$MONEY$ a voice for men antifeminism disgusting women evil women grandiosity matriarchy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men worst writing in the history of the universe

MGTOWer: most women are “shined, shaven social-succubi … desirous of everything and deserving of nothing.”

Shined, shaved and delivered

Oh, joy! A Voice for Men has now published what is possibly the most ridiculous thing ever written by a human being. Here, from an article titled MGTOW re-understood, is what some dude named Russ Lindquist calls his “ode of MGTOW.”

When in the course of widespread misandrist tyranny, it becomes necessary for men to dissolve the social solder, and reverse the spiritual mutilation which has stuck and imperiled them, so inequitably, to the whines and whims of women. These men must, perhaps, reinvent the wheel of free-association.

Oh MRA dudes, don’t even try to write fancy. Clearly, you can’t handle fancy.

Let it be clear that a man has a right to go his on way. Therefore, let modern men acknowledge and accept – as tearfully as they might – that far too many women, for far too long, have far too well assumed the role of nothing but shined, shaven social-succubi who reflect all of mens vices yet none of mens virtue. Further, these succubi (desirous of everything and deserving of nothing) can offer men nothing but the role of a masochistic self-indentured-servant: he is to work a job he hates; he is to earn money that she spends; he is to live far less comfortably; he is to die far sooner.

A big shout-out to all the “shined, shaven social-succubi” reading this now!

Let each man reject this poisonously pink proposition; let each man end, in whatever way he sees fit, the misandrist fem-anesthetization that is, now, generations old; let each man choose, instead, to live a life of self-direction, self-control, self-reliance and personal responsibility–even if such self-respect means that he must wholly abandon such soul-striping social roles as, for example, womyn’s unpaid bodyguard, womyn’s unpaid moving-company, womyn’s unpaid therapist, womyn’s unpaid accountant, womyn’s financial-lust-object.

I’m sorry, I only made it about a third of the way  through this paragraph. I’m sort of stuck on “misandrist fem-anesthetization.”

Men deserve better than these “womyn” are offering. Men have a right to go their own way.

Please, please, please just GO already. Don’t tantalize us like this, you Men Going Their Own Way! JUST GO.

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12 years ago

WTF did the English language ever do to MRAs to make them hate it so much?

12 years ago

Unfortunately I’m on my iPad, which makes it a pain to call upon my English Major Superpowers, but I can at least verify that most words denoting “women” are in fact based on male-oriented words, at least, words that have been male-oriented since around the Norman Conquest. As someone already pointed out, “men” used to be gender neutral and “wo” is born of “wife” (which was in itself gender neutral once, way back in the days of Old English when we had neuter pronouns). Both of these things have become very heavily bogged down in gender politics. If we want modern words that don’t essentially call us wife-men, we would have to invent something new.

12 years ago

Dave, going their own way doesn’t mean going away. Just like our founding fathers went their own way to destroy an oppressive power structure. Once again, the oppressive power structure needs to be destroyed.

whatever dude, we dont care what it means, just go do it and stop whining about it already

12 years ago

desperate men’s issues back street bookshop hunting and hushed conversations I used to have with the very few other men I knew who had escaped the mental plantation

didn’t happen

I can believe that he went to a bookstore?

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Dave, going their own way doesn’t mean going away. Just like our founding fathers went their own way to destroy an oppressive power structure. Once again, the oppressive power structure needs to be destroyed.

…by ‘destroy’ you mean ‘entrench’, then? Because quite frankly, the US Revolutionaries did a lot more wrong than the British did. Not that milkboy recognizes crimes against revolutionaries or other states.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

*crimes against native americans, or other countries, I should say.

WTF did the English language ever do to MRAs to make them hate it so much?

Sorry, that one was me. I actually threw some well written posts at them. Totally my fault. [/kidding]

Went through the automated succubus shine’n’shave this morning! I chose New Evil Whore smell.

I always liked the classic, “Whore of Babylon”.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

More and more of us are doing it everyday. You should be glad: the more of us men who realize the deep hatred feminised women have for men, the fewer of us ‘male pigs’ there’ll be to bother you grrrrlz with our ‘useless presence’ in the future LOL.

Haha, yeah, in a couple years there’ll be like 300 of you instead of 150 and then oh no where ever shall I find a mate?

12 years ago

More and more of us are doing it everyday. You should be glad: the more of us men who realize the deep hatred feminised women have for men, the fewer of us ‘male pigs’ there’ll be to bother you grrrrlz with our ‘useless presence’ in the future LOL.

well you dudes are pretty usesless that is a thing you got right

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

More and more of us are doing it everyday. You should be glad: the more of us men who realize the deep hatred feminised women have for men, the fewer of us ‘male pigs’ there’ll be to bother you grrrrlz with our ‘useless presence’ in the future LOL.

No, seriously, get going. Anyone as ignorant as you will not be missed. Go your own way, stop trolling women.

Rutee Katreya
12 years ago

Seriously the only difference between this nonsense and a five year old stamping their feet before telling their parents “I’m REALLY running away now!” is that the parents would actually care if the child were being serious.

Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Seriously the only difference between this nonsense and a five year old stamping their feet before telling their parents “I’m REALLY running away now!” is that the parents would actually care if the child were being serious.

Well, parents have to go pick the kid up and make sure they’re safe if they go hide in the garage or something.

MGTOWs can sleep in the garage as long as they like and I don’t care. But [mom-voice] I’m not bringing your dinner out there.

12 years ago

IF there was an oppressive feminist regime and
IF MGTOW is about destroying it,
I really don’t think we have anything to worry about. How many people showed up to that “protest” a few months ago?

