Fellas! Have you ever fantasized about a world in which men and women live totally segregated lives, but gotten hung up on what we might call “the stripper problem?” Over on The Spearhead, walking in hell2 has come up with a solution to this dilemma.
I think the next step of the men’s awareness movement should be something like this: a s separation of the sexes.
I would like to see a contractor or developer challenge the system and create a living community for men only: shopping mall, apartments, gym, etc. The legal precedent could be something like the desire for male patrons to avoid any type of legal hassles or the negative perceptions and harassment that are thrown on them by women, white knights, and manginas. I for one would live in such a community just to avoid the disgusting sight, smell, sound, and evil motives of Westernized females. The community could have men’s entertainment, where strippers, etc could come to work, but could not live in the community.
What do we want? Gender Segregation! (Except for Strippers)
When do we want it? Now!
I would also like to see the work place separated into male and female sections, where it would be impossible to hear or see any female coworker during the day.
Once I shared a small office with two women around 15 years older than me. One day one of the women was out of the office. I was talking to the other one and I received a phone call so I had to take it. The women with who I was talking, got angry that I took the call cutting off our conversation. About one minute later she accused me of “coming at her.” I just turned and ignored her. If she wanted, she could have made that accusation to my boss and got me into big trouble. The sick thing is, the woman was so old and ugly, no romantic thought had ever entered my head about her. This was going to be my defense had she pushed her sick agenda.
This is pretty much a textbook example of the concept of the “unreliable narrator” you may recall from English class.
Separate “male only” communities and job spaces are an organized and commercial form of MGTOW. I think it is the next logical step. Western women are just too toxic to mix and live with and not worth the risk of being harassed and falsely accused and sent to prison.
18 upvotes and 2 downvotes, last I checked.
Imma let you finish, walking in hell2, but Anthony Zarat had one of the best male-female segregation videos of all time!
Is it weird that the thing I find most disturbing is that Meller calls his fantasy world Mellerland?
No, Unimaginative, it is not weird at all.
Mellerland sounds like a super creepy theme park.
A theme park of dolls (lovelies) and cats (furries) and random brothels….
Mellerland is what the Stepford Husbandz would build.
“Is it weird that the thing I find most disturbing is that Meller calls his fantasy world Mellerland?”
IDK, my first thought was “I got him to say Mellerland!” At least he’s happy with a land and not his own universe like NWO?
You know, I thought that the commenters here talking about Meller and Gor were just making superficial comparisons. I had heard of Gor, that women in it were all slaves and all that, and that this was the extent of the reference, but I have just read Bellatrys’ analysis of Gor and it’s remarkable how similar the views of Meller are to Gor, sometimes nearly word for word.
It’s a terrible notion that there are so many other Mellers out there, who can’t conceive of women being anything other than slaves.
@Myoo: I actually read two or three of the GOR novels when I was in high school–our public library had them categorized as fantasy novels, and while the covers were somewhat lurid, they weren’t that much more than your typical brass bikini genre fantasy.
It was……an education.
And not in the good way.
So, yeah, I know from reading them just how much of a plagiarist or Gorean if you prefer Meller is (he’s apparently not able/willing to live it out–as some do, shudders, both online and offline).
@Myoo: who can’t conceive of women being anything other than slaves.
MOre than that, who believe down to their sexist little bones that women are NATURAL slaves, that despite all the brainwashing by feminists that they WANT to submit, and be raped (the highest complement a master can show a slave), that they YEARN to be subjugated, and find true happiness only in that state.
THe GOr novels I read tended to show north American women who were professionals suddenly moved into GOR and beaten into submission who then became happy and orgasmic and all that.
There was one with sort of a reversal (where a female warlord type) treated a male character the same way–but he escaped and enslaved her. Might have gone back and forth a few times–I got bored!
Gor novels are entertaining fiction, but that is ALL that they are. They have influences me, and perhaps other MRAs, but I certainly don’t regard rape as the “highest complement a master can show a slave”, and indeed regard slavery of any kind with abhorrence!
Men are the world’s problem solvers, we create by projecting the products of our minds onto the larger world. Art, music, the sciences, engineering, architecture, philosophy (such as it is) medicine were–and are–men’s contributions to the world–at least at our best!
Women, on the other hand, enrich the world (at least at their best) projecting the products of their bodies and emotions onto the larger world. Nurturance, pleasure (both sexual and otherwise), tranquillity, homemaking and domesticity, empathy and patience, playfulness and affection.
It is true that men, as a rule, have a smaller amount of feminine qualities cited above, and women, of course, have a smaller amount of logical, rational problem solving ability, but these qualities and features are both primarily to be found where described above.
None of this has anything to do with Gor, none of this has anything to do with mastery or slavery, still less with rape, and it has everything to do with my revulsion against unisex feminism, androgyny, and efforts to try to make the uniqueness of the sexes interchangable.
Gor novels? Interesting and entertaining reading, and thought provoking in spots, but not much more than that! There is NO plagiarism in my posts regarding Gor, and Ithiliana, and Myoo, I don’t attempt to “live it out” online because of a lack of interest on my part as any sort of lifestyle.
Except women can – and do – also excel in art, engineering, philosophy and any other discipline. That’s one of the most important reason what you say is BS to us: to live in Mellerland, we would have to abandon all of the above.
