viola — yeah no one replied so she did an entire post about that post, which got a post here earlier in the week. (Sorry for saying post 3 times, hopefully that still makes sense).
Enjoy your vacation and traveling David!
12 years ago
I seem to have upset John the Other by pointing out he’s a massive misogynist on reddit. Rather hilariously I feel, he then edited his article so he seemed like less of a misogynist (it didn’t work).
The presence of Maru at the top of this thread almost makes up for the presence of Slavey within it. Maru may have all the kitty litter and cat toys that he wishes (although I’m sure he’d prefer a pile of empty boxes).
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago
NWO — do you often insult people in threads they haven’t even commented on? (I did check to make sure your comment appeared before mine, it did).
So, we’re still on the 1 in 5 stat? Remember when I said my best friend got a good laugh out of you insisting creep is male gendered? He also questioned why you have a thing against a statistic that everyone’s checked so many times it’s considered fact at this point.
“Were you ever drunk, high, drugged or passed out and someone had sex with you?”
Yeah that’s an all-in-one question because the same law generally applies (and because they all lump together as “other than forcible rape”). The rest…lovely, just lovely, thanks for admitting what many of us had been assuming.
Now, let me find you a university conducted study saying the same thing. Oh wait, had you read my citations the last time we did this you’d have seen that one of the DoJ ones is only being reported by the DoJ, the data itself comes with this disclaimer —
Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
And the CDC, do you only question them when it’s about rape, or are the TB and other disease rates inviable as well?
To pick a few of the more ridiculous comments from your comment to Fembot —
“Where have we advocated for taking away men’s right to vote?”
Take my damned vote, I’ve never voted anyway. Men just want women and their communist government to stop taking our wealth for womens privileges and entitlements.
Brilliant, so wtf you want must be wtf everyone wants? Why am I not surprised to hear that from you… Also, not the question, whether you want to vote or not has fuck all to do with whether anyone here has ever suggested you shouldn’t be allowed to.
“Where have we discussed lobotomizing men to make them perfect Stepford husbands?”
Hell, everyday is a brand new day of womens media entertainment portraying men as filthy devils and women as perfect angels. After all the sacrifice and suffering men have endured for women. How can you let this hatred continue?
Ignoring your nonsense, lobotomize = violence. The question was when anyone here has promoted violence by way of lobotomy. And no one has, so you go for a combination of making shit up, and twisting things to fit your strange worldview.
” Where have we said men deserve to be raped (besides Ruby, and members here ripped her a new one, so she is NOT the consensus)?”
Do you mean sodomized by a foreign object or raped by a, dare I say it, gay or bi man?
When has anyone here said that men should be raped with objects? Or said it’d be okay for a gay or bi man to rape another man? (We have said that a man raping a man does not somehow make him gay — that does not mean we’d be all amused by it, regardless the rapists orientation). If you quote Ruby here, you fail to get the point, again.
“How about removing the voice boxes of male infants?”
Men’s voices have been systematically silenced in every political, educational and media venue for generations. Courtesy of the ladies.
Again, the question was about violence — so answer the actual question. I’d continue, but I find myself repeating myself, and yuck on that.
David, now can he be gotten rid of? Or is him mocking the idea that he’s a rapist not bad enough?
12 years ago
My favourite is always when his owner just leaves an open box on the floor, and Maru slides across the floor into the box (and then just lays there with his legs all splayed out). 😀
*Attempts to continue the convsersation to be All About Maru, and not All About Owly).
My favorite Maru moment was probably Maru Discovers The Bathtub. But really, that cat seems to be incapable of doing anything that isn’t hilarious and adorable.
Continuing cat derail – what’s the best way to figure out if a local cat that you see outside has people or is a stray? There’s one that I’ve encountered twice now, super friendly and tried to follow me for a bit, but a bit skinny, and without a collar. I’m hoping he’s just an outdoor cat without a collar, but what’s the best way to be sure? I can’t just go around knocking on doors going “is this your cat?”. Definitely not feral, since he let me pick him up and came right to me both times.
