Time to clear our heads of all the awfulness we’ve been discussing this week. So today, nothing but kitties! (Feel free to post more kitties in the comments, of course.)
Let’s get the party started with these guys:
Ok, I lied.Ā These aren’t kitties:
And neither are these:
Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, everyone!
Who’s a cute kitty? You are! Yes you are.
I love this whole blog:
The blogger fosters kittens, so every few weeks she has pictures of different kittens. Also, there’s a beautiful, fluffy resident cat. (Currently, she’s fundraising for the shelter she fosters for, so be warned: lots of posts asking for money. Asking for money by posting kitten pics.)
Kitty shoots laser at the end of this one:
Dunno if I swiped this one from here in the first place, probably did š
Hmm? (I learned HTML back in 1812 and they’ve probably changed it since then)
Tarsiers are the best kitties.
When I get home I’m going to have a kitty cuddle party with my two orange boys š
Speaking of kitties, the one who I’ve been worrying about for the last few weeks is fine. I finally managed to talk to someone in the building he hangs around outside of in the evening and confirm that his people live there, so he’s not abandoned, just super friendly and kind of on the lean side, with people who apparently aren’t home a lot.
Antenna cat says you’ll get better reception at this angle š
“Hmm? (I learned HTML back in 1812 and theyāve probably changed it since then)”
It’s still <a href=”link”>text</a>
But html5 doesn’t require a body tag! That is really going to take some getting used to.
Nah, I used an img tag and nothing showed up š
Wolf and tiger BFFs
Here are a couple of recent pics of my boys doing their favorite thing, lazing around.
Our new addition, Miss Kitty, is finally exploring the house and hanging out with us and the other cats. Right now, she’s on the couch next to Lilly and Mr. HK, and there’s no hissing or evil noises.
Nutmeg and Nilla are both adorable, but Nutmeg’s TOES! So cute.
I may have already shared this, but I think this is one of my favorites of Hazel (foreground) and Buster (peeking coyly in background). They are sisters I rescued after they were found sleeping in the engine compartment of a friend-of-a-friend’s truck on a cold November morning. I hadn’t planned on adopting any more kitties until after I finished grad school, but my heart melted when I saw this picture of them.
Hard drive kitties are my fave!! They’re such little geeks xD
Also dont you mean Caturday? Hehe
BEHOLD: my favorite thread in the world. Something Awful goon finds a newborn kitten, as no idea whether he and his girlfriend can hand raise it or not, BUT THEY DO
(The subforum is usually Pet Island, I have no idea why they called it Penis Island this time)
The Goon and Ms Goon are fine human beings. I hand-raised one once, but he was already about 3 weeks old when he arrived. Thumbs up for these two wonderful people and their very, super, wonderful lucky kitty and their supporters.
You’re right, that is the best thread in the history of the internet.
Anna — img still works similarly, just not on blog comments (in general) — and in this blog’s case, I’m glad, our trolls manage to be so stupid as to require kittens, they don’t need to be able to post any picture they can find hosting for.
Hamlet on stairs needs to be in this thread
I hope that kitten grows up to be HUGE.