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You’ve Gotta Keep ‘Em Separated (Except for Strippers)

All this, plus strippers too!

Fellas!  Have you ever fantasized about a world in which men and women live totally segregated lives, but gotten hung up on what we might call “the stripper problem?”  Over on The Spearhead, walking in hell2 has come up with a solution to this dilemma.

I think the next step of the men’s awareness movement should be something like this: a s separation of the sexes.

I would like to see a contractor or developer challenge the system and create a living community for men only: shopping mall, apartments, gym, etc. The legal precedent could be something like the desire for male patrons to avoid any type of legal hassles or the negative perceptions and harassment that are thrown on them by women, white knights, and manginas. I for one would live in such a community just to avoid the disgusting sight, smell, sound, and evil motives of Westernized females. The community could have men’s entertainment, where strippers, etc could come to work, but could not live in the community.

What do we want? Gender Segregation! (Except for Strippers)

When do we want it? Now!

I would also like to see the work place separated into male and female sections, where it would be impossible to hear or see any female coworker during the day.

Once I shared a small office with two women around 15 years older than me. One day one of the women was out of the office. I was talking to the other one and I received a phone call so I had to take it. The women with who I was talking, got angry that I took the call cutting off our conversation. About one minute later she accused me of “coming at her.” I just turned and ignored her. If she wanted, she could have made that accusation to my boss and got me into big trouble. The sick thing is, the woman was so old and ugly, no romantic thought had ever entered my head about her. This was going to be my defense had she pushed her sick agenda.

This is pretty much a textbook example of the concept of the “unreliable narrator” you may recall from English class.

Separate “male only” communities and job spaces are an organized and commercial form of MGTOW. I think it is the next logical step. Western women are just too toxic to mix and live with and not worth the risk of being harassed and falsely accused and sent to prison.

18 upvotes and 2 downvotes, last I checked.

Imma let you finish, walking in hell2, but Anthony Zarat had one of the best male-female segregation videos of all time!


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12 years ago

I for one would like to see all the MGTOWers GTOW into one of these developments/workplaces. Then I would like to see us nailing the doors shut and catapulting it into orbit so they can truly GTOW instead of incessantly whinging about it on the internet, as they would undoubtedly continue to do.

Karl Birthmarx
Karl Birthmarx
12 years ago

How are they going to keep the white knights and manginas out of their manverse? Do you have to fill in a questionnaire before you’re allowed to enter?

12 years ago

You know how people say ‘there should be a law against it’, well, there are actually laws against this, housing and employment discrimination laws.

12 years ago

They always talk about going their own way, but they never do. Probably because if they went their own way, who would they abuse? It looks like their plan is strippers, but they probably ran into logistical issues.

12 years ago

So I was working for the US Census back in 2000 and I had a coworker who told me all about his male only space (there was a lady secretary but she did not come in everyday.) He said that they would have day long contests on who could, for some reason, fart the loudest or longest. He said it got kind of stinky. He liked the days the secretary could come in because they would, out of respect of not having her run screaming from the building in horror at the smell, not have these contests.

I would hope that is not what would happen in this guy’s world. Because then it would be a very dangerous place with all the methane in the air.

12 years ago

I so want to see a legal ruling that includes the word “mangina”.

12 years ago

Oh, separate the sexes? Create a male-only colony?

It’s been done before*

And done before.

I don’t recall the previous iteration of this idea having to import strippers though… Kind of an enlightening difference in my opinion.

* Haven’t read the whole thing, just looked for something that looked vaguely historical

12 years ago

Something in my brain always short-circuits when I read ridiculous shit like this. I start out with an open mind, thinking that maybe an argument will be presented with some merit, but then it always turns out to be “let’s launch all the wimmin into the Sun!” and I go cross-eyed and pass out.

If we’re taking votes, then I vote “no” on the issue of “separating the sexes except for strippers, because boners.”

12 years ago

What, men can’t be strippers?

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Sniper, no one would want them! The complex would consist entirely of dudes, and dudes liking other dudes is just UNMANLY!

12 years ago

*puts a soft pillow near Andy for zie to pass out on*

12 years ago

What do you think the stores in their men-only mall would be like?

12 years ago

I assume they’d sell a lot of Axe products.

12 years ago

And, per the picture above, all the sandwiches in their sandwich shops would be made with meat, meat, more meat, and raw onions. And a very manly pickle.

12 years ago

I’m still trying work out why they’d want strippers rather than just a metric shit-ton of videos of strippers, cutting out having to deal with actual women entirely.

Wait, that sort of logic would require this to actually make any sort of sense in the first place.

12 years ago

I think it would be legitimately hilarious to try to sell this thing in male-targeting media. Could you imagine an ad for this kind of thing in GQ or Maxim?

“Tired of always being where the ladies are at? Try our Mantastic Manosphere, a self-contained biosphere community where it’s all dudes, all the time. Spend time with other dudes at our all-dude beach, all-dude dance clubs and our special, 100%-dude-owned-and-operated massage therapy. It’s all man, all the time.”

I tend to think the kind of men attracted to this wouldn’t be the kind of men that usually compose the MGTOW.

12 years ago

I’m fascinated by that horrible advertisement. Those sandwiches…ew. And what is that wiry mass in the middle of the table?

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

What do you think the stores in their men-only mall would be like?

I am kind of imagining the Ron Swanson version of a mall-Disneyland, where there are 24 hour breakfast buffets, camping stores with 100 foot high bears, all the clothing is plaid and the entire food court involves bacon.

…I kind of want to visit. Do you think if I bind myself and put on some stubble they’ll let me in? 😀

12 years ago

It’s a thermos of coffee with… curly ribbons tied to it? That’s my best guess.

12 years ago

They can post this sign outside of their town.

City Limit
Population 18
Elevation 43
P.S. No girlz allowed

12 years ago

Manville, CIA World Factbook:

Sovereign Nation
Form of Government: PaulElamism
National Religion: The Game
Major exports: Internet forum comments.
Major imports: Pity
Relations with the U.S: strained, no US ambassador willing to relocate
Military capacity: Several citizens own paintball guns, may sting/bruise foreign forces
Demographics: 100% Caucasian males aged 18-34
GDP: Hahahaha no.

12 years ago

I wonder if gay men count under the mangina category now considering they would only bring in female strippers. Maybe mras always considered them manginas but who know with their odd attempts to appeal and recruit gay men.

12 years ago

They need a better name than Manville. They should call it Man-hattan. Or the Isle of Man.

12 years ago

I like the sound of Man-hattan. They could also be Dudesboro or Mansas City.

12 years ago

We keep waiting for y’all to go your own way, and you still haven’t.

Meanwhile, two fathers in my home state of Wisconsin have murdered their children just this week — one purposely ran over his two year old with his car. But keep tilting at windmills to show us how oppressed you are, having to work with women who are 15 years older than you.

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