antifeminism bronies creepy I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy penises twitter

Clop clop clopping along with Epic Atheist Brony, MRA extraordinaire [UPDATE: Probably a troll.]

You remember the Men’s Rights Bronies we met not so long ago? Well, I have discovered another one, this one on Twitter! In addition to being brony and a “highly active MRA,” he is also – brace yourself for this – an atheist who loves to wear fedoras and talk in public about what he likes to do with his penis. (And they say stereotypes aren’t true.) His personal creed? “Love & tolerance.”

Anyway, his name is Epic Atheist Brony, and here’s his Twitter profile.

[NOTE: Mr. Brony seems to be a troll. See update below for details.]

Here are some recent highlights from his Twitter timeline. (Note: “clopping” is Brony slang for masturbation.)

Love & tolerance, everyone!

But you gals will have to enjoy your love & tolerance in the kitchen, while the clearly superior Epic Atheist Brony whacks it to cartoon ponies and tweets about which cartoon ponies his penis likes the most.

UPDATE: It seems likely that Mr. Brony is a troll/Poe. “His” original Twitter profile pic was a photo of a guy in a fedora, supposedly him. Trouble is, the actual guy in the pic stepped forward and explicitly denied being Mr. Brony (and, for that matter, being a “sexist fucktarded meme-spewing Redditor.”) Here’s the pic the real fedora-wearing dude posted as evidence. Thanks to @mister_smiley on Twitter for the link.

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12 years ago

People like NWO are the reason why so many people exhibit their true desires for roles in their sexuality. It’s like men who want to be “sissified” (because there’s nothing more gross and powerless than a girl AMIRITE?) and then dress up in some shitty wig and ill-fitting women’s clothes and act like that’s totally hot and shit. They are so obsessed with the dichotomy of gender, that expressing what they truly want has to be dirty and wrong and sexualize and it has to be framed in the language and behavior of degradation. It shows that so many people are not only shunting others into tight, ill-fitting boxes, but they are also doing the same to themselves, and longing to break free of them, but feel the intense stigma and abuse they will suffer for doing so is more frightening than simply allowing themselves to be who they are.

Plus NWO obviously has rape trauma and other fucked up mom-incest/rape/abuse history, so his behavior, while illogical and irrational, is very understandable.

It still doesn’t give him free license to be a total asshat, just like the fact that my mom was horribly and pervasively sexually molested as a child did not give her the right to go WAY too far into detail about what rapists do to little girls when my sister and I were in early elementary school, nor did it excuse her “competing” with us by treating every man in every room sexually as though we were competing for his affection. It did not excuse her dismissiveness, her outright mocking of me and teasing/berating me about being a lesbian just because I did not have a boyfriend in the 7th grade.

We’re all working through our own shit, but it is important that in the meanwhile, we don’t smear that shit all over everyone else around us. NWO is failing miserable in that regard.

12 years ago


People like NWO are the reason why so many people exhibit their true desires for roles in their sexuality. It’s like men who want to be “sissified” (because there’s nothing more gross and powerless than a girl AMIRITE?) and then dress up in some shitty wig and ill-fitting women’s clothes and act like that’s totally hot and shit.

Um, being into drag is not problematic or horrible, nor is it the result of hating women, it’s a fine thing to be.

Plus NWO obviously has rape trauma and other fucked up mom-incest/rape/abuse history, so his behavior, while illogical and irrational, is very understandable.


12 years ago

VOIP: The sissy fetish is not the same as drag. It’s this horrible fucked up tangle of wanting women to “force” you to wear women’s clothing and then humiliate you for it, because being feminine is so shameful and dirty, while maintaining that this doesn’t mean being a woman is shameful. Somehow, humiliating people for being feminine doesn’t mean you consider femininity to be humiliating.

Disclaimer: It’s probably possible to act on fantasies of being forced to act as if you were trans without being transphobic and/or misogynistic.
Caveat: the sissy fetish culture as seen on the internet does not acheive that.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Re: NWO’s “mommy issues” — afaik, he’s just never mentioned her, so for all we know his “mommy issue” is that she died while he was young or something. NWO = fucked up, he’s made that quite plain to see, no need to speculate as to why he’s fucked up.

12 years ago

I’ve been thinking about something actually, on the sexual interest/ponies issue (I think about weird shit all the time for no real reason, feel free to ignore me if you like 😛 ): is it, or should it, really be considered bestiality if a creature is sapient, even if the creature is (what we would consider) animal-shaped?

I mean, the general distinction is the “ickyness” factor, but since we try not to base things on that but rather on consent, and obviously a sapient pony could consent, would that change things?

Most people would still call it bestiality because the creature is animal-shaped and therefore they’d be squicked out by it, and people are squicked out by a lot of things that aren’t harmful (and then, of course, they base their bigotry on it). Calling sex with a sapient pony “bestiality” strikes me as similar to calling “gay sex” whatever the derogatory-word-of-the-day is (sodomy, etc). Definition-wise you could say it’s correct, but the derogatory usage would sort of override that.

Of course, since humans are the only sapient creatures we know of in the real world, this situation isn’t likely to come up outside of fiction. 😛

This post by me was brought to you by the number 5, and the letters W, T and F.

12 years ago

VOIP: The sissy fetish is not the same as drag.

Wow, I had no idea. Interesting.

is it, or should it, really be considered bestiality if a creature is sapient, even if the creature is (what we would consider) animal-shaped?

