antifeminism evil women hypocrisy irony alert johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA neckbeard rights oppressed men racism

MRAs to women: You make us hate you! (Also, don’t call JohnTheOther a neckbeard. He’s clean-shaven!)

Racists – victim blamers extraordinaire — like to pretend that their racism isn’t their fault, that they’ve been driven to their racism by the bad behavior of some members of the group they’re bigoted against. Do a search for the phrase “I don’t hate blacks, but” and you will find thousands of examples of this “logic” at its crudest. “I don’t think blacks are ignorant just the NIGGERS,” one YouTube commenter writes, encapsulating the racist “logic” in a phrase.

Misogynists are fond of making similar “arguments” about women. As one commenter on the Scott Adams blog puts it:

I don’t hate women, but I have a pretty low opinion of women overall. I think they have poor priorities, they have poor analytical skills, they tend to be disorganized, they tend to be impulsive, and they think the world revolves around their feelings. I don’t think all women are like that, but it’s the impression I have of the gender in general, and I don’t like those traits.

Naturally, variations of this general argument (such as it is) abound in the “manosphere.” “Misogynists are not born they are made,” writes MRA/MGTOW elder and proud misogynist ZenPriest in an oft-cited rant titled “Hate Bounces.”

“Once, a long time ago when the world was young, I loved women with all my heart and soul,”ZenPriest (also known as Zed) writes. But then along came feminism, which ruined women so thoroughly that poor ZenPriest found himself more or less forced to become a woman-hater:

I began to see women as vicious creatures whose only agenda when it came to me, or any man, was to see how much they could get from the man – then when he had nothing left to give because they had taken it all, toss him out with yesterday’s garbage. In short – as nothing but users. …

I took to avoiding women, particularly groups of them, because I could never sit quietly and put up with the bashing and would always challenge it, which ended me up in a lot of fights and added greatly the count of times that I got called “misogynist.”

Gosh, why would anyone who “see[s] women as vicious creatures” get called a misogynist?

[A]fter 3 decades of listening to it, and hating it, and trying to keep the animosity which had been building in me over it … I caved in and began to really hate women. …

I will not allow most women in my house unless I have known her a long time and she is old enough to have escaped being infected with the plague of man hating or is escorted by someone I trust, nor will I enter theirs except on the same conditions. If I pass a woman stranded on the road, I will not stop to help her because it is as likely as not that she will be afraid of me.  …

I changed from a man who loved women and thought they were just about the greatest thing in the world, to a man who can’t stand them, or anything about them.

And of course it is all the fault of women and their alleged incessant man-hatery:

Man bashing and man hating harms women, because it makes men hate them back – eventually. A puppy returns love for love, but if you beat it will eventually turn mean and will one day turn on you when you raise your fist or your stick (or the club of words) to hit it. Men are no different.

As this last bit makes clear, this “she made me do it” logic is the very same logic used by abusers to justify their abuse.

Now our old friend JohnTheOther has offered a similar blame-the-ladies explanation as to why he’s developed what he calls an “indifference to female opinion.” In his telling, the straw that broke the camel’s back was some unnamed feminist who had the temerity to use the word “neckbeard” in an internet posting.

The culture of easy, casual insult by women against average men, creeps, neckbeards, mother’s-basement-dweller and so on, has a effect which might not be recognized by women. Guys generally don’t need to be told they’re held in contempt as a group, our wider culture makes this sparklingly clear. However, individual instances of circumstantial ad-hom have the very real effect of making men not care about women’s opinions.

Yeah, that’s why these guys don’t give a shit about what women say.

Naturally, Mr. TheOther feels the need to tell us that 1) he doesn’t have a neckbeard and 2) he has a (presumably human) girlfriend.

Am I a neck-beard? No, I’m clean shaven, Im not an online gamer, I have a girlfriend, a career, I dress well et-cetera. But whenever I see some casual, throw away comment like creeper, neck-beard or other minor belittling insult used to describe average men, it cements my not giving a shit about the opinions of women.

After being criticized for his blatant misogyny by a commenter in the Men’s Rights subreddit (virtually the only MRA site online where misogyny is ever called out), Mr. TheOther altered that final bit to read “it cements my not giving a shit about the opinions offered.” He evidently thinks that changing the wording of this one sentence, and complaining about “quote-mining” will convince readers that the misogynistic argument set forth in detail in the rest of the post somehow isn’t misogyny. (And, on the Men’s Rights subreddit, that ploy seems to have worked.)

