antifeminism bronies creepy I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy penises twitter

Clop clop clopping along with Epic Atheist Brony, MRA extraordinaire [UPDATE: Probably a troll.]

You remember the Men’s Rights Bronies we met not so long ago? Well, I have discovered another one, this one on Twitter! In addition to being brony and a “highly active MRA,” he is also – brace yourself for this – an atheist who loves to wear fedoras and talk in public about what he likes to do with his penis. (And they say stereotypes aren’t true.) His personal creed? “Love & tolerance.”

Anyway, his name is Epic Atheist Brony, and here’s his Twitter profile.

[NOTE: Mr. Brony seems to be a troll. See update below for details.]

Here are some recent highlights from his Twitter timeline. (Note: “clopping” is Brony slang for masturbation.)

Love & tolerance, everyone!

But you gals will have to enjoy your love & tolerance in the kitchen, while the clearly superior Epic Atheist Brony whacks it to cartoon ponies and tweets about which cartoon ponies his penis likes the most.

UPDATE: It seems likely that Mr. Brony is a troll/Poe. “His” original Twitter profile pic was a photo of a guy in a fedora, supposedly him. Trouble is, the actual guy in the pic stepped forward and explicitly denied being Mr. Brony (and, for that matter, being a “sexist fucktarded meme-spewing Redditor.”) Here’s the pic the real fedora-wearing dude posted as evidence. Thanks to @mister_smiley on Twitter for the link.

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Fluttershy is not best pony! Rainbow Dash is best pony!

Also someone please tell him that most women of “ruling” age don’t even get periods any more.

Also someone please tell him that even if women didn’t have jobs, “only” having children and caring for families actually is kinda important to society.

@cffry must have the patience of a saint.

12 years ago

The only reason women get jobs is to spite men and not take care of the household

Yeah, how dare women get jobs. Not only do they get jobs, but then they use money from their paychecks for frivolous things like “rent”, “food”, and “the gas bill”. The nerve of some women, wanting food and shelter.

Epic atheist brony should become a roommate with one of the MRA’s that think that cleaning a house and taking care of small children is like a vacation at a luxury resort. Then they could both be happy.

Mama Nervosa (@MamaNervosa)

I had a bunch of Bronies freak out over some posts I made about MLP recently. Some of them were very sweet in correcting me, and many of them called me a cunt! It was fascinating!

Mama Nervosa (@MamaNervosa)

@cliffpervocracy ITA, Rainbow Dash ftw.

12 years ago

Please, please tell me this is a parody.

12 years ago

For the last frickin’ time: many women are not married to men, or are married to men whose incomes are not sufficient to support their families. Those women still have to do mundane things like eat, or feed their dependents. How… this isn’t hard to grasp, I don’t… have you met women who weren’t straight and married to upper-middle-class dudes? Because I’m pretty sure that’s the majority of women.

12 years ago

I have never seen MLP (new version). Can someone explain to me the Bronies versus “Pegasisters” thing? Are the ponies gendered male on the show? Given that he’s referring to a queen this seems unlikely. Also he calls the show almost all female – again, what does that mean? So all the ponies are female? WTF is going on here?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

It’s impressive how quickly he goes between “women are worthless because they don’t work outside the home” and “women are worthless if they work outside the home.” Lots of MRAs believe both but you don’t usually see it so neatly spelled out.

I guess women just violate men’s rights by being born at all.

12 years ago

May be this is really a fake? I mean, this guy tweets about masturbation and how women suck and contribute nothing. He’s also likes MLP and collects hats… It looks like a parody to me. It’s just too weird to be true :-S

12 years ago

Yes, women should only stay in the kitchen until theyre ready to give birth…which means he should hate Lauren Faust for daring to step out of the kitchen and making…my little pony…hmm.

@Cassandra, bronies and pegasisters is the term for the fans, not the ponies in the show. There are male and female ponies in the show, although most of the major players are female. (spike is the only ‘main’ character thats male, and hes a dragon.)

12 years ago

“Everybody who has benefitted society deserves equal rights. Women only clean, cook, and take care of children and give birth.”

Who knew it didn’t benefit society to have living humans via them being born and fed and cared for until they could do so for themselves as adults.

If only I had known these were optional before almost dying from pregnancy twice and working all these hours to make sure my kids had food to eat, not to mention the pain from learning to breast feed….

