antifeminism antifeminst women irony alert misogyny

The Obamacare decision proves that ladies shouldn’t be put in positions of power

So, as you probably already know, the three female Supreme Court Justices — the Justicesses? — all voted to uphold Obamacare; they made up the majority of the majority in this decision.

This gal isn’t too happy about it:

Hey lady, if you’re right, and ladies are too emotional and illogical to trust to make good decisions, why should we listen to anything you (a lady) have to say about this?

Pic found on Twitter in a tweet from MattyTalks. MattyTalks is hilarious. If you’re on Twitter, follow him.

Also, there are lots of people who are now, in the wake of the Supremes’ decision, threatening to move to Canada to escape the specter of socialized medicine. They’ll be in for a surprise, eh?

EDITED TO ADD: Longtime Man Boobz troll Anthony Zarat and a few friends have marched over to Feministe to argue that the Obamacare decision will “cost the lives of countless thousands of men and boys. This is our darkest hour.” It’s really pretty hilarious. Check it out. 

I know someone here did a point-by-point rebuttal of Mr. Zarat’s delusional “analysis” of the allegedly anti-male bias of the bill; it would be worth reposting over there if anyone remembers where that was.

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12 years ago

There is nothing wrong with assuming that a given health care bill will favor women over men- that’s been the case for at least 50 years now, ever since Title IX set precedent for female preference.

Treating boys and girls equally is giving “preference” to girls. I wish this were the first time I’d encountered this particular worldview.

America got a friggin’ World Cup victory out of Title IX. It is sweet as hell.

12 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri

Also, in the beggining of the year I gave you links to the pittsburg area grade school where the hate law known as Title IX cut boys basketball. The pittsburg area did everything they could, spending tens of thousands to “encourage” grade school girls to play basketball, which is more then the boys were given. Everything under the sun was tried to get enough girls to play to form a team. They couldn’t field enough girls so the boys team had to be cut in compliance with Title IX. If girls don’t wanna play, boys can’t play. Clearly that is a punishment. How do you justify that?

12 years ago

“For real equality in sports where merit is the only deciding factor there should only be one team for each sport. Everyone would have equal opportunity to compete to make the cut.”

Yeah, that sounds TOTALLY fair since men have more body strength than women, tend to be larger, and on average run faster. The end result of this will be NO women in ANY sports, but I guess that would make you happy.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

“For real equality in sports where merit is the only deciding factor there should only be one team for each sport. Everyone would have equal opportunity to compete to make the cut.”

That’s why the Olympics have been gender separated basically since women where allowed to enter right? They’d probably have been separated since the beginning, but the first woman to enter was entering in shooting, and that one isn’t really strength related. The only events not gender separated at present are the equestrian events.

“Title IX has cut massive amounts of sports for men. This is an undeniable fact. Title IX punishes men by denying them the opportunity to even compete in sports that were once available to them. This is also a fact.”

Then prove either claim. Or are these more BRAINFAX!!?

“How do you justify that?”

How do you justify dropping the fucking h in Pittsburgh?! ARGH! (That is less a point and more a pet peeve) Since your links are not in this thread, or anywhere I remember and can find them, I’ll have to google this. Which results in a whole lot of nonsense from this year suggesting that a recent change in the rules may, in the future, possibly, result in the boys not being able to play if the girls team has no one to play against.

And it looks like there where a couple of boys games cut because the boys team had basically stolen the gym from the girls team — scheduling the gym such that only the boys get to use it is a Title IX violation, yep. And girls have come out in droves to try out for the new girls teams and thus no one thinks there’s any risk the “all or nothing” approach will actually happen.

Or you have pre-cog skills? Either that, or you’re lying, or you’re talking about one of the many Pittsburg’s in the country without referencing which (and I really cannot guess in that case).

Oh, you’re just flat out lying — “Everything under the sun was tried to get enough girls to play to form a team.” —

“LANE: Absolutely. We went from three girls’ teams to 14. We went from a total of 16 teams to 28. We had one school where 40 girls came out for basketball.” NPR

12 years ago

Also, if there’s a woman on an otherwise all-male team, no possible chance at all that she might get harassed.

And if she did, she was asking for it. By playing sports.

12 years ago

“For real equality in sports where merit is the only deciding factor there should only be one team for each sport. Everyone would have equal opportunity to compete to make the cut.”

Okay, how about getting rid of weight classifications in boxing, too?

12 years ago

Actually, there is a city in California called “Pittsburg” with no “h.” I doubt Slavey was talking about that, though.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

captainbathrobe — there are a lot of Pittsburg’s so I couldn’t try to guess if I wanted to (and I’ve said I went to the University of Pittsburgh, so it kind of makes sense if he’s going to not name a state he’d pick somewhere I’d know…but that might be giving him too much credit). Kind of moot anyways, he just makes shit up, claims it must be anti-male, and demands justification.

On that note, there’s a dimensional portal somewhere in this apt with a serious taste for socks and other small misplaced items, clearly stealing socks is a punishment, how do you justify that?! (Should I ever actually discover a dimensional portal, I do know enough D&D to realize sticking my hand in would be a Very Bad Idea XD )

12 years ago

Also don’t put it in a bag of holding.

12 years ago

Men’s and women’s teams in Pittsburgh were cut, due to lack of funding not because of Title IX. What probably burns Owly is that Title IX was the reason some of the women’s teams were restored. I would argue for increased funding to make sure that opportunities were there for women and men. Isn’t Owly opposed to public funding of anything though?

12 years ago

Also don’t put it in a bag of holding.

Actually that’s a portable hole. A portal to another dimension is pretty much stationary and you can’t move it. A portable hole is a gimmick to let players haul additional gold out of the dungeon, beyond what they can hump themselves.

It’s a damn wonder I ever get laid, isn’t it?

12 years ago

A portable hole is in fact an opening to a small demiplane, so it’s a type of planar portal.

12 years ago

Just make sure it’s a portable hole and not a pawtable hole.. otherwise you’ll have an invasion of kittens on your hands.

(Sorry, I know, terrible pun >.<).

12 years ago

oh boo fucking hoo….mens teams get paid more and get more attention..Now in days however womens sports are becoming more legitamate especially in Soccer, Tennis and Softball…but then mens teams are much bigger….

What this all adds up to is waaaahhhhhh I don’t want to see women playing sports.

12 years ago

I mentioned to my fifteen year old son the fact that someone had complained that ACA covers prescription birth control for women, and not men. I then asked if he could imagnie WHY that was the case. He glared at me, as if in impatience at my stupidity*, and said, ‘Because men can’t give birth. Duh’, and went back to his pizza.

I did explain to him that birth control for men, at the moment, is available without a prescription. He may benefit from that knowledge someday.

*I am his father, and he IS fifteen, so I get that glare on occasion.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

katz — “Also don’t put it in a bag of holding.” — that seems like an “omgs you blew a hole in the universe” level bad idea

cloudiah — I’d thought NWO hated public funding (or rather, being taxed to pay for that)…but maybe that’s only when it goes to things he doesn’t like? That would be rather typical of the “no taxes!” crowd — they still want public sewers and tap water, just not, you know, those thing that other people use. (And Pittsburgh’s had a wee bit of a budgeting issue in general, for everyone’s sake let’s not get me started on what a dolt the mayor is…thank you for reminding me bus fare increases on Monday though.)

Discorda “What this all adds up to is waaaahhhhhh I don’t want to see women playing sports.” — yeah, basically, or at least, not using one goddamned dime of his money. I do wonder what he’d say about combined male and female records in a sport where they are generally equal, like archery. He’d be cool with giving the 18 arrow match and 54 arrow finals records to both the men and women since they tied for it, right? And the 36 arrow elimination record goes to the woman with since she’s got 2 more points than the man, right?

12 years ago

katz — “Also don’t put it in a bag of holding.” — that seems like an “omgs you blew a hole in the universe” level bad idea

Are you boys cooking in there? Are you meddling with the fabric of space-time?

12 years ago


12 years ago

@Robert, 5:01pm “I mentioned to my fifteen year old son the fact that someone had complained that ACA covers prescription birth control for women, and not men. I then asked if he could imagnie WHY that was the case. He glared at me, as if in impatience at my stupidity, and said, ‘Because men can’t give birth. Duh’, and went back to his pizza.”

Good manly American thinking by your son. Just gimme the facts. Not all the facts, just the facts.

Then you ruin things, utterly and tragically.

“I did explain to him that birth control for men, at the moment, is available without a prescription. He may benefit from that knowledge someday.”

Expose him to enough trifling subtleties like that and he won’t need birth control. His alpha dominant decisiveness will have been sapped by sensitivity – the mother of waffling and equivocation, and a huge red flag for the female sex drive.

Hey, wait a minute, then. Where’d his dad manage to reproduce with such pussified thought processes? Is he REALLY your son? Or did you steal him from good Americans?

12 years ago

Man Raoul, you really need to rethink your commitment to trolling. You kinda suck at it. WAY too obvious.

12 years ago

Try harder Raoul. This is weak sauce.

Argenti Aertheri
12 years ago

Seriously Raoul, you have some problem with condoms just because they exist or something?

“Are you boys cooking in there? Are you meddling with the fabric of space-time?”

…yes? — “Two minutes to Belgium.” — the 5th Doctor to the 10th Doctor

12 years ago

@Argenti Aertheri
Here’s the article

Of course it prattles on with… “It’s not to deny boys, that’s not the goal of Title IX,” Ms. Lane said.

If the result is boys being denied the opportunity to play a sport because girls don’t want to play than that is the intended goal of Title IX. If it was an isolated incident no one would care, but thousands of cases means Title IX is punishing perfectly as planned.

Oh, and if grammar errors really were your pet peeve you’d correct everyone else’s as well. Perhaps my refusal to bend a knee might have something to do with it.

12 years ago

Of course the D&D item you really wanted to avoid was the Sphere of Annihilation. Touching it would cause your character to be instantly destroyed–beyond hope of resurrection or even a wish.

Um…yeah. I didn’t date a lot in high school, in cars you couldn’t tell.