antifeminism irony alert misandry misogyny MRA reddit

Things I learned from Reddit: Feminists can’t be atheists. Also, they shouldn’t ever try to translate ancient Greek.

Things I learned on Reddit today.

1) From a_weed_wizard in the Men’s Rights subreddit, I learned that feminists cannot be atheists:

GirlWritesWhat agrees:

I’m not sure where those downvotes came from, since everything GirlWritesWhat says is by definition true.

2) From AskHistorians, I learned that feminists trying to correctly translate ancient Greek are evil man-hating monsters. Check out the downvotes on EggyMc!

Obviously, she’s retranslating with malice aforethought!

In this case, it’s easy to tell where at least some of the downvotes are coming from:  A link on the Men’s Rights subreddit.

MRAs: protecting ancient Greek history from MISANDRY since 2012!

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12 years ago

I think some of you guys have a problem with men because the guys your attracted to don’t like you.

Some tropes just never get old, huh?

12 years ago

I thinks it’s called a trope once it got old.

12 years ago

No – it was a few days ago. Definitely not Eurosabra, whose creepy witterings I’ve been aware of for years.

Was it glossary troll? The Swedish (I think) person who was spamming the FAQs.

M Dubz
12 years ago

@Andy- If you are so goddamned happy with your girlfriend, why do you feel the need to bitch about how Everyone Hates American Women? If you are really comfortable and secure in your life without us, why do you feel the need to tell us that your girlfriend thinks we are awful and shallow, and complain about how none of us will fuck you? You have someone who makes you happy. Go and be happy. We will not begrudge the loss, I can assure you of that.

12 years ago

Katz: Would any of our resident penis-bearers care to weigh in on whether warm sun or a gentle breeze can cause a boner?

Not in my experience. It can feel nice, but not that sort of nice. Since Ive often had an outdoor hot-tub, and/or a garden I’ve spent a moderate amount of time naked in the out of doors, in the past 30 years or so (And I lived out of doors for three months in 2003). As a different data point one of the interesting things about SF/Berkely is that obscenity is unlawful, but nudity isn’t obscene. So there are people who wander about without clothes. I’ve never seen one [outside of things like the Folsom Street Fair] who was popping wood.

12 years ago

If Andy is USian and now lives in Prague, wouldn’t that make *him* the foreign bride?

12 years ago

Oh, Andy: I don’t think you know what you are asking to have rain down on your ego.

Girl guy interactions are different in different countries and in America the social situation is unhealthy. Do you guys disagree?

Yep, I disagree. I’ve been in Korea, Ukraine, Germany, France, Scotland, and Canada (the trip to Ecuador didn’t count. Too focused, and I don’t speak enough Spanish to really interact with the locals).

Also, my girlfriend has told me she thinks are American girls are loud, spoiled, and bossy. Is she an idiot MRA activist?

Insufficient data.

What I have found, is that you gals reputation is not just in tatters with lonely American men, but also with people the world over.

The world over? Really? You are in Praha, and from the state, and all of 22. With that amazing wealth of travel and experience you’ve learned that people the world over all think poorly of American women.

I’m not a misogynist.

At present the evidence indicates otherwise.

I think that men and women are different and if you actually use a little bit of your brain that’s obvious. So why pretend were not?

Who is pretending we are? Now, please explain the ways in which those differences manifest, and what that means for things like equal rights.

And that takes us to the end of the page.

So far what I see is an immature idjit, who tells me he’s in a Central European Country and that American women suck, but he’s not a misogynist and some woman in Praha thinks he’s cool and that she also thinks American women suck.

Evidence for the above is lacking for almost everything, which is why I say he’s an immature idjit.

12 years ago

Andy: I lived in America. I know what its like growing up as a male there. I was always into reading, politics, sports too. Life fucks people whether male or female. I think what you guys fail to see, is that both guys and girls can get fucked over in life and you generalize all guys as the same.

We see it all right. What we don’t see is that being male sets you up for being fucked over.

When did you move to Praha? What did you do for work in the States? What sort of schools were you in?

You’re 22, you are wet behind the ears; in general, and are (self-admittedly) lacking in a well-rounded understanding of being an adult male in the US.

I don’t know what point I’m trying to make.

We noticed.

I know what its like to be a lonely guy and be rejected and also to be accepted and be with a beautiful girl who loves to dress up sexy when we go out and be my best friend, talk about politics with, and shoot the shit with. I still got some pent up anger from not having quality relationships in the states.


How old were you? In your teens I’ll bet. Guess what, when I was in High School none of the girls I was interested in were interested in me. I was “lonely and rejected”. It’s not because women are awful, and it’s sure as shit not because of feminism. It’s because at that age my interests weren’t the sorts of things that the young women I was in school with were interested in.

But you, that can’t have been it, nope, it was all because American women are loud, and obnoxious and losing status with the rest of the world, because they didn’t want poor little Andy.

Jesus Christ but your a thick one.

Look, I just think American women need to get a grip on reality. Life can be a lot harder than you guys realize.

Those two things don’t relate. The second… you have no clue what we realise, or not.

