antifeminism irony alert misandry misogyny MRA reddit

Things I learned from Reddit: Feminists can’t be atheists. Also, they shouldn’t ever try to translate ancient Greek.

Things I learned on Reddit today.

1) From a_weed_wizard in the Men’s Rights subreddit, I learned that feminists cannot be atheists:

GirlWritesWhat agrees:

I’m not sure where those downvotes came from, since everything GirlWritesWhat says is by definition true.

2) From AskHistorians, I learned that feminists trying to correctly translate ancient Greek are evil man-hating monsters. Check out the downvotes on EggyMc!

Obviously, she’s retranslating with malice aforethought!

In this case, it’s easy to tell where at least some of the downvotes are coming from:  A link on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

MRAs: protecting ancient Greek history from MISANDRY since 2012!

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12 years ago

Hey Andy I found an article about you
try to read more than just the first sentence this time

12 years ago

(nobody read the comments, though; the second one called a woman who was proud of having gotten a doctorate “classist” and then they all yelled at each other for 146 comments. Christ the Feministe commentariat annoys me.)

12 years ago

(nobody read the comments, though; the second one called a woman who was proud of having gotten a doctorate “classist” and then they all insulted each other for 146 comments. Christ the Feministe commentariat annoys me.)

12 years ago

Those comments reminded me why I rarely comment at Feministe.

12 years ago

I think my favorite was the time the Hugo Schwyzer story broke (a bunch of people at Feministe were defending him, fyi), and one guy said he knew Schwyzer had been up to no good from the beginning because Schwyzer had a degree in medieval history, which was an example of class and race privilege.

Nothing about how academia has been racist, nothing about how a lot of our historical narratives have valorized white Europeans at the expense of others, he should not have gotten the degree itself.


Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“OT: accessibility mavens, what’s a good screen-reader-compatible HTML tag to use to italicize foreign-language text? <em> isn’t right because it’s not emphasis.”

Oi, the lang attribute…ignoring that support is questionable, it isn’t an HTML tag but an attribute that goes inside an HTML tag, so you could do <i lang=”fr”> to get both the italics (for print) and the language tag (for screen readers). Replace fr with the language code you need (fr is French). If you just want to add the language attribute without otherwise affecting the text, use <span lang=”fr”> — idk if the WP back-end here will allow span tags though, so I’d stick with <i>.

Support is questionable though, only a handful of languages are supported without a plug-in.

12 years ago

Between Ruby ruining atheism for the rest of us with her stupidity (and causing a conversation full of generalisations and misunderstandings) and Owly’s penis, i’m now regretting going back and reading this entire thing. o.o

12 years ago

“Between Ruby ruining atheism for the rest of us with her stupidity (and causing a conversation full of generalisations and misunderstandings) and Owly’s penis, i’m now regretting going back and reading this entire thing. o.o”

I haven’t… yet. I’m mixed between fear and morbid curiosity.

Dani Alexis
Dani Alexis
12 years ago

I want to hear you gals opinions on some other things though

Here are two opinions I have:

1. I like apostrophes when one is trying to show possession. In this case, “gals’ opinions.”
2. I do not appreciate being called a “gal.” It’s demeaning dressed up as folksy.

Other commenters may have other opinions. Contrary to what you may or may not have heard, feminists are not actually a Borg hivemind.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“I’m mixed between fear and morbid curiosity.”

Be warned — NWO talked about his “woody” so much that David told him to stop. (I’m trying to ignore that)

Re: Greek gods/goddesses — Hera’s husband, Zeus, overthrew his father (Chronos) because his father ate his siblings…the MRM could find better examples of Greek myth being anti-male in other words. (Of course, afaik, that’s been the tradition of Zeus’s birth since ancient times, so blaming feminism would be pretty hilarious)

12 years ago

Too late.
Brb, I need some brain bleach.

12 years ago

I’m sorry I missed Andy.

I have an interesting perspective on life and want to hear what you gals think about some things i believe your reactions, etc

I’m so sure, cupcake. A troll has never made me laugh this hard.

Ward Chanley
12 years ago

“Apparently feminism is a religion because it means you believe, uh, women exist?”

Not to make too much of it, but I wonder how much of it is mouthbreathing over the emergence of things like women’s spirituality/dianic witchcraft in the seventies? (Not, of course, that all feminists were neopagans, or that those movements are even particularly active these days…they may be, but it’s been a while since I was spiritually inclined in any particular direction, so I haven’t looked, lately).

It’s a stretch, I know…

12 years ago

My girlfriend is more fiesty than I am. She is anything, but submissive.

Yes, and the Panda eats, shoots, and leaves. This is why commas, matter.

Ward Chanley
12 years ago

“Who cares why prude. A woody is a man giving women a compliment. Woodys are beautiful. Women lust after mens woodys. Enough with the body shaming sweetheart.”

Well, technically, my erections are typically a compliment to my boyfriend, but eh. I’m a guy. Cute guys I’m not madly in love with sometimes cause bodily reactions, too. The point I gathered was less about the woody than the *little girls*. But hey, I read, so there’s that.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago

I’m going to assume Andy will be back after he sleeps it off.


What I have found, is that you gals reputation is not just in tatters with lonely American men, but also with people the world over.

Care to present your findings?

Seriously, I always wonder why this is supposed to be a dig. “Oh no, some random guy on the Internet made an unsubstantiated assertion that men don’t want to be with me! Whatever will I do?”

