antifeminism irony alert misandry misogyny MRA reddit

Things I learned from Reddit: Feminists can’t be atheists. Also, they shouldn’t ever try to translate ancient Greek.

Things I learned on Reddit today.

1) From a_weed_wizard in the Men’s Rights subreddit, I learned that feminists cannot be atheists:

GirlWritesWhat agrees:

I’m not sure where those downvotes came from, since everything GirlWritesWhat says is by definition true.

2) From AskHistorians, I learned that feminists trying to correctly translate ancient Greek are evil man-hating monsters. Check out the downvotes on EggyMc!

Obviously, she’s retranslating with malice aforethought!

In this case, it’s easy to tell where at least some of the downvotes are coming from:  A link on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

MRAs: protecting ancient Greek history from MISANDRY since 2012!

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12 years ago


The stupid! It burns! Hissssssss!

(Seriously, that is one of the mind-meltingly dumbest things I have read in a long time, excluding some of the trolls on here.)

12 years ago

[I’ve noticed this being said quite often these days, the, “fear” of womens sexuality. It isn’t really the fear “of” womens sexuality, it’s more the fear of how detrimental to a society it is to allow women to devolve down to their base animal instinct of acting like animals in heat at their leisure in public.]

I don’t think he knows what quote marks are for.

The fear of uncontrolled female sexuality adversely impacting society /is/ generally what people are discussing when they refer to the more general “fear of women’s sexuality,”. What else would people be afraid of? Does he think that people who fear female sexuality think it is some sort of corporeal sentience which ranges far from its host body, hungering for male flesh?

Concerns about the social impact of uncontrolled sexuality has appeared in civil rights arguments before…in the United States, there were fears that desegregated public places would expose white women and children to the uncontrolled (and presumed savage) sexuality of African American men.

12 years ago

@CassandraSays: “Working from home is also misandry, since all men work in the salt mines.”

No, you silly thing. You see, the salt mines is where men all go to do something relaxing and easy during their well deserved breaks from their *real* jobs… After all, they have to get up sixteen hours before the go to bed. They manage to handle *real* manly jobs such as paving roads only, unlike their lazy and worthless female counterparts, they are so hardcore that they don’t need any equipment. They do it all with their bare hands. All this just so they have enough to afford a shoebox in the street. That’s all they have left money for after those succubus women with their greedy little hellspawn children steal nearly every last nickel from those noble working class heros.

12 years ago

I don’t think he knows what quote marks are for.

Punctuation is MISANDRY! Also, every time a word ends in “s”, it should be preceded by an apostrophe, or else MISANDRY!

12 years ago

“Would you bring a female dog in heat to a male dog and beat him down for attempting to mate? Would you do that to all dogs every day? That’d be pretty darn cruel considering every animal has two instincts, survival and reproduction. Yup, that be a most vile thing to do.”

Seriously? Ugh, dogs are not self-aware and can not reason about the moral ramification of things the way humans can. Come up with an analogies that don’t suck or stop making them.

12 years ago

“I remember Russian women immediately gained a shitload of rights, including abortion, once all the religious influence was removed from politics.”

Effects feminism has had on Russia.

In 1992, there were 225 abortions per 100 births
Fertility rate 1.1
Gender of population; 88 men per 100 women. Highest in the world.
Life expectancy; men 60.8 women 73.1
Average annual growth in real GDP 1991-2001: -3.3%
20% of a family’s disposable income goes toward alcoholic beverages.
Highest rate of alcoholism in the world.

The birthplace of feminism. All countries that have adopted the ideology of feminism follow the exact same trend. Congrats!!!

12 years ago

Actually I’m almost certain that my granny’s border collie was smarter than NWO is.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

There’s surely a way to combine the Misandry Factory’s products. Hard scented chairs made of candle wax?

I’m currently making a dress, which I’m sure is misandry because it totally reveals my ankles.

12 years ago


“Actually I’m almost certain that my granny’s border collie was smarter than NWO is.”
Honestly, even if said dog had anencephaly I’d be inclined to agree.

12 years ago

Hard chairs made of scented candle wax, hard scented candles in the shape of chairs, candles scented with the smell of hardwood chairs, the possibilities are endless.

12 years ago


Nice article you had up on the good feminist project the other day. Ya know the one about some woman walking about central park topless, and how you agree we should get rid of those old values and bring in the new. Ya know, demystify sex or whatever pops into your head.

So are we gonna go the whole nine yards or what? I mean if I go and pull my pants down and walk about naked in front of a bunch of little girls, is that OK. They might be curious about my woody. Would I be the bad man for doing that or would you be the bad prude for objecting?

12 years ago

@Dani Alexis
“Whence probably came the salt that is on these pumpkin seeds I’m eating, while working at home in my animalistic underwear. I’m like a one-woman misandry factory. I should be ashamed.”

Act like you want in the privacy of your home, try to show the slightest bit of self control in public. Or do you enjoy shoving it into young boys faces and watching them get embarrassed as they get aroused?

