antifeminism irony alert misandry misogyny MRA reddit

Things I learned from Reddit: Feminists can’t be atheists. Also, they shouldn’t ever try to translate ancient Greek.

Things I learned on Reddit today.

1) From a_weed_wizard in the Men’s Rights subreddit, I learned that feminists cannot be atheists:

GirlWritesWhat agrees:

I’m not sure where those downvotes came from, since everything GirlWritesWhat says is by definition true.

2) From AskHistorians, I learned that feminists trying to correctly translate ancient Greek are evil man-hating monsters. Check out the downvotes on EggyMc!

Obviously, she’s retranslating with malice aforethought!

In this case, it’s easy to tell where at least some of the downvotes are coming from:  A link on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

MRAs: protecting ancient Greek history from MISANDRY since 2012!

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Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago


NWO thinks that female sexuality means having a female body

Yeah, but I think he thinks he’s been told that because a woman was in a “sexualised outfit” and since he doesn’t really grasp what words mean he interpreted that as saying that by wearing the outfit, she was having sex.

12 years ago

(Ninja’d, obviously.)

12 years ago

Again, moron, the word is “for”. Not “OF”, but “FOR”.

12 years ago

That quote, no matter what you believe about context, was written.

So when my novelist boyfriend types the words I WOULD LIKE TO KILL YOU, even if they’re coming out of the mouth of one of his characters, he is a murderer. You are all sorts of dumb, aren’t’cha?

12 years ago

Okay, I read the whole thing, point taken…But she shouldn’t be terrified. She should raise him well and do the best she can for him and not be so terrified of the world. The world is a tough place. Thats my feeling on that. I want to hear you gals opinions on some other things though. I have an interesting perspective on life and want to hear what you gals think about some things i believe your reactions, etc

12 years ago

That quote […] was written. [It is] appropriate […] to be terrified of […] possessing positive qualities that will benefit […] a human.

Andy, I’m shocked. SHOCKED, I tell you, that you could be so heartless as to be AFRAID of benefitting another human being. You lowlife scum, you.

12 years ago

Welp, I just got some late-night grub, and just got over our last tedious troll. I’m sitting back and enjoying the show on this one.

*sits back with a slice of pizza and waves hand*


12 years ago

I have an interesting perspective on life

Assumes facts not in evidence.

12 years ago

Okay little Andy. Go to town, babycakes. Your questions mean so much to us, laddie, since your track record on reading comprehension is so very fucking solid.

12 years ago

I want to hear you gals opinions on some other things though. I have an interesting perspective on life and want to hear what you gals think about some things i believe your reactions, etc

Oh, that’ll be a hoot. You’re off to a great start so far. And you’d do well not to assume we’re all “gals”.

12 years ago

Yep, all us gals are waiting with bated breath. We feminists LOVE to be called gals, it gives us all kinds of warm and fuzzy feelings. Especially the men feminists. They love it the most.

12 years ago


Hmm, yes, indeed

12 years ago

If you keep me amused through the overture I shall consider it a smashing success!

12 years ago

So, my mom is Czech, my girlfriend is Czech, and I live right outside Prague, but I used to live in the States until I was 21. I’m 22 now. They are the best people in my life, so obv I don’t hate women. I started reading some MRA sites several months back (I read a lot on the internet when I’ve got a break from work. I think a lot of the points the guys make are correct. Girl guy interactions are different in different countries and in America the social situation is unhealthy. Do you guys disagree?

12 years ago

Kirby’s eating pizza? [cloudiah sighs in resignation and heads back down to the wine cellar to get more wine.] [Also, cloudiah checks wallet and considers entering witness protection program so that zombie kirby can’t find her.] Okay, kirby, I brought up some reds and a few nice whites. Which should I open first? [sighs again; checks phone to see if FBI has gotten back to her.]

12 years ago

“I want to know if you gals feel its an appropriate feeling to be “terrified” your son has positive attributes and is smart and capable.”

Have you ever heard “to whom much is given, much is expected?” That is what I inferred from the mother’s comment.

12 years ago

Well, I have to work tomorrow. Bedtime for me. Have fun with the young man who wants to alienate the two most important people in his world by becoming an MRA.

12 years ago

Also, my girlfriend has told me she thinks are American girls are loud, spoiled, and bossy. Is she an idiot MRA activist?

12 years ago

Andy, infantile male creature, first I need to know what happened to your closing paragraph. When you’ve found it, please re-submit comment.

Also, are you addressing the gals or the guys? Please clarify.

12 years ago

Actually Andy, lots misogynists love their mothers, and have girlfriends. Liking a specific woman doesn’t prove you’re not a bigot. Ever hear the phrase “One the good ones.”?

12 years ago

What I have found, is that you gals reputation is not just in tatters with lonely American men, but also with people the world over.

12 years ago

I’m not a misogynist.

12 years ago

“irl guy interactions are different in different countries and in America the social situation is unhealthy.”

Unhealthy compared to what? Different people have different experience with dating.

12 years ago

Is she an idiot MRA activist?

Andy, darling hamster, can you please explain the difference between these two terms, because I see no daylight between them:
+ idiot
+ MRA activist*

*Bonus points: Please explain your definition of “activist” since based on our experience no one in the MRM is capable of organizing even a one-car parade.

12 years ago

So, I get a strong feeling we’re gonna come to a consensus with this guy. What do you all think?

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