12 years ago

And yet this is still less disturbing than Owly.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

CassandraSays – All of the mane (uh… main) six characters on MLP:FiM are female, and both the mayor of the town and the ruler of the country are also female. There are male characters whom everyone is very friendly with, but the core group is all mares (uh… girls).

Considering how many shows are the other way around, I’m not crying too hard about this.

(Also, the Fluttershy thing. Fluttershy is very meek and quiet–she tends to hide behind her hair and speak in a whisper–so she has a lot of creepy male fans who think she’s the Ideal Woman. On the show, she actually has a lot of hidden strength when she’s pushed too far, but I think they try to ignore that part.)

12 years ago

@ Joven

What I was trying to get at was, OK, so there are ponies and pegusi (is that the correct plural?) on the show. Bronies love ponies, obviously, and they’re men. Is the assumption just that everyone who loves ponies is a man and everyone who loves a pegasus instead is a woman? That’s the gendering part that’s confusing me.

12 years ago

Also ew about Fluttershy, and figures that sexists would focus on that particular character. This has some serious “you’re so jealous that men don’t like you as much as they like fluffy adorable kittens!” Meller potential.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

CassandraSays – There are three pony “species” on the show–pegasi, unicorns, and Earth ponies. All of them come in both genders and all of them have fans of both genders.

However, “bronies” means male fans of the show and I guess “pegasisters” is female fans.

12 years ago

They’re gendering it because they’re trying to congratulate themselves for being adult men who like a show that’s ostensibly for little girls. It has nothing to do with whether guys prefer ponies or ladies prefer pegasus or whatever. It’s all about trying to form some sort of identity around being cool, enlightened, and hipster enough to admit you like a kid’s show.

I remember back in the day, all my college-age friends and I liked Dexter’s Lab, Animaniacs, and Powerpuff Girls. We managed to do that without spending half our lives patting our own backs about it. But, whatevs.

12 years ago

(Also, the Fluttershy thing. Fluttershy is very meek and quiet–she tends to hide behind her hair and speak in a whisper–so she has a lot of creepy male fans who think she’s the Ideal Woman. On the show, she actually has a lot of hidden strength when she’s pushed too far, but I think they try to ignore that part.)

See, I like Fluttershy, but it’s specifically because she’s stronger than she appears on the surface. I just like the message that being kind and gentle doesn’t make you weak, I guess.

Tabby Lavalamp
12 years ago

“Because men are the only logical gender of mankind.”

Leaving aside his full frontal assault on the English language – they keep saying that, but are never able to prove it.

“Can you imagine a woman ruling?”

Unlike the men who have been in charge so far, women would probably start pointless wars and commit genocide.

Disclaimer: I’m not saying things would be better if only women were in charge, or that all men would be the same as the worst men if they were in charge. What I’m saying is that “Because men are the only logical gender of mankind. Can you imagine a woman ruling? What would happen during her menstrual cycle?” is misogynistic and illogical bullshit, wilfully blind to both history and the world today.
If men had the monopoly on logic and reason that misogynists keep claiming, you’d think that this planet would be in much better shape.

12 years ago

How old is this goofball? does his mom know he’s on Twitter?

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I just like the message that being kind and gentle doesn’t make you weak, I guess.

So do I! I also like that the other characters (mostly) treat her shyness like a legitimate character trait, not like something they have to constantly force her to get over. They sometimes push her into facing her fears, but never into being “normal.” I think it sends the message that “shy” is just a way people sometimes are, and that’s nice.

12 years ago

“Can you imagine a woman ruling?”

That happens on the actual show. Equestria is a principality ruled by a princess.

12 years ago

Does it seem odd to anyone else that there even exists brony slang for masturbation? I mean, I’m a little obsessive with my own favourite media, but I don’t go around talking about “staking it” to a favourite vampire or anything.

12 years ago

@ Viscaria

You’d think that “fap” would work. Also the “clopped” thing implies hooves coming into contact with delicate areas, which sounds more ouchy than fun. Plus now I have a generic “comedic horses clopping along” sound in my head.

12 years ago


I think it came about partly because linguistic humor, and a kind parallel language are part of the fun of the show. Characters address people and crowds as “somepony” or “everypony,” live in cities like Manehattan and Appleloosa, and so on, and substitue “hooves” for “hands” in various aphorisms.

So I think it’s natural that part of the fun of pony fandom is figuring out “how would they say this or that in Eqeustria?”

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