Not many people actually care, I think. Even the ones into dudes. Even the ones into dudes who aren’t in relationships.


I think what you guys fail to see, is that both guys and girls can get fucked over in life and you generalize all guys as the same.

“All you feminists generalize all the time!”


I don’t know what point I’m trying to make.

Join the club.

op. cit.:

Basically what I’m saying is, I know what its like to be a lonely guy and be rejected and also to be accepted and be with a beautiful girl who loves to dress up sexy when we go out and be my best friend, talk about politics with, and shoot the shit with.

M3 T00, and yet I manage not to go around saying “American women are unlovable skanks”. Actually, there’s a vast buffet of MRA talking points I find myself refraining from.

(Given the first name on my ID, I’d actually like to go to Prague — that and Baltimore are the only cities in which I feel properly respected, though Boston tries its best. But it has nothing to do with the women or hating America.)


why are you guys attacking some girl you don’t know?


I think the mrm people make some decent points.

12 years ago

“Look, I just think American women need to get a grip on reality,” Andy 1:48 AM

“…but that is stereotyping…people are different and unique doesn’t matter the country.” Andy, 1:52 AM

We should for real start rating trolls by the shortest number of minutes passed between making a statement and contradicting that statement.

12 years ago

Re: Taiping Rebellion

Both sides did use conscription tactics. Taipings often went into villages to compel local people to serve. The Qing army , on the other hand, was pretty much all compulsory. Manchu noblemen served in the cavalry and the sharpshooter brigades as part of the requirements of their position, and most of their frontline infantry were Han conscripts. Most of the navies of both armies was simply stolen from private shipowners and repurposed.

However, the single most disastrous example of the draft was, by far, the Soviet Army in WWII. Universal conscription had been in effect since 1925, so there was no distinction whatsoever between volunteers and enlistees. Soviet forces suffered approx. 9-10 million casaulties, beating out every other example of the draft in world history by a mile.

Steele, it you’re still reading, please, please try to make the case that Stalin’s USSR was institutionally misandrist. It would make you my most favorite troll ever.

12 years ago

Oops, wrong thread! Sorry guys!

Maniacal Goblinoid Nightmare Woman
Maniacal Goblinoid Nightmare Woman
12 years ago

Others must have pointed it out but the “beautiful” son bit’s just a parent concerned that their nerdy, pretty boy is probably gonna have the shit kicked out of him living in America but that’s not feminism’s fault, that’s just America being set up to reward the more selfishly conservative mind set again. Please, “Andy”, when looking to piece together why society in The Czech Republic (?) is different to America, be very skeptical of MRA’s, as they’ve been raised just as clueless as you. At least you’ve got a chance to step back and take a look at how things operate.
Listen to this lot. If they object to worlds like “feisty”, listen to them to try and understand why. You arrived here from an MRA site, picked up their philosophy…why not tell the MRA sites what you learned here and see how they respond. Hopefully you’ll work things out eventually.

And please “you lot”, to a lot of people round the world, “choice” feminists are every bit cluelessly awful as your young, white, Ron Paul supporters and dating them sounds round about as fun as dating Ayn Rand. Wishing not to interact with selfish people like that simply isn’t the same thing as wanting to marry someone who’s being oppressed.

12 years ago

I don’t know what point I’m trying to make. Basically what I’m saying is, I know what its like to be a lonely guy and be rejected and also to be accepted and be with a beautiful girl who loves to dress up sexy when we go out and be my best friend, talk about politics with, and shoot the shit with. I still got some pent up anger from not having quality relationships in the states.

What exactly does the beautiful girl get out of it? I mean, YOU are not beautiful, are you? /Are you HER best friend? Do you even know if you are? What are her interests, her dreams, her aspirations — besides just being there for you, that is? Or does she exist solely to serve your wants and needs (including propping up your sad ego by dressing like a bimbo when you go out)?

12 years ago


Seriously, I always wonder why this is supposed to be a dig. “Oh no, some random guy on the Internet made an unsubstantiated assertion that men don’t want to be with me! Whatever will I do?”

Not many people actually care, I think. Even the ones into dudes. Even the ones into dudes who aren’t in relationships.

This is so true. Sometimes trolls come in with with their “no man will ever want you!” nonsense and I feel like saying “well, won’t my boyfriend be surprised!” But even if I didn’t have a partner, I wouldn’t give a damn if these particular dudes consider me dateable. I’d rather be on my own forever than be with someone I need to compromise myself for.

12 years ago

I think what you guys fail to see, is that both guys and girls can get fucked over in life and you generalize all guys as the same.

Andy is wrong. Feminists think generalization is sinful. Feminists are too easy on men, because they think that socialization, or possibly lack of it, can cure men of their criminality.

12 years ago

What’s the “Hugo Schwyzer story?” I totally missed that but keep seeing references to some sort of scandal or fallout about him on various blogs.

12 years ago

“I think my favorite was the time the Hugo Schwyzer story broke (a bunch of people at Feministe were defending him, fyi), and one guy said he knew Schwyzer had been up to no good from the beginning because Schwyzer had a degree in medieval history, which was an example of class and race privilege.”

Well, obviously. Degrees are terrible and no one should get them, especially if they’re in subjects that don’t have a clear and immediate practical application. Anti-intellectualism has a fine tradition among some leftists and doesn’t mean we’re shooting ourselves in the foot at all.

Sometimes the Feministe comments remind me of one of those social justice Tumblrs where kids are complaining about how their mom doesn’t understand her diurnal privilege.

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