cupcake dawgies kitties

Saturday’s Kitties

Time to clear our heads of all the awfulness we’ve been discussing this week. So today, nothing but kitties! (Feel free to post more kitties in the comments, of course.)

Let’s get the party started with these guys:


Ok, I lied.  These aren’t kitties:


And neither are these:


Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, everyone!

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12 years ago

My ex’s cat does the chittering thing when he sees birds outside the window. It’s super cute.

12 years ago

When mine sees other cats outside she yells at me until I come and look, circles around being very dramatic, and generally acts like she’s very upset by my failure to make the other cat go away. It’s hilarious. Not so much when it was a possum that she saw, though, then I was freaked out too.

12 years ago

He’s been blood tested for a bunch of things including thyroid but they said that there was nothing wrong with him blood-wise (we brought him in for tests when he was having urinating-on-the-couch problems and were worried about him). He’s also kind of chunky/pouchy, which doesn’t tend to be the case with hyperthyroid.

Also, it’s not really’s more like a prrrip-prrip-prrip sound without any meow in it. Kind of like if you’re rolling your own tongue without using your vocal cords.

12 years ago

Holy crap that’s adorable.

12 years ago

Could be a breed thing. What does he look like? Siamese, for example, have some weird distinctive vocalizations.

12 years ago

I’ve had a few cats that made that noise, it’s not so unusual.

12 years ago

If you mean the purr-meow sound that they often use as a greeting, my old cat did that. It’s cute.

12 years ago

I’ll throw in a few thoughts! Even though i’m like a snail here, late to the party (not sure why you’d invite a snail to a party).

The attacking-while-petting is probably cat play behaviour (see the classic “venus hand trap” for a great example) as mentioned. CassandraSays said it best, removing the happytimes might discourage it. Or more happy play times involving string or mices so he’s had his fun for when you want to have petting times (though that might just make him more playful for petting times rather than less, every cat is different).

On other stuffs:

My cat took up the habit of scratching at the front door (and she scratches chairs sometimes too). Loud noises or water (stuff that causes surprise without harming the cat) seem to work to discourage it (though I doubt you’d want to be splashing water all over your apartment). With the water, you don’t need to even splash the cat itself with it, since most are freaked out by water at all times (unless they’re one of those weird cats that likes water).

I try not to actually spray the cat though since that seems a bit mean, but since she freaks out over water even if it’s sprayed like a metre away from her it still has the effect.

Although when I did my animal management course (hah, I could probably help more if my brain wasn’t a sieve 😛 ), we were always told you have to be a bit careful with that sort of discouraging (adding a negative thing, as opposed to just removing a positive thing as in what CassandraSays.. says) so that the animal doesn’t associate you with the bad thing instead of the action.

With the annoyances at the wrong times, cats tend to just do what they want and don’t understand human schedules (unlike with dogs who can be trained quite well). If they want something, they want it now, and they don’t care that they just made you get up at 3am. You probably can train a cat to be less like that, but it would just be more difficult (and you’d have to start by not giving in to the cat, which is obvious, and hard if it’s being an elephant in the middle of the night and you just want to sleep).

I have similar (though a lot less severe) issues with food with one of my cats (same one again, pesky thing) where sometimes (admittedly, rarely) she’ll just overeat and throw it up all over the floor. I have two cats as well so that compounds the issue, since the other one will either only eat a little of the food you give her or turn her nose up at it entirely, at which point you need to be on the ball to stop the other one scoffing both sets of food. We also try to stick to strict feeding times so we don’t overfeed them, but they still bother us for food whenever the fuck they feel like it.

Overall, kitties are a frustrating pain in the arse. But they’re cute. 😛

12 years ago

I love the purr-meow. 🙂

12 years ago

And just as I post that, the previously mentioned cat decided that it was time to meow randomly and loudly in the hallway at 2am because it’s time to go out for a pee. 😛

Stephen Blue
Stephen Blue
12 years ago

I do think the popularity of cats on the internet superbly demanstrates how it is women and not men who are truely considered as the “default gender” in Western societies. Cats are associated with women. Dogs are associated with men. And yet it is CATS who beome the nerd super-symbol and representative of the internet.

And men are this supposed default gender

I don’t think so!