12 years ago
Cat derail. Cool. Round here, we take suspected strays to the vet and she scans for a microchip (cats and dogs must be chipped and registered by law). But that’s because we have a vet on the corner.
12 years ago
I’ve had to bail my (neighbour’s) cat out of the RSPCA twice this weekend. Cat has been scratching and meowing at a bloke’s door until the bloke lets him in just to shut him up. The bloke hates cats, and called the RSPCA to remove cat. The bloke is getting very shouty and angry apparently, but cat just goes straight back around! Stupid cat!
Some cats here are chipped (mine is), but most aren’t. I may try to see if I can feel a microchip next time I see him – they usually put in in the neck area. He was hanging out in the same area both times, so I’m hoping that’s his house and his owners just didn’t get him a collar, or he won’t tolerate one.
12 years ago
I once attached a note to my wandering cat, asking where he goes. I made a very good friend that way.
12 years ago
I think one of the things you could do would be (after a basic check for microchippage) to keep an eye on him. That way you can keep an eye on his general health and you’ll see if he starts getting badly underweight. Obviously this isn’t foolproof, since he might be a really good hunter and be getting enough food that way. But at least you’d be able to see if he’s getting sick or not.
One of my cats we could have caught that way, since we were watching her for a while and she started looking very unhealthy (she’s a fantastic hunter, but she was pregnant as well). I say could, because I live in the middle of nowhere, so finding out if a cat belongs to someone fortunately takes no time at all.
Yeah, I’m starting to do that. Right now he looks very healthy and it’s just the lack of a collar and the fact that he was so excited to have me paying attention to him that worries me. I’m hoping he hasn’t been abandoned. There was also a small dog in the house behind him that was barking the first time I saw him, which the cat was completely ignoring, and he was in front of the same house, so I’m hoping that’s his home and he’s just super friendly rather than abandoned.
12 years ago
Oh ffs. NWO, you terrible knucklehead. You go on and on, unceasingly it seems, always talking about how oppressed and silenced guys like you are. Even though David still lets you post here. Even though you’ve said some of the most vile crap I’ve ever seen and you’re STILL FUCKING HERE. And you’re oppressed by us. This isn’t just irony being dead, this is beating irony to death with a sock full of nickels in front of a kindergarten class.
“I seem to have upset John the Other by pointing out he’s a massive misogynist on reddit. Rather hilariously I feel, he then edited his article so he seemed like less of a misogynist (it didn’t work).”
Here is the definition they used for their SURVEY, (you need to look up and see if that’s the definition used for reported STATISTICS, but even so, there is nothing wrong with this def).
“In the National Violence Against Women Survey
( N VAWS), rape was defined as an event that
occurred without the victim’s consent that involved the use or threat of force in vaginal, anal,
or oral intercourse. This definition closely resembles that used in the National Wo m e n ’s Study ( N W S ) .a
H o w e v e r, unlike NWS, NVAWS includes
both attempted and completed rape. Thus, unless otherwise noted in this report, “rape” refers to both attempted and completed rape.
The survey included five behaviorally specific”
bolding mine, and that makes your point irrelevant.
Which we already knew.
Also, funny how you either left wording out, or failed to see the significance in how it was worded. “had sex with you” does not mean two people deciding to have and participating in having sex, it denotes a nonconsentual situation, even if you DID leave all the wording intact and unmolested, which I doubt.
There is nothing wrong with talking to a culture and saying, look when people are unconscious they cannot consent please keep that in mind.
What is wrong with that?
And what is it about our culture that it seems to perceive sex as something a man does to a woman? Because they already view it like this with the woman erased as a participating partner, the drunk and passed out thing seems absurd to them. Well, it’s far from absurd, and it’s a bit telling. Telling a sad story, really.
12 years ago
NWO — do you often insult people in threads they haven’t even commented on? (I did check to make sure your comment appeared before mine, it did).
Looks like slavey’s still obsessing over his latest hate crush. Shame on you, slavey, hatin’ all around town in front of God and everybody. Don’t you have any loyalty?
