Fellas! Have you ever fantasized about a world in which men and women live totally segregated lives, but gotten hung up on what we might call “the stripper problem?” Over on The Spearhead, walking in hell2 has come up with a solution to this dilemma.
I think the next step of the men’s awareness movement should be something like this: a s separation of the sexes.
I would like to see a contractor or developer challenge the system and create a living community for men only: shopping mall, apartments, gym, etc. The legal precedent could be something like the desire for male patrons to avoid any type of legal hassles or the negative perceptions and harassment that are thrown on them by women, white knights, and manginas. I for one would live in such a community just to avoid the disgusting sight, smell, sound, and evil motives of Westernized females. The community could have men’s entertainment, where strippers, etc could come to work, but could not live in the community.
What do we want? Gender Segregation! (Except for Strippers)
When do we want it? Now!
I would also like to see the work place separated into male and female sections, where it would be impossible to hear or see any female coworker during the day.
Once I shared a small office with two women around 15 years older than me. One day one of the women was out of the office. I was talking to the other one and I received a phone call so I had to take it. The women with who I was talking, got angry that I took the call cutting off our conversation. About one minute later she accused me of “coming at her.” I just turned and ignored her. If she wanted, she could have made that accusation to my boss and got me into big trouble. The sick thing is, the woman was so old and ugly, no romantic thought had ever entered my head about her. This was going to be my defense had she pushed her sick agenda.
This is pretty much a textbook example of the concept of the “unreliable narrator” you may recall from English class.
Separate “male only” communities and job spaces are an organized and commercial form of MGTOW. I think it is the next logical step. Western women are just too toxic to mix and live with and not worth the risk of being harassed and falsely accused and sent to prison.
18 upvotes and 2 downvotes, last I checked.
Imma let you finish, walking in hell2, but Anthony Zarat had one of the best male-female segregation videos of all time!
Meller! Good to see you, man. We missed you.
“Who (except for gay men) provides sex pleasure?”
Because only men are the recipients of pleasure. Who cares whether or not the women (or gay men, I suppose*) you’re fucking are having a good time?
* How does this work in deranged sexist doll fetishist world? Is it just supposed to be fun for the pitcher but something the catcher merely endures?
Three whole paragraphs spent on a metaphor comparing women to food? No, not creepy at all. >.<
Meller, abridged version:
“THIS is your utopia? Where are the slave women?”
CassandraSays @14 Ju;ly 2012 4:07pm–
I discuss dolls as paradigms of femininity only because modern society is infested with modern women, feminists, and other equality-obsessed womenbeinghateful creatures like you. In a civilized and humane social and sexual order of humankind, collector dolls, figurines, or plush fluffies would be interesting and pretty examples of femininity, but certainly wouldn’t replace real women in any way. Feminists, on the other hand, have made a lot of human females so hateful that they can be replaced, or even surpassed, by feminine representations of women by inanimate objects, subject only to the limits of a man’s imagination.
ShadetheDruid@ 4:08pm–
Hey, the comparisons between women and food were respectful and favorable. If it makes you feel better, I was careful to exclude feminists. Youall wouldn’t be properly compared to food, only to poison!
There are no “slave women”. That is a strawman made up by some of my less imaginative critics here on manboobz. Women were ALWAYS presented as a source of pleasure, harmony, and love for men, fulfilling both themselves, their partners,and the larger society by being traditionally feminine, tranquil, soft, affectionate, and lovely. I never even wrote against women working outside the home, as long as men weren’t displaced or distracted in their work in any way.
Women always had complete self-ownership, freedom of movement, and right of ownership and inheritanced of property as well, as long as the norms, stability, and honor of the family unit was not damaged.
Happy now?
I, for one, am shocked (shocked, I tell you!) to discover that modern times are infested with modern women.
Nope. I’ve told you before, it doesn’t matter how many times you repeat the same lie, I’m not going to believe you.
Meller, if being “traditionally feminine, tranquil, soft, affectionate, and lovely” were such a universally fulfilling lifestyle, why would feminism have even come to exist in the first place?
You say “freedom of movement” but what you actually mean is “freedom of movements, provided that those movements are meek and ‘lovely,’ as decided by the arbitrary whim of David K. Meller.” That’s a non-trivial distinction!
Would *you* like to be in the position you ascribe to women in your fantasy? If not, why would you push it on us? And if your answer is to say that it is our “nature,” go back and ponder that first question I asked.
@DKM: A men-only world with women welcome ONLY as strippers? We can (and MUST) do a lot better than that I think that a world sans feminists and “modern women”, a world where women could be sources of beauty, light, and pleasure for men, and nurturance to the coming generations, would suffice!
So, you want to get rid of all the “feminists and ‘modern’ women,” eh, Meller? All the non-light-bringing ones can just be swept away–or, maybe, killed for not living up to your standards?
Your words. Live with them:
LOL at DKM’s “limitless opportunities” for women!
None for women who don’t want to be property of a man, either in perpetuity (family) or temporarily (prostitute).
“Women always had complete self-ownership, freedom of movement, and right of ownership and inheritanced of property
as well, as long as the norms, stability, andhonor of the family unit was not damaged.”Parts irrelevant to this point are stricken out — honor killings in or out in Mellerland?
I makes him so mad when we don’t let him get away with backpedaling, doesn’t it?
Meller, what about the “entertainment centers”, laughing at cancer patients, animal cruelty, and abuse rationalization? You know, all the things you’ve said.
