antifeminism bronies creepy I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy penises twitter

Clop clop clopping along with Epic Atheist Brony, MRA extraordinaire [UPDATE: Probably a troll.]

You remember the Men’s Rights Bronies we met not so long ago? Well, I have discovered another one, this one on Twitter! In addition to being brony and a “highly active MRA,” he is also – brace yourself for this – an atheist who loves to wear fedoras and talk in public about what he likes to do with his penis. (And they say stereotypes aren’t true.) His personal creed? “Love & tolerance.”

Anyway, his name is Epic Atheist Brony, and here’s his Twitter profile.

[NOTE: Mr. Brony seems to be a troll. See update below for details.]

Here are some recent highlights from his Twitter timeline. (Note: “clopping” is Brony slang for masturbation.)

Love & tolerance, everyone!

But you gals will have to enjoy your love & tolerance in the kitchen, while the clearly superior Epic Atheist Brony whacks it to cartoon ponies and tweets about which cartoon ponies his penis likes the most.

UPDATE: It seems likely that Mr. Brony is a troll/Poe. “His” original Twitter profile pic was a photo of a guy in a fedora, supposedly him. Trouble is, the actual guy in the pic stepped forward and explicitly denied being Mr. Brony (and, for that matter, being a “sexist fucktarded meme-spewing Redditor.”) Here’s the pic the real fedora-wearing dude posted as evidence. Thanks to @mister_smiley on Twitter for the link.

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12 years ago

This has got to be a put-on, but the fedora is cracking me up.

Butt Patterson
Butt Patterson
12 years ago

This is a real obvious parody, come on.

12 years ago

I gotta call it as I see it: he’s a troll. This is just a couple steps too far over the top to be true.

12 years ago

I refuse to believe in the term “pegasister.” People of all genders can be bronies!

Also, Rarity is obviously best pony. She’s feminine, but she can still take care of herself, and I like how many of her plotlines revolve around her creating things and trying to become a successful designer instead of, I don’t know, “teehee I’m so jealous of my best friend’s outfit.”

Pray to Darwin? Fuck off.

As a brony atheist who likes fedoras and talking about zir genitalia in public, I resent being associated with this gentleman.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

I’m still trying to figure out why MRAs don’t consider giving birth to more dudes a “contribution” to society. They’re dudes! (At least, some of them are.)

12 years ago

The fedora bothers me, even if this is a parody. I’m tired of douchey assholes giving fedoras a bad reputation.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

Also, Rarity is obviously best pony. She’s feminine, but she can still take care of herself, and I like how many of her plotlines revolve around her creating things and trying to become a successful designer instead of, I don’t know, “teehee I’m so jealous of my best friend’s outfit.”

I adore Rarity, for reasons (like being a small business owner and a fashionista myself) that are not entirely secret. Though I also identify with Fluttershy’s shyness and Twilight’s quest to read ALL the books.

12 years ago

@Orion, I guess that makes sense. I suppose what I’m really uncomfortable with is certain parts of the fandom sexualizing the hell out of what a show that’s intended for little girls. But if they’re not actually squicking out little girls, or demanding that the show itself be more sexualized, or acting like they are more important than the intended audience, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s my issue that I have to get over.

12 years ago

I dislike the brony/pegasister distinction, mostly because it’s lopsided–pegasi are ponies, one of the three types. Until someone coins a term for the ladies that also encompasses unicorns and earth ponies, I will count myself as a brony.

12 years ago

Dani: Yep. Although Rarity is my favorite, I also identify a lot with Pinkie Pie (in my happy moments) and Twilight (must read ALL THE THINGS, massive fear of failure).

12 years ago

“what a” show? Okay, iPhone, no. When I erase a word, it’s because I don’t want it there anymore, not because I want you to reinsert it when I press “space”.

12 years ago

Why is fapping to ponies a bad thing?

Is Futrelle trying to say men are terrible if they don’t conform to a gender stereotype of loving women?

That they’re “creepy” for having a sexuality outside the mainstream?

Next time you try to say feminism doesn’t support the Patriarchy, you might want to check your privilege. Not everyone has sexual fantasies that require real live human beings.