If it has a mind, I don’t think fucking it would be wrong. In fact, I’m not squicked out by the thought at all.. I do, however, watch a lot of sci fi.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Shade — I’m just going to pretend you said aliens there, because I’ve already pondered that one (Jack Harkness) — I’d say you’d have to be incredibly clear on what you mean, and what that means to your species, but yeah, I think workable consent could happen. I’d just be very very wary of taking any definitions as assumed. Also, you’d need to be damned clear on you safe-words, what will injure your species, wtf anatomy is present — that last one maybe less so with other mammals, since it isn’t that different, but aliens = who the fuck knows. (And that last clause? That’s why I love Doctor Who, because “who the fuck knows” is my preferred take on the universe)

This reply brought to you by the number 24+ and the letters DW, because I’ve been awake too long, and Doctor Who.

12 years ago

Re: NWO’s “mommy issues” — afaik, he’s just never mentioned her, so for all we know his “mommy issue” is that she died while he was young or something. NWO = fucked up, he’s made that quite plain to see, no need to speculate as to why he’s fucked up.

Yeah, I have no idea how Nanasha got from “This dude is a massive tool” to “Therefore, he was raped by his mom.”

12 years ago

Like, the world is full of angry old white men, Nansha, it’s called “Fox News’s principal demographic.”

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“This dude is a massive tool” and thank you for reminding me that exists, I got bored with the text backstory and gave up.

12 years ago

OMG even Plato knew better, back when Patriarchy ruled the roost.

12 years ago

If it has a mind, I don’t think fucking it would be wrong. In fact, I’m not squicked out by the thought at all.. I do, however, watch a lot of sci fi. – VoIP

Yeah, that was my thought process too. Also, yay sci fi. 😀

Just seems like a natural evolution of the concept of consent, even if there’s no actual real-world application for it. Well, apart from relating to prejudice vs people with fetishes for sapient ponies living in a fictional universe (or should that be ponyverse?), furries, etc.

Though I was thinking more of mythology than sci fi, since there’s a lot of concepts there that would make this issue even more complex, like all of the half-human, half-animal creatures. Personally, sapient ponies aren’t my thing, but a centaur woman on the other hand.. it’s probably not going to bother me that she has the body of a horse (apart from in practical ways, obviously).

Argenti: I did think of aliens as well, though I decided to make my post relevant to the topic so I stuck to sapient animals. 😛 Though there’s also the issue that the average person isn’t going to see sex with a humanoid alien as bestiality, despite them being a different species.

At that point you’d probably get (actually, i’d say it’s probably guaranteed) people being judgey and insulting to people who like the ponies while considering, say, an Asari from Mass Effect to be super hot.

I guess what I was getting at is I don’t see a way of describing sex with a sapient animal as “bestiality” without it being insulting (to both the human and the sapient animal), considering the connotations the word has in everyday usage. Whether this is a huge deal or not, I have no idea, it just seems like something to think about if we’re going to go for the next step in acceptance for people’s preferences.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

You don’t have to worry about insulting the sapient animals. They don’t exist.

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure that’s obvious. Do we need a /hypothetical tag to go with the /sarcasm tag now?

12 years ago

I’m not at all squicked out by the actual wanking to cartoon horses — who the fuck cares? What can make me uncomfortable is that it sometimes seems like little girls can’t have anything without somebody else making it all about sex. Like they’re little sex-objects-in-training, and we need to make them understand what that role requires as early as possible.

But again, if people aren’t actually making the show itself more overtly sexual, or otherwise changing the watching experience for the young viewers, I have nothing to complain about because nothing bad is happening. I’m wrapping it all up in my head with purity balls and a million other things, but those things are different.

12 years ago


This is what gets me about the MRA bronies. It’s like they saw something that was designed for little girls so they just had to make it theirs. And, I’ll be honest, it seems like (this guy or similar MRA bronies) are just saying they whack off to it in order to make it something that’s especially *not* suitable for little girls.

Obviously this suspicion doesn’t apply to other bronies, pegasisters, or non-binary-sentient-horse-aficionados, or any of the people who do whack off to it but are content not to tell the entire internet about it. Hell, I’ve liked loads of programmes I’m supposed to be too old for… it’s just that with the MRA ones it does seem to be this desire to make anything about/for girls to be all about them.

12 years ago

You know, there are plenty of people who have been victims of sexual or physical abuse who are not total NWO-level asshats. I’m thinking his asshattery is adequately explained by his…being an asshat. There’s no need to speculate about abuse.

12 years ago

Plus NWO obviously has rape trauma and other fucked up mom-incest/rape/abuse history, so his behavior, while illogical and irrational, is very understandable.

WHAT THE FUCK? I think NWO is disgusting and I have no idea what made him that way, and I’m not going to speculate out my ass about it.

If he wants to tell us why he’s awful that’s his business. Save the internet diagnoses.

12 years ago

@Argenti- NWO has specifically mentioned several times on various threads about how his “feminist mother” basically prostituted him out to her feminist friends for sex and sexually abused him as well. He uses this as justification for why TEH FEMINIZTZ are EBILS.

Of course, he *could* be making this up, but I like to try and believe it when someone comes out as a victim of abuse because I know exactly how people treated me when one of my exes raped me in a “non-traditional” way and all I got was skepticism and denial from friends. 🙁

12 years ago

That wasn’t NWO. That was AntZ.

12 years ago

Nanasha– I think you may be confusing NWO with Toysoldier.

12 years ago


@Argenti- NWO has specifically mentioned several times on various threads about how his “feminist mother” basically prostituted him out to her feminist friends for sex and sexually abused him as well. He uses this as justification for why TEH FEMINIZTZ are EBILS.

I think you are mistaking nwoslave for… Toysoldier, maybe? Nwoslave has never said that.

12 years ago

Right, Antz, not Toysoldier, thanks Hellkell.

12 years ago

Myoo, you’re welcome. Now I should get some useful knowledge in my head.

12 years ago

Nanasha – I think you’re confusing NWO and Zarat. I believe that was Zarat who said that, we told him he should probably get counselling for it and he hasn’t been back since.

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