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Norwegian Men’s Rights Activist blogger Eivind Berge arrested for death threats against police [UPDATE 3]

Eivind Berge and police

Norwegian Men’s Rights Activist blogger Eivind Berge, known for his violent rhetoric and rape apologia, has been arrested for death threats against police.

Not too surprising, given that he once announced on his blog that “[k]illing at least one cop is on my bucket list.”

Here are some Google-translated details from a news account here:

The right-wing extremist and anti-feminist blogger Eivind Berge has been arrested for having encouraged and glorified the killing of policemen. The police have found both ammunition and textbooks in use of explosives at Berge.

The police regard the threats as an invitation to others to kill police officers, but also feared that he would commit the acts themselves shortly.

He was evidently arrested on Wednesday. According to this story — at least as far as I can tell from the obviously crude Google translation — he made a specific threat to kill a police officer this Saturday:

Berge also writes about how he was planning to attack a policeman with a knife on a Saturday evening:

“Then I used the trial to come forward as a good example for men, and I considered it to be worth 21 years in prison for premeditated murder.”

According to this account, Berge is being held for two weeks. He claims innocence.

Berge, as readers of this blog may well already know, is a fan of right-wing terrorist and mass murderer Anders Brevik. On his blog, he’s also argued (among other things) that “Rape is Equality.”

He’s glorified the murder of police on his blog numerous times.

Some examples, taken from the second news account:

“… attack on the police is something 100% in harmony with everything I stand for.”

“I maintain that police murder is both ethically and tactically correct.”

Some other examples, direct from his blog (each paragraph is from a separate post; click on the quote for the source):

I viscerally despise cops and wish them the worst. Killing at least one cop is on my bucket list.

If ever a victim of psychiatry, here is what I would do. I would first attempt to kill the cops or whoever tried to apprehend me. Failing that, I would feign docility in order to get out as soon as possible and then kill a representative of the industry as revenge. … killing cops is also very much a men’s issue. Every pig killed is also a blow against feminism, so men should be doubly elated whenever an officer goes down in the line of encroaching on our cognitive liberty.

[I]f you are a victim of psychiatry, it is probably in your best interest (as well as a publicly beneficial act of activism) to kill a guard or cop in order to get a fair public trial and possibly escape treatment before it ruins your health completely.

Rather than cowering in fear of the police, I assumed a warrior mentality and started hating law enforcement. I really, really wanted to hurt those responsible for enacting and enforcing feminist sex law.

This was his reaction to a news story about a police officer being killed:

Good news for men is rare in this hateful feminist utopia that is Norway, but today is a joyous day! Today I feel schadenfreude in my heart along with all the hate that feminism and resultant mate deprivation have instilled in me. One blue thug less on the streets.

From another post on the same subject:

The swine Olav Kildal died while trying to enforce our lack of cognitive liberty. This was a defensive, much deserved killing that cheered me up.

Here he threatens a female prosecutor:

To feminist prosecutor Anne Cathrine Aga I have the following message: The Men’s Movement is watching you, bitch, and we are seething with hatred against you personally and the police state you represent. Actions have consequences. Trials are still (mostly) public and they sink into our collective minds, where they form the basis of future activism. Hate breeds hate — that is a fact of life too smugly ignored by feminists. …

2011 is the year Norwegian men as a group emerged out of the blogosphere and into the battlefield. This in turn has led to a breakthrough for MRAs such as my good self in the public discourse, probably for the simple reason that the powers that be now realize ignoring us has deadly consequences. Men are angry now, and we have proven that we are deathly serious about resisting feminism. So the feminist prosecutors referred to above ought to wipe that smug look off their faces before it is too late. Clearly seventy-seven body bags wasn’t enough, but I am fairly confident that you will be sorry one day.

Aside from the explicit threats of violence, the violent and threatening rhetoric here is not unlike much of the rhetoric we see regularly on A Voice for Men and other MRA sites. AVFM founder Paul Elam, for example, told one feminist that:

I find you so pernicious and repugnant that the idea of fucking your shit up gives me an erection. … We are coming for you.

