So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit the resident dudes (and small but statistically significant population of dudettes) were getting all worked up at the notion of men standing up for women, and getting into fisticuffs over them, and all that sort of thing.
And then SuicideBanana said this:
You know that’s the feminist ideal. You see it blatantly in radfemhub, but I’ve seen more moderate feminists swoon over the idea. Sometimes I wonder if they’d have us living in some wasteland fighting on another over the scraps to survive while occasionally taking one of us, the strongest, hostage for breeding. …
That’s why when some drunk asshole or something comes over to me and tries to start a fight while there are other people around I try to avoid it. I do so because I know somewhere there could be a feminist watching who would be rubbing her hands together over it and getting wet panties of seeing two men duking it out blow for blow while daydreaming about her utopia.
Oh, Men’s Rights subreddit, don’t ever change.
Where the hell do they come up with this shit?
OMG! Star Trek episode!
Made me regret writing letters to keep TREK going back in the day………..
Pretty sure it’s from this.
I can think of a better reasons to try and avoid getting in a fistfight with a random “drunk asshole” than the possibility of some onlooker getting off on it.
Dude, Spock’s Brain was just an episode on a scifi TV show, and one of the worst episodes of the series at that. Get a grip already.
It’s *feminists* who appreciate patriarchal norms of male ownership of women? Um, no. Feminists are the ones who identify that shit as patriarchal norms of male ownership of women. Try again, doofus.
Oh, sorry. Try again, NECKBEARD.
If the reason you are avoiding fights with “drunk assholes” is become someone might get off on it and not because you could be injured, injure someone else (including a bystander), or be arrested, then you clearly have some priority issues.
I miss Tom Martin’s colour-coded ‘shaming language alarms’. What colour would neckbeard be?
(Also I still haven’t figured out what one actually is)
Flippin’ dying here. This is the best thing I have ever come across in my life.
So…guys fight each other to impress ladies?
Pretty sure he hasn’t seen this sentiment at radfemhub. Those women seem like they’d really rather prefer it if men lived on another planet, not scrounging for scraps on this one…and goodness knows they’re not interested in any activity that could be cconsidered ‘breeding’ with a man.
If you’re going to harp on the nuttiness of radfemhub, do it right. (yes I did just totally and shamelessly promote my own blog. Hope that’s okay).
I don’t know, I have mixed feelings about Spock’s Brain. On the one hand, the gender politics are hard to get past, and the premise is pretty unbelievable.
On the other hand, the episode gives us one of the most hilarious Shatner moments out there.
Seriously, every time I see that, I bust a gut.
And, since Spock’s Brain was the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw this post, and then I got ninja’ed not once but twice, I’m generally surplus to requirements around here, ain’t I?
I don’t think RadFems get off on the idea of men fighting over them. If anything it would just piss them off more that males considered them some sort of spoils to be won. That’s more of a romance novel plot line and I just can’t see RadFems touching that stuff.
Oops, I read the article wrong. The RadFems would have men fighting over scraps, not RadFems… My bad. I don’t see them wanting that either. I don’t think they’d consider males worthy of any resources at all, hateful nutters that they are.
I love how Spock’s Brain is the first thing everyone thinks of (myself included).
I, for one, think that’s a great episode because they steal Spock’s brain! Come on, how is that not awesome!
“Have” men fighting over scraps…? Wow, have IQs dropped sharply while I was away? lol
Remember, when a man drunkenly punches and fights another man, there must be a woman to blame somewhere.
It always gets me how…detailed these scenarios always are. I mean, when I come up with over-the-top, jumped-the-shark, worst-case dystopian scenarios, I’m pretty much just like “Thunderdome! Fallout! Mohawks on everyone, disease and starvation! Stuff like that”. How much time do they spend fantasizing/thinking this stuff up?
When you’re Going Your Own Way, you have a lot of time to think.
Dunno if I’d classify this as thinking. More like: masochistic-fantasies-about-the-end-of-the-world-via-‘female-empowerment’-ing.
And not even good, fun masochism either.
MRAs have a persecution complex. They love their apocalyptic fantasies. I suppose it takes the pressure off having to be an actual human being.
Is it just me or does this sound like some b-movie type sexual fantasy? That snoo-snoo clip is so appropriate.
Absinthe and bad sci-fi are not a healthy combination, guy
It’s the beehive hairdo’s and the thigh boots that I think make the episode. It’s so very 60s. It could only be more 60s if it had the Beatles or the Stones in it.