Naturally, like so many misogynists, Mr. TheOther insists he’s really not a woman-hater:

I don’t hate women, I don’t believe in any “back to the kitchen” nonsense, or any other female-targeted belittlement. What I’m talking about is my personal attitude towards women’s opinions, their utterances, their writing, their thoughts, their contribution to society. If you are a woman reading this, that means your thoughts, ideas, speech, writing and so on.

Well, that clears it up. You don’t hate women; you just don’t give a shit what women think or say or do. Obviously there’s no bigotry in that!

Utterly dismissing “female opinion” because some woman called you a neckbeard: Men’s Rights activism at its finest!

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12 years ago

@Fembot:”Many MRAs heap insults upon her and other FeMRAs despite their being 100% compliant with the cause.” I know. To some there isn’t ever any exception to the rule. To discover that a female in the world exists that isn’t evil would make their world spin off it’s axis.

It’s amazing that people would choose to adapt a world view that isn’t just completely removed from reality but perpetuates their own unhappiness. I almost feel sorry for them.

12 years ago

And I would like to know how MRAs plan to deal with FeMRAs when the manolution comes (Man’s Revolution Solution–I made that up). Are these women to be farmed out as sex slaves like the femcunts they hate so much? Will they be killed off when sexy robot ladies replace flesh and blood women? And I wonder, what do MRAs plan to do with the women in their lives they actually care about, like their daughters, sisters, mothers, etc. Are they going to hide them in the basement so the horde of angry, sex starved men can’t catch them? MRAs really are shit at making plans for the future.

12 years ago

If you’re gonna be a misogynist, go out and do it properly. Meet everybody in the world that identifies as a woman. Share a drink and a snack with them. Then come up with a reason for hating each and every woman. A decent reason, please.
Once you’ve come up with a reason for having each of the approximately 3 billion women in this world, then you wont have spent your life making idiotic misogynistic comments on the internet and you may have made some friends.

12 years ago

It’s because every damn day blared from our schools, the white house, the MSM it’s the same shit.

Right well, as someone who has recently been looking into U.K. blood donating policies, I always read “MSM” as “men who have sex with men.” Which, you would think would drastically alter the meaning behind NWO’s comment…but frankly it doesn’t even matter.

12 years ago

David, not caring about womens thoughts, actions or what they say isn’t really misogynistic. It’s apathy and indifference. Hating requires energy and people that “don’t give a shit” aren’t expending energy.

However, since they are making blog posts and comments about all this…

12 years ago


…It just got lumped in with the rest of the insults that come from the same source (basement dweller, lives with parents, useless with women etc) as another way of saying “loser”.

What pisses me off is the idea that nerd=loser is somehow gendered. Um, no. For goodness sake, us women nerds have to first prove we’re just as nerdy as the guys to be accepted by them…while at the same time any nerdiness at all gets you ridicule from non-nerds.

12 years ago

Lemme get this straight. This TheOther person overheard a woman make a dismissive comment about somebody who’s *clearly* not him, and therefore all women are heartless, untrustworthy bitches who are insensitive about men’s feelings? And that, apparently, makes women too emotional to have the correct priorities.

I can’t think of anything scathing enough to say. I must not be prioritizing my emotions correctly.

12 years ago

This other person faiils to realize that under the Accords Governing The Fair Use of women, our priorities must shift to align with whatever penis is nearest. Its not that we are too emotional, its that men are individuals.

Mandela Nelson
Mandela Nelson
12 years ago

Sticksandpucks, that would only be true he wasn’t particular to women but held apathy toward anyone. It is, for sure, a hateful statement against women.

Mandela Nelson
Mandela Nelson
12 years ago


12 years ago

David, not caring about womens thoughts, actions or what they say isn’t really misogynistic. It’s apathy and indifference. Hating requires energy and people that “don’t give a shit” aren’t expending energy

Yeah, John certainly didn`t put any energy into this. He didn`t write a whole article talking about how little he values women. I can really sense the apathy in his rage.

12 years ago

By the way, I want to say that I really love the irony of Typhonblue, a woman, giving her opinion that JtO is justified in his belief that women`s opinions don`t matter.