NWO, you terrible knucklehead. You go on and on, unceasingly it seems, always talking about how oppressed and silenced guys like you are. Even though David still lets you post here. Even though you’ve said some of the most vile crap I’ve ever seen and you’re STILL FUCKING HERE. And you’re oppressed by us.
This question has been asked of and ignored by you many times now, slaveman, but if The State is being run by a secret conspiracy of Feminist Overladies, and it’s ever so easy to false-rape-accuse a man into oblivion, why are you still being allowed to spew your vile crap? Why are you not in jail right now?
Is this world-dominating conspiracy so inept that it cannot find and silence one loud-mouthed idiot?
I personally was told, many times, that I deserve to be raped, castrated, and abused. Not by some random radfem in Montana either — but by mainstream Feminists in places like Man Boobz and my own blog.
Bullshit. These guys come here to spew their shit, get roundly criticized on the merits of their non-argument, and that equals threats of violence to them. Project much?
“I personally was told, many times, that I deserve to be raped, castrated, and abused.”
I don’t know the context, but this sometimes happens appropriately in a discussion where a person denies the effects of the aforementioned, and people suggest that they only way they will learn the effects of these things, or perhaps the only way they will have the proper perspective or lose their callousness is if they were the victims of those things.
So it’s a passive aggressive “I’m the victim” tactic to remove context and pretend as though they were threatened simpley for having a dissenting voice.
Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago
indifferentsky — I’m particularly fond of the “now imagine if you…” tactic, so I’d imagine that claim of “I…deserve…” was indeed taken out of context.
blitzgal — is that NWO? If so, my vote is on “yup, taken out of context”.
It’s Zek’s comment at the Good Men Project that valerienorth mentions upthread. These guys feel “emasculated” whenever a woman has her own voice and her own opinion. Does not equal castration threats, Zek.
What is it with these people and the “imagine if a feminist did this terrible thing…if you can imagine it, then it must have already happened!” school of commentary?
12 years ago
I don’t know the context, but this sometimes happens appropriately in a discussion where a person denies the effects of the aforementioned, and people suggest that they only way they will learn the effects of these things, or perhaps the only way they will have the proper perspective or lose their callousness is if they were the victims of those things.
It’s generally discouraged here, and if placed in a desire, rather than a “cast yourself in their shoes” question it gets expunged, and the person who says it gets yelled at (see Ruby, and prisons).
also did Ruby LOL at the situation? Because that’s not appropriate for serious offenders either. I was JUST thinking about this. If someone is a serial serious harm causer, and I thought about “sensitivity training” for them via their own actions… ahem… that would never ever be a LOL. That’s disrespectful to the victims, too.
viola — yeah no one replied so she did an entire post about that post, which got a post here earlier in the week. (Sorry for saying post 3 times, hopefully that still makes sense).
Enjoy your vacation and traveling David!
I seem to have upset John the Other by pointing out he’s a massive misogynist on reddit. Rather hilariously I feel, he then edited his article so he seemed like less of a misogynist (it didn’t work).
Balls, forgot the link:
I love this photograph so fucking much. He’s so…noble.
The presence of Maru at the top of this thread almost makes up for the presence of Slavey within it. Maru may have all the kitty litter and cat toys that he wishes (although I’m sure he’d prefer a pile of empty boxes).
NWO — do you often insult people in threads they haven’t even commented on? (I did check to make sure your comment appeared before mine, it did).
So, we’re still on the 1 in 5 stat? Remember when I said my best friend got a good laugh out of you insisting creep is male gendered? He also questioned why you have a thing against a statistic that everyone’s checked so many times it’s considered fact at this point.
“Were you ever drunk, high, drugged or passed out and someone had sex with you?”
Yeah that’s an all-in-one question because the same law generally applies (and because they all lump together as “other than forcible rape”). The rest…lovely, just lovely, thanks for admitting what many of us had been assuming.
