antifeminism bad boys evil women I'm totally being sarcastic matriarchy misogyny oppressed men reddit whaaaaa?

“Sometimes I wonder if they’d have us living in a wasteland fighting over scraps while occasionally taking one of us hostage for breeding.”

The feminist utopia. (Franz von Stuck, “The Battle over Woman,” 1905)

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit the resident dudes (and small but statistically significant population of dudettes) were getting all worked up at the notion of men standing up for women, and getting into fisticuffs over them, and all that sort of thing.

And then SuicideBanana said this:

You know that’s the feminist ideal. You see it blatantly in radfemhub, but I’ve seen more moderate feminists swoon over the idea. Sometimes I wonder if they’d have us living in some wasteland fighting on another over the scraps to survive while occasionally taking one of us, the strongest, hostage for breeding. …

That’s why when some drunk asshole or something comes over to me and tries to start a fight while there are other people around I try to avoid it. I do so because I know somewhere there could be a feminist watching who would be rubbing her hands together over it and getting wet panties of seeing two men duking it out blow for blow while daydreaming about her utopia.


Oh, Men’s Rights subreddit, don’t ever change.

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12 years ago

I had a couple of guys fight over me once. Not, like, with their fists; mostly by ostentatiously hugging me without my permission in front of one another, and/or ostentatiously offering to do things for me that I was totally capable of doing in front of one another, and/or loudly talking about that totally cool thing we did, Viscaria, do you remember? in front of one another. Man, that was just the greatest. Nothing gives me more of a sexual thrill than having people interact with me for the sake of sending a message to someone else, not because they just like interacting with me. Ooh, and thinking I’m too stupid to notice? Sexy. And there is nothing that gets me going like pretending my vagina is something you can access just by beating your opponent in the video game called Girlfriend.

12 years ago

I can easily picture SuicideBanana uttering the phrase, “you are not morg, you are not eymorg.”* Of course, the problem with MRAs is they want women to only be givers of delight, but the wicked women insist on being givers of pain. The dreadful, soul-searing pain of being refused Teh Secks.

*I did not have to look up the spelling.

Molly Moon
Molly Moon
12 years ago

The pacifism-for-all-the-wrong-reasons reminds me of the time a friend told me a story where “I hella should have laid him out! But I was so faded I was just like ‘uhhhhh…'”

And when I told him maybe it was a good thing that violence did not happen and perhaps he should have made the same decision sober, he looked like the idea had never occurred to him. I’d been expecting an argument. O.o

12 years ago

Does anyone have a link for that painting?

Molly Moon
Molly Moon
12 years ago

For the record, I don’t remember what he said the other guy said/did to “deserve” getting laid out, but I’m pretty sure thems were fighting words. Not just assholery. Probably.

12 years ago

That’s why when some drunk asshole or something comes over to me and tries to start a fight while there are other people around I try to avoid it. I do so because I know somewhere there could be a feminist watching who would be rubbing her hands together over it and getting wet panties of seeing two men duking it out blow for blow while daydreaming about her utopia.

Yeah, no. That’s pretty much exactly what I DON’T think about whenever I’m someplace where it looks like a barfight might break out (which hasn’t happened more than a handful of times in my life, so I’m wondering just how often people really try to pick fights with this guy). Mostly what I’m thinking when a fight seems to be brewing is, “why are they yelling? Where is the nearest exit? Holy lord just stop yelling, don’t punch him, don’t – ok, time to go”.
12 years ago

Wow. I think some of these MRA guys know they’re full of shit. At least I hope they do. I read an MRA once who was describing how feminists clink wine glasses over their plans to castrate men. This guy seemed fairly intelligent. I have trouble believing that they always believe their own BS. They seem like manipulators to me.

12 years ago

I think that there are many MRAs whose definition of “radical feminist” is closer to Sarah Palin than to Andrea Dworkin. Like, their biggest complaints seem to be about the type of behavior one would find in women with a great deal of internalized misogyny rather than in women with a desire to dismantle patriarchal standards.

Which further solidifies my theory that MRAs don’t actually know what a feminist is.

12 years ago

I think a high percentage of MRAs are sociopaths, certainly a higher number than men in general. I had a sociopath in my class once, and they are scary. Totally lacking empathy, manipulative, and they often have a major persecution complex. I also think some MRAs are just socially awkward, and for that reason had bad luck with women. But falling further into the sinkhole of the MRM only exacerbates their awkwardness, making them resentful and paranoid to boot. Some others are just pathological liars like Varpole. After a while they truly do believe their own lies.

12 years ago

Things sure do seem to escalate quickly in these fantasies. One minute you’re in a bar with your friends, enjoying a drink and watching the game. The next minute you’re fighting for your life in the Castration Chamber, all oiled up and wearing a battle harness, getting kicked in the throat by an Alpha male while the feminist overseers sit back and laugh themselves hoarse.

The future sure is scary for us mens!

12 years ago

Andy, I call that “just another Tuesday night.”

12 years ago

Yup, that’s right, the only reason drunken arseholes pick fights is to give feminists jollies.

12 years ago

Fembot, I think it have been established that internet diagnosis are in bad taste, and generally useless.

I’d like to let all MRAs know that I am, in fact, as a feminist, extremely excited by men assaulting one another, but also by men using sexist and homophobic language, catcalling women and men who can’t take NO for an answer (non-exhaustive list). As you guessed, it’s part of a secret evil plan to ensure women (and queer people) supremacy. Each time you do one of those things (or let it happen), I get wet. Actually, all feminists do, thanks to the hive mind.
Please fight us.

12 years ago


Yes, I forgot, manboobz hates teh internet diagnoses. For punishment I will watch this.

12 years ago

I don’t think you should do that. This video seems like it could potentially melt one’s brain.

12 years ago

Thank you David. I bookmarked it for later when I have time to scroll thru the artwork.

12 years ago

I just look at that picture and wonder what search terms you’d use to get it and not get epic amounts of porn at the same time.

12 years ago

MRAs don’t actually know what a feminist is.

That’s a word for people you don’t like, right?

Blue Jean
Blue Jean
12 years ago

Is it just me, or does the woman in the picture look supremely bored by the whole fight? “Yeah, whatever, guys. Y’all duke it out while I go watch the sunset. Later.”

12 years ago

She’s waiting for one of them to drop their wallet so she can buy scented fucking candles!

12 years ago

Fantasy Amazon porn =/= reality.

I mean, if it was reality, then why do I have two boobs, no archery skills, and chin-length hair?!

12 years ago

…drop their wallet … – Fembot

O.O I’m not even going to ask..