Meanwhile, in the real word, I can work as an engineer, write and read fiction, read and discuss philosophy and still have empathy, give and receive pleasure. My world is way better that what you have to offer me.
Well, Meller doesn’t seem to excel at anything except making people feel really skeeved out, so I can see why he’d find women (or men) who’re good at all kinds of things and have positive qualities traditionally associated with both genders incredibly intimidating. If he’s forced to admit that his gonads don’t actually make him inherently better at engineering, art, science, etc., then what does he have left to keep him going? Just his dolls.
yo Meller would you say your dolls are an example of taking your big manly hammer of creativity and beating the world in to shape with your manly will or an example of “projecting your emotions” onto lumps of porcelain
just wondering
Women (except as a bunch of androgynous feminist freaks,( cf. manboobz and other feminist blogs for examples…) do not and cannot excel in masculine careers and professions. When placed there as a result of legal pressure, irresponsible court rulings, and unrelenting propaganda, they do more to CREATE problems than to solve them.
As far as my litle lady lovelies, they certainly bring beauty into the world, unlike feminists, whose ugliness in their opinions is probably exceeded only by their ugliness in their appearance!
There is both a well known collectable doll store and a feminist hatchery (college campus, complete with women(?) professors) within a few miles of my home so I know about this from personal observation and experience. Most of you feminists wouldn’t even compare well with normal more-or-less traditional women in either appearance or appeal, much less sweet, adorable, beautiful little lady lovelies!
Meller, there have been several women philosophers, mathematicians, programmers, physicists, and many other things. Marie Curie made a theory of radioactivity and developed techniques to isolate radioactive isotopes; Rosalind Franklin made X-ray diffraction images of DNA that allowed for its helical structure to be determined; Ida Noddack predicted nuclear fission; Lise Meitner was co-discoverer of that same nuclear fission; Ada Lovelace created the first computer program; Grace Hopper developed the first compiler for programming language and her theories led to the creation of COBOL, one of the first computer programming languages.
These are not minor things, they are important scientific discoveries that had a great influence in technology as we know it today. What are YOUR big contributions to science?
Declaring that said women are mutants.
That is not science.
One of my favorite female scientists is Barbara McClintock–she was a geneticist in the mid-20th century who discovered transposons (“jumping genes”–seriously one of the weirdest things in genetics), was the first person to see recombination occur during meiosis (another scientist had already found it existed by statistical analysis, but she actually saw the physical evidence), and was the first person to speculate about epigenetic regulation–before the structure of DNA was even discovered.
(More here: http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/barbara-mcclintock-and-the-discovery-of-jumping-34083)
Epigenetics is close to my heart, because I’m currently doing undergraduate research on epigenetic modifications in neurons.
What is MY “big contribution to science”? What is YOUR contribution to harmony, love, and beauty in the world?
I didn’t think so!
Feminuttery (the “science” of gender equality) does nothing but pollute the relationship between the sexes with rivalry, hatred, and contempt. I don’t deny that there are occasional women of scientific genius, but they have nothing to do with what women are at their best at doing in the world. They ARE mutants! They have no more to do with women at large –99% plus–than you could project any liklihood of men’s achievements from the likes of Archimedes, Issac Newton, Galileo, John von Neumann, or Nikola Tesla, even though the vast majority of scientists were and are men!
So, these intelligent women should be assumed to not be intelligent and prevented from achieving their full potential, thereby holding back scientific progress, is that it?
Look Meller, I know you’re into this kind of stuff, so imagine that 1% of the world’s population had the potential to have telepathic abilities, but it would only manifest itself after proper training. Would you:
a)Provide training for everyone, so that the people with telepathic abilities could manifest them.
b)Don’t provide training for anyone because it’s such a small percentage of people that it’s not worth it.
“Feminuttery (the “science” of gender equality) does nothing but pollute the relationship between the sexes with rivalry”
It’s interesting that Meller keeps repeating this, and a clue to his underlying issue with feminism, I think. Did a woman once beat you at something, Meller? Did it hurt your feelings?
The last paragraph is just hilarious. Women who are really good at science are very unusual! Just like men who are really good at science! Which proves that it’s natural for women to be bad at science and men to be good at it, because…wait did I forget what I was ranting about? My rhetorical skills aren’t up to much, since normally I only talk to my dolls.
There are, and always were, many more men who were much better at the sciences than women were, or could be, and far more women who were much better at bringing love, beauty, and harmony into the world than men could ever be, whether they were “equal to” men at science, math, engineering and other “outside world” prroblem solving skills or not!
My rhetorical skills are comparable to anybody else here, since the same time that I use “talking to my dolls” is used by womenbeinghateful here gabbling with each other, if not with their goofy girlfriends at home.
My little lady lovelies are delightful to talk to anyway, especially compared with professional manhaters!
So why are you here? Why aren’t you talking with your dolls if they’re so delightful?
Wasting my time trying to correct some of your faulty impressions and judgements. Besides, SOMEBODY has to see some alternatives to womenbeinghateful in the world!
Hope that this answers your questions snowflake.
The perfect conversation with a woman is one in which she is unable to respond in any way.
(David K Meller, professional misogynist and part-time Gor enthusiast.)