Trust me kid, I know more about how hard life can be than I hope you are ever close to comprehending. How many corpses have you seen? How many have you smelled? How many burnt bodies have you gotten up your nose? Does the whiff of burnt hair make you retch?

What are your night terrors, and do they ever come in the middle of the day?

Have you ever been without a home? Dependent on the kindness of friends for a place to sleep, and to bathe? Ever been shot at? Ever been told you had 48 hours to pack all your things and live someplace else?

Ever done it more than once?

Ever had people who were more than capable of beating the snot out of you hunting for you? Did you learn every back alley of the town you lived in? Were you able to get from home to school a different way; every day.

Did you do it for six months straight? Were you ten years old at the time?

Don’t whine to me about how fucking much I don’t know about how hard the God Damned world is.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Unimaginative — “Was it glossary troll? The Swedish (I think) person who was spamming the FAQs.”

He’s been gone for 2 weeks now, but I’m pretty sure he was Swedish — his blog’s in Swedish, he knows the language, and the laws, so idk if he was born there or not, but I’m pretty sure he identifies as Swedish.

And oh look, we have a new glossary troll…of course, this one is getting a simple “oh look, the NWO talking points!” (man bad, woman good; NWO, go read Animal Farm again please)

Pecunium — you forgot drunk, he’s an immature drunk idiot.

Veronica K. B. — “Or you can click his name and read his Twitter profile” — so I can *feels silly* — “…male; cis…” — there we have it, scrapemind takes male pronouns apparently

12 years ago

I hadn’t gotten to drunk, and what with Atkins and Stalin in the other thread I am not at my most compassionate.

12 years ago

>He wrote a post about how he once tried to kill his ex-girlfriend because she was raped and (he decided) her life was ruined. He was intending it to be a murder/suicide, but somehow they were rescued (can’t remember how). The point of this story was supposed to be about how this was a transformative experience for Hugo that was important to his recovery and oh look what a wonderful person he is now that he found God and yadda yadda.

Reminds me that General Butt Naked found God after a decade of eating human flesh and terrorizing Liberia. Now he’s acting like a Teleevangelist in front of the camera.

And another thing… how come that transfomative experience-bit is so terribly common in any type of US biographical fiction? It’s always somebody finding true love in somebody something and becoming a better person in the process. Be that god, Courtney Love’s Guitarrist or their child.

12 years ago

And another thing… how come that transfomative experience-bit is so terribly common in any type of US biographical fiction? It’s always somebody finding true love in somebody something and becoming a better person in the process. Be that god, Courtney Love’s Guitarrist or their child.

By contrast, if anyone tried to pull that stunt in Britain we’d just point and laugh.

Either that or compare them unfavourably with John Profumo, the disgraced Cabinet minister who devoted the last four decades of his life to charity, starting out by cleaning toilets and working his way up to fundraiser. Now that’s a transformative experience, and it didn’t involve any public breast-beating or claims of religious transcendence – just lots of very hard, low-profile work.

12 years ago

I’ve always had the opposite view, myself. For me my feminism and atheism flow together and stem from me being a skeptic. Belief in anything without evidence is illogical. Belief that one gender is inferior to the other is illogical. I do not think I could be an adherent to one philosophy without the other. I guess that means I don’t exist either!

And I’ve never understood how any group could follow a religion that actively seeks to keep them down.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago

@theyazata: Depending on the religion, the formal bureaucracy might oppress people when the tenets don’t particularly. The faith and the dogma and the institution might be different things.

12 years ago

Umm as a European reader I can confirm that there is a degree of scorn shown when discussing Americans sometimes, but this is applied to women and men equally, because it’s not about American people per se (a lot of us have American friends) but about certain traits we associate with America, mainly by generalising most Americans as what you know as “white trash” on that side of the pond. What it is, really, is cultural snobbery, but few are willing to admit that. I’m guilty of it at times, mainly when reading a bizarre news item about your rednecks doing something crazy, but I know we have our own part of the population in every EU country that behaves just the same way. And if that part of the population was given as much publicity as it is in America, you could easily make the same generalization about us Europeans.

So Andy, when your Czech girlfriend calls American women loud and obnoxious, she’s just being a generalising snob. You wanna hear what we here in Holland think of Czech farmer tourists who come to smoke pot and visit De Wallen, or even the brothels at the German border? Would you like us to put your girlfriend in with this loud and obnoxious group because she’s Czech?

The point is there are people who behave badly in every country, but those people are not a representative of their country as whole. I can’t believe I need to say this. But then again I’m saying it to an American man who lumped me, a non-American, in some great big non-American opinion mass. I get “exoticised” enough as it is as an immigrant, even though I’m also from an EU country. (And I know Andy didn’t refer to anyone in particular, and that is part of the problem. He spoke to a few Czech people and generalised Europeans.)

12 years ago

I wonder how did that Z end up there? I use the S-spelling. Ah well.

9 years ago

That was “rewriting history” in the same way that discovering the movement of the planets around the sun, or the actual shape of the Earth, or the fact that light can be both waves and particles, is “rewriting science.” Because learning more and coming to a different conclusion from one’s predecessors is “rewriting” and “revisionism” now.

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