The blogger Emma the Emo, Berge’s girlfriend, has posted comments here in the past defending him. The news account quotes someone identified as Nataliya Kochergova, described as his girlfriend; I assume this is “Emma,” because what she told the media is similar to what she posted here. She of course denies that he planned any real violence. According to the article, she said:

There are not really threats. He has never had plans to kill someone, he has said several times in his blog. When for example, he says that “the police killings are an effective way to prevent stupid laws,” it’s a factual description and not a threat. Even those who love the police agree with it.

Berge, for his part, has stated publicly that if he had not met Emma, he probably would have killed by now:

At the time I wrote my last blog post, I believed I would probably become Norway’s first modern violent activist in peacetime. Celibacy enforced by a feminist regime had driven me to the point where I saw no other option. I would target the pigs who enforce feminist law, knowing I could realistically at least kill one of them before I would be captured or killed myself. Thus revenge would be assured and if I lived, my reputation as a violent criminal would make me attractive to some women. But then in the nick of time this blog attracted a lovely girl commenting as “Emma.”

This is why I take violent rhetoric from MRAs very seriously.

Meanwhile, on this side of the Atlantic, MRAs glorify MRA “martyr” Thomas Ball, who killed himself on the steps of a New Hampshire courthouse last year in hopes that his death would inspire MRAs to literally burn down courthouses and police stations.

Ball’s manifesto is still up on A Voice for Men in its “activism” section, including these passages:

So boys, we need to start burning down police stations and courthouses. … This is too important to be using that touchy- feeling coaching that is so popular with business these days. You need to flatten them, like Wile E. Coyote. They need to be taught never to replace the rule of law. BURN-THEM-OUT!

Most of the police stations built in New England over the last 20 years are stone or brick. Fortunately, the roofs are still wood. The advantage of fire on the roof is that it is above the sprinklers

AVFM tastefully omitted Ball’s specific instructions on how to make Molotov cocktails, but left this in:

There will be some casualties in this war. Some killed, some wounded, some captured. Some of them will be theirs. Some of the casualties will be ours.

For many more examples of violent threatening rhetoric from MRAs, I urge you to go through some of my posts here and  here.


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12 years ago

So, you’re pro-Israel, yet you use the term “Judaeo-Bolshevik”?

He’s making fun of the mean words those other Fascists called him.
Why he thinks snuggling up to racists will help Israel, I have no idea.
Hint: those anti-racist Fascists you’re looking for? YOU ARE VERY UNLIKELY TO FIND SUCH PEOPLE

12 years ago

Excuse me? With what? The USSR had already occupied those areas. It’d be another war to have even attempted to dislodge the USSR, and Stalin was not going to just surrender a potential buffer zone.

I’ll just about grant you that claim with regard to Poland (though there are plenty of grey areas), but I’m not sure it stands up in connection with Czechoslovakia, which returned to its pre-war liberal democratic state in 1945 (aside from the comparatively small region of Carpathian Ruthenia, which was indeed annexed by the Soviets).

The Czechs’ big mistake (and national tragedy) was that they voted for the Communist Party in 1946 in substantial enough numbers to give them the chance to seize complete control in 1948 and naturally allying with the USSR. It was even more of a tragedy for the Slovaks, as their 1946 vote favoured the continuation of liberal democracy, but as the junior partner in an alliance between the two states they had little choice.

But it wasn’t the West’s business. Indeed, how could they have “fought harder” to keep Czechoslovakia in the West when the Czechs actually voted for the Communists? It’s a very similar dilemma to that which we saw in the Palestinian territories when they voted for Hamas – you can’t say “we respect the democratic rights of the people provided they vote for people we like”, as democracy doesn’t work like that.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“That would be the Donme of Salonika, in Greece. Bulgarian Donme were not harmed, Mel Gordon of UC Berkeley has studied those cases in depth.”

“His lecture ” Mondojudeo: Hidden Corners of the Jewis Past” include Sabbateans, Frankists, and Donme. apparently there were Donme Holocaust victims”

Just not in Bulgaria?

VoIP — idk if they’re who you meant, but Serbs were persecuted too (and before, and after, and certainly fit the “not spoken of” part of what you said).

12 years ago

No, the Nazis persecuted tons of people; I meant actual extermination attempts. (I mean, they also murdered Soviet POWs, but since they didn’t want to rid the world of Russians, just depopulate Russia enough that they could settle Aryans on the empty land, I didn’t include the Russians either.)