Now, let me find you a university conducted study saying the same thing. Oh wait, had you read my citations the last time we did this you’d have seen that one of the DoJ ones is only being reported by the DoJ, the data itself comes with this disclaimer —
And the CDC, do you only question them when it’s about rape, or are the TB and other disease rates inviable as well?
To pick a few of the more ridiculous comments from your comment to Fembot —
Brilliant, so wtf you want must be wtf everyone wants? Why am I not surprised to hear that from you… Also, not the question, whether you want to vote or not has fuck all to do with whether anyone here has ever suggested you shouldn’t be allowed to.
Ignoring your nonsense, lobotomize = violence. The question was when anyone here has promoted violence by way of lobotomy. And no one has, so you go for a combination of making shit up, and twisting things to fit your strange worldview.
When has anyone here said that men should be raped with objects? Or said it’d be okay for a gay or bi man to rape another man? (We have said that a man raping a man does not somehow make him gay — that does not mean we’d be all amused by it, regardless the rapists orientation). If you quote Ruby here, you fail to get the point, again.
Again, the question was about violence — so answer the actual question. I’d continue, but I find myself repeating myself, and yuck on that.
David, now can he be gotten rid of? Or is him mocking the idea that he’s a rapist not bad enough?
My favourite is always when his owner just leaves an open box on the floor, and Maru slides across the floor into the box (and then just lays there with his legs all splayed out). 😀
*Attempts to continue the convsersation to be All About Maru, and not All About Owly).
My favorite Maru moment was probably Maru Discovers The Bathtub. But really, that cat seems to be incapable of doing anything that isn’t hilarious and adorable.
Continuing cat derail – what’s the best way to figure out if a local cat that you see outside has people or is a stray? There’s one that I’ve encountered twice now, super friendly and tried to follow me for a bit, but a bit skinny, and without a collar. I’m hoping he’s just an outdoor cat without a collar, but what’s the best way to be sure? I can’t just go around knocking on doors going “is this your cat?”. Definitely not feral, since he let me pick him up and came right to me both times.
Cat derail. Cool. Round here, we take suspected strays to the vet and she scans for a microchip (cats and dogs must be chipped and registered by law). But that’s because we have a vet on the corner.
I’ve had to bail my (neighbour’s) cat out of the RSPCA twice this weekend. Cat has been scratching and meowing at a bloke’s door until the bloke lets him in just to shut him up. The bloke hates cats, and called the RSPCA to remove cat. The bloke is getting very shouty and angry apparently, but cat just goes straight back around! Stupid cat!
Some cats here are chipped (mine is), but most aren’t. I may try to see if I can feel a microchip next time I see him – they usually put in in the neck area. He was hanging out in the same area both times, so I’m hoping that’s his house and his owners just didn’t get him a collar, or he won’t tolerate one.
I once attached a note to my wandering cat, asking where he goes. I made a very good friend that way.
I think one of the things you could do would be (after a basic check for microchippage) to keep an eye on him. That way you can keep an eye on his general health and you’ll see if he starts getting badly underweight. Obviously this isn’t foolproof, since he might be a really good hunter and be getting enough food that way. But at least you’d be able to see if he’s getting sick or not.
One of my cats we could have caught that way, since we were watching her for a while and she started looking very unhealthy (she’s a fantastic hunter, but she was pregnant as well). I say could, because I live in the middle of nowhere, so finding out if a cat belongs to someone fortunately takes no time at all.
Yeah, I’m starting to do that. Right now he looks very healthy and it’s just the lack of a collar and the fact that he was so excited to have me paying attention to him that worries me. I’m hoping he hasn’t been abandoned. There was also a small dog in the house behind him that was barking the first time I saw him, which the cat was completely ignoring, and he was in front of the same house, so I’m hoping that’s his home and he’s just super friendly rather than abandoned.
Oh ffs. NWO, you terrible knucklehead. You go on and on, unceasingly it seems, always talking about how oppressed and silenced guys like you are. Even though David still lets you post here. Even though you’ve said some of the most vile crap I’ve ever seen and you’re STILL FUCKING HERE. And you’re oppressed by us. This isn’t just irony being dead, this is beating irony to death with a sock full of nickels in front of a kindergarten class.
“I seem to have upset John the Other by pointing out he’s a massive misogynist on reddit. Rather hilariously I feel, he then edited his article so he seemed like less of a misogynist (it didn’t work).”
Here is the definition they used for their SURVEY, (you need to look up and see if that’s the definition used for reported STATISTICS, but even so, there is nothing wrong with this def).
“In the National Violence Against Women Survey
( N VAWS), rape was defined as an event that
occurred without the victim’s consent that
involved the use or threat of force in vaginal, anal,
or oral intercourse. This definition closely resembles that used in the National Wo m e n ’s Study ( N W S ) .a
H o w e v e r, unlike NWS, NVAWS includes
both attempted and completed rape. Thus, unless otherwise noted in this report, “rape” refers to both attempted and completed rape.
The survey included five behaviorally specific”
bolding mine, and that makes your point irrelevant.
Which we already knew.
Also, funny how you either left wording out, or failed to see the significance in how it was worded. “had sex with you” does not mean two people deciding to have and participating in having sex, it denotes a nonconsentual situation, even if you DID leave all the wording intact and unmolested, which I doubt.
There is nothing wrong with talking to a culture and saying, look when people are unconscious they cannot consent please keep that in mind.
What is wrong with that?
And what is it about our culture that it seems to perceive sex as something a man does to a woman? Because they already view it like this with the woman erased as a participating partner, the drunk and passed out thing seems absurd to them. Well, it’s far from absurd, and it’s a bit telling. Telling a sad story, really.
Looks like slavey’s still obsessing over his latest hate crush. Shame on you, slavey, hatin’ all around town in front of God and everybody. Don’t you have any loyalty?
This question has been asked of and ignored by you many times now, slaveman, but if The State is being run by a secret conspiracy of Feminist Overladies, and it’s ever so easy to false-rape-accuse a man into oblivion, why are you still being allowed to spew your vile crap? Why are you not in jail right now?
Is this world-dominating conspiracy so inept that it cannot find and silence one loud-mouthed idiot?
Bullshit. These guys come here to spew their shit, get roundly criticized on the merits of their non-argument, and that equals threats of violence to them. Project much?
“I personally was told, many times, that I deserve to be raped, castrated, and abused.”
I don’t know the context, but this sometimes happens appropriately in a discussion where a person denies the effects of the aforementioned, and people suggest that they only way they will learn the effects of these things, or perhaps the only way they will have the proper perspective or lose their callousness is if they were the victims of those things.
So it’s a passive aggressive “I’m the victim” tactic to remove context and pretend as though they were threatened simpley for having a dissenting voice.
indifferentsky — I’m particularly fond of the “now imagine if you…” tactic, so I’d imagine that claim of “I…deserve…” was indeed taken out of context.
blitzgal — is that NWO? If so, my vote is on “yup, taken out of context”.
It’s Zek’s comment at the Good Men Project that valerienorth mentions upthread. These guys feel “emasculated” whenever a woman has her own voice and her own opinion. Does not equal castration threats, Zek.
What is it with these people and the “imagine if a feminist did this terrible thing…if you can imagine it, then it must have already happened!” school of commentary?
I don’t know the context, but this sometimes happens appropriately in a discussion where a person denies the effects of the aforementioned, and people suggest that they only way they will learn the effects of these things, or perhaps the only way they will have the proper perspective or lose their callousness is if they were the victims of those things.
It’s generally discouraged here, and if placed in a desire, rather than a “cast yourself in their shoes” question it gets expunged, and the person who says it gets yelled at (see Ruby, and prisons).
also did Ruby LOL at the situation? Because that’s not appropriate for serious offenders either. I was JUST thinking about this. If someone is a serial serious harm causer, and I thought about “sensitivity training” for them via their own actions… ahem… that would never ever be a LOL. That’s disrespectful to the victims, too.