@Sgt Grumbles – my cat totally does that. The first time he did it I was so completely charmed and blown away. See, his name is Clark (for Clark Kent) and I call that his Superman pose. I’ve never managed to catch a picture of it because he does it mostly lying on the bed next to me and the second I move it’s gone, but I do so love it. I named him Clark years before he ever did it!
Yar! Wrong thread! Sorry!
Limitless opportunities to devote themselves exclusively to the benefit of men (or else). Truly the most wonderful of worlds. And of course women would enjoy themselves, because the men would be enjoying themselves, and isn’t that what’s really important?
No, no it’s not.
You know Meller, you should get together with nwoslave and his “reject all options not determined by arbitrary gender boxes so you can be free” shtick, it makes about as much sense.
Oh Meller. There’s nothing wrong with building a fantasy world, but when you climb inside, pull the lid shut over your head, and only occasionally open it to scream resentfully at the people outside about how they made you do it then you’re just pitiful.
Ithiliana@ 14 July 2012 9:45 am–
At least as “property”, in my kind of society, even though you have all the rights of self ownership that you have in the modern world, sans the exceptions noted, the way you and the other womenbeinghateful here so felicitously put it, at least you would be worth something to somebody (probably a lot of “somebodies”). You modern women(?) aren’t property, you are worth nothing to anyone–except goofy girlfriends who are even more hopeless than you are, “mangina” male feminists who are only trying to fool you into giving them sex, and lezzies (’nuff said).
As bringers of joy, male pleasure, domestic felicity, and nurturance, women are infinitely precious, as imitation men, e.g. police detectives, sailors, engineers, attornys- at- law, truck drivers, plumbers, and so on, you modern women are WORTHLESS!! Women as “property? doesn’t look so bad, even on your distorted terms, does it?
You are offfered some “choice” by feminists, aren’t you? Being precious and loved as a kind of “property”, or being worthless, resented, and perhaps even loathed as free (?) women, or not even beng recognised as women at all, just as mutant quasi-female exceptions with poorly defined gender specificity at best, and almost hermaphroditic (showing both sexes characteristics more or less equally) at worst!
Have fun!!
There are no “honor killings” in Mellerland! Women who are inclined to give men sexual pleasure promiscuously are welcome in various houses of entertainment, where their proclivities can be honed and professionalized, and they can be sheltered and protected.
Killing–or even beating or otherwise causing injury) to a hostess/ entertainer/ companion in a House of Entertainment would not only be an act of murder (or serious assault and robbery) against the woman, but it would be an act of aggression against the House, and perhaps her family as well.
There may be places for abusive/ murderous men in the world, but “Mellerland” would NOT be one of them!! I wouldn’t give two plugged nickels for the life of a man who killed a hostess and I don’t think that you would either!
Uh, no, it still looks like a pretty bad deal to me. But go ahead and keep trying to convince us, maybe with another overly detailed food metaphor?
Huh. I thought I associated with all my cool female friends because they’re cool and fun to talk to.
I’m all sad now.
What’s he need food metaphors for when he’s got this gem —
“…and almost hermaphroditic (showing both sexes characteristics more or less equally) at worst!”
Androgyny is apparently the worst!
And you completely missed the point about honor killings — what if she has sex, not at a “house of entertainment” but just with someone she likes? You can assign honor to whatever you like, the question was what happens to women who do not meet that standard.
“I wouldn’t give two plugged nickels for the life of a man who killed a hostess and I don’t think that you would either!”
…um, I’m not really cool with the death penalty, or torture, or prison rape…so yeah, I guess that means I do give a shit then.
DKM: Wow, you managed to reply to me without blaming me for perverting my graduate student to make her ex-husband (who paid no child support) murder her (he’s facing the death penalty by the way–as decided by MALE DA).
That’s a first.
What you have to say is pure crap, of course, but you are remarkably consistent compared to some of the Trolls–consistently hateful, mind you, but consistent.
I was born in 1955–I remember what it was like pre-feminism. I was offered the “choice” to become a man’s property. I started rejecting it during 7th grade when the frakking ‘dating game’ started amongst my peers.. I rejected it throughout junior high, high school, and college–to multiple graduate degrees. I get paid for doing what I love (reading and writing, and even teaching Tolkien, ahahahahah), and I live with a woman (we buy each other stuff, so by Martin’s rules I guess we’re both whores) and have for over 15 years. I committed to never being supported by a man when my father dumped my mother for a graduate student after 25 years of marriage (she PAID for his frakking doctorate). I have NEVER relied on a man for anything–and never will. I gave up having sex with men in 1982 and have never regretted it.
I am very happy to see that my younger male colleagues as a group show much less sexism than the old white men running (incompetently as I think some events in the next two years will show) my university.
Feminists didn’t offer me anything–I was a proto-feminist from a young age, in the sense of deciding early on NOT to marry and NOT to have children, and I became a declared feminist as soon as I read my first book by a feminist (de Beauvoir). (I did not get into feminism until I read it myself–until then I was playing the “exceptional woman” game–i.e. I can do what the boys do better than the boys do it–it wasn’t that hard!).
I am everything you fear and loathe, Meller.
And as I’ve said many times before, I’m gonna die happier than you–just as I’m happier than you *right now.*
You want Gor, and you can’t have it.
You will never get it.
(and p.s. FREE EVAN!)
OMG the two period MRA ellipsis!