12 years ago

Is it just going to be WWIIchat and Coldwarchat from now on in this thread?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

VoIP — that’s just a wiki link, but you should probably skim it, WWII was one of many attempts to genocide the Serbs. There was a concentration camp but being not German operated I guess it can’t be what you were thinking of.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

WWII and the cold war are far more interesting than going in circles over definitions…we need to get pecunium in here for that though.

12 years ago

VoIP — that’s just a wiki link, but you should probably skim it, WWII was one of many attempts to genocide the Serbs.

I know; there are a lot of Serbs in my parish. This is, however…let’s just say a delicate topic, which I would prefer to avoid.

12 years ago

Yes, Gaza and the WB are concentrated in that sense. I sometimes fantasize that a Geneva Convention-compliant Israeli temporary Occupation could exist and lead to withdrawal and peace, but the internal logic of Zionism won’t allow it. I am in favor of a withdrawal whether it brings peace or not, the Occupation is simply too toxic.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

VoIP — my apologizes, consider the topic avoided.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

*apologies, I think I’m going to actually drink my coffee before commenting >.<

12 years ago

It’s early where you are, isn’t it? It’s almost five in the morning where I am, and I’m about to go to bed.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

VoIP — technically it’s an hour later here than blog time, but I’m nocturnal currently — I think dawn just made my brain decide it was sleepy time again? (It’s just about 9am here now, and my upstairs neighbors are…bowling? rearranging the furniture? I have no idea, but it’s annoyingly loud)

Almost sounds like they’re generating a thunderstorm up there XD

12 years ago

What people? Because this is one of the things I’ve studied, and I’ve not seen this, outside a small group of Fascistic types. Anti-semitic-fascistic types.

12 years ago

Um… the various ethic problems in the Balkans is a whole nother can o’ worms, and as a result it’s really hard to make single subject claims about what happened; because the alliances were fluid, and the war with the Nazis made it easier for long simmering hostilities to boil over.

I will point out that the Nazis made a decided attempt to wipe out the Roma/Gypsies.

And I’ll be back, at the earliest tomorrow evening.

12 years ago

VoIP: Oops, I’m more than willing to drop it, though I have some reccomendations for books if you are interested.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“What people? …”

That’s directed at Eurosabra’s claim about “People don’t say Soviet.crimes, they say Judaeo-Bolshevik.”?

As to the rest, yeah, I know, I was trying to figure out what lesser known group VoIP meant, I thought the Roma/Gypsy part was well known.

Oh My Fucking Gods, wiki actually makes it out like the Germans fleeing back to Germany after the war was “the largest single instance of ethnic cleansing in recorded history” — somehow, that’s worse than NWO praising Tom Martin’s “child prostitution” thing.

Anyone else need small animals now? Like maybe Hamlet being a teeny goof?

12 years ago

@VoIP Cheers. I wasn’t trying to accuse you of that, I just felt like it needed saying. Today the 72nd anniversary of the Russians first rigging elections and giving orders to shoot those who didn’t support them, so it’s a bit of a sore point at the moment. As I say, I always find your comments really informative and interesting and I wasn’t trying to have a dig.

12 years ago

Then I must be meeting a lot of antisemites among the members of the major parties of Right, Center, and Left in the Baltics and Slovakia. ” Off the record” are words that open the flood.

12 years ago

VoIP, I love your history smackdowns. You’re very good at articulating the material so that even someone like me who doesn’t really have more than a passing interest in military history is engaged. I would totally take one of your classes.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

I vote for ignoring Eurosabra, and focusing on tiny animals, like this octopus.

12 years ago

holy shit mikey you are a fucking stalker

12 years ago

Then I must be meeting a lot of antisemites among the members of the major parties of Right, Center, and Left in the Baltics and Slovakia. ” Off the record” are words that open the flood.

Given the amount of latent and even blatant anti-semitism found in that part of the world to this day (Poland and Ukraine are similar), you almost certainly are.

12 years ago

I had some middle class privilege, my choice of words was particular for a reason. It’s because I don’t have all of it.

Hear that, fellows? Rutee wants to make darn sure you all know she’s got bronze in the Class Oppression Olympics!

12 years ago

Shut up Steele. Your hate crush on Rutee is old news.