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Working in the quote mine, going down down

“I’ve found another incredibly dopey statement from JohnTheOther!”

So our blabby friend JohnTheOther has an especially blabby piece up on A Voice for Men at the moment. Its ostensible subject: the pure eeeevil of unnamed anti-MRAs who misrepresent the World’s Greatest 21st Century Human Rights Movement –  the Men’s Rights Movement, that is – through the eeevil practice of “quote mining.”

I didn’t read the whole thing. Mr. TheOther is not what you’d call an efficient writer. Here are a few quotes mined from the article more or less at random that I think will give you a good idea of his, um, style:

Biology, or indeed, evolutionary theory is not really the topic of this discussion, rather it is provided here as example of a rhetorical practice increasingly common among opponents of a small but growing human rights movement. …

 The developing practice in opposition to human rights, of quote-mining goes beyond pathetic, into the realm of craven, futile depravity. …

However, it seems that no matter how many times it is explained that a thing formed from (bad) ideas – an ideology, and a group of people, identifiable by sex, are two distinct things, gender ideologues continue to conflate them. …

I don’t know if any of this makes any more sense in context, as I didn’t read the context. Let’s continue:

A year ago, I wrote an article focusing on the necessary public repudiation of violence, and the responsibility of open opposition to those who advocated or promoted a climate of acceptable violence, including those who openly advocate murder, such as a group of swedish feminists, and eugenics advocates on the squalid radical-hub. Statements from my original piece were quoted by at least one amoral zombie, and reframed to present my view as one which called for violence.

Of course, the author of those yellow pixels might not have realized that the original article, along with it’s unambiguous opposition to violence was posted on a site with substantially higher traffic than his own. The craven and stupid dishonesty of the quote-miner was apparent to all but a few, blinded by their own ideological goggles.

Oh, wait, I think those last two paragraphs were supposed to be about me. And I think they were supposed to refer to this post of mine, which took a look at a post of his that defended A Voice for Men’s “outing” of a group of Swedish feminists that the AVFM crew had decided, on the basis of a brief video promoting a theatrical production, were “murder advocates.” His post contained the following (unedited) paragraphs.

That’s right manboob, identifying a group of self-declared murder advocates to the public is more important than protecting those murder advocates from the consequences of advocating murder.

In the truth-is-fiction world of Futrelle’s mind, the men’s right advocates calling for public identification of a hate organization have been transmogrified into promoters of violence.

And what if they get killed David? What if rather than be arrested – as promoters of hate, and public advocates of murder, what if these depraved and murderous female supremacists come to harm at the hands of a citizen. If that happens, it will mean that a society’s system of law, designed to prevent hate organizations, and to allow redress of grievance through non violent due process is gone, wiped out by your ideology of violence and hate. That’s what you’re defending, David.

In my post, I quoted the final paragraph; here I have included the two preceding grafs to give it a bit more, what’s that word, context.

Of course, a couple of paragraphs by themselves are still kind of “out of context” I guess. Since I am pretty sure no one would like it if I simply pasted in the entire post from JtO here, I will instead direct you to his original post, here. You may make of it what you wish. I rather doubt that you will see it as a clearheaded treatise of nonviolence. Especially with that line: “And what if they get killed David?” (Which you can read in context above, or, again, in his original post. Let me link to it a sixth time here, just to make sure you know how to find his original words in context. Oops, that’s seven times now)

Interesting that a master debater of Mr. TheOther’s caliber somehow forgot to provide even one link to the controversy he was referring to, so people might be able to see for themselves what had happened, and judge his claims accordingly. I wonder why that might be?

I’ll skip the next bit in Mr. TheOther’s latest post, in which Mr.TheOther suggests that an opponent of his might have taken a quote of his out of context in a way that  makes him look racist and homophobic. But since he offers no links to the actual discussion, there’s no way of judging whether this particular quote-mining claim is true. (Perhaps this discussion on the Men’s Rights subreddit could shed some light on it?)

In any case, if we put this particular discussion in a broader, er, context, there is certainly ample evidence of homophobia amongst the A Voice for Men crowd, as I have pointed out here and here. (Protip: If you want to convince people you are not homophobic, you should probably not feature a video mocking “lesbo-bos” in the sidebar of the site you help to run.)

Anyway, this next bit of his definitely has something or other to do with me:

Bottom feeding quote miners indulging in snarky feats of futrelian deceit likely do win rhetorical brownie points, at least when seen through their own ideological goggles. But they are cementing their own a public persona which will wear about as comfortably as klan robes do at a NAACP meeting. The altered landscape this movement is building is not someday, it is now, and it is coming faster all the time.

