Oh, joy! A Voice for Men has now published what is possibly the most ridiculous thing ever written by a human being. Here, from an article titled MGTOW re-understood, is what some dude named Russ Lindquist calls his “ode of MGTOW.”
When in the course of widespread misandrist tyranny, it becomes necessary for men to dissolve the social solder, and reverse the spiritual mutilation which has stuck and imperiled them, so inequitably, to the whines and whims of women. These men must, perhaps, reinvent the wheel of free-association.
Oh MRA dudes, don’t even try to write fancy. Clearly, you can’t handle fancy.
Let it be clear that a man has a right to go his on way. Therefore, let modern men acknowledge and accept – as tearfully as they might – that far too many women, for far too long, have far too well assumed the role of nothing but shined, shaven social-succubi who reflect all of mens vices yet none of mens virtue. Further, these succubi (desirous of everything and deserving of nothing) can offer men nothing but the role of a masochistic self-indentured-servant: he is to work a job he hates; he is to earn money that she spends; he is to live far less comfortably; he is to die far sooner.
A big shout-out to all the “shined, shaven social-succubi” reading this now!
Let each man reject this poisonously pink proposition; let each man end, in whatever way he sees fit, the misandrist fem-anesthetization that is, now, generations old; let each man choose, instead, to live a life of self-direction, self-control, self-reliance and personal responsibility–even if such self-respect means that he must wholly abandon such soul-striping social roles as, for example, womyn’s unpaid bodyguard, womyn’s unpaid moving-company, womyn’s unpaid therapist, womyn’s unpaid accountant, womyn’s financial-lust-object.
I’m sorry, I only made it about a third of the way through this paragraph. I’m sort of stuck on “misandrist fem-anesthetization.”
Men deserve better than these “womyn” are offering. Men have a right to go their own way.
Please, please, please just GO already. Don’t tantalize us like this, you Men Going Their Own Way! JUST GO.
@CassandraSays: Apparently, all we WIMMNZ or FEMYNYSTS (equally evil) who refused to have sex with him back in the day when he was a nerd are all to be made to feel bad, shamed, and cast off now that he is RICH SUCCESSFUL (lawyer! ICK!) and going his own way. We will never know how much he lost did he not come over and tell us! So he’s going his own way along with a lot of other men, and we need to know just how much we are SUFFERING!
SUFFERING, I tell you!
Actually, we had a major thunderstorm, so the temps are low (boy will it be humid tomorrow) and I spent the day alternatively napping, reading a a couple of books by urban fantasy author (Kat Richardson–I’ll be ordering the rest of the series tomorrow, and reading the ongoing debates about misogyny in atheism in the FreeThoughtBlog group (which I totally blame MBZ for getting me hooked on), so I haven’t exactly noticed that I was suffering, not to mention the homemade from scratch pancakes for brekkies were LOVELY, the bacon nice and crispy, and generally life is good.
But Mr. GHOW knows that we all deserve to suffer for having rejected him back in the day!
Truly I am suffering as I sit here drinking my tea and chatting with a friend on Skype on this lovely warm evening. Never has a woman felt as sad as I do at the knowledge that this dude doesn’t want to date women any more, thus depriving us of his boring personality and tendency to whine. Can’t you see my tears of woe?
If you haven’t already, you should read the “Elisions” post by Stephanie Zvan, It really illustrates something that happens a lot in talks of social justice:
/was looking for an excuse to mention this.
After reading some comments to my post, I want to reply that I do not want any pity or that you should feel sorry for me. Here is a good link for what its worth that may help explain why mgtow is as growing movement among men http://www.antifeministtech.info/2012/02/its-no-surprise-that-young-men-are-getting-fed-up-with-women-faster-than-any-other-group-of-men/
2 days ago, I called my married buddy because there was a jazz concert on the weekend not far from where I live.He is one of my friends who loves Jazz like myself but got married to a woman who does not like jazz. I had already a feeling that he needed a permission from his wife but it wouldn’t hurt to call him. Yesterday, I was right on the money that his wife wouldn’t let him go. His excuse was he gotta take care of his 1 year old daughter but I know his wife put him on leash. About 4 months ago, he was complaining to my friends and I at a sports bar how unmarried dudes are lucky that they don’t need permission to enjoy their hobbies.
I am still feeling a bit bad for my married friend right now coz I will go tomorrow with 2 of my bachelor buddies and enjoy the music concert.
Time ’til begging us to visit his blog = -3 min.
No, it’s his second comment; it’s been 19 minutes.
cool story bro
Oh noes! Your friend doesn’t love you as much as he cares about the person he’s sharing his life with. Sucks to be you sweetie. I used to live with my cousin, he was my best friend. Now he’s married with two kids and we don’t get to hang out so much. Newsflash: I don’t hate men for this. I don’t hate anyone. His kids are reasonable human beings and his wife is OK. I like that he’s happy with them and I’m not so utterly fucking selfish that I think he should only be happy spending time with me. Get over your fucking self. If you want to GYOW, fucking do it. Just stop telling us about it, I don’t give a shit that your friend likes his WIFE more than you. Whinging fucking arsehole.
I fucking LOVE my partner. He’s my best friend, and I’d prefer to hang around him than anyone else. Where does this idea that relationships are about detesting each other come from?
So MGTOWMRA, your response to your friend telling you he had to take care of his child was to assume he was lying, and that his wife has him “on a leash”.
