Oh, joy! A Voice for Men has now published what is possibly the most ridiculous thing ever written by a human being. Here, from an article titled MGTOW re-understood, is what some dude named Russ Lindquist calls his “ode of MGTOW.”
When in the course of widespread misandrist tyranny, it becomes necessary for men to dissolve the social solder, and reverse the spiritual mutilation which has stuck and imperiled them, so inequitably, to the whines and whims of women. These men must, perhaps, reinvent the wheel of free-association.
Oh MRA dudes, don’t even try to write fancy. Clearly, you can’t handle fancy.
Let it be clear that a man has a right to go his on way. Therefore, let modern men acknowledge and accept – as tearfully as they might – that far too many women, for far too long, have far too well assumed the role of nothing but shined, shaven social-succubi who reflect all of mens vices yet none of mens virtue. Further, these succubi (desirous of everything and deserving of nothing) can offer men nothing but the role of a masochistic self-indentured-servant: he is to work a job he hates; he is to earn money that she spends; he is to live far less comfortably; he is to die far sooner.
A big shout-out to all the “shined, shaven social-succubi” reading this now!
Let each man reject this poisonously pink proposition; let each man end, in whatever way he sees fit, the misandrist fem-anesthetization that is, now, generations old; let each man choose, instead, to live a life of self-direction, self-control, self-reliance and personal responsibility–even if such self-respect means that he must wholly abandon such soul-striping social roles as, for example, womyn’s unpaid bodyguard, womyn’s unpaid moving-company, womyn’s unpaid therapist, womyn’s unpaid accountant, womyn’s financial-lust-object.
I’m sorry, I only made it about a third of the way through this paragraph. I’m sort of stuck on “misandrist fem-anesthetization.”
Men deserve better than these “womyn” are offering. Men have a right to go their own way.
Please, please, please just GO already. Don’t tantalize us like this, you Men Going Their Own Way! JUST GO.
hellkell, can you get filo dough and feta? If you can wrangle a cooking partner, it’s — well not easy but — fun!
Cloudiah, those I can get. If it only takes 20 minutes to bake, that won’t heat up the house too much.
Your missing balls at MANHOOD101.COM
Time to begging us to visit his website: 0 minutes (assuming that’s a real website; I can’t be assed to find out)
Katz, that is a thing that exists, it’s that Manhood Academy bullshit.
“It must be embarrassing for women to know they can’t even compete with blow-up dolls for men’s attention—LOL.”
The only thing that is embarrassing is that you think a blow up doll is an adequate substitute for a living human being. If dolls are your thing, that’s great. But no man (or woman) who is desirous of a relationship with an actual human being will ever be satisfied by a doll.
When MRAs spout their typical insulting bullshit, “you’re a mangina, you have no balls, etc.” do they actually believe that they are contributing to the conversation? Do they think Dave is actually going to stop and think “Wow, they’re right. I am a mangina. I’m going to delete this blog right now.”
Really MRAs, you need to think of some new and better shaming language.
I parbake and freeze them and heat them back up in a toaster oven. Let me get off this tablet and I’ll send you a recipe. It might not be until after we’ve eaten, and the recipe might be a little oily because I LURV good olive oil. Ooh, I think they’re done!
Eric, sweetie, in order for “I’m not interested in you!” to be an effective diss, the person you’re saying it to has to want some sort of relationship with you. As you can see from the comments here, we don’t.
Also, I also would like some spankopita. Anyone want some green curry? Should be done soon.
“Really MRAs, you need to think of some new and better shaming language.”
Their rhetoric gives me the same impression that I get from ‘race realists’ when they parrot phrases like ‘anti-racist means anti-white’… only people that already ascribe to their way of thinking considers it to be effective. The rest of us just consider it to be uber lame and laughable idiocy.
Do you ever wonder why men don’t take women seriously, or dismiss everything they say? Just look at the comments here for any thread. It’s pointless babbling. Look at what any woman journalist has written. Just more senseless yammerings, toss in a few indoctrinated yip-yaps, call yourself progressive and pat yourselves on the back. Listen to the heavily female dominated newscasters, it’s just more of the same.
Modern women seemed to enamored with the sound of their own voice. They find their every thought to be of utmost relevance. Every other woman has got some wordpress site so everyone can share her insights into her insights. The one’s that don’t have a wordpress site have youtube video’s telling us empathetic, progressive and deep they are. Every woman’s thought’s are of paramount importance and are worthy of consideration. The love of every womans thought must be praised like stardust from the heavens.
A quick google search and every woman is an expert on every subject. Click dictionary and every woman knows every definition of every word along with proper pronunciation. If you took every opinion of every woman journalist, newscaster, politician, youtube video, wordpress blog, or comment on every comment board and threw out every word that contained no value what-so-ever I doubt you could fill a paragraph. In order for your opinions to be considered valuable, they must contain something of value.
oh the stupid it burnnnss ahhh think of the children!
NWO, what’s the point you’re trying to make? You don’t like women? Color me shocked.
The irony of you talking about what makes an opinion valuable is not lost on me. You’d be valued around here if everything you said wasn’t frothingly sexist, racist, or just plain awful, you know.
When are you going to go your own way?
Says the author of 3,166 comments here at Man Boobz. (That’s more than 1000 more than I’ve posted, and most of mine are pretty short.)
NWO, do you think men aren’t in love with their own opinions/voices? You just laid out three long paragraphs about nothin’, son.
Admit it, the fact that women can express an opinion that differs from yours–or at all instead of being silent compliant fucktoys for your pleasure–drives you bugfuck.
“It’s pointless babbling.” Says the fundamentalist Christian conspiracy theorist. Do these people have any idea what irony is?!
You should take some Immodium. The verbal diarrhea is coming fast.
“Do you ever wonder why men don’t take women seriously, or dismiss everything they say?”
No, I’ve never wondered this, because it isn’t true. At least not in my life, as I tend to only associate with men who think I’m an actual human being and not a breathing fuck toy.
Yanno, dominating women isn’t actually on the healthy relationship checklist. In fact it isn’t even on the healthy person checklist.
It is, however, on the abuser checklist, so I’m not surprised it is advocated by the abuser lobbyists.
Pssst, Eric and Jacobb…I have a story to tell you.
When I was a kid, I remember my 4-year-old brother threatening my parents when he didn’t get his way. He’d place both hands on a nearby wall and announce that if he didn’t get whatever, he’d bang his head repeatedly against the wall.
“I hit my head!” He’d warn (his grammar was a little shabby at that age, but there ya go).
My parents never complied, and he never made good on his threat.
You’re only threatening to go your own way….and seriously, it’s so frakking cute I can’t stand it.
Well, I know why NOWsalve doesn’t take women seriously. It rhymes with “He’s a misogynistic asshole.”
Shme’s schma schmisogynistic schmasshole?
A quick google search and every woman is an expert on every subject.
Except super dogs. SUPERDOGS!!!
You know, Google searches show a lot of men are experts in every subject too. It’s almost like, wait, wait, this might shock you, men and women both can be experts on a variety of different subjects!
“Modern women seemed to enamored with the sound of their own voice. ”
Sweet Flying Spaghetti Monster does the irony burn. So, Mr. Slave, how do you feel about the sound of your own voice, because it seems to me that you’re unable to shut up ever, ever, EVER.
You feel compelled to repeat, ad nauseaum, idiotic shit: like how women’s sexuality is in clothing. You’ve yet to explain how this works and dodge every question about it and switch to one of your other bigoteries. Because Jews! *points over there* And fewer “white” babies in the US! *points nearby* And women! What with the existing! And so forth!