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Men’s Rights Redditors angry that reality is reality. (Murder statistics edition.)

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, mgriff2k4 is angry that the picture to the right here showed up on his computer screen. Sorry, make that fucking angry. “Did this really just fucking pop up on my news feed?” he asks in the title of his post, adding in a comment: “sorry about the word “fucking” but im really pissed off about this.”

Why is he angry? Presumably, he assumes the statistic is untrue, and that it unfairly paints men as evil murderers.

Luckily, in this Age of the Internet it is trivially easy to find out whether statistics like this are true. It involves something called “Google.” mgriff2k4 did not bother to avail himself of this easy-to-use research tool.

But I did. In less than 5 minutes, I confirmed that this factoid is indeed true, at least according to the most recent figures on gender and homicide found on the Department of Justice’s web site, drawn from FBI data covering the years from 1976-2005. According to the FBI, 30% of women who are murdered are murdered by “intimates.” Roughly 20% are killed by husbands or ex-husbands; 10% by boyfriends or girlfriends. (In the overwhelming majority of cases the murderers are boyfriends, not girlfriends; men are ten times more likely to commit murder than women.)

While four times as many men are murdered than women, only 5% of murdered men are killed by “intimates.” Men kill women more than twice as often as women kill men. Women suffer far more serious injuries from domestic violence than men do; so it is not altogether unexpected that they are also far more likely to be murdered by intimates.

If you want to see what this means on a human level, I suggest you take a look at the excellent if depressing web site Domestic Violence Crime Watch, which links to stories in which men are the perpetrators, and in which men are the victims. There are far more of those in the former category than in the latter.

I should note that (as of this writing) one commenter in the thread also found his way to the DOJ site, and noted that men were more likely to be killed by strangers or acquaintances. But he didn’t bother to tell mkgriff2k4 that the sign in the picture was in fact accurate.

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12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy
“A man may not injure a woman or, through inaction, allow a woman to come to harm.”

“…That sounds pretty good actually?”

I knew it would. A man sacrificing his life for a woman is always good. Mooks are dispensible, women are indispensible. Born to serve.

12 years ago

You have to admit, that statement was a classic.

He cracks himself up!

OT: I am sad to note that YouTube doesn’t have that clip from Robin Hood: Men in Tights of King Richard saying “From now on, all toilets in the kingdom shall be called Johns!”

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

I knew it would. A man sacrificing his life for a woman is always good. Mooks are dispensible, women are indispensible. Born to serve.

Although I’m impressed that you know about Asimov (I’m impressed that you know how to use your keyboard), I think it’s fucking hilarious you got “born to serve” from “don’t hurt people.”

You are a SLAAAAVE to not-committing-assault, you poor thing.

12 years ago

“You’re still screaming that life is unfair because you have to put actual effort into getting things you want.”

The difference is, a woman backed by the State has the right of motherhood. A man has to fight for the right of fatherhood against the State and a woman, he will lose the majority of times. Just another mook whose only value to society is as a resource to a woman and, “her” family. State endorsed kidnapping and extortion.

12 years ago

There are also multiple discussions around men and feminism. Come and visit.

Perhaps those who do take you up on your offer to come and visit ought to introduce themselves “John Anderson style”, as I’m certain that the warmest of welcomes would ensue.

12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy
“You are a SLAAAAVE to not-committing-assault, you poor thing.”

Or the inaction of not placing my life on the line to save the massah. Don’t forget about the second half of the sentence.

12 years ago

Wow, John turned into a nasty little asshole when his ass wasn’t kissed. That took no time at all. These guys really think we can’t see that nasty edge before it show up and throws itself a parade, don’t they?

12 years ago

Or the inaction of not placing my life on the line to save the massah

Dude, stop with the “massah” bullshit, it’s racist as fuck! You can convey ur pansy-ass whining just fine without showiing your racist ass simultaneously. Jesus fuck!

12 years ago

NWO can no more divorce himself from his racism than he can from his sexism, Shadow. Some people really ARE that bad.

12 years ago

Actually Shadow, I am pretty sure Owly can’t whine without showing his racist ass. It seems to display itself with regularity.

12 years ago

@hellkell & cloudiah

True dat. I should know better than to expect human decency from Owly.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Or the inaction of not placing my life on the line to save the massah.

Do you get how racist, in addition to plain old stupid, it is to say that while you’re exercising your free speech in your private home while enjoying a nice day off?

Go ahead and tell me how many of those things actual, non-self-pitying-metaphor slaves got–or get–to enjoy.

12 years ago

Have you fine ladies seen what’s included in the mandatory obamacare package? It’s like some totally fine communist/feminist work. It is brilliant. Every man will be a criminal in nothing flat. This’ll be part of your Intimate Partner Violence Screening, which’ll be part of you yearly or whatever check up.

So I looked at just one of the many way’s women will be checked and questioned about IPV. HITS I was able to access.

There are 4 categories

How often does your partner?
Never = 1
Rarely = 2
Sometimes =3
Fairly often =4
Frequently =5

1. Physically hurt you O O O O O
2. Insult or talk down to you O O O O O
3. Threaten you with harm O O O O O
4. Scream or curse at you O O O O O

Each item is scored from 1-5, A score of greater than 10 is considered positive.

So for the four questions even if a woman answers never on all of them a man has a default number of “4” So from a starting position of total defferment to a woman, never talking back, never raising ones voice, never cursing. Nothing. A man is already 40% guilty. Never = 1, 4 questions = 40% on his way to 100% guilty. Pretty skeevy shit, huh?

So say you go in for your yearly exam and you’re asked the questions. Now keep in mind it doesn’t ask or care if you started it or it was mutual, it’s just did “he” do any of the above.

So we’ll say, as in all relationships there are rocky patches there was one fight during the year. So physical hurting is rarely, that’s a 2. You hurt him as well, but that doesn’t matter.

Insult or talk down, you innocently answer, “sometimes” that’s a 3.

Threaten with harm, you regail them with a tale about how he said, “sometimes I could just slap you” It was all hot air and you laughed about it. That’s a 2.

Scream or curse at you. Well you gals were just bragging the other day about sayin fuckity, fuck, fuck. So you say yeah, whenever he gets mad he says fuck a lot. that’ll be fairly often. That’s a 4.

2+3+2+4=11. Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Hubby/boyfriend is going to at least anger management, maybe prison or a little cooling off in the big house. He hates you now by the way and will certainly never trust you again.

That’s the one I could access, there’s many more of these tests on top of that. Here’s what’s going to happen. Women who are genuinely abused will answer never to all questions for fear of losing and/or angering hubby/boyfriend. A woman might flippantly say he curses all the time which is a 5 and also insults sometimes is a 3. Threat of violence and actual violence are nevers, which is still a 2, (1+1). that’s a 10. Guilty.

Men aren’t going to know their girlfriend/wife in no way had any intention of accusing him of DV. In fact that was the farthest thing from her mind. What they will know is that they were arrested for DV and their wife/girlfriend did it. They will never trust her again, and they’ll begin to see all women as distrustful.

How’s that law workin out for you gals now? Men are 40% guilty out of the gate. I shudder to think what the rest of the tests involve, or the line of questioning. Tell me again how feminism isn’t a hate movement. All these questionaires came from womens organizations. So where can the blame go?

12 years ago

So I’d like to amend last night’s numbers discussion to say that the 3:2 ratio actually is completely useless, thanks to an absolutely huge amount of rounding error. Even the 2:1 we came up with is badly off; using the actual raw numbers, it’s even more than 3:1.

It seems John is gone, but just in case, a couple things for him: first, regarding the rape stats you’ve brought up a couple times, you’re being disingenuous. You’re probably being intentionally disingenuous, but just in case you’re just parroting the MRA talking point without examining it, the problem is that you’re entirely ignoring the lifetime numbers because they don’t say what you want them to, and acting like the 12 month numbers are the only ones that are relevant. If you’d like to try to explain why that should be the case, be my guest.

And regarding the custody thing, it is, in fact, a problem that men think they can’t get custody when they want it, and so don’t try to fight for it. If that is indeed why so few men try to get custody, it’s a real issue. But the MRM is making it worse by helping to convince those men that they don’t have a chance in the first place. As others have said, they could actually make a real difference by fighting that misconception rather than spreading it. But because the MRM is a reactionary movement against feminism, rather than an actual civil rights movement, they won’t bother because it doesn’t further their real goals.

12 years ago

@Cliff Pervocracy
“Go ahead and tell me how many of those things actual, non-self-pitying-metaphor slaves got–or get–to enjoy.”

I don’t know. But neither does anyone whose alive have first hand knowlege. Do you have first hand knowlege? I’m closer to slavery than you think, ancestrywise anyway. My father, as a boy and his entire family was sold into indetured servitude to a texas farmer for five years for the boatride over from war torn Europe. My mothers side was more of the same although from WWI. As far as I know, I come from a long line of peasant farmers who were continually oppressed.