Hershele Ostropoler
12 years ago


I don’t get this whole women are disorganized garbage. Without my mom, my father would be as helpless as a toddler,

Well, it’s a good thing he has a womanbot to do things for him.

12 years ago


Yeah, female MRAs are only tolerated as long as they understand that they and their opinions don’t matter. And if anyone does happen to notice and praise their contributions, it is because MRAs are such nice guys, and this proves it!

12 years ago


I actually think it’s part of their whole rhetoric that they’re speaking for all men and ignoring all the men out there who either don’t even know about them or vehemently disagree with them. It’s tied into the way they treat men (and women) as monolithic groups, conflate women with feminists and men with MRAs, and assume that the opinions of male feminists aren’t also men’s opinions.

If you take the approach that female=women=feminists and therefore all feminist opinions (whether espoused by a man or not) are actually “female opinion,” then it’s not a huge leap to assume male=men=MRA. Therefore all the women who espouse MRA opinions aren’t actually contributing “female opinion.”

Also, it’s bonkers.

12 years ago

The examples quote in this post reveal to anyone remotely self-aware the interpersonal immaturity these guys have with women. Blaming an entire demographic goes both ways. Don’t like being called a creep? Letting go of the taunt “cunt” would be a start.

12 years ago

No see, “cunt”, like “bitch” is simply a harmless word that is used to describe a certain kind of annoying behavior and is not misogynistic at all despite its very obvious origins as a word use to describe a vulva.

“Creep” is a horribly misandric word that is used by FFEEEEMALES to oppress teh menz.


12 years ago

What pisses me off is the idea that nerd=loser is somehow gendered. Um, no. For goodness sake, us women nerds have to first prove we’re just as nerdy as the guys to be accepted by them…while at the same time any nerdiness at all gets you ridicule from non-nerds. – HeatherN

And even then, you get treated like crap from other geeks/nerds anyway (when they aren’t denying your existence). It’s like a no win situation for you.

That’s probably why a lot of the geek/nerd = loser insults are specific gendered male (specifically hetero male), because people just don’t think women can be geeky or nerdy. Even the ones that aren’t specifically gendered kind of rely on only targeting men, I mean it’s mostly men that get shit for living with their parents after the age of 20.

…And that last sentence totally sounds like one Owly would end with “it’s mostly used on men so it’s a gendered insult!”… O.O

I wonder if there even are any female-specific geek/nerd = loser type insults, people usually just use the old ones they use for every other women, like ugly, fat, etc.

12 years ago

I don’t hate women, but…

Some of my best friends are women, but…

I used to LOVE women before they started demanding human rights…

I don’t hate women, but they are disorganized, illogical, and ruled by their emotions.

I used to love women, but then one of them called me a creep…

I love women, but the bitches don’t love me…

I was talking to my gal pal the other day about how vicious and vile most women are…

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure JohnTheOther’s lying about not having a neckbeard anyway. I’m spiritually sensitive to such things.

I done a LOL.

12 years ago

Uh oh catastrophic html failure. *retreats*

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Ami — “Like going into an abandoned theatre and finding a lone actor who can’t let go doing a play to nobody.” — That’s what the ghost light is for, if the MRM just needs a light left on I think we can manage that XD

ersatzmoons — There’s also Yo, is this racist? and Yo, Should I Dump this Asshole?

David — your link on that is broken btw, drop the www part.

NWO — your citation is a newspaper, as in the MSM you always complain about. They’re really bad with research, so try digging up the actual study? I was going to review the study, but I can’t find it, “researchers say…” doesn’t help much as a citation.

12 years ago

For a brief second, I really thought MRAs had decided to leave Elam and his extremist crew behind, after I started to see some people criticixing Elam as bad for their movement. I really shouldn’t have been so optimistic.

12 years ago

Crumb, if you finished reading my post, you would see I was talking about people in general…not just JtO.

Indifference is not hate. I am rather indifferent towards the overtly religious because I think a lot of their beliefs are quite frankly stupid. I however do not hate them or wish them any harm. I just don’t want to be around them.

12 years ago

I always thought ‘neckbeard’ was a reference specifically to right-wing basement dwellers, due to its popularity as a facial accoutrement with repugnant wastes of carbon atoms – sorry, ‘conservative thinkers’ – like Jonah Goldberg and Ace o’ Spades.