense.) ”
ROTFLMAO. Really? Go scroll through the comments at The Spearhead if you want to see MRAs (making themselves) look bad.
And I second Anathema’s question. What feminists do you talk to? Please name a specific blog site or person to whom you have spoken about feminist issue. If everything you know about feminism you learned from MRA sites, you have a serious problem.
The purpose of the blog is to mock misogyny. If there are any “moderate” MRAs who do not hate women, and shame other men as “manginas, white knights,” please post a link. Feminism is actually interested in helping men along with women, as restrictive gender roles harm men also. But as far as I can see, MRAs are more interested in bitching about women than actually helping men. And a lot of what gets passed around the manosphere as “truth” is total bullshit (and when these “truths” are disputed, MRAs disengage from the conversation).
So again, I ask you, what feminists do you speak to? Give me a link that is not an MRA site. Simply because an MRA has said something on the internet , it does not make it true.
And again, what man-hating sites have you seen? Give me a link that is not an MRA site.
No matter how many times I ask these questions, I never get an answer.