I mean fuck, anyone fapping to mainstream porn is kind of already fapping to a photoshopped fantasy anyway.

But hey, keep on trying to push some sort of “NORMAL” sexuality onto people Futrelle. As though someone’s sexuality that causes NO HARM to anyone is something that should be mocked.

The rest of us are expanding our definition of sexually acceptable.

You could do a lot to learn tolerance, just the same as My Little Pony promotes.

12 years ago

@Viscaria: there are a number of bronies (male and female fans) in the sf group I advise on campus–they’re all pretty cool (the male fans who identify as Bronies tend to not perform masculinity in the traditional way; a number are also anime fans and cosplay women characters, among other things) but there are parts of Brony Fandom online who definitely think they should be more important than the intended fandom (apparently this really came into focus with the debate over um Derby? And the changed name?). (ONe of the fans who is a Brony did his final paper for his master’s on Brony fandom as a bibliographic essay on the research needed to do an analysis of a fandom that’s not the intended demographic, and had a bunch of cool stuff).

I think “brony” is best used to adult fans of the series, myself, but that’s just me being all evilly feminist about any system which distinguishes a group based solely on gender (I used to verbally smack people who called me a ‘poetess’ or ‘ladypoet’ back in the 70s).

12 years ago

“Can you imagine a woman ruling?”

Imagine it? I dunno, I can remember and even observe it right now, in the world today.

12 years ago

p.s. I never saw any sexualization of the show going on amongst my group–my grad student as noted above made a game with a friend of his, and they would play after meetings. THat doesn’t mean it didn’t happen; I just never saw any evidence of it! But then I am their advisor!

12 years ago

Yeah, I definitely don’t think the sexualization is common amongst adult fans, but it is present.

Ami Angelwings
12 years ago

Given that ppl keep telling me I’m Fluttershy, I’m rly disturbed his icon is Fluttershy w/ a fedora D:

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Dani and Ozy – I identify most with Rainbow Dash, because:


2) I definitely have her same struggle with finding a balance between self-esteem and being a jerk, trying to show my friends I’m cool without annoying or alienating them.

3) She gets a little electric guitar theme! I reiterate, AWWWW.

I also like Applejack purely because she is a pony with a ponytail and my brain can barely handle that much cute.

12 years ago

I also like that the other characters (mostly) treat her shyness like a legitimate character trait, not like something they have to constantly force her to get over. They sometimes push her into facing her fears, but never into being “normal.” I think it sends the message that “shy” is just a way people sometimes are, and that’s nice.

All the characters get this treatment – their personalities are all fine, none of them is inherently more virtuous than any of the others, it’s only a problem when it gets taken too far. And they all come across as completely authentic – you can think of real girls you’ve met who were like that. I love that about the show.

12 years ago

Twilight – though her name is a bit ruined for me by a certain sparkling creepy vampire – is my favorite for her love of books (she literally lives in a library!) and her inquisitive mind. Though Rainbow is a close number two, for her fierce character.

12 years ago

Applejack has just never grown on me. I love the rest of the Mane 6, and I don’t *mind* her, but…

12 years ago

Can I just say that I am so fucking jealous of Twilight’s house? It’s a library and a tree AT THE SAME TIME.

Ruby Hypatia
Ruby Hypatia
12 years ago

Men have no business claiming they’re more logical than women, and therefore should have the power. Hitler, Moussilini, Gengis Khan, Mao, Stalin, etc. Yeah, I’m not impressed with men’s logic. And Epic Atheist Bronie is very emotional.

12 years ago

There a reason you’re still here, Ruby?

12 years ago

While most people have a strong opinion of which is the “best” pony, I prefer to not think of it in terms of best. Everypony is born equal. However when it comes to my personal favourite pony, it comes down to a tie between Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie because she’s very likely ADHD, and I can relate to that, and Twilight on account of being able to relate to her position as being that one smart person who likes to use big words. Also, I would like to bring forth the fact that a large section of the fandom despises clop and pornography of the characters in its entirety, It’s like with furries, there are the ones who just like anthro art, and then there are the ones who are into crazy fetish-laced yiff fiction, and/or animal supremacy ideals. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it helps to illustrate that fandoms draw all varieties of people.