12 years ago


But I am. Men devolved down to the animalistic state of women is an insult. Look how well behaved men are compared to women. Women act like the little brat teasing the dog on a chain. Women do it because they know they’re safe, they have protectors.

And who are these protectors exactly? I mean, the protectors can’t be women, obviously, because in your worldview women are incapable of doing anything by themselves, therefore the protectors must be men, right?
But if that’s the case, how come they are protectors? I thought men “devolved into animals in heat” because women dress a certain way, right? Why don’t the protectors “devolve” as well and rape the women?
Either your theory is incorrect, or only some men are affected by this “devolution” and if so, why should they be let off the hook, when other men are perfectly capable of controlling themselves?

12 years ago

@Dani Alexis: “I’m currently making a dress, which I’m sure is misandry because it totally reveals my ankles.”

According to Sheikh Muhammad al-Habadan women are even too seductive if you can look at both her eyes. Imagine those burka wearing whores thinking it’s okay to try and get away with all that slutty winking and stuff. All they wanna do by showing off their eyes is rile innocent men using their sexuality as a weapon. When will we women understand that we are to blame for victimizing poor, oppressed men by having boobies and a vag?

12 years ago

NWO, darling, humans don’t go into heat. We have concealed ovulation instead.

12 years ago

Not being able to tell when women are “in heat” and thus receptive to advances is misandry. Curse you, evolution.

12 years ago

“NWO, darling, humans don’t go into heat. We have concealed ovulation instead.”

You’d never know it by womens actions. Humans also don’t change genders. Chaching, jackpot!

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

@themisanthropicmuse: Good thing this dress comes with some Lady-Gaga-style glasses-made-of-fabric-and-thus-don’t-actually-let-me-see-anything that also conceal my eyes.

😉 <—- misandry

12 years ago

Only very rocky ones as the whole Elevatorgate plus recent debates show–I think some of the atheist groups in the US are changng (American Atheists have a good sexual harassment policy)–but the ‘natural’ alliance isn’t there, and there is a strong and vocal minority who are downright misogynistic. (Erm, been reading over at, can heartily recommend a number of them!)

Heh, before reading Freethought Blogs/Skepchick/Pandagon I didn’t even realize atheism had any value as a social movement at all, rather than just being an individual preference.

I don’t want to imply that atheists are automatically smarter and better equipped to understand the world – the quoted post in the OP is clearly evidence against that. And I’m not saying the atheist culture is automatically pro-woman, there’s obviously a dedicated subgroup that’s committed to keeping women and women things out of their clubhouse. But I do consider feminism to be a logical consequence of rational thought, as I do atheism, and I really think they share the same goals even though there are plenty of misogynists working against it.

Anyway, listening to the Intersection of Non-Theism and Feminism panel with Sikivu Hutchinson, Rebecca Watson, Ophelia Benson, and Jen McCreight now. Interesting, but kinda depressing.

12 years ago

Yo, there are some freakin’ smart dogs out there. Well-trained, anyway.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago

Je pence donc je suis. Everything else I take on faith. The scientific method involves faith, if you want to put it like that, that the world is observable.

(OT: accessibility mavens, what’s a good screen-reader-compatible HTML tag to use to italicize foreign-language text? <em> isn’t right because it’s not emphasis.)

12 years ago

You see, the salt mines is where men all go to do something relaxing and easy during their well deserved breaks from their *real* jobs… After all, they have to get up sixteen hours before the go to bed. They manage to handle *real* manly jobs such as paving roads only, unlike their lazy and worthless female counterparts, they are so hardcore that they don’t need any equipment.

Those are the lucky guys in NWOLand. Some men in NWOLand work waist deep in sewage all day, and then spend all night outside in the middle of dangerous storms to restore power, all so pampered women can watch Sex and the City reruns without interruption. By the way, none of the men in NWOLand benefit from running water or electricity, because misandry. To make matters worse, all of the women they see at work wear string bikinis and perfume at the Human Resources department, where they do silly jobs like “manage employees’ health care benefits” “hire new workers”, or “retirement planning”, as if that would ever be helpful to anyone.

By the way, this animal in heat is wearing a Christmas tree nightgown and houseshoes. Oh no, not only is my gown taunting men but it’s also the wrong holiday theme for July!

12 years ago

I’m not in heat, but I’m hot!!! I came home from work and, because it’s supposed to rain tomorrow and for the next few days, mowed the lawn. It’s 36C outside (Fahrenheit makes no sense to me, sorry).

So, I’m done that, had a cool shower, and now I’m sitting under the fan in my nightie, sipping tepid water. My evil, animalistic, feminist, snowman-covered nightie. With tissues between my toes to dry them out. MWAhahaha! FEAR my sexuality!

12 years ago

“Not being able to tell when women are “in heat” and thus receptive to advances is misandry. Curse you, evolution”

Sure ya can. Just look at the way women dress and act.

12 years ago

Oh no, I broke the tags. Let me try to fix it.

If this doesn’t work, I’m sorry.