12 years ago

Cats and weird noises. I think it’s time for this again:

12 years ago

OK, I laughed so hard that it woke up my cat. She did that for a while when I first got her – first night I had her I actually woke up and went outside because I thought there was a small lost dog wandering around. Took me a while to figure out that it was her.

12 years ago

Steve? Men like cats. You might not think so if you’re basing your worldview on say, hack stand-up comics, but it’s true.

12 years ago

Must remember to tell Mr. C that he’s actually a woman. Maybe I can do it tomorrow when he starts talking about his cat.

12 years ago

Sure, Steve, whatever sharpens your persecution complex, dude.

All our cats are indoor only, and Mimi does the purr/meow/chirp because she wants ALL THE BIRDS and can’t have them. She doesn’t know that if she went outside, she’d be too freaked out to get them.

12 years ago

@Cassandra- I posted a couple pics of him a bit up-thread. He’s all black and has tall ears. He has green eyes (one eye is part-red in the iris, though). He also has some tabby-like stripe markings if you look really close. I think he might be part Abyssinian because of his shape, but he’s also kind of chunky so I can’t really say.

I’d let him outside, but we’re so close to a greenbelt area where there are a good number of skunks and raccoons, plus we’re also close to a highway. To make things worse, our apartment neighbor has this huge tabby male cat who is a HUGE asshole and picks fights with every other cat around. I know it’s horrible because cats love time outside, but if I let him out, there are too many things that I’m worried will hurt or kill him.

12 years ago

I just talked to my parents (I’m away at college, so no cats right now). One cat is enjoying having my sister home from work and the other is spending most of her time sleeping in a box of fabric scraps and bugging my mom whenever she tries to sew.

She also likes to get on my mom’s chest whenever Mom is on the computer, so I do get to see her whenever we Skype.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Tip from the (male) black cat owning FWB — lighting is helpful for good cat pictures (of course, he does lighting design, so that’s his stock answer).

Stephen — a dude, who likes cats! The horror!

Shade — “not sure why you’d invite a snail to a party” — this is why — can’t not invite that to a cuteness party!

12 years ago

There haven’t been any fish pictures! We have fish, but I don’t have any good pictures of them. However,this one is adorable. I want to tickle its chin and feed it some brine shrimp.

12 years ago

Nanasha, I’m just going to put in my two cents:

the cat we adopted has really changed in personality as we’ve had him for longer. He’s really neurotic and needy, following us around meowing loudly all the time (he’s very vocal) even when he’s been fed, groomed, played with, etc. This wouldn’t be such a big deal but sometimes people have to be sleeping in the apartment (my husband works graveyard, our daughter needs naps, etc) and 99% of the time, the place he wants to be meowing loudly is the room in which a person is trying to sleep, or he’ll stand by the door and bang/scratch the door until he’s let in.

He sounds bored or maybe lonely. My young male cat was like this ALL THE TIME, until my boyfriend and his cat moved in. Now they bug each other. How often are you two home? When you’re home, do you make a point of playing with him? I wouldn’t recommend letting him go out where you live, but you could try walking him on a leash. Or get another cat.

He’s also gotten a fair amount bigger- we were told he was about 2 years old when we got him, so we’re pretty sure that’s full grown, but now he’s gotten bigger and longer.

This is normal. The shelter could have been wrong about his age, or he could just grow slowly–I know Maine Coons take up to two years to reach their adult size.

12 years ago

OK, you say in your post you play with him, but he sounds like he’s got more energy than that. I’d recommend getting another cat.

12 years ago

@Sgt Grumbles – my cat totally does that. The first time he did it I was so completely charmed and blown away. See, his name is Clark (for Clark Kent) and I call that his Superman pose. I’ve never managed to catch a picture of it because he does it mostly lying on the bed next to me and the second I move it’s gone, but I do so love it. I named him Clark years before he ever did it!

12 years ago

The idea that cats “are associated” with women (and dogs with men), and that this observation is both universal and important, is just so much arbitrary cultural baggage. We might as well resort to books on the occult to divine reality, with their endless tables of correspondences between actually unrelated phenomena. Women – Venus – copper – moon – distaff – skirts – even numbers – passive – angelica root – darkness – cats. No wonder the MRAs make so many academic and factual mistakes when they sally forth to save the world with their theorizing.