feminism grandiosity internal debate johntheother MRA oppressed men penises precious bodily fluids reddit violence

JohnTheOther channels Hugo Schwyzer in this disquisition on pseudo-mystical spooge

Sorry to return so quickly to the fetid mind of MRA blabologist JohnTheOther, but, well, you’ll see why I have.

Here is Mr. TheOther in AskReddit, responding to the question “Women of Reddit, how do you feel about cumshots?” (No, he is not strictly speaking a “woman of Reddit,” not like that’s going to stop him.) Enjoy the irony of the A Voice for Men second banana rehashing, apparently with utter sincerity, an argument once set forth, rather infamously, by a feminist fellow named Hugo Schwyzer. And enjoy the also-very-special response from fellow MRA SuicideBanana, whom we met earlier in the week.

I know Mr. TheOther is concerned about people “quote mining” comments, and presenting them out of context, but in this case, there is no further context. His comment, which I have presented unedited in screenshot form, isn’t in response to any other comment; it’s simply an answer to the question I alluded to above. Mr. TheOther does respond to SuicideBanana’s remarks about him being an advocate and facilitator of violence, as you can see if you clicky click here, but sheds no more light on the issue of porno cumshots as a “pseudo-mystical representation of the sexuality of the viewer.”

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Sxrx Winsett
12 years ago

Nanasha, I am sorry you took my words as unsolicited adivce. I included so many details in an effort to be clear. My main and only point is that only you know what it is that makes you happy. And that YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY. that is all.

12 years ago

“It took me a year to orgasm from sex with a partner that I actually *WANTED* to have sex with.”
I confirm, my sex life is worse than yours. 🙂 (I plan to see a sexologist when I’ll be sure my depression is under control) I know exactly what you mean about the pressure making things worse, although I can’t blame it on my BF, since he’s been very gentleman-y about it, but it’s often painful (less now) to see him want to help me and ‘fail’. I didn’t feel humiliation, though.
You seem to have already achieved a lot in term of managing and overcoming your issues, kudos on that.

12 years ago

Hershele: I’m younger than Pecunium, though, so I am willing to share my opinions, especially if they’re solicited, but only as opinions.

If someone asks me, I will (as a rule) share my opinions.

12 years ago

I kind of want to blame abstinence only “education” as much as porn here — if you never discuss what normal looks like, how are you supposed to realize there’s actually quite a range to what’s normal? (A pox on showing high schoolers only the most severe STD cases they could find, and then really heavily stylized genital diagrams)

So much yes! to this. Not only did they not show any “before” pictures, so we’d have some idea of what NOT to get scared by (the first few times I saw pictures of genitals I actually got a little freaked out. Nobody warned me about how different a penis looks on an adult than on the kids whose diapers I’d changed!) they took all the STD pictures from two centimeters away so we didn’t even get any context. For all I knew, they’d just taken a picture of a zit on somebody’s face and called it a genital wart.

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