antifeminism irony alert misandry misogyny MRA reddit

Things I learned from Reddit: Feminists can’t be atheists. Also, they shouldn’t ever try to translate ancient Greek.

Things I learned on Reddit today.

1) From a_weed_wizard in the Men’s Rights subreddit, I learned that feminists cannot be atheists:

GirlWritesWhat agrees:

I’m not sure where those downvotes came from, since everything GirlWritesWhat says is by definition true.

2) From AskHistorians, I learned that feminists trying to correctly translate ancient Greek are evil man-hating monsters. Check out the downvotes on EggyMc!

Obviously, she’s retranslating with malice aforethought!

In this case, it’s easy to tell where at least some of the downvotes are coming from:  A link on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

MRAs: protecting ancient Greek history from MISANDRY since 2012!

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12 years ago


The person who said men are more likely to be criminal was a troll and we didn’t agree with her. I for one don’t see much man hating on this site, compared to most MRAs impressions of this blog. I have found the commenters to be very open and welcoming to people of all genders, trans people, gay, lesbian (I feel weird using queer since it was so insulting once upon a time).

But if someone immediately starts bashing women and regurgitating MRA talking points, they are going to be met with criticism and hostility.

I have never seen a nicer group of people online than here at Manboobz. They have forgiven me when I’ve made blunders. You really have to be a consistent asshat (like Ruby) for them to turn on you.

I think if you hadn’t come in expecting to alienate you would have had a better reception. But unfortunately a lot of trolls come here to stir up trouble.

12 years ago

Also, I don’t know scapemind’s gender, and it really doesn’t matter. I don’t why I typed her.

12 years ago

And I am Fembot. My name registers as Rage…on my iPhone.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Also, I don’t know scapemind’s gender, and it really doesn’t matter. I don’t why I typed her.”

Doesn’t really matter with scrapemind, ze was playing at guessing people’s gender, so your guess is literally as good as mine here.

12 years ago

Ok, I guess waffles 😀

12 years ago

Damn, now I want waffles 🙁

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Thanks Fembot, I just finished a waffle cone and now I want actual waffles too (Steele + Martin + scrapemind = cranky Argenti …and that NWO thing last night, we’ll just ignore that…)

12 years ago

I have never seen a nicer group of people online than here at Manboobz. They have forgiven me when I’ve made blunders. You really have to be a consistent asshat (like Ruby) for them to turn on you.

Even with Ruby, when she was just being an evo-psych/libertarian/internet atheist asshat, there was a general agreement to still be polite to her whenever she wasn’t expressing obnoxious opinions. Eg, if she said “those kittens are cute,” people would respond “yes, they’re cute,” not “but you just think that because your woman-brain is evolutionarily wired that way, amirite?”

It was only when she started laughing at rape that people stopped putting up with her.

Michael Lindsay
12 years ago

Someone needs to inform P.Z. Myers that he’s religious-according to MRA’s, I’m sure he’d be rather amused.

12 years ago

The person who said men are more likely to be criminal was a troll and we didn’t agree with her. I for one don’t see much man hating on this site, compared to most MRAs impressions of this blog.

Hand on heart, I’ve seen virtually none, certainly not from the regulars. And as a man, I suspect I’d have noticed.

Tellingly, whenever someone describes Manboobz as a cesspit of seething misandry, they either go quiet or change the subject when concrete proof is demanded. And that’s because we all know that such proof would be impossible to furnish without hacking into the site and rewriting the evidence on a grand scale.

I have never seen a nicer group of people online than here at Manboobz. They have forgiven me when I’ve made blunders. You really have to be a consistent asshat (like Ruby) for them to turn on you.

Even people who are worse than Ruby get the kid-glove treatment: the guy whose initials are an anagram of ‘LARM’ got an amazing amount of sympathy on a great many occasions despite demonstrably being an abusive trolling asshat, and more recently there was the overwhelmingly supportive reaction when Zarat admitted that he’d been seriously abused as a child. Even Owly’s had nice responses on occasion. Not sure about DKM, but he doesn’t deserve them.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Not sure about DKM, but he doesn’t deserve them.”

Idk about to him, but people have said that he seems happy with his dolls — that was in the context of NWO seeming sad, and maybe needing a hobby besides manboobz, iirc.

And yeah, pre-“prison rape is hilarious” general consensus was that it was mean to bring up Ruby’s ev-psych every time she said anything, but then she went and insisted, repeatedly, that prison rape of “evil people” is hilarious — and tried pulling some shit about how we have sympathy for evil people?!? That she seems to think she has some moral high ground because she thinks prison rape is sometimes “justice” is what really did it for me, this isn’t some “you watch too much TV, please learn something” problem.

Hell, Steele’s called us vile disgusting evil scumbags (repeatedly), he’s been called an asshole and idiot in return (he’s way beyond tedious at this point, I’m really hoping he sticks the flounce).

Shorter version — y’all really are some of the nicest people on the internet.

12 years ago

Yeah, I’ve made a point of not making fun of DKM’s fetish since it’s just a fetish and lots of people have them.

And yeah, pre-”prison rape is hilarious” general consensus was that it was mean to bring up Ruby’s ev-psych every time she said anything, but then she went and insisted, repeatedly, that prison rape of “evil people” is hilarious — and tried pulling some shit about how we have sympathy for evil people?!?

There’s a famous monk in my religion who is reported to have prayed even for demons, because he had compassion for them. This sort of thing is held up as the ideal. Shit, I hope I really do “have sympathy for evil people,” then I’ll be doing what I’m supposed to do, morally.

12 years ago

Yeah, I’ve made a point of not making fun of DKM’s fetish since it’s just a fetish and lots of people have them.

An excellent point.

And I also make a point of trying to work out in advance (and sometimes asking outright) if someone’s native language isn’t English, as they might well miss tonal nuances through no fault of their own. (I can’t remember his name now, but there was a troll the other day who clearly didn’t understand a fair chunk of the stuff being aimed in his direction: he wasn’t just being obtuse like Steele or Tom Martin).

Shit, I hope I really do “have sympathy for evil people,” then I’ll be doing what I’m supposed to do, morally.

My wife is seriously thinking of retraining as a psychosexual therapist, and I think she’d be brilliant at it: she combines keen intellectual curiosity with the necessary compassion and understanding, even in cases of behavior falling well outside what society in general might consider acceptable.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Re: DKM’s dolls — yeah whatever, the excessive sharing is what gets to me — that TMI line, he blows right past it (while trying to defend he doesn’t do anything sexual with his dolls and somehow only making it worse).

“I can’t remember his name now, but there was a troll the other day…”

Eurosabra perhaps? I’m not sure if he’s a non-native speaker though, one of the many questions he didn’t answer.

12 years ago

No – it was a few days ago. Definitely not Eurosabra, whose creepy witterings I’ve been aware of for years.

12 years ago


Re: DKM’s dolls — yeah whatever, the excessive sharing is what gets to me — that TMI line, he blows right past it (while trying to defend he doesn’t do anything sexual with his dolls and somehow only making it worse).

No, there was a post a few months past which was definitely sexual. He puts perfume on them and then looks at them while he masturbates, iirc.

12 years ago

But “Oh yeah? Well you like dolls!” is not a rejoinder to his horrible sexism/racism, it’s just bigoted.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

VoIP — I knew of the perfume part, I either missed or blocked the masturbation part (TMI!). “You like dolls!” is, at fucking best, childish.

Veronica K. B. (@VeronicaInPink)

Doesn’t really matter with scrapemind, ze was playing at guessing people’s gender, so your guess is literally as good as mine here.

Or you can click his name and read his Twitter profile 🙂

12 years ago

So the many people on this board who are happily partnered are completely ignored by Andy and his FOREIGN BRIDE?

I have a spouse who was born in Hong Kong(came here at 5 years old, naturalized US citizen when 19), who is also a feminist! We have two kids, which is misandry, according to MRAs.

12 years ago

I think some of you guys have a problem with men because the guys your attracted to don’t like you.

Ugh. Dude, you could have skipped the rest of your bullshit ramble, I think it was pretty obvious this is what you were winding towards anyway. All troll roads lead to “y’all are feminists cause you can’t get a guy to fuck you!”, apparently.

12 years ago

I think some of you guys have a problem with men because the guys your attracted to don’t like you.

Which ones? I’ve always got the general impression that most of the regulars here are very happy indeed with their various partnerships. My own marriage could hardly be happier right now – after a decade of tweaks and adjustments, I think we’ve got the work-life-family balance more or less perfect.

I think some of you guys have a problem with men because the guys your attracted to don’t like you.

Which people here “have a problem with men”? You really haven’t been reading Manboobz properly at all, have you?

I think the MRA guys have a problem with women because they’re not able to attract one.

Now there we’re closer to agreeing – it’s been patently obvious to me that a lot of our regular trolls, certainly including NWO and Zarat, are desperately unhappy about something pretty fundamental, which is presumably one of the reasons that they periodically lash out here. It’s also the reason that they often get a surprisingly sympathetic hearing, despite the vile bullshit they usually spew.

That’s why you always have to try to emasculate a male poster by calling them “cupcake” or something

…says the man who thought that it was appropriate to address a mixed-sex group with a high average IQ as “gals“.

I’m a man, and I’ve never felt even the tiniest bit emasculated here. If you treat other people with respect, the rest of us will show it to you in turn. And sometimes even if you don’t.

But you got off to a lousy start, and the hole’s been getting deeper ever since.

12 years ago

Gaah, blockquote fail!

In case it’s not obvious, the sentence “I think the MRA guys have a problem with women because they’re not able to attract one” should also have been blocked out.

12 years ago

Shorter Andy:
“I agree with every argument you all have made. However, you also called me out on describing my girlfriend entirely in terms of what she does for me. You also called me out on explicitly saying that it was much easier to get a pretty girl to do those things for me abroad because, in America, women have all that equality and economic independence.

These are uncomfortable things for me to reconcile because then I might have to consider why it was so difficult for me to have a relationship prior to this. So, I’m calling you all big meanies and leaving.”

Veronica K. B. (@VeronicaInPink)

I missed this the first time as the wall of text sort of bored me …

I think some of you guys have a problem with men because the guys your attracted to don’t like you.[…] That’s why you always have to try to emasculate a male poster by calling them “cupcake” or something and thats why MRA guys have to call American women skanks. Both sides are compensating for the fact they really just aren’t too happy in their lives.

Ah the infamous strawman-feminist.

I don’t dislike men, just some (MRAs and assholes in general). And I don’t care if the men I find attractive likes me back or not because I’m not interested in dating men. I’m also quite happy with my life.

As for what feminism is, try: