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Men’s Rights Redditors angry that reality is reality. (Murder statistics edition.)

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, mgriff2k4 is angry that the picture to the right here showed up on his computer screen. Sorry, make that fucking angry. “Did this really just fucking pop up on my news feed?” he asks in the title of his post, adding in a comment: “sorry about the word “fucking” but im really pissed off about this.”

Why is he angry? Presumably, he assumes the statistic is untrue, and that it unfairly paints men as evil murderers.

Luckily, in this Age of the Internet it is trivially easy to find out whether statistics like this are true. It involves something called “Google.” mgriff2k4 did not bother to avail himself of this easy-to-use research tool.

But I did. In less than 5 minutes, I confirmed that this factoid is indeed true, at least according to the most recent figures on gender and homicide found on the Department of Justice’s web site, drawn from FBI data covering the years from 1976-2005. According to the FBI, 30% of women who are murdered are murdered by “intimates.” Roughly 20% are killed by husbands or ex-husbands; 10% by boyfriends or girlfriends. (In the overwhelming majority of cases the murderers are boyfriends, not girlfriends; men are ten times more likely to commit murder than women.)

While four times as many men are murdered than women, only 5% of murdered men are killed by “intimates.” Men kill women more than twice as often as women kill men. Women suffer far more serious injuries from domestic violence than men do; so it is not altogether unexpected that they are also far more likely to be murdered by intimates.

If you want to see what this means on a human level, I suggest you take a look at the excellent if depressing web site Domestic Violence Crime Watch, which links to stories in which men are the perpetrators, and in which men are the victims. There are far more of those in the former category than in the latter.

I should note that (as of this writing) one commenter in the thread also found his way to the DOJ site, and noted that men were more likely to be killed by strangers or acquaintances. But he didn’t bother to tell mkgriff2k4 that the sign in the picture was in fact accurate.

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12 years ago

Everybody knows it’s a feminist creation. Feminist never gave a flying damn about black women or men. Plenty of lip service but that’s about it. You over privileged white girls are far too busy crying about some slight to your feelings to even notice the wreckage you’ve left in your wake. I guess you’ll worry about the destruction after precisely 51.2% of fortune 500 companies have women CEOs. I sure they’ll love you even more in the ghetto’s then.

NWO, you hateful, fucking dumbass — I’m black. I grew up in D.C. I’ve lived and worked in major mid-Atlantic cities all of my adult life. The “ghetto” that you pretend to care about? I go to work there every fucking day, you racist piece of shit. For more than a decade (with the exception of a little bit of corporate marketing work for hospitals) I have spent all of my time working for and/or with organizations that do nothing but try to improve access to education, help young men avoid incarceration, provide services to the incarcerated, help men who have addiction problems, help young women with children, help young men with children.

This is my actual life’s work. You accuse me of not caring about black men and women? You don’t give a fuck about anyone who isn’t NWO. Other than spouting half-truths that you barely understand about who is or isn’t married and having kids… other than talking about incarceration rates and sentencing discrepancies between men and women (I notice that you’ve never mentioned sentencing discrepancies between white men and men of color) you could give a rat’s ass about the urban poor.

You attempt to erase decades -nay, centuries- of racism and political and economic disenfranchisement by calling the “ghetto” a feminist creation and then have the audacity to claim that I don’t care about Black people? You think because you played stick ball with some black kids in Philly forty-plus years ago, you have the right to talk me about the “ghetto”?

Go fuck yourself, dipshit.

12 years ago

“Reproduction does not always override an animal’s will to survival. It’s pretty ignorant of you to say that but color me unsurprised at your barf-all-over-the-place research and lack of care with any subject you talk about.”

I didn’t say always, you did. Does that make you ignorant? Color me unsurprised that you’d manipulate/lie to disparage anothers character to make anything they say seem unreliable. Has Argenti been giving you lessons in kafka trapping?

12 years ago

Color me unsurprised that you’d manipulate/lie to disparage anothers character to make anything they say seem unreliable. Has Argenti been giving you lessons in kafka trapping?

Ya mean like this?

Prevailing consensus of manboobz.
#1) Men and women have identical sexualities totally unrelated to reproduction.
#2) Women still considered perfect and can do no wrong.
#3) Some people don’t believe points 1 or 2. Solution; More feminism.

You make this too easy.

12 years ago

Huh. You seem to have teeny-tiny little classes in the States. In Canada (according to a survey done by the Canadian Teacher’s Federation *

In order to get a snapshot of what class size and composition look like across the country, CTF recently conducted a national survey of nearly 3,800 teachers representing 9,894 classes in English and French schools. The sample teacher pool was drawn from 12 participating CTF member organizations.