Uh, dude, my last name has two L’s in it. It should be “Futrellian deceit.” If you’re going to turn my name into a slur, at least spell it correctly.

For individuals in opposition to human rights of men and boys now, whether through lying, repetition of old, false dogmas, or the craven tactic of mis-represented and mis-attributed meaning, the comfort of a formerly one-sided monologue is over. The public squirming we see in attempts to render MRA voices silent or apologetic will escalate before it abates. But that’s okay.

Hey, Mr. TheOther. If you really want to prove my “futrelian” or even my “Futrellian” deceit, how about this: provide specific examples of me taking something you or some other MRA has written out of context in a way that distorts its meaning.

For your convenience, you can find all the Man Boobz posts that reference you here and here.

And for anyone who now has the song “Working In the Coal Mine” stuck in their head, here’s the Lee Dorsey original:

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12 years ago

To clarify I should say:

Not caring is bad enough, but to chuckle about it is fucking disgusting.

12 years ago

Cloudia, if they’ve done the equivilent, or more, evil to others, then I don’t care if they get raped. I may even chuckle about it.

And that, Ruby, is what makes you a truly evil person. You literally have NO redeeming qualities.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ruby — yes, we’re aware, that’s why we keep bringing this up and saying that really, you’re evil too, whether you’re willing to see it or not.

You continue to ignore this, but let me say it again — you do not get to decide who “deserves” to be raped because then someone else could decide that includes you.

12 years ago

That is one thing I can agree with MRAs about. Jokes about men being raped in prison are reprehensible and not funny, and I wish they weren’t so common in the media. Of course, I have heard MRAs joke about women being raped, so, we’re not in total agreement on the issue.

12 years ago

I still say all men should stay at home and do all the cooking, cleaning and childcare for the next 5000 years while women do everything else. We men want to feel the oppression for the next five millenia.

Baby, I made you that offer months ago, and you never got back to me.

Message me on Facebook (same username as here). I’ll arrange for you to move out to my place and do all my cooking, cleaning and childcare for free. I demand that you also keep yourself attractive and amusing, but that shouldn’t be so hard. In return, you may sleep under my roof and eat some of the food you prepare. It is a sweet deal. Do not pass this up.

12 years ago


Yeah, but then he might want a ring 😀

12 years ago

Fembot: she said it already: she’s an equal opportunity rape apologist, raping BAD women is funny too!

12 years ago

Ruby, stop repeating the same things and answers other questions: would you do it yourself? (or support a relative/friend who did it)
What is the limit for being BAD?

12 years ago

I still say all men should stay at home and do all the cooking, cleaning and childcare for the next 5000 years while women do everything else.

Everything else being… writing angry rants about the opposite gender on the Internet? Or hunting the mammoth? I’m confused.

12 years ago

I can do the hunting mammoths part! I won’t let any mammoth alive, I can swear that.

12 years ago

Kyrie: Okay, cool. I’ll go down the mine and invent the wheel.

2-D Man
2-D Man
12 years ago

Cloudia, if they’ve done the equivilent, or more, evil to others, then I don’t care if they get raped. I may even chuckle about it.

This is why we don’t like you.

Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
Alpha Asshole Cock Carousel
12 years ago

I … have … Boobz

– David Futrelle

12 years ago

Cloudia, if they’ve done the equivilent, or more, evil to others, then I don’t care if they get raped. I may even chuckle about it.

we get it. youre a huge creep. crawl back into whatever hole you slithered out of.

12 years ago

Cloudia, if they’ve done the equivilent, or more, evil to others, then I don’t care if they get raped. I may even chuckle about it.

Oh my god, Ruby. I don’t like to try to engage with you, mostly because other people already say what there is to be said, somewhat because I know chances are you won’t even bother paying attention, and at least a little because I just don’t want to deal with the yuck factor. But your insistence on repeating this point as if it was meaningful has become laughable.



You have made it exceptionally clear that you only find the rape of the “bad people” to be amusing. Nobody has missed this point. Nobody thinks you want everybody raped, or everyone in prison raped. We are not labouring under some misconception that you can correct by explaining your position yet again. We understand 100%, and we still think you deserve condemnation.

It’s like you think the idea that some people’s rapes are both funny and deserved is so self-evident that it could not possibly be what we’re taking issue with. Rather, we must have concluded that you think the wrong group of people’s rapes is deserved. If only you could get us to understand that, no, you have targeted the right group of rape victims! Then we would see that you’re in the right!