If there’s an oppressive feminist regime as powerful as the MRAs say it is, they’ll need more than half a dozen guys in order to do anything more than die messily. Us ladies in the upper echelons of the conspiracy fuck guys who give orders to deploy tanks, remember? /sarcasm

12 years ago

So let me get this straight. These guys think that threatening to go away is going to make women clutch their pearls and go “NOOOO! I RELENT! I WILL DO ANYTHING!” ?


After all that rape-apologism and bullshit about how women are evil money-grubbing bitches and some pretty nasty allusions about how women who don’t serve men by being permanently hot, young and submissive should simply be done away with…..they actually THINK that rational people WANT them around?

If we reversed the genders of those statements above, these men would be up in arms and calling for the destruction of these people. Why can’t they see how obvious their hatred and bigotry is, like the rest of us can?

And I’m not really worried about the whole “no sex for you” threat. Even if no man ever wanted to fuck me again, I’d probably prefer no interpersonal sex at all than be forced into fucking nightmare Handmaid-Tale-esque heterosexual sex with some horrifying misogynist beast.

Besides, I’m pansexual. Penises are not a requirement for tingly pants time. 😀

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Dave, going their own way doesn’t mean going away. Just like our founding fathers went their own way to destroy an oppressive power structure. Once again, the oppressive power structure needs to be destroyed.

Founding Fathers: violent secession to oppress slaves and attack natives more.
MGTOWs: Sitting around waiting for the apocalypse to happen so that in the hypothetical future they get to oppress women more.

Yes, just like the founding fathers—Thomas Jefferson refused all the King’s proposals of marriage, and that showed him!

12 years ago

“…let each woman choose, instead, to live a life of self-direction, self-control, self-reliance and personal responsibility–even if such self-respect means that she must wholly abandon such soul-striping social roles as, for example, man’s unpaid housekeeper, man’s unpaid cook, man’s unpaid therapist, man’s unpaid accountant, man’s sexualized lust-object.”

Hmmmmm. Sounds like something I’ve heard before. Now, MRAs are exercising their options (which they had all along), and that is fine with me. No one should be forced into a life of marriage and domesticity. The thing is, these MRAs think they will be somehow ostracized for walking away from marriage. The fact is, NOBODY gives a shit.

12 years ago

They really don’t want to walk away from marriage, though. They just want women hogtied and dragged back to the negotiating table, so they can wind back the clock to a time when traditional marriage ruled, men held all the cards, and women had no power. But women aren’t interested. We’ve called their bluff. And now they realize they have nothing left to bargain with, so they hurl threats and insults and flail on the ground like Paul Elam having a temper tantrum.

12 years ago

More and more of us are doing it everyday.


12 years ago

@Fembot- They just want actual female-robots that they can subjugate and abuse because they’re abusers- it’s not about being a man or going their own way. They just want to use their gender as a platform for arguing that being an abusive shithead is the Way of The World and that they should be given a free pass because they have a penis and penises are *OBVIOUSLY* violence and abuse-inducing to women and all those other groups of not-as-great-as-white-heterosexual-men people because BACK WHEN THEY RULED THE WORLD, GODDAMNIT, THEY EARNED IT, white man’s burdan and all that bullshit, giant penises flopping akimbo and Keeping Shit In Line.

*rolls eyes*

Sometimes I just have to wonder when this magical time used to be. Because as far as I can remember, there never was an actual time in recorded history where any man anywhere could just do whatever the fuck he wanted to anyone just because he had a penis.

12 years ago

(Looks at arm)

My shine seems to be fading a bit, clearly it’s time to schedule another appointment with the official Shiner of Succubi. In other news, these guys still haven’t left for MGTOW Island? Can’t they join forces with the Redditors who also want their own island to make it happen?

12 years ago

“he must wholly abandon such soul-striping social roles as, for example, womyn’s unpaid bodyguard, womyn’s unpaid moving-company, womyn’s unpaid therapist” Well, seems like someone doesn’t understand how give and take works in a relationship. Poor MGTOW. They are so horrified from having to deal with our excessive neediness to be treated like human beings rather than life support systems for vaginas. If only we could learn to behave like the semi-sentient blow up dolls then they’d be happy…well, maybe.

12 years ago

Gah, nother typo, I meant: :If only we could learn to behave like the semi-sentient blow up dolls THEY LONG FOR then they’d be happy”

12 years ago

What’s sad is that these young dudes don’t get that their problems are caused by…patriarchy, yes, that’s right, arbitrary obsolete male roles. It’s weird to hear them complain about women (in advanced industrial countries) from the 50s.-their mothers? grandmothers? These stereotypes don’t exist any more.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Eric —

Molly Moon:
‘Why haven’t MGTOWs gone already?’

More and more of us are doing it everyday. You should be glad: the more of us men who realize the deep hatred feminised women have for men, the fewer of us ‘male pigs’ there’ll be to bother you grrrrlz with our ‘useless presence’ in the future LOL.

The MRM seriously needs to invest in a dictionary already, since y’all have internet, a dictionary is free. Re: “feminised women” —

fem·i·nize, verb
to make or become feminine.
Also, especially British , fem·i·nise .

1645–55; < Latin fēmin ( a ) woman + -ize

Did you have a point with that redundancy? I can't imagine you were actually trying to complain about women being too feminine…

12 years ago

fem·i·nize, verb
to make or become feminine.
Also, especially British , fem·i·nise .

Yeah, I caught that too. I thought they wanted women to be more feminised.

12 years ago

Maybe it was meant to be “feminist”, or.. like, “feminist-ised”. But since the latter isn’t actually a word, “feminised” was used instead.