antifeminism bronies creepy I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy penises twitter

Clop clop clopping along with Epic Atheist Brony, MRA extraordinaire [UPDATE: Probably a troll.]

You remember the Men’s Rights Bronies we met not so long ago? Well, I have discovered another one, this one on Twitter! In addition to being brony and a “highly active MRA,” he is also – brace yourself for this – an atheist who loves to wear fedoras and talk in public about what he likes to do with his penis. (And they say stereotypes aren’t true.) His personal creed? “Love & tolerance.”

Anyway, his name is Epic Atheist Brony, and here’s his Twitter profile.

[NOTE: Mr. Brony seems to be a troll. See update below for details.]

Here are some recent highlights from his Twitter timeline. (Note: “clopping” is Brony slang for masturbation.)

Love & tolerance, everyone!

But you gals will have to enjoy your love & tolerance in the kitchen, while the clearly superior Epic Atheist Brony whacks it to cartoon ponies and tweets about which cartoon ponies his penis likes the most.

UPDATE: It seems likely that Mr. Brony is a troll/Poe. “His” original Twitter profile pic was a photo of a guy in a fedora, supposedly him. Trouble is, the actual guy in the pic stepped forward and explicitly denied being Mr. Brony (and, for that matter, being a “sexist fucktarded meme-spewing Redditor.”) Here’s the pic the real fedora-wearing dude posted as evidence. Thanks to @mister_smiley on Twitter for the link.

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Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

aworldanonymous — re: “crazy” — please read this andthis. (Actually, you might want to dig through the FWD archives in general)

And maybe just go with “there are extremists in every subculture” next time.

12 years ago

The actual show is excellent; great writing, strong diverse characters, actual consistency in the storytelling and fucking amazing animation. It’s a well done cartoon show that just happens to be female dominated, and treat feminine interests, pursuits, designs and pastimes as every bit as awesome and worthy as respect as masculine ones.

I was thrilled to see that guys were able to recognize the show as excellent. I’ve been considerably less thrilled to see such a huge chunk of that fandom so spectacularly miss the point, and try to “reclaim” it for the bros.

(As for the furry fandom and rule 34… well, that was pretty much inevitable.)

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago

I don’t think Poe is quite the same as troll. A Poe, it seems to me, is mocking what it imitates; trying to rile people up is trolling.


All of them come in both genders

I’d normally leave this alone so as not to be self-righteous, but as the late William Safire(‘s correspondants) would say, you of all people…

(And now that my teeth are on edge, I can’t enjoy this delicious cookie I just got)


I suppose what I’m really uncomfortable with is certain parts of the fandom sexualizing the hell out of a show that’s intended for little girls.

If the intended audience is little girls (and, as you said, these people behave themselves) I guess it’s fine, over there; if the characters are kids, no.


I’ve done more than my share of parody of hateful, and my goal was to mock those who might think I was making some good points.

That … actually explains a lot about the likes of S*mon who come here all “I abase myself before thee, O great Goddess-Women; I am unworthy, for I am cursed with maleness” and go on to say all sorts of ridiculous bullshit.

12 years ago

I admit it! I’m sooo spiteful that I got a job and moved out on my own just to stop forcing my Dad to support me!!

I’m terrible, I know. I’ve been doing this to him for twenty years now…

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I’d normally leave this alone so as not to be self-righteous, but as the late William Safire(‘s correspondants) would say, you of all people…

Well, canon Equestria seems pretty binary.

I should’ve said “fans of all genders,” though.

12 years ago

If you’re a divorced man, this is the treatment you’ll recieve in the court of womens law.

12 years ago

I’d actually been made aware that crazy is an ableist term, I suppose I forgot that in the moment. Again, my sincerest apologies, and I will try my hardest to refrain from using such language in the future.

12 years ago

There a reason you’re still here, Ruby?

if she doesnt show up to state the trite and obvious, who will?

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“if she doesnt show up to state the trite and obvious, who will?”

I was going to say scrapemind, eurosabra, Steele, NWO, etc, but yeah, Ruby generally sticks to trite instead of disgusting at least. (Generally, “prison rape is hilarious” obviously excluded.)

12 years ago

Well, Ruby is unique in being the only person who combines trite and disgusting with “thinks she’s a feminist”.

12 years ago

I’m glad I don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations of remembering to mention non-binary genders every time I mention men and women.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

scrapemind? You might want to see the other thread on that.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I’m glad I don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations of remembering to mention non-binary genders every time I mention men and women.

Yeah, we pretty much expect you to be flamingly transphobic at this point.


12 years ago

Epic Atheist Brony, slandering the name of Atheists, Bronies, and epic things everywhere. -_-

12 years ago

Cliff: Ponies with Ponytails:

Scrapemind: Well I’m glad I don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations of being an asshole.

12 years ago

All the world’s a stage, and all the men, women, neutrois people, androgynes, genderfluid people, agender people, bigender people, thirdgender people, two-spirit people, kathoeys, hijras, intersex people, nongendered people, and genderless people merely players.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago


Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

You can say “people,” you know.

Just because there’s a lot of different kinds of people (and multiple labels for the same kind, in some cases) doesn’t make it automatically hilarious.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I think Shakespeare may’ve just rolled in his grave at that.

12 years ago


It took the longest time to move from “men” to “people,” with plenty of people mocking how long it would take to have to say “men and women” or “he/she” etc. Hardly surprising that scrapemind’s got the exact same complaint about having* to recognize other people’s existence.

* Nobody has to do anything, Scrapemind, but also nobody’s required to give still give you cookies if you don’t decide to do the thing.

12 years ago

“People.” “They.” It’s so simple, really.

12 years ago

“give still give” kirbywarp? Really? I gotta get a handle on this typo thing…

12 years ago

Poor put upon Scrapetroll. Doesn’t anyone understaaaand how difficult it is not to be a total jackass all the time?

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago

Cliff, I think my efforts to desmug that were too little too late; if you knew you were saying it I didn’t mean to second-guess your reasons for doing so. I don’t want to be the MBZ Good Folk Language Police (I don’t mind language policing the trolls, though it’s a bit Augean stables)