No. Nobody deserves rape. Fucking nobody. So just stop trying to explain yourself this way.

12 years ago

Cloudia, if they’ve done the equivilent, or more, evil to others, then I don’t care if they get raped. I may even chuckle about it.

Oh okay then, now that you’ve explained this for 50 millionth time it all makes so much sense to me and I agree with you! /sarcasm

Seriously Ruby, why do you keep repeating the same thing over and over?

12 years ago

stuttering shambolic-brained wingnut cackles with glee at other peoples brain to feed her gross little child-id, whines that nobody recognizes she has the moral high ground, pouts and tantrums ahoy

12 years ago

Snowy, I was wondering the same thing – everyone here has been pretty unanimous in condemning what Ruby said. I’ve no idea what she hopes to achieve by continuing to repeat it without any apology or even a moment of self-reflection.

12 years ago

Sharculese: That was so.. poetic. *Wipes tear*

12 years ago

*other people’s pain

12 years ago

I’ve no idea what she hopes to achieve by continuing to repeat it without any apology or even a moment of self-reflection.

she’s a wingnut, which means she thinks aggressively re-inserting herself into a space where everyone finds her ideas abhorrent is some sort of political resistance rather than just the behavior of a five-year-old who flips the fuck out when someone tells her no

12 years ago

re writing; JtO is trying too hard. It would help if his message were more than, “those people that disagree with are mean meanies who keep telling people who don’t know about us, about us.” He ought to be happy. It rare for a group as small and insignificant as the MRM to get much attention at all.

Which implies the attention they get, isn’t the attention they want. It probably sucks that the only people (outside the club) who pay attention to them point and laugh.

My writing style is like my speaking style. More to the point it’s very like my thinking style. I don’t ( for good or ill) rework comments, and I tend to get ahead of myself; so that I have nested thoughts, serial ideas, and sometimes think I’ve finished a thought when I haven’t). I also have a pretty wide-ranging reading habit, and a fondness for clever language.

Sometimes it bites me in the ass, sometimes it’s just the thing.

Btu what I don’t have is the idea that my writing style is brilliant on it’s face. If I can’t make myself clear, I fail. I had a comment I made at HuffPo, one sentence, which a handful of people took the opposite meaning from my intent. So I had to deconstruct it.

For all the people who took that wrong meaning, and didn’t comment; who write me off as a bigot… to them I am a bigot, because my writing style failed me.

JtO, et al, fail to understand this.

Well, that and they are trying to put lipstick on a pig. They are misogynists, and they don’t like people reminding them of it. If they could get past the misogyny, they’d have a an easier time of dealing with actual issues facing men. Instead… we get people like John Anderson (my Jo).

Then they wonder why we think them misogynist asshats.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“My writing style is like my speaking style. More to the point it’s very like my thinking style. I don’t ( for good or ill) rework comments, and I tend to get ahead of myself; so that I have nested thoughts, serial ideas, and sometimes think I’ve finished a thought when I haven’t).”

ALL THE IRONY (you’re right about JtO, but damn! Those unbalanced parentheticals got you again!)

12 years ago

Ruby: I’ve never heard of anyone who are, “in opposition to human rights of men and boys.”

I’ve encountered them. I’ve encountered a couple of them here. Hindoo was one. You are another.

Being all in favor of rape is being against human rights. You laugh at men (and boys) who are raped.

QEFD, you are “in opposition to human rights of men and boys”.

12 years ago

Ithiliana, when did you get good at this and can you give me any pointers? Apart from seeing and correcting obvious errors of fact, which is easy, how do I help undergrads write better?

I can only speak to my experiences (as a young journalist, as a mentoring editor, as a student).

feedback. What works, what didn’t work. Find the questions in the piece that need to be answered, and ask the student to get/write the answers.

Explain what failed to work, and praise what did. Try to find at least one positive thing in a piece (even if it’s a shit sandwich).

My argumention (english, not philosophy) class had a great prof. He was teaching because he wanted to (he got an English degree in the late ’70s from Columbia, and then got a job at IBM. Retired (early) and went to teaching lower division english). I took two classes with him, managed a B in both.

1: I am not a natural thinker/writer in the academic style.
2: He engaged me. He didn’t treat me as one of many.
3: He gave just that sort of feedback.
4: My final paper he praised my style, saying I’d managed to bury my thesis (see above, re academic style) and that it worked.

He also inisted on revision, outside opinion of at least one draft, and kept office hours, which he touted.

The one class covered lots of texts. The other only two.

Both were made me a better reader/writer/thinker (and I was on Manboobz during at least one of them).