A man tries to be responsible to his family and you react by pitying him and calling him a liar.
You’re a shitty friend.
It’s almost like you think that people’s priorities shouldn’t change after they have kids.
I have women friends that I used to hang out with a lot. When they got married and had kids, I saw less of them, because (contrary to what NWO believes) kids suck up A LOT of time. As the kids get older and become more independent, we hang out a little more often again.
It’s not a fucking tragedy that your buddy would rather bond with his baby than hang out with you. You’re just a buddy.
And, just to give you something to think about, a lot of people will say, “No, my family needs me to do something else,” to an invitation as a polite excuse. It’s kinder than saying, “No, you’re boring as fuck and I don’t like you, so I’m not gonna hang with you”.
@Myoo: I agree that’s a totally amazing wonderful post (I’ve been slowly sucked into the freethoughtblogs group over the past few months–starting with Myers then spiralling out, and not only reading posts but omg comments. I’m now commenting over there (rrede–I tried to log in via my wordpress blog, but it refused to let me in no matter what–while letting me in over here).
it is a brilliant description of how narratives get shaped by our beliefs (and I know we all do it).
Thanks for the link, though!
(Do you read over there regularly?)
Confirming that when people get married, and especially when they then have children, they have less time to spend with single friends (I used to get grumpy at the situation). And TWICE my women friends have told me their husbands didn’t want them seeing me at all (queer!ick!cooties!)–so at least in their version, the MEN were putting the WOMEN on a leash or something. (Telling image, bro).
Do you think moms can just take off and hang out with their friends all the time? No, they can’t, because they have parenting responsibilities. Guess what? So do dads. If you want someone that can always drop everything to entertain you, find some more bachelor buddies.
Now it’s good for parents to occasionally have some time out with single friends to relax and have fun. However, it should not be one sided, where the guy does whatever he wants and the wife never can. I have some friends who are “deer season widows” and their husbands’ selfish behavior puts a huge strain on the relationship. I’d rather be a “nag” and make sure that if my husband goes out with his buddies one night, then I get to go out with the girls another night. Fair is fair.
Why don’t you call Dr. Laura’s show and tell her all about your husband’s mean old wife? She loves to scold wives who refuse to be doormats for jerks.
I will go my own way. For people like Dracula and the TheNatFantastic calling me selfish. My friends wife has done this repeatedly. She never lets him hang out with his friends. I mean never
I never get to see my friend. He has mentioned to me that his wife is controlling and he wishes he could hang out with his friends more. I never get to see him, He has been a friend since childhood.A few months ago he was complaining to me how his wife was a nag and about the stress of family life and marriage. He said unmarried dudes are lucky.
All I’ll express is we MGTOW men are not selfish. I love hanging out with my male buddies. I love being there for them and listening to their problems and helping them. MGTOW is about men being responsible, altruistic, and productive member of society. Our choice to remain unmarried independent men without women just one part of our philosophy.
It seems some people get flabbergasted that men can exist without needing a woman to take care of them or make them happy. MGTOW is a radical concept in this way. I am happy being unmarried and unattached and will go my own way.
“It seems some people get flabbergasted that men can exist without needing a woman to take care of them or make them happy.”
No. Lots of people of both genders are happy going through life without a partner. What I find flabbergasting is how some MGTOWers feel that their personal decision to go their own ways is 1) evidence that all women are too horrible to even bother with, 2) deciding to shun all women is a solution to this, 3) women and society at large will suffer terribly from your decision to go your own way, and 4) going your own way is social activism.
It isn’t. And why are women who go their own way mocked by MRAs as undesirable, lonely cat ladies, while men who do they same are lauded as heros?
“I will go my own way.”
Well then would you just fucking go all ready? Fucking hell, between you lot and all the libertarians I wish would go Galt themselves all ready, it’s like listening to a five-year-old threatening to hold his breath. I’m not flabbergasted by your existence, I’m annoyed that for all your ilk’s talk about going, you still haven’t GONE. If you’re waiting for some woman to say, “Please, no, don’t leave us!” you’re going to be waiting a long godsdamn time.
Huh. And here I thought I was just happily single. It turns out I’m a radical woman going my own way and I’m making some kind of social statement by puttering along doing things I enjoy, with people whose company I enjoy.
I wonder who will play me in my biopic, extolling my world-changing radicalism.
Not very regularly actually, I have been reading more of it recently because of the whole harassment policy debate and Thunderf00t’s massive assholishness.
I don’t normally go to it a lot because, paradoxically, it just has so many good posts that I feel kinda overwhelmed.
Still waiting for you to go your own way, dude. So far you’re not doing a very good job of it, given how much time you invest in telling women* all about how much you don’t need them, no ma’am, you’re doing just fine.
*This is especially funny when the women in question want nothing to do with you and have made that very clear.
Aww… embedding disabled AND failure to reference a specific time. Sad. Go to 23 seconds for the relevent bit.
Right, so if you know one man who has a controlling wife, that means all women everywhere are mean old nags. You know what, I’d like to hear her side of the story in this. How is it that she never lets him leave the house, and yet he’s always talking to you about how much he hates his wife? Does he say this right in front of her? Something doesn’t add up here.
No, it is not a radical concept for hetero men to be lifelong bachelors. Misogynists are the ones that believe that abled adult men need women to cook and clean for them in order to survive.
What’s the other part of your philosophy, annoying people on the Internet?
No, he think mens’ priorities shouldn’t change after they have kids.