Aaaaaaaand, I’m the only one here who isn’t a racist. The prevailing consensus here might be that it’s just ducky to ridicule white men, but that’s still racism. Also, placing ones own lineage as being untouchable to criticism is supremacy and racist.

So you see, I come from a long line of indentured serfs. As far as I know, the most powerful ancestors I have are a bunch of failed beet farmers from some poverty stricken area of central eastern Europe working as sharecroppers for some communist usurper.

12 years ago

“So I’d like to amend last night’s numbers discussion to say that the 3:2 ratio actually is completely useless, thanks to an absolutely huge amount of rounding error. Even the 2:1 we came up with is badly off; using the actual raw numbers, it’s even more than 3:1.”

Well, when one half of the population is privileged and the other half is punished that’s what’ll happen. Note my above post about IPV and Obamacare. Men are 40% guilty from the word go. Women are 0% guilty and stay that way. This will definitely be the final nail in the feminist/communist coffin for the good old USSA.

12 years ago

Men are 40% guilty out of the gate.

Credit where it’s due: 4/10 is 40%.

12 years ago

“Physically hurt you; insult or talk down to you; threaten you with harm; scream or curse at you” are all abusive behaviours. They are not the same things as “total defferment to a woman, never talking back, never raising ones voice, never cursing.”

Can you really not imagine interacting with another human being without being a complete asshole OR a complete doormat?

What is wrong with you?

And I’ve seen this kind of survey before. It may say a score of 10 is a sign of problems, but it probably also says something like a score of 4 is a sign of a healthy relationship.

12 years ago

“As far as I know, I come from a long line of peasant farmers who were continually oppressed.”

Being oppressed by poverty and being oppressed for the color of your skin are not the same thing. Imagine being discriminated against for your race, then forced to endure excrutiating poverty on top of that.

Not every white male in the history of the world lived a privileged life atop a mountain of silk cushions, I think we all know that. But most were and are far better off than minorities, poor or not. Yes, people can be racist against whites. But whites do not have to endure institutional racism, because the institution is white. Seeing your precious privilege diminish does not equal oppression.

I’m not even well read or an expert on race but I at least know that much.

12 years ago

And it is possible to have an argument or disagreement with your partner without yelling, insulting them, hitting them, or threatening them. I don’t think NWO has any idea what a healthy relationship looks like, or if there even is such a thing.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Each item is scored from 1-5, A score of greater than 10 is considered positive.

So for the four questions even if a woman answers never on all of them a man has a default number of “4″ So from a starting position of total defferment to a woman, never talking back, never raising ones voice, never cursing. Nothing. A man is already 40% guilty. Never = 1, 4 questions = 40% on his way to 100% guilty. Pretty skeevy shit, huh?

NWO, I wish you were my high school math teacher.

…Wait, no, considering how you get about high school girls (I wore very whorish t-shirts and jeans), no, I take that back.

I don’t know. But neither does anyone whose alive have first hand knowlege. Do you have first hand knowlege?

Is he… is he trying to deny slavery? Is this like the Holocaust denial thing but even more… whaaa? This is some next-level shit.0

I’m closer to slavery than you think, ancestrywise anyway. My father, as a boy and his entire family was sold into indetured servitude to a texas farmer for five years for the boatride over from war torn Europe.

Your father was a white indentured servant in the 1940s???

I mean, it’s not like impossible, human trafficking certainly still happens to this day, but, um. Yeah. Um.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

2+3+2+4=11. Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Hubby/boyfriend is going to at least anger management, maybe prison or a little cooling off in the big house.

I like how NWO-land every little self-test or illustration or website about domestic violence is literally a law.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
12 years ago

Oh, and y’know, racism against black people is technically still a form of racism. I know racism against white people gets all the press, but let’s not forget the other kinds.

12 years ago

Aaaaaaaand, I’m the only one here who isn’t a racist. The prevailing consensus here might be that it’s just ducky to ridicule white men, but that’s still racism. Also, placing ones own lineage as being untouchable to criticism is supremacy and racist.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! “I’m the only one that isn’t racist because I never say racist shit about White people”!! Of course people here don’t denigrate White people as a race, but your victim complex’ll never understand that anyways.

12 years ago

Maybe Slavey thinks that the only slaves ever were the black ones who were technically emancipated after the US civil war. Maybe he’s completely unaware of the slaves who exist in the world today.

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