These are among the survey findings.

Average class size is 21.3 students, ranging from 22.1 students for grades 4-8 to 19 students for junior kindergarten or kindergarten (JK-K). English schools (including immersion) have an average class size of nearly 22 students, while French as a first language schools have a slightly smaller average class size of just over 19 students.

Average class size data of course only provides a piece of the overall picture. Our analysis of the distribution of class size by grade level reveals that:

– over a third of the classes for all grade levels combined contained 25 students or more (8.3% contained 30 students or more).
for grades 4-8, nearly 39% of classes contained 25 students or more (6.5% contained 30 or more).
– for grades 9 and over, 40.3% of classes contained 25 students or more (13.5% – over 1 in 7 classrooms – contained 30 or more students).

While the numbers were smaller at the primary level as expected (due in part to class size reduction initiatives in some jurisdictions), there were still significant numbers of classes exceeding 25 students:

– for grades 1-3, just over 14% of classes contained 25 students or more
– for JK-K, nearly 12% of classes contained 25 students or more [see Chart 1]

We also surveyed teachers on their class composition, specifically:

– students with identified exceptionalities (defined as those students formally identified as having behavioural problems or mental or physical disabilities, as well as other special needs students including gifted students) and;
– English Language Learners and French Language Learners (defined as students whose first language differs from the school’s primary language of instruction, and who may require focused educational supports to assist them in attaining proficiency in that language).

The average number of students with identified exceptionalities per class was 3.5, ranging from 3.8 students for grades 4-8 to 1.9 students for junior kindergarten/kindergarten [see Chart 2].

Students with identified exceptionalities accounted for 16.3% of total students in the surveyed classrooms, ranging from respective shares of 17.1% for grades 4-8 to 10% of students for junior kindergarten/kindergarten.
As with class size, average numbers only tell part of the story. Of classes surveyed, over 81% have at least one student with formally identified exceptionalities, and 27.7% contain 5 or more students with identified exceptionalities.

In grades 4 and over, not only were class sizes generally larger but almost 1 in 3 (30.6%) classes contained 5 or more students with identified exceptionalities [see Chart 3].

In addition, the average number of English Language Learners and French Language Learners (ELL/FLL students) per class was 2.6. The prevalence was higher the lower the grade, ranging from 4.7 students for junior kindergarten/kindergarten to 1.7 students for grades 9 and over [see Chart 4].

ELL/FLL students accounted for an average 12.2% of total students in the classroom, ranging from respective shares of 24.7% for junior kindergarten / kindergarten to 8.2% for grades 9 and over.

All that really makes me question the class sizes you mention. I wonder what kinds of schools are included in the stats, and how many behavioural problems or special needs are included in the classes.

*See what I did there? That’s a citation, so that anyone reading who doubts my statements can check where I got my facts from, and judge whether they seem plausible. It’s something that we people who converse in good faith do.

12 years ago


Shit, you think I don’t know black men are at the bottom of the pyramid? You don’t know shit about me princess. What shocks me is you bought into the entire feminist hate club. How’s that empowerment workin for ya down there in DC? Is it as good as Philly? When I was a kid of five years old I use’ta walk down fifth and market alone at dusk. Back then black men were still head of the household. There was something for them to care about. How’s the new woman as the head of the household workin out for ya? Welfare state lookin pretty good is it?

Are all you gals sexually empowered now? How’s the new feminist family workin out? Woman + children and man is seperate. Big Daddy done up and took his place. If a man’s got no rights to his family, don’t expect him to have obligations either. You gals are the head of the household now. Don’t fret, us evil white men are hot on your heels. White women seem determined to have kids outta wedlock as well, or divorce the men they’re with into destitution for greener pastures.

The only model for a thriving society is the patriarchal family. The feminist motto, “if I had a hammer, I’d smash the patriarchy.” Bye, bye thriving society, hello ghetto. Don’t worry, soon we’ll all be equally impoverished. True equality. The gang at the top who funds feminism are really smart. I’m sure Obama will be real broken up about it the next time the CFR tells him how to suck the last bit of wealth from us all.

A little exeprt from the Rockefeller commision on population control 1972.

While marriage is the common bond holding the family unit together, many families are maintained by one parent only, most often the mother. This may be the case for the woman who bears a child out of wedlock and does not put the child up for adoption, or for mothers whose marriages have been dissolved. In most such instances, however, being a single parent is a temporary state, for the person, especially if young, will usually marry or remarry.

Two developments are likely to have an impact on the family. One is the questioning of existing sex mores by young people and open violation of them by some. The other is the women’s liberation movement which aims to improve the status of women and to change role relationships within the family.

Changes in sex mores have not occurred all at once; they have been changing for a long time. In many cases, the sex mores were violated by the parental generation, but not so openly. And, overt compliance was achieved at considerable cost, especially in the case of marriages occurring as a result of premarital pregnancy. This is less necessary now with the greater availability of contraception and abortion. Also, many adults are aware that their own uncertainty and ambivalence has been a factor in the open repudiation of sexual standards by youth.

Here’s a link. If ya feel like it read the whole thing. The CFR which pretty much dictates policy is an organization of the Rockefeller foundation. They also donanted the UN building. With a little research you can find out what they own.

Heres a link to the rockefeller foundation, type in feminism as see how much they love to fund feminism.

You’ve been duped princess. Your now a self suffecient slave. So am I.

12 years ago

Weird, why is there a Pingback to this post from an Anti-Man Boobz blog post that doesn’t seem to exist? Can anyone else see it?

Molly Moon
Molly Moon
12 years ago

Cloudiah said:
Weird, why is there a Pingback to this post from an Anti-Man Boobz blog post that doesn’t seem to exist? Can anyone else see it?

I can!

Btw, can you subscribe to comments without posting one? I don’t always want to post one, but I always like reading them.

12 years ago

You don’t know shit about me princess.

Actually NWO, “hateful, fucking dumbas” sounds pretty accurate to me. I’ll add that I really wish you would fuck off you racist homophobic misogynistic creeper.

12 years ago

Yeah I’m seeing it too Cloudiah. WordPress issues I guess.

12 years ago

Maybe he posted something and deleted it, or is currently editing it?

Also lovely how Slavey manages to sound racist even while attempting to prove that he’s not racist. He’s like the perfect opposite of a miracle.

12 years ago


He had an adorable post up, telling his loyal readers that David was falsely accusing him of socking in the other thread, which was indisputable proof that he’s got David shaking in his boots!! Like I said, adorable

12 years ago

Did he delete it? Awww

12 years ago

Not sure, but it reminded me of my nephew jumping out from behind the door to scare me after”hiding” while giggling with his ass sticking out. I just wanted to go “My goodness,you’re so scary!! I almost jumped out of my skin!!”

12 years ago

NWO: #2) Women still considered perfect and can do no wrong.


Case fucking closed.

12 years ago

Unimaginative: Huh. You seem to have teeny-tiny little classes in the States. In Canada (according to a survey done by the Canadian Teacher’s Federation

He’s lying.

12 years ago


“You don’t know shit about me princess.”

Well, I know you are:

misandrist (man shaming by calling men “manginas”)

and probably a lot more that I’m forgetting at the moment.

We know a lot about you. And still we tolerate your presence. Don’t forget that.

12 years ago

Was that the Buttvords Brainded (or whatever it was, I forget) that made its appearance while Dave was in Cape Cod?

12 years ago

He had an adorable post up, telling his loyal readers that David was falsely accusing him of socking in the other thread, which was indisputable proof that he’s got David shaking in his boots!! Like I said, adorable

Ha ha ha, this was the Torvus Butthorn post, or whatever the name was on the account that was posting from the same IP address as Varpole? That IS adorable.

Your nephew sounds adorable too.

John Anderson
John Anderson
12 years ago

Pecunium, you might want to work on your reading comprehension because I gave you one. The one you didn’t actually choose to address.

“While four times as many men are murdered than women, only 5% of murdered men are killed by “intimates.”

Notice the word ONLY. If you can count that high, it’s the 11th word in the quote.

Hint: You might need to take off a shoe.

12 years ago


You deserved that sound ass whipping handed out by Pecunium. Now fuck off.

12 years ago

Am I the only person totally nonplussed by John Anderson’s comment? What are you talking about, dude?

12 years ago


You have to scroll way back to find the comment he’s responding to. Basically he’s butt hurt because someone questioned his reading comprehension.

12 years ago

Aww, so sad that Varphorn took down his post. Snowy didn’t save it, did you?

12 years ago

Argg no I didn’t. But I know he’s put posts up and then taken them down then put them up again before, so maybe he’ll put it back up once he’s fixed his spelling mistakes. I live in hope.

12 years ago

I didn’t say always, you did.

Even above survival, every cell in your body, every instinct say’s, reproduce, pass on your genes.

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