antifeminism irony alert misandry misogyny MRA reddit

Things I learned from Reddit: Feminists can’t be atheists. Also, they shouldn’t ever try to translate ancient Greek.

Things I learned on Reddit today.

1) From a_weed_wizard in the Men’s Rights subreddit, I learned that feminists cannot be atheists:

GirlWritesWhat agrees:

I’m not sure where those downvotes came from, since everything GirlWritesWhat says is by definition true.

2) From AskHistorians, I learned that feminists trying to correctly translate ancient Greek are evil man-hating monsters. Check out the downvotes on EggyMc!

Obviously, she’s retranslating with malice aforethought!

In this case, it’s easy to tell where at least some of the downvotes are coming from:  A link on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

MRAs: protecting ancient Greek history from MISANDRY since 2012!

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Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

What the term means to me is that, in opposition to radical feminists, lesbian separatists, and other second-wave feminists, they are pro-Slut Walk, pro-BDSM, pro-porn, and pro-trans.

The word you’re looking for is “sex-positive,” not “third-wave.” And do you actually have a problem with it or are you just sniping?

Also stop fucking guessing people’s gender identities, or I’m going to start guessing your gastrointestinal ailments. I GUESS UNCONTROLLABLE FARTING.

12 years ago

Wow you are a nasty troll aren’t you, trying to make people go all transphobic on someone because you find it “interesting”.

Fuck you.

12 years ago

I find it interesting to speculate on what a sad life scrapemind must have in order to find pleasure in attempting to pit strangers against each other online.

12 years ago

I don’t really much about lesbian separatism, to be honest.

Veronica K. B. (@VeronicaInPink)

You can see the two waves fighting each other in Ms. Magazine comment threads.

Do you troll there too?

I’m not a trans activist, but some of my friends are. I’m more interested in feminism in general, and those interests include trans women’s rights as well as women’s rights that don’t affect me directly – and all the issues in between. Several of the rad fems I have interacted with actually find that them and I have had much in common – well aside from raging haters like Cathy Brennan of course …

12 years ago

Do you normally try to out queer people in a group you think will be queerphobic for your own sick amusement?

12 years ago

Do you normally try to out queer people in a group you think will be queerphobic for your own sick amusement?

She was already out. Also, I didn’t think this group would be queerphobic. As I said, you’re third-wavers, which to me means the sort of people who would use the word queerphobic in the first place. I just commented on her trans-ness because I was reminded of the Trans Wars.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I just commented on her trans-ness because I was reminded of the Trans Wars.

Oh cool, you’re an asshole.

…No particular reason, I was just reminded of something. I like to reveal personal information and see if someone gets attacked when I’m reminded of things. I’m whimsical like that.

12 years ago

Because it’s fun for me to watch people get attacked. No particular reason, I just enjoy it.


12 years ago

She was already out

You do realize you can be out to some people and not others right? I had no idea she was trans, nor did probably most of the commenters.

Also, I didn’t think this group would be queerphobic.

Yes you did:

I commented on it because I picked up a hint of the fight between women’s liberation and transgender activism, which I like to watch.

You said you were trying to out her so you could watch us attack her for being trans because “you like to watch” you sick fuck.

As I said, you’re third-wavers, which to me means the sort of people who would use the word queerphobic in the first place.

But you didn’t know that, you implied you thought we were 2nd wavers.

I just commented on her trans-ness because I was reminded of the Trans Wars.

Again we were not even talking about radfem’s transphobia, there was no reason to bring it up unless you were hoping we would harass her over it or trying to dismiss what she was saying on grounds of her being trans.

12 years ago

Scrapemind must be awesome at parties.

“Oh, hey, remember that time when you were violently beaten as a child? Something that Bob said just reminded me of that, thought I’d ask if you remembered. Wait, why are people giving me appalled looks?”

Veronica K. B. (@VeronicaInPink)

I rarely comment here, but I have been reading the blog for a long time. I wouldn’t have been doing either if I thought this place was transphobic.

My comment was obviously directed at the blog post and making the point that feminism makes total sense from a rational point of view, aside from certain “outliers” …

At no point was trans anything relevant.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“Argenti, I guess cis.”

And you guess wrong! See, this is what happens when you make assumptions based on limited choices and a tiny photo (in costume no less) — genderqueer here, that photo is from a shoot while posing as one of the wayward Victorian girls from Emilie Autumn’s book…since the only men in The Asylum are doctors/guards and royal assholes, yeah… (well, I could’ve gone for the naive photographer, but I decided not to steal the only decent male role from my photographer)

I’m wearing about an hour’s worth of make up there btw, my photographer got a good chunk of The Asylum read while I was futzing with brushes.

And now I’m going to catch up on the rest of this thread and try not to be too creeped out that one of our trolls dug up a photo of me, I may seriously need to change that pic.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Shorter version — *points to avatar* androgynous ninja.

“At no point was trans anything relevant.”

Actually relevant? Nope; Relevant to his bigotry of the hour? Apparently.

Bigotry aside, scrapemind is a lulz troll if he’s just trying to pull up random shit to piss us off — not that that makes him better, but maybe he’ll go away if we don’t feed the troll.

12 years ago

Scrapemind probably imagines peoples personal indentities as something akin to volatile chemicals in a high school lab, there to just mix together for shits and giggles.

Be careful, Scrapemind, that shit may burn ya.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

red_locker — for extra stupid, the photo he’s going on (in my case) was for shits and giggles. Basing my gender on cos-play, that is the sort of hilarity I was expecting I guess.

And this thread needs a derail, so let me note that I’ve also done Shuichi (the pink haired one) —

And my avatar is Haku (Naruto spoilers from episode 20-something) —

12 years ago

The higher your testosterone, the more prone you are to crime.

Interestingly, it appears that increasing people’s testosterone levels leads to more fair behavior, whereas the perception of increased testosterone leads to more aggression. Apparently human social behavior is actually really complicated.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass

So either I’m not actually a feminist, not actually an atheist, or a number of MRAs don’t know what they’re talking about. I know which one I’d bet on!

Veronica K. B. (@VeronicaInPink)

Yeah, I remember when I had a lot of testosterone in my blood, I was such an angry monster. Killed kittens at least once a day, and I would always run over squirrels with my car.

Nope, that didn’t happen. I loved kittens then, and I love kittens now. Losing the T made my nipples a lot more sensitive though. Some of the MRAs should try it. It may distract them for a while. Couldn’t hurt …

12 years ago

Shut the hell up, scrapemind. None of the feminists here hate trans people.
Veronica, you own and don’t ever stop being you.

12 years ago

Ugh, if you come back to this thread, I’m interested in what you said here:

Re: Taiping Rebellion

Both sides did use conscription tactics. Taipings often went into villages to compel local people to serve. The Qing army , on the other hand, was pretty much all compulsory. Manchu noblemen served in the cavalry and the sharpshooter brigades as part of the requirements of their position, and most of their frontline infantry were Han conscripts. Most of the navies of both armies was simply stolen from private shipowners and repurposed.

I know the Taipings conscripted people, but I was under the impression that the ethnic Manchu part of the Qing army was hereditary and the ethnic Han part was voluntary.. Are you saying the Green Banners conscripted? Do you have a source on this? Because Chinese history is not my field at all and I would love more info. Catch you in the other thread.

12 years ago

I don’t know why I care…but I do because one of the people pissed me off. Someone said something like, “Are you HER best friend too? Do you know what she whats to do with her life? Do you know what her dreams and aspirations?” Some of you guys make some good points and I respect your opinions, but I didn’t respect this. When I say were best friends thats exactly what I mean. We are both each others best friends. “What does she get from the relationship?” Umm what the fuck? She gets me and I what do I get, I get her. That’s the meaning of a relationship, that your TOGETHER. Jesus. Yea, I’m her best friend, I know ALL ABOUT HER BECAUSE IM HER BEST FRIEND. I know she loves horses, gets really upset when she see’s a dead animal, wants to be a designer, is a good student, loves her family, likes hiking, likes wine, wants to move to france when she’s older, but just for a little bit, she likes dressing up on saturday nights (its okay that some girls like to dress up she is not submitting to me or something, she liked doing this before I met her and will like dressing up her whole life, some women like to look pretty and it doesn’t mean their submitting to men, she expects me to dress up too even though im really casual, its more I’m submitting to her lol) and she is pretty much nice to everybody, but her main interest is horses and wants to make it in dressage. Its not a bad thing to want to look good for your boyfriend. My girl wants to look good for me, she’s told me, and I want to look good for her, I’ve told her. I told her today some women think its bad to dress up and put makeup on, that they think its submitting to men, she just laughed. One thing I think you guys are right about are the MRA sites that have fetishes over foreign women…It is creepy, the site I was reading before I read the other ones today that I thought was pretty good was(decided not to say it, but it was more of one of those “game” sites or whatever”, but I found some other ones that are kinda weird..anyway I get your point on some of those. But one person said that men are born criminals. Umm, no. I don’t think that at all. Most girls say that girls are meaner to each other than guys are to each other. But think what you will. This is my last post and I’m not posting on this site anymore, but I might read the replies to this. I think some of you guys have a problem with men because the guys your attracted to don’t like you. I think the MRA guys have a problem with women because they’re not able to attract one. That’s why you always have to try to emasculate a male poster by calling them “cupcake” or something and thats why MRA guys have to call American women skanks. Both sides are compensating for the fact they really just aren’t too happy in their lives. By the way, Prague is the coolest city in the world, I went to a lot of the prague Fringe festival plays, and some of them had feminist themes you guys would like, the ones I went to were the funny ones though. My girl liked one the best where it was this one british guy made a lot of self-depracating jokes about his attempts at finding a girl, and then finally got over his insecurity. Anyway good luck…with all this.

12 years ago

And yes, I haven’t been very sobber while posting on here.

12 years ago

That was interesting.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Andy — sobriety aside, you think you could hit enter once in a while? They don’t even need to be proper paragraphs, just break that fucking wall o’ text up a bit would you? (That doesn’t happen to be Czech vodka